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Netanyahu: We are at war. Israel attacked by Hamas. Login/Join 
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Balze, thanks for sharing that video. I listened during my runs. Very interesting. I needed something to counter my heavy doses of Ben Shapiro

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Originally posted by Russ59:
I needed something to counter my heavy doses of Ben Shapiro
That's probably how you got the runs.
Posts: 108292 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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During the Obama administration, the "Arab Spring" uprisings in countries with dictators that were not Islamic fundamentalists were supported as "democratic" and resulted in the "election" of Islamic fundamentalist governments. The uprising in Iran against the fundamentalist government was not supported and failed.

Net result - more islamic fundamentalist countries. Biden continued this by giving Afghanistan back to the Taliban.

The "nuclear" deal with Iran supposedly to allow them the development of nuclear technology for power plants, but not weapons makes no sense for a country already rich with oil. Trump ended the nuclear deal, but the Biden administration (Obama's 3rd term) put it right back in place.

I think it's incredibly naive to think Iran will not develop weapons using whatever money and technology they can get ahold of. The administration has to know this and still they fund Iran. And the weapons they develop will be used on Israel first, and the U.S. second.

Obama and his former staffers working in the Biden administration hate Isreal. They are aligned with leftists supporting all the pro-Palestinian propaganda.

The only conclusion I can draw is that Obama and his ilk are actively supporting the spread of islamic fundamentalist rule throughout the middle east, funding terrorism "indirectly", with the eventual goal the destruction of Israel.

Perhaps they think allowing Israel to be destroyed will spare the U.S.? Also incredibly naive.

Sure, Biden talks tough. But he has advocated a "cease-fire" which will just allow Hamas to re-group and re-supply. Maybe he's just going his own way on this, or his handlers are being "strategic" to ensure they don't lose the Jewish vote. But behind the scenes it is clear who is being supported with democrat dark money.

When a government like Hamas or the Taliban commits terrorism, war crimes, and atrocities, people in their countries will suffer the collateral damage. Our response to 9/11 was not "proportional", nor should Israel's. Same thing happened to Nazi Germany and Japan during WWII.
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He should have ended that with , why don't you go fuck yourself.

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
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Some of these television, talking heads, need to be sedated and given a jacket with no sleeve openings, and not be allowed near a camera and microphone.
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Hamas leaders should remember what happened to the terrorists who murdered the Israel's athletes in Munich Olympic. Death.

U.S. Army 11F4P Vietnam 69-70 NRA Life Member
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Originally posted by abnmacv:
Hamas leaders should remember what happened to the terrorists who murdered the Israel's athletes in Munich Olympic. Death.

It's a death cult. When they get got they get cast as martyrs. They know what's coming. While they'd like to avoid it as long as possible, hence the hiding out in luxury in Qatar, they think they're getting on the elevator up to paradise where they'll find 72 virgins and a well broken-in goat. The Mossad threat has loomed over them for decades. They might get nervous if our "ally" Qatar expelled them but they'd just run to Tehran.
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Originally posted by Oregon:
Originally posted by Ironbutt:
Israel has to do whatever it can to get some of the hostages back, but the deal is a huge win for Hamas.

Have you seen Gaza lately? Hamas isn't doing so hot.

It looks good for Hamas on paper.
3:1 exchange rate.

However, FAFO!
Hamas decides to do something stupid, Israel will snatch up another 4 people for every 1 Israeli taken.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
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Originally posted by berto:
Originally posted by abnmacv:
Hamas leaders should remember what happened to the terrorists who murdered the Israel's athletes in Munich Olympic. Death.

It's a death cult. When they get got they get cast as martyrs. They know what's coming. While they'd like to avoid it as long as possible, hence the hiding out in luxury in Qatar, they think they're getting on the elevator up to paradise where they'll find 72 virgins and a well broken-in goat. The Mossad threat has loomed over them for decades. They might get nervous if our "ally" Qatar expelled them but they'd just run to Tehran.

This is what makes this so difficult to battle in the real world. Most people believe the ticket to heaven is through good deeds and doing good things and being a good person.

These radicals believe the path to heaven is by dying for the cause. It's difficult to fight an enemy that believes honor or salvation is reached through death. You can't reason or negotiate with someone who want's to die. This lesson was already learned once in recent history.

The really bad thing about this group is they believe the sacrifice of others for their cause is perfectly justified as those who die for them will either reap the heavenly reward or get what they deserve. In their minds either way they are right and thus justified.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

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^^^^ The last folks we tangled with that believed that were the Japanese in WWII. And look what we had to do to end that. Its not far fetched to see a similar event brought on by the Israelis.

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some good videos of the tunnels under Shifa Hospital at:

The IDF has carefully overtaken and explored the tunnel system that converges on Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital. The IDF seeks to expose the Hamas way of war as inherently criminal — a point that has gotten lost in the media shuffle.

Shifa Hospital director Muhammad Abu Salmiya was arrested yesterday along with several other hospital staff members while attempting to evacuate southward along the humanitarian corridor — i.e., the escape route. The JNS story quotes the IDF statement:

“The director of the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip was apprehended and transferred for ISA questioning following evidence showing that the Shifa Hospital, under his direct management, served as a Hamas command and control center,” the statement read.

“The Hamas terror tunnel network situated under the hospital also exploited electricity and resources taken from the hospital. In addition, Hamas stored numerous weapons inside the hospital and on the hospital grounds.”

The statement continued: “Furthermore, after the Hamas massacre on October 7th, Hamas terrorists sought refuge within the hospital, some of them taking hostages from Israel with them. A pathological report also confirmed the murder of CPL Noa Marciano on the hospital premises.

