I have been trying to find an AIWB holster for my H&K P2000. Most people make one for the SK version, but not for the full size.
Any suggestions? My usual holster maker has gone radio silent on the one I ordered, so am looking for a new source of good AIWB holsters. (hopefully ones that won't break the bank...)
I just found ANR, but would like any other suggestions / input.
Posts: 1977 | Location: Southern CA | Registered: July 27, 2008
I’ve been looking at a Blackpoint Tactical mini wing for my newly acquired P2000sk. Kinda pricy and a 8 plus week wait. I’m still on the fence.
I have Tulster holsters for all my other carry guns. You might check there also. Vendder holster made me an AWIB holster for a P30sk years ago. You might also check there.
Posts: 845 | Location: Orange County, CA | Registered: December 21, 2005