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FNC reporting the Hilary's Email contained a "Top Secret" labeled message Login/Join 
Crusty old
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Originally posted by CaptainMike:
I really hope there is not a "Perp-Walk" for Hillary at the end of this investigation.

I have my heart set on a "Perp-Drag"

Yeah, me too. She'll leave deep claw marks in the sidewalk as they drag her into the van and they will become a tourist attraction.



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Originally posted by bcereuss:
Originally posted by parabellum:
Fox: "Thousands of emails"

No way this will be fully resolved by November 8th. No way.

Fucked, Hil. I'd ask you if you even got a kiss, but then I remember- you fucked yourself.

I wish I shared your confidence.

However, we do know one thing: according to the NYT, the number of Huma emails that made their way to Weiner's PC was staggering:

The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the tens of thousand.

I dare say these are unfiltered emails the clinton camp didn't want or expect to be released.


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Glorious SPAM!
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If,IF, someday down the road Clinton is called into account for all of her crimes you can bet she will divulge her medical history in an attempt to claim she is too ill for jail.

Quite honestly though I am not worried about any of that. I am just enjoying the coverage of this latest scandal. It's awesome Smile. Even if she wins this will paralyze her administration for some time.
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The Unmanned Writer
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Here's my theory; the Huma Weiner computer angle s not the truth for the FBI's actions yesterday.

I think the FBI knows what Assange is going to release in Wiki leaks soon and within that release are the damning "Go straight to jail, do not collect $200" emails for all to read.

Comey knows the public will see either Assange was able to get something our FBI could not (the hidden emails), they (the FBI) were derelict in their duty to forward hillary for prosecution, or the all will think/suspect/realize the FBI is corrupt.

Pointing the finger at Weiner and the computer is just to defuse the situation of how the info will come into the public light.

And for the FBI to announce that now (did they announce the reopening of the case or did they only send a letter which a representative made public?), whatever they have must be really big. Hopefully it takes Baraaack down too!!

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The Unmanned Writer
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Where's that list of names of those who promised to leave our country if Trump won and where do i send my donation?

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

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Originally posted by Pipe Smoker:
Originally posted by pbslinger:
Easier to separate conjoined twins than to toss Huma under the bus.

Yeah. Huma knows too much.

If I was her, I would have a very thick file cabinet in a lawyers office somewhere for an insurance policy. And avoid places that do NOT have a few hundred eye witnesses around you.

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Occam's Razor- Either some convoluted conspiracy theory involving comey knowing what Assange knows and is going to do?


Some guy investigating weiner notices 10's of thousands of emails from Huma Abedin and the other major players of the clintons email scandal?

Dumb luck Trumps a convoluted conspiracy theory any day.


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
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So Huma forwards e-mails to her yahoo account so see can print them out at home.

Since yahoo had that huge security breach back in 2014, all the info. in those e-mails might be out there somewhere for sale. At the very least, every thing on that computer is compromised. The breach wasn't reported until last month so Huma might have been using the same password all this time.
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These are directly copied from Abedin's FBI interviews (302 forms)

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[quote]Here's my theory; the Huma Weiner computer angle s not the truth for the FBI's actions yesterday. /quote]

I agree! I don't know anymore than anyone else at this point about Comey's real motives but this certain as hell is a cover my ass move.
I am certain that all of the Democrat political bases were covered before the announcement. BHO had to be on board or this would not have happened.

I also suspect that the Democrats, of whom Comey is a charter member, feel certain that another massive email dump is coming from the hackers. (By-the-way, I don't believe the Russians are the prime hackers in this event.)

The difference between you and I and the Democrats is that they know exactly what is in the missing emails, after all they wrote and sent them. Mills has certainly told the FBI what is out there, if they don't already have copies.

As far as an immediate "go-to-jail" smoking gun email; I think that only happens in the movies. The Democrats are going to tough this out.

Obviously, this continuing barrage is hurting Hillary but it's too late for them to switch. No wonder the Dems are pushing hard for early voting, they need to get the sucker vote in the bag before the bottom drops out of it.
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Semper Fi - 1775
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Attorney General told FBI director James Comey NOT to send letter to Congress about bureau reopening the investigation

Attorney General Loretta Lynch advised and objected against FBI Director James Comey's move to send a letter to Congress to inform them about the reopening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.

Lynch argued to Comey that he should follow the Justice Department's practice of not taking actions that could influence the outcome of a presidential election, The New Yorker reported on Saturday.

Comey broke from Lynch, who objected to the move along with the Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and independently sent the letter to Congress on Friday, dropping the bombshell about the restarted investigation based on newly discovered emails, rocking Clinton's campaign.

Comey's supporters argue that he had to break away from Lynch and act independently on the issue due to her compromising herself when she had an impromptu visit with former president Bill Clinton late into the investigation earlier this year.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by Ronin1069:

Lynch argued to Comey that he should follow the Justice Department's practice of not taking actions that could influence the outcome of a presidential election, The New Yorker reported on Saturday.