“In the hospital, under his management, there was extensive Hamas terrorist activity. Findings of his involvement in terrorist activity will determine whether he will be subject to further ISA questioning.”

The IDF is exposing the tunnel system it has found underneath the hospital. As IDF Lt. Colonel Richard Hecht puts it here: ” We have moved past the blast door and discovered full subterranean complex, complete with a dormitory, kitchen, bathroom, and more. The scale of this tunnel, parts of which Hamas worked to bury is absolutely incredible[.]”

In the video below the IDF provides a look at “further tunnels under the Qatari building in the Shifa hospital compound….tunnels intersecting with underground rooms with air conditioning, toilets, and a kitchen. Rifles, magazines, and drones can be seen gathered from throughout the site.”

They didn’t want to believe it, but the truth can’t be covered up anymore: Hamas built a command center under the Shifa Hospital in violation of humanitarian law

made me a little claustrophobic watching
Posts: 19702 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by sdy:
some good videos of the tunnels under Shifa Hospital at:

The IDF has carefully overtaken and explored the tunnel system that converges on Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital. The IDF seeks to expose the Hamas way of war as inherently criminal — a point that has gotten lost in the media shuffle.

“The Hamas terror tunnel network situated under the hospital also exploited electricity and resources taken from the hospital. In addition, Hamas stored numerous weapons inside the hospital and on the hospital grounds.”

The IDF is exposing the tunnel system it has found underneath the hospital. As IDF Lt. Colonel Richard Hecht puts it here: ” We have moved past the blast door and discovered full subterranean complex, complete with a dormitory, kitchen, bathroom, and more. The scale of this tunnel, parts of which Hamas worked to bury is absolutely incredible[.]”

In the video below the IDF provides a look at “further tunnels under the Qatari building in the Shifa hospital compound….tunnels intersecting with underground rooms with air conditioning, toilets, and a kitchen. Rifles, magazines, and drones can be seen gathered from throughout the site.”

They didn’t want to believe it, but the truth can’t be covered up anymore: Hamas built a command center under the Shifa Hospital in violation of humanitarian law

I've said this before, what I find hard to believe is that somewhere Israeli Intelligence dropped the ball. They are usually on top of things, especially in Gaza; a hostile territory RIGHT NEXT DOOR!

This attack wasn't a spur of the moment, plan on Friday, execute on Monday kind of operation. A tunnel system of that magnitude took a pretty long time to build. Intel picked up NOTHING? "Hey, Saul, where did all this extra dirt come from?"

I'm betting that it's not going to be publicized really well, but someone's gonna loose their job over this one.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
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I'm betting that it's not going to be publicized really well, but someone's gonna loose their job over this one.

If their government is anything like ours the deck chairs will be rearranged at election time but no one in the bureaucracy will ever be held accountable.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

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It's long been known by everyone, including Israeli intelligence, that Hamas had a tunnel network under Gaza. This is nothing new.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by CPD SIG:

I've said this before, what I find hard to believe is that somewhere Israeli Intelligence dropped the ball. They are usually on top of things, especially in Gaza; a hostile territory RIGHT NEXT DOOR!

They failed for pretty much the same reason why we failed to stop 9/11. Lack of imagination and an over reliance on technology.


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wishing we
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The "deal" sounds terrible. I hope the idiot biden didn't force Israel into this.

Did you notice Israel was crushing Gaza City. There were not heavy Israeli losses due to Hamas counter attacks from the tunnels

In the coming days, Hamas is expected to release at least 10 hostages per day while they use the time to regroup and move military assets. As a reminder, here are some of the details of the deal, which was struck on Tuesday night:

-50 hostages will be released

-Hostages held by Hamas will be released in increments of 12-13 over the course of a four day ceasefire.

-Israel will release 150 female Palestinian prisoners and minors who have not been convicted of murder but may have been charged with terror related crimes.

-For every additional 10 hostages Hamas may decide to release (after the initial 50 starting Thursday), they will get an additional day of ceasefire. For example, if 30 hostages are released by Hamas, three more days of ceasefire will be awarded. For every additional single hostage Hamas releases, they will receive three Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails and serving time for crimes.

-Gasoline, which is used to power rockets Hamas launches at Israeli hospitals and civilians, will be allowed into the Gaza Strip on ceasefire days.

-IDF forces in the Gaza Strip and surrounding Gaza City will remain in place.

Despite the White House claiming earlier in the week President Joe Biden's leadership led to the ceasefire, no Americans were released in the first round. Four year old Abigail Edan is among the Americans still being held. Today is her birthday. More than 200 hostages remain in the Gaza Strip.

Thirteen Israeli hostages were released by Hamas from the Gaza Strip Friday in round one of a broader, four day ceasefire. As part of the deal, Israel released a number of women and male teenagers convicted of violent terrorism crimes, including attempted murder, from their prisons in exchange for the hostages
Posts: 19702 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
would not care
to elaborate
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Originally posted by CPD SIG:

I've said this before, what I find hard to believe is that somewhere Israeli Intelligence dropped the ball. They are usually on top of things, especially in Gaza; a hostile territory RIGHT NEXT DOOR!

This attack wasn't a spur of the moment, plan on Friday, execute on Monday kind of operation. A tunnel system of that magnitude took a pretty long time to build. Intel picked up NOTHING? "Hey, Saul, where did all this extra dirt come from?"

I'm betting that it's not going to be publicized really well, but someone's gonna loose their job over this one.

Yeah, that's made this a lot harder for Netanyahu to contend with.
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Peace through
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Lives snatched from the jaws of demons. Real world results, not bluster and tough talk that nets nothing.

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