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Originally posted by 18DAI:
Anyone else think that Weiner provided his wifes computer to the investigators as part of an effort to secure himself a plea deal? And of course as a final FU to his loving wife Huma. Regards 18DAI

it's the #1 guess floating around the Net tonight. Not sure what "deal" they'd risk making with an underage sex predator but he is likely getting some form of consideration for his assistance.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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There were rumblings online when the story first broke saying that it's likely Wiener who threw Huma and the rest under the bus, part disgruntled ex husband, part former rising star in Democrat circles, part hedging his bets as the noose tightened around his own neck.

Originally posted by oddball:
Ed Timperlake, author, expert on national security and international financial crimes, had this to say:

"Ed Timperlake points out to me that in an underage sex investigation, all electronic communications of the investigative target are pursued. This probably led to the grand jury that was announced 11 days ago issuing a subpoena for all of the devices in the possession of Weiner and his family, including Huma. As Lucianne Goldberg quipped, they even seize the Speak & Spell toys in these cases. This grand jury is in New York, possibly less poltically supervised than the first Hillary email investigation..."

"Now, consider for a moment Anthony Weiner’s future. His wife dumped him, and he is of no use to the Clintons anymore. Penalties for online sex crimes tend to be severe, and child sex offenders are reported to do extremely unpleasant time in prison. Ed Timperlake thinks:"

It has been said and also demonstrated by his actions that Anthony Weiner is a real self-centered narcissist. If he remains true to his character, there is a possibility that he will consider cutting a deal for a lesser sentence in return for evidence and testimony against Clinton Inc.

I bet he knows a lot.
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Coin Sniper
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Originally posted by 18DAI:
Anyone else think that Weiner provided his wifes computer to the investigators as part of an effort to secure himself a plea deal? And of course as a final FU to his loving wife Huma. Regards 18DAI

This is usually how big conspiracies and syndicates get brought down. One weak person screws up, gets pinched, and to avoid getting hammered squeals... Thank you Mr Weiner!

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Originally posted by mbinky:
I bet the Clintons are thinking "Man remember the old days? Back when you paid off an official and he stayed paid off? Is there no honor among thieves anymore?"

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21

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When the Weiner gets pinched he might just throw his wife under the bus.

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The Whack-Job
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Wonder how long till Carlos Danger is found dead. "Apparent suicide or accidental death". The method? erotic asphyxiation of course.

It would not surprise me in the least. Regards 18DAI

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Originally posted by dsiets:
Originally posted by Augen:
I'd imagine Huma taking the fall for these forwarded emails - poor Hillary had no idea it was happening or some excuse. Then Barry will quietly pardon her just before he leaves office.

I'm under the impression that frequent talking about "pardons" are a worn topic, but I have to ask, if Hillary, Huma, or any others were to be tried for any of this and then convicted, wouldn't that be well past Zero's last hour?
"The gears of justice turn slowly." ?

It is called a preemptive pardon.
He can pardon them long before charges are filed. Nixon's pardon was preemptive.

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I believe in the
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Fox News just reported that the FBI hasn't gotten a warrant to read the e-mails on the computer so nine have been read. The FBI is in discussions with the Department of Justice about obtaining said warrants.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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Posts: 2520 | Location: High Sierra & Low Desert | Registered: February 03, 2011Report This Post
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Fox News just reported that the FBI hasn't gotten a warrant to read the e-mails on the computer so nine have been read. The FBI is in discussions with the Department of Justice about obtaining said warrants.

Hey, no problems ahead that I can see Roll Eyes
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Former Assistant FBI Director James Kallstrom, speaking on Fox News says he believes "something big is going to happen" in the next ten days.
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Official Space Nerd
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Originally posted by sdy:
Cheryl Mills had clearance, don't know about Heather Samuelson

Paul Combetta and all the rest of Platte River people did NOT have clearances.

Platte River was not approved to do classified work on contracts.

There is lots they could go after if they wanted to, I'm just pointing out she covered her tracks some what.

NOBODY is allowed to view classified data on an unclassified system.

NOBODY is allowed to view OR discuss classified data outside of an approved facility.

So I dont care who had what clearances - if they viewed them outside an approved area on an unsecure/unclassified device, THEY BROKE THE LAW.

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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Fox News just reported that the FBI hasn't gotten a warrant to read the e-mails on the computer so nine have been read. The FBI is in discussions with the Department of Justice about obtaining said warrants.

