| | Topic | Topic Starter | Replies | Views | Last Post |
 |  | Mika Pocket Holsters | JAB | 3 | 845 | by Reedman |
 |  | A Minor Blast From SIGforum’s Past: Tommy’s Gunpacks | TheFrontRange | 8 | 2150 | by arfmel |
 |  | Milt Sparks IWBs and remembering the holster they repaired | tschiemer | 7 | 1444 | by TheFrontRange |
 |  | AR – NE and ND Permitless Carry Updates SC? | Gary Slider | 1 | 437 | by Johnny 3eagles |
 |  | Retention Issues Galco VHS with a 1911 | 2000Z-71 | 5 | 1235 | by ohioup |
 |  | Sticky Holster | maxwayne | 2 | 831 | by Warhorse |
 |  | Clip on holster for 3365XCA9TACOPS | Zero1911 | 2 | 537 | by Zero1911 |
 |  | FL Lawmakers approve permitless carry | HRK | 5 | 815 | by trapper189 |
 |  | FL - HI - NM – NC - OH – WV Updates | Gary Slider | 0 | 608 |
 |  | Holster for Canik TP9 Elite Combat (link inside to see what the gun is) | the_sandman_454 | 2 | 622 | by YooperSigs |
 |  | Recommend High Ride OWB for P365 | JerryinPA | 12 | 2347 | by Rodfac |
 |  | Do red dot batteries really last 20,000 hours? | Fly-Sig | 5 | 728 | by jljones |
 |  | FL, HI, IL, NJ, NY, TN, & TX Updates | Gary Slider | 5 | 1279 | by h2oys |
 |  | AKJ Concealco | IkenI | 3 | 759 | by magholderusa |
 |  | Ideas For Your Go Bag | jsbcody | 3 | 1247 | by jsbcody |
  |  | Holster for drawstring pants Page 1 2 | ChicagoSigMan | 22 | 2836 | by AK |
 |  | Oregon's new gun law means I go back to "old school" for my carry pistol... | Weshowe | 11 | 2283 | by bcjwriter |
 |  | P320C 45 IWB Holster | bobby-jones | 3 | 493 | by snoris |
 |  | Handgunlaw.us Updates | Gary Slider | 10 | 2147 | by Jjmcd |
 |  | Rusty Sherrick | Marlin Fan | 13 | 1649 | by cazio |
 |  | Just got my Maryland Wear & Carry! | Needabiggersafe | 6 | 1056 | by buddy357 |
 |  | H&K P2000 AIWB Holster | bcjwriter | 2 | 603 | by Ryanp225 |
 |  | preliminary impression EXCELLENT on CrossBreed holster | retired-1811 | 0 | 593 |
 |  | Seeking soft stick holster for pocket or IWB | abnmacv | 6 | 844 | by abnmacv |
  |  | Anybody carrying a full-size gun with light and optic in plainclothes/off-duty? Tell me about your setup. Page 1 2 | 92fstech | 20 | 3706 | by nocturnalcreations |
 |  | Kansas City members: Does the Kauffman Center use metal detectors? | Sigmund | 2 | 636 | by Sigmund |
 |  | Bianchi X15 for HK USP? | 4MUL8R | 1 | 538 | by YooperSigs |
  |  | HK P7 PSP Holster | Marlin Fan | 16 | 1906 | by Marlin Fan |
 |  | Quick turn around for my CHP application. Very pleased! | fiasconva | 0 | 471 |
 |  | Walther PDP IWB | odin | 3 | 917 | by NetNine |
  |  | For those with actual experience CCing a P226 vs P229 | Rey HRH | 15 | 2225 | by CD228 |
 |  | NV Honors NC - Hawaii – Maryland – Nevada - New York – Mass Updates | Gary Slider | 6 | 1166 | by Blume9mm |
  |  | Mika’s Holsters Page 1 2 | Tower_Rat | 21 | 4142 | by njauto |
 |  | OWB holster for S&W 686 PC 2.5 | mr228 | 5 | 898 | by Pale Horse |
 |  | Louisiana wallet and CHP | charlie12 | 0 | 557 |
  |  | Is IWB carry no longer needed? Page 1 2 3 | Tirod | 56 | 8510 | by abnmacv |
 |  | struggling with a P250 | rgouette | 6 | 833 | by Blume9mm |
  |  | P365 pocket carry holster? Page 1 2 3 | Stroonz | 53 | 16516 | by egregore |
 |  | Red Dot type sights-red or green? | straightshooter1 | 10 | 913 | by P250UA5 |
 |  | Open Carry and Concealed Carry in Indiana and a Holster Faiure | duke762 | 5 | 896 | by duke762 |
 |  | Best pocket holster for Sig p265 with Streamlight TLR 6 laser/light | bushmaster1313 | 1 | 484 | by Jester814 |
 |  | Carry suggestions for people with certain injury/health issues | gunnitt | 9 | 1524 | by 556dawg |
 |  | Favorite paddle holster for easy on/off? | BurtonRW | 12 | 1756 | by Z06 |
 |  | Weapon mounted lights for daily carry | bendable | 6 | 1144 | by Anubismp |
 |  | If they don't make it, sometimes you gotta make it yourself | tigereye313 | 6 | 1252 | by SgtGold |
 |  | Holster Fit Question | hi-power man | 7 | 889 | by hi-power man |
 |  | P210 Carry holster options | onequickwrench | 3 | 908 | by cxm |
  |  | Legal Defense Membership Page 1 2 | Edselbutler | 23 | 4905 | by Gallo Pazzesco |
 |  | CZ 83 Holster Suggestions Needed | Marlin Fan | 0 | 342 |
 |  | Looking for a specific 3" J-Frame Holster | 92fstech | 10 | 1199 | by 92fstech |