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No one has been brought to justice, yet. We all know Trump is playing chess to their checkers and has many things he would like to complete that will take more than one term. I suspect his plan may be to get reelected before unleashing DOJ on these criminals in order to not alienate voters that might be former Democrats that have had enough of the radical left but are still slightly left of center and willing to vote for him rather than the disgusting alternative. Once he is assured of a second term, Katy bar the door and unleash the Dogs of War on these felons.

Their job Is To Save Your Ass,
Not Kiss It

The muzzle end of a .45 pretty much says "go away" in any language - Clint Smith
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I love that plan but who can he trust? Obama DOJ holdovers?
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Originally posted by Sr_Bull:
Not sure which forum post it belonged in, since it's intertwined into many of them - but Department of State just released over 35,000 of her "missing" emails sent from her basement server setup.

Some afternoon reading material:

Department of State Index of Hillary Clinton's Emails

Are these the "missing emails" that Trump has been pressing to release? No mention of it anywhere but here.
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NOT Left-Winged!
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The leftist press has been claiming the whole Russia collusion hoax is much ado about nothing and Trump and his people are "grasping" and "incoherent" on the issue. The democrat party still tries to claim Trump is a Russian operative beholden to Putin.

Problem is arrests or indictments against Hilary/Biden/Obama will be spun as election interference and dirty tricks because there is no way for the evidence to be heard in open court any time soon.

Why did it take so long? Because so many anti-trump people are entrenched throughout the executive branch in positions where they can obstruct the case, or at least delay it.

After he wins the election, things will move faster, or perhaps even if he loses, file the charges and appoint an independent prosecutor that can't be shooed away by a new administration.
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FBI Releases Documents on Investigation Into Death of Democrat National Committee Worker Seth Rich


The FBI has produced 68 pages relating to a Democrat National Committee (DNC) worker who was shot dead in 2016 in Washington, including an investigative summary that appears to suggest someone could have paid for his death.

Seth Rich, the worker, was shot dead in the early morning hours on July 16, 2016, near his home in the nation’s capital.

The murder, which is unsolved to this day, fueled widespread media coverage, especially after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suggested that Rich was the person who provided internal DNC emails to WikiLeaks. Rich’s family has called the notion that Rich leaked documents to WikiLeaks a conspiracy theory.

The newly released files show top Department of Justice officials met in 2018 and discussed Rich’s murder. They reviewed Rich’s financial records and did not identify any unusual deposits or withdrawals.

Additionally, none of the witnesses interviewed during the investigation reported to authorities anything unusual about Rich’s life prior to the homicide.

One witness saw an individual walking away from the location where Rich was killed but thought Rich was merely drunk so did not alert authorities. They realized something bad had happened when they saw a bloodstain on the ground in the same place the following day, as well as police tape surrounding the scene.

A person whose name was redacted took Rich’s personal laptop to his house, according to one of the newly released documents. The page also indicates that authorities were not aware if the person deleted or changed anything on Rich’s personal laptop.

The FBI came into possession of Rich’s work laptop, the bureau previously revealed.

On another page, it was said that “given [redacted] it is conceivable that an individual or group would want to pay for his death.”

“That doesn’t sound like a random street robbery,” Ty Clevenger, a lawyer, told The Epoch Times.

Law enforcement officials have suggested Rich was the victim of an attempted robbery, according to news reports, though none of his belongings were stolen. They have said no evidence links the shooting to Rich’s employment by the Democratic National Committee.

The files were released this week in a lawsuit filed on behalf of Texas resident Brian Huddleston, who Clevenger represents.

A federal judge earlier this year ordered the FBI to produce documents concerning Rich by April 23. The FBI identified 576 relevant documents but only produced 68 of them to Huddleston.

The FBI has declined to speak about the lawsuit. Attorneys for Rich’s parents did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The documents show that some reporting on Rich’s death was wrong, such as an ABC News report that claimed the FBI was not involved in investigating the murder.