Wikileaks will not need a warrant.....

Weiner can give permission and a warrant won't be needed.

If the guy on Fox earlier is correct, Comey won't need the DoJ to play ball to get a warrant. Virtually any federal judge can issue it.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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building on Jallen post

When FBI Director James Comey wrote his bombshell letter to Congress on Friday about newly discovered emails that were potentially “pertinent” to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, agents had not been able to review any of the material, because the bureau had not yet gotten a search warrant to read them, three government officials who have been briefed on the probe told Yahoo News.

At the time Comey wrote the letter, “he had no idea what was in the content of the emails,” one of the officials said, referring to recently discovered emails that were found on the laptop of disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is under investigation for allegedly sending illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl.

As of Saturday night, the FBI had still not gotten approval from the Justice Department for a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered Abedin emails, and therefore are still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen.

“We do not have a warrant,” a senior law enforcement official said. “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.”

this is surprising (if true)

I assumed when Comey wrote "appear to be pertinent" that they had reviewed some of them.

Comey's ltr does say "the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails"

Given that Abedin testified she sent Clinton emails to her personal account to print them out, and did not check whether they were classified or not, what more would the FBI need to examine the laptop?

Is the DoJ sitting on the approval ?

I hope this report is wrong.

the author of the Yahoo report is Michael Isikoff formerly of NBC
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Festina Lente
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Former Assistant FBI Director James Kallstrom, speaking on Fox News says he believes "something big is going to happen" in the next ten days.

Batting 110% for sure, he is. Election, indictment, homicide or suicide? All of the above?

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Ignored facts
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Originally posted by Mainframe Coder:

Wikileaks will not need a warrant.....

Is CNN still telling us it's illegal for us, but legal for them to read Wikileaks?

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Leave the gun.
Take the cannoli.
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Former Assistant FBI Director James Kallstrom, speaking on Fox News says he believes "something big is going to happen" in the next ten days.

Kallstrom's The Man. I've seen him in action during the post-911 days. Comey isn't qualified to carry Jim's luggage. JK would make a good FBI director but he's probably making too much money in the private sector.
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Originally posted by feersum dreadnaught:
Originally posted by parabellum:
Former Assistant FBI Director James Kallstrom, speaking on Fox News says he believes "something big is going to happen" in the next ten days.

Batting 110% for sure, he is. Election, indictment, homicide or suicide? All of the above?

I don't think it's going to be directly tied to the emails on the Weiner/Abedin device. Wikileaks is a more likely source. You see, Comey knew before he went public that he didn't have a warrant. It didn't change his strategy. Whatever is happening is bigger than just the Huma email thing. I think it's MUCH bigger. The next 10 days should be fascinating.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
Patent Pending
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Daily Mail UK is reporting Huma is back in NY.

Best guess is the banshee is furious because Huma failed to destroy her computers and drives along with all the smashed iPhones that went to the land fill. Instead she left at least one device in the sticky fingers of Weiner. So......

That would mean the feds have hard physical evidence that Hillary and Huma were stealing, transporting and copying secret information from government files. The ultimate reason is immaterial. Once you remove secret information from a secure location without permission you have commited espionage. Ouch.

I hope a future Trump administration will consider an Anthony Weiner commemorative stamp for the service he has done to democracy.


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Glorious SPAM!
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Originally posted by Hound Dog:
NOBODY is allowed to view classified data on an unclassified system.

NOBODY is allowed to view OR discuss classified data outside of an approved facility.

So I dont care who had what clearances - if they viewed them outside an approved area on an unsecure/unclassified device, THEY BROKE THE LAW.

You are absolutly correct. I will admit I have been completely PISSED at the mis-imformation I have seen from the MSM since July. I, as have many others here, have dealt with information security issues for a long time. I KNOW Clinton broke the law. I KNOW what the law says; I have to affirm I know it every year. So do many others here. Just the basics, the BASICS to access even the lowest classed information you need two things: the correct level clearance, and a need to know. Just because you possess a clearance does not give you access. You also have to be "read in" for a specific topic, and have a "need to know".

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Lets not get started on how many laws were violated by moving info from a classed medium (electronic, paper) to an unclassed medium (her server). The fact that classed info was found on unsecured devices means several laws were broken. That stuff literally cannot happen by accident; it takes willful acts to accomplish. And then there is the fact that no where in the statute does it require intent to be in violation...

Ugg I'm getting myself ticked again. Screw you Comey.
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