Oh, you mean like having a private meeting with a former president and husband of the very woman under your department's investigation? A man who may indeed also be a witness in that investigation? You mean like that?

I recommend to you, Lady, to simply shut up on these matters for now on. You have no credibility whatsoever and no business making such a statement.


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Web Clavin Extraordinaire
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Originally posted by braillediver:
Occam's Razor- Either some convoluted conspiracy theory involving comey knowing what Assange knows and is going to do?


Some guy investigating weiner notices 10's of thousands of emails from Huma Abedin and the other major players of the clintons email scandal?

Dumb luck Trumps a convoluted conspiracy theory any day.

Indeed. I don't understand why this is spawning such conspiracy theories.

It honestly is as plain a day:

Abedin has admitted, on record, that she forwarded stuff from her secure DOS computers to unsecure computers/devices via personal email "because she couldn't figure out how to print them". It is also on record that Hillary, that brilliant woman, can't figure out how to use a computer and therefore must have printed documents handed to her.

Abedin's ex is being investigated for a separate crime, and one that very publicly was exposed years ago. The two shared a computer/devices.

Ergo her personal emails--that she admits to forwarding to herself--are on that computer/devices.

Their unintended discovery by the FBI/NYPD during the investigation of Wiener is hardly the stuff of conspiracies. The only deeper insight this provides is to how lax the initial FBI investigation of Clinton was if they missed Abedin's computer she shared with Wiener.

Why posit conspiracies when the evidence is pretty clear? The pretty obvious stupidity and absolute lack of tech-savvy of the Clintonistas (to say nothing of their criminality) TRUMPS conspiracies.


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Originally posted by parabellum:
I'm not sure how you guys can predict Abedin being "sacrificed", when we have only the vaguest conception of the content involved.

Based on the fact that she is coincidently not accompanying Hiliary on the plane today, I'd say that speaks volumes to her future.

Certainly Clinton won't take any responsibility for any new developments. Their Saul Alinsky tactics will have them go on the attack. They can attack the FBI but that may not get them anywhere. Sure, Huna has plenty of dirt, but Hiliary might be able to make it worth her while to fall on the sword. Huna knows what emails were lurking on her devices.

On the other hand, that's not the style of the liberals to through others to the wolves, unless their on the other team. Look at Lois Lerner, Danky Wasserman Schultz, he'll, Bill Clinton for that matter.

What the hell do I know, I'm only speculating and thinking out loud. Trying to predict anything in this election is like predicting earthquakes.

I am not BIPOLAR. I don't even like bears.

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Originally posted by Ronin1069:

Lynch argued to Comey that he should follow the Justice Department's practice of not taking actions that could influence the outcome of a presidential election, The New Yorker reported on Saturday.

But...not taking action could also influence the outcome of a presidential election.

So, Loretta, which will it be? The one that favors your candidate or...?

Comey was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. It all could have been avoided, however, had he done his job back in July.

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On the one hand, there's a simple argument for Hill throwing Huma under the bus: Hill can always claim that she didn't have the emails, but if Huma did, then Huma screwed up in not making those emails available during the investigation. On the other hand, there'll have to be something in those emails that's problematic, it'll have to be in an email that the FBI hasn't already seen and it'll have to be something solid enough to be a real problem for Hill in order for this whole exercise to matter at all. We still don't know what emails are in this newly uncovered batch and we still don't know what's in them. All we can do right now is enjoy the kerfuffle and exploit it for political purposes.
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Originally posted by Il Cattivo:
On the one hand, there's a simple argument for Hill throwing Huma under the bus: Hill can always claim that she didn't have the emails, but if Huma did, then Huma screwed up in not making those emails available during the investigation. On the other hand, there'll have to be something in those emails that's problematic, it'll have to be in an email that the FBI hasn't already seen and it'll have to be something solid enough to be a real problem for Hill in order for this whole exercise to matter at all. We still don't know what emails are in this newly uncovered batch and we still don't know what's in them. All we can do right now is enjoy the kerfuffle and exploit it for political purposes.

Not that I'm going to EVEN watch the Hag to see if she's squirming like a worm in hot ashes, but it's fun to picture it. I hope she loses sphincter control in mid-sentence somewhere, but only about 2 dozen people would be there to witness it...

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Gracie Allen is my
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At this point I'd settle for a Trump win on the 8th - the kerfuffle's plenty for me at the moment.
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I believe the big issue with the "found" emails is that Huma forwarded them from Clinton's server and that there are probably a lot of classified emails that were not discovered the first time around by the FBI. With her background it may even not be far fetched that some were passed on to foreign operatives.

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Originally posted by mas4363:
I believe the big issue with the "found" emails is that Huma forwarded them from Clinton's server and that there are probably a lot of classified emails that were not discovered the first time around by the FBI.
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