Clevenger said he found concerning how the government apparently does not know whether anything was deleted from Rich’s personal laptop.

The documents were largely redacted but the information that did get through “shows that their whole narrative is falling apart,” he added. “It’s a step in the right direction.”

The attorney plans to ask U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant, an Obama nominee, to produce unredacted copies for his perusal. The judge could rule that some redactions were improper.

Defendants could also face repercussions for not producing all of the documents they have concerning Rich, including fines.

U.S. Attorney Andrea Parker, who is representing the FBI, told the judge in a court filing this week that the bureau can only process 500 pages per month for each Freedom of Information Act request. She asked the court to give the bureau additional time to produce all of the relevant records.

Clevenger told the judge in a court filing this week that the private sector routinely processes 500 pages or more per day and that the government should be afforded no more than two weeks to produce the remaining 1,063 pages.

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The Whack-Job
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Anyone else notice that the FBI pretty much does whatever it feels like, with no repercussions? I noticed that.

Court order to produce documents? Yea, when they get around to it. But we can only do 500 copies a day. What a bunch of shit.

Hey I know, maybe take some of the Agents busy drumming up excuses to prosecute Patriots who went to D.C. to protest and station them at the local Kinkos to make some copies. Problem solved. Regards 18DAI

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500 pages per month
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And most of that time spent repeating the magic phrase: "When in the slightest doubt, redact! Let them go to court and prove something they can't read shouldn't be redacted!"
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wishing we
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Not trying to start conspiracy thoughts, just reporting a sad event

book: "Secret of the Tarmac"

'Secret on the Tarmac' was published in 2019.

The plan was perfect. No cameras, no microphones, no prying eyes and plenty of security. The setting for a clandestine meeting could not have been better. Former President Bill Clinton exited Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s private plane 20-minutes after he boarded. Both thought they got away with it. Both were wrong. Amid a heated Presidential race, federal investigations involving emails and Benghazi and society looking for clarity on the future of the country, the secret tarmac meeting would only complicate things. The secret meeting would have never been revealed if it weren’t for a veteran journalist and a trusted source. It wasn’t the Emmys, Murrows or Associated Press awards, it was decades of experience and relationships that led to the moment Christopher Sign broke the story of the secret tarmac meeting


ABC reporter Christopher Sign, who exposed the 2016 Bill Clinton Loretta Lynch tarmac scandal dies of apparent suicide

Local police chief Keith Czeskleba said on Saturday the death is being investigated as a suicide after the ABC 33/40 newsman was found at his home around 8am.
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If you go down that rabbit hole you will learn the media doesn’t censor journalists per se they just black list or refuse to promote journalists who don’t tow their party line. It’s likely he was black listed or ostracized quite a bit for breaking that story. What kind of emotional and financial impact that had on him I cannot say.


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The time to "suicide" Sign would have been prior to the release of his story in 2019. Sadly, the story broke and nothing happened.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by Graniteguy:
The time to "suicide" Sign would have been prior to the release of his story in 2019. Sadly, the story broke and nothing happened.

True, nothing happened on the legal front. But Hillary never became President, did she? Hmmm, you think the Clintons, particularly Hillary, are at all bitter about that still?


Acta Non Verba
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She clearly is the type to hold a grudge. Even if she or one of her allies didn’t directly cause physical harm to him I wouldn’t at all consider some form of professional or financial retaliation to be outside the realm of possibilities. I would expect it from a horrible person like her, her husband and their most rabid supporters.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
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Originally posted by Graniteguy:
The time to "suicide" Sign would have been prior to the release of his story in 2019. Sadly, the story broke and nothing happened.
Stow it.
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quote: Hillary Clinton approved dissemination of Trump-Russian bank allegations to media, campaign manager testifies
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified Friday that then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton approved the dissemination of materials alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank to the media, despite campaign officials not being "totally confident" in the legitimacy of the data.

