| | Topic | Topic Starter | Replies | Views | Last Post |
 |  | Question for Pennsylvania residents… | TheGreatGonzo | 4 | 213 | by TheGreatGonzo |
  |  | Colorado members. Page 1 2 3 | goose5 | 54 | 5728 | by goose5 |
 |  | Baltimore sues Glock over pistols turned machine guns | Sigmund | 1 | 105 | by parabellum |
  |  | Illinois HB5855 AWB, EDIT 01/24/25: The 7th Circuit Court stays Judge McGlynn's 11/08/24 decision until it can take case. SCOTUS no go AWB this term. Page 1 2 3 4 | grumpy1 | 76 | 12703 | by grumpy1 |
 |  | Tracking of Your Gun and Ammunition Purchases | Nick42 | 6 | 1078 | by SpinZone |
 |  | Canada bans more assault firearms, suggests donating guns to Ukraine | sgalczyn | 7 | 647 | by sourdough44 |
 |  | Are we talking about H.R. 129? | mark123 | 2 | 283 | by Dwill104 |
 |  | Washington State, questions about transporting firearms and magazines | 2000Z-71 | 3 | 271 | by 911Boss |
 |  | Federal Court Strikes Down Illinois “Assault Weapon” and Magazine Bans | Tn226 | 6 | 459 | by parabellum |
 |  | Judge: Illinois’ Concealed Carry Ban on Public Transportation Violates Second Amendment | HRK | 4 | 736 | by nhracecraft |
 |  | Washington state guys: Can a handgun be in a vehicle | old rugged cross | 13 | 688 | by airsoft guy |
 |  | A Washington State question re: high cap magazines | Z06 | 1 | 248 | by 911Boss |
 |  | Gifting/delivering a handgun to my adult daughter in Iowa? | 911Boss | 2 | 404 | by Loswsmith |
  |  | Shipping hicap mags to restricted states (California) | les45 | 14 | 1477 | by Jim Watson |
  |  | Florida: Too many Rinos Killing Open Carry Page 1 2 | smschulz | 36 | 3648 | by parabellum |
 |  | Are assault rifles banned in Maryland? | Marlin Fan | 5 | 1056 | by Nick42 |
  |  | Are transferable machine guns a good investment? Page 1 2 | Rick Lee | 31 | 3863 | by RogueJSK |
 |  | Federal Appeals Court Rules Illegal Aliens Have No Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms | parabellum | 3 | 415 | by RichardC |
 |  | GOP Attorneys General Urge ATF to Strike Its Proposed Gun-Control Rule | HRK | 2 | 884 | by bustabuddy |
 |  | US vs. Rahimi SCOTUS Decision | flesheatingvirus | 3 | 618 | by jljones |
  |  | EDIT 06/14/24: US Supreme Court decision 6-3 OVERTURNING ATF bump stock ban!! Page 1 2 3 | grumpy1 | 52 | 6210 | by Lt CHEG |
 |  | Essential history of our nation by Dean Weingarten | Orthogonal | 3 | 1029 | by SIGnified |
 |  | Well it sort of felt good while it lasted... | monoblok | 1 | 891 | by drill sgt |
 |  | MN now attempting to follow IL with AWB/Hi Cap Mag ban with HF 3628 | BRL | 0 | 501 |
 |  | Ammunition Depot and Others Declare Legal Victory for California Gun-Owners | echidna | 5 | 715 | by monoblok |
 |  | What are California's Handgun Carry Laws THIS week? | snoris | 2 | 524 | by snoris |
 |  | 20 State Attorneys General send letters requesting Biden to stop sale of 5.56 and .223 to citizens… | Bisleyblackhawk | 3 | 774 | by 400m |
 |  | Win in case US v. Ayala | xd45man | 1 | 614 | by Loswsmith |
 |  | Boat liability question - debating with a commie | Fly-Sig | 6 | 1028 | by grumpy1 |
 |  | Constitutional Carry question | parabellum | 12 | 1969 | by DMK1 |
 |  | Gun buy back in New Mexico, has a sheriff investigation. | Greymann | 4 | 943 | by Greymann |
 |  | CA to de-certify firearm instructors who provide CCW training & testing | corsair | 0 | 589 |
 |  | Emboldened WA democRATS want even more… | 911Boss | 1 | 546 | by grumpy1 |
 |  | SCOTUS rejects request to temporarily halt new gun control law | cee_Kamp | 1 | 1093 | by cee_Kamp |
 |  | Democrats demand 1,000% excise tax on ‘assault weapons,’ high-capacity magazines | sgalczyn | 8 | 1447 | by czechmate |
 |  | CA Handgun roster struck down ( Bolland vs Bonta) | corsair | 7 | 1909 | by ppd417 |
 |  | Internal ATF docs show ‘zero tolerance’ guidelines for shutting down gun stores | sgalczyn | 2 | 1599 | by jljones |
 |  | Judge Benitez strikes down California magazine ban, again on 9/22/2023 | grumpy1 | 9 | 1548 | by sjtill |
 |  | Judge Benitez strikes down California AWB, again on 10/19/23 | grumpy1 | 4 | 958 | by grumpy1 |
 |  | Proposed rule to regulate pistol braces | Dwill104 | 12 | 4011 | by nhracecraft |
  |  | Mrgunsgear video: Leaked email - ATF planning seizure of forced-reset triggers Page 1 2 | parabellum | 32 | 9762 | by gw3971 |
 |  | Recommendation on a sheriff in Wa. State for CCW from another state | old rugged cross | 2 | 606 | by old rugged cross |
 |  | Jon Stewart interview with OK Senator Dahm goes off the rails regarding guns | corsair | 3 | 1828 | by Fenris |
 |  | Judge grants injunction in Forced Reset Trigger Case in Texas | Shaql | 4 | 909 | by tsmccull |
  |  | Help me form calm responses to the commies. Page 1 2 | xd45man | 36 | 6885 | by nukeandpave |
  |  | "Opinion: The AR-15 next door" | Sigmund | 16 | 2631 | by smschulz |
  |  | WA State bill to limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds. Page 1 2 3 4 | onni | 64 | 11681 | by Hamden106 |
 |  | Oregon SB 348 vote today... | Weshowe | 4 | 1357 | by Hamden106 |
 |  | Shooting Straight: How Presidential Candidates Have Changed On Gun Control | ammodotcom | 0 | 508 |
 |  | Knives are not concealed weapons in Florida, seriously | trapper189 | 5 | 1502 | by Ryanp225 |