Mook was called to the stand for testimony by Michael Sussmann’s defense Friday.


During cross-examination by government prosecutor Andrew DeFillippis Friday, Mook was asked about the campaign’s understanding of the Alfa Bank allegations against Trump and whether they planned to release the data to the media.

Mook said he was first briefed about the Alfa Bank issue by campaign general counsel Marc Elias, who at the time was a partner at lawfirm Perkins Coie.

Mook testified that he was told that the data had come from "people that had expertise in this sort of matter."

Mook said the campaign was not totally confident in the legitimacy of the data, but had hoped to give the information to a reporter who could further "run it down" to determine if it was "accurate" or "substantive."

He also said he discussed whether to give the information to a reporter with senior campaign officials, including campaign chairman John Podesta, senior policy advisor, now White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

"I discussed it with Hillary as well," Mook said.

"I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter," Mook said.

When pressed on how Clinton responded, Mook testified: "She agreed."

Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement to the FBI when he told Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the presidential election, that he was not doing work "for any client" when he requested and attended a meeting in which he presented "purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communicates channel" between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.

Durham’s team alleges Sussmann was, in fact, doing work for two clients: the Hillary Clinton campaign and a technology executive, Rodney Joffe. Following the meeting with Baker, Sussmann billed the Hillary Clinton campaign for his work.

Sussmann has pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The government moved to admit a tweet from Clinton dated Oct. 31, 2016 as evidence, despite U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper ruling last month that the court would exclude that tweet as hearsay.

Cooper, Friday, granted the government’s motion to admit the Clinton tweet, which stated:

"Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank."

Clinton also shared a statement from Jake Sullivan, which stated: "This could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow. Computer scientists have uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank."

Sullivan said the "secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump’s ties to Russia."

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Shouldn't that be in the other thread that is up to date and ongoing and is currently covering this trial?


Acta Non Verba
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^^^Yes Please! Wink


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UPDATE: Investigation Reopened into Mysterious Death Of Clinton Advisor Linked To Jeffrey Epstein – Was Found HANGING FROM TREE WITH SHOTGUN BLAST TO CHEST

Another Clinton advisor is dead.

Mark Middleton, Bill Clinton’s special advisor from Little Rock, Arkansas who connected the former president to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died at the age of 59 in early May.

Middleton also flew on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ numerous times, according to The Daily Mail.

“The Middleton family has lost an inspiring and dedicated leader, as well as a son, brother, husband, and father,” a Facebook post said. “Mark leaves behind a company that he helped build from the ground up alongside his family and was proud to run for the last 25 years.”

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“In earlier days, Middleton’s fundraising skills helped land him a job in the White House. He was finance director for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, and later special assistant to Clinton under chief of staff Thomas “Mack” McLarty.” Arkansas Business reported.

The cause of death was not immediately disclosed.

Now this, Radar Online reported Saturday that an investigation into Mark Middleton’s death is now open.

The bizarre suicide death of Bill Clinton’s former advisor linked to billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein is now an “OPEN” investigation, Radar can exclusively report.

The stunning turn of events comes after a series of explosive stories questioning the suicide death of Clinton moneyman, Mark Middleton, who was found May 7 hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast through his chest and an extension cord around his neck. learned about the surprise twist after it filed a Freedom of Information request with the Perry County Sheriff’s Department demanding copies of the police report and crime scene photos of grisly death in a 1,100-acre farm linked to the former president just outside Perryville, Arkansas.

In an email reply, Sheriff Scott Montgomery tells Radar he cannot release the police report because the once open-and-shut case is an active investigation.

“At this time this is an open investigation, and we are not releasing any information,” Montgomery said in a June 2nd email, without elaborating. has also learned the Perry County Coroner is also refusing to release any details about Middleton’s death because of the alleged open investigation.

By Jim Hoft
Published June 5, 2022 at 3:00pm




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Suicided, no doubt...


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