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Originally posted by jsbcody:
... the ones that really need to be killed are the Hamas leaders hiding out in Qatar and their handlers in Tehran. Destroy their money and weapon access, destroy their leaders and you get a handle on destroying their belief system, maybe preventing the next generation or the generation after that one from being recruited.
Hamas Leaders - Mossad needs to redeem themselves and launch Operation Wrath of God II on the planners.

Iran - Their power comes from the oil money, and so does their ability to fund/support terrorism. Israel needs to make Iran an oil importer by bombing/sabotaging their oil export infrastructure (i.e. their port loading facilities, port tankage, pipeline tank farms, and gas/oil/water separating facilities, etc.).

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Picture of sigcrazy7
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Question: Back on page 20, maybe 21, a Ben Shapiro video posted by SigSentry claims that the average IQ of the Gaza strip population is 67. What does this mean? Is this the product of the specific IQ test, or is the population so grossly uniformed that they perform this poorly on most IQ tests? If the average IQ is 67, how can this area ever recover and become stable?

I really don't know that much about the Palestinians in Gaza. Only that this whole business is a human tragedy.

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Partial dichotomy
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IIRC, that low IQ was primarily from very intense inbreeding.

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Consanguinity. Inbreeding
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Originally posted by sigcrazy7:
Question: Back on page 20, maybe 21, a Ben Shapiro video posted by SigSentry claims that the average IQ of the Gaza strip population is 67. What does this mean? Is this the product of the specific IQ test, or is the population so grossly uniformed that they perform this poorly on most IQ tests? If the average IQ is 67, how can this area ever recover and become stable?

I really don't know that much about the Palestinians in Gaza. Only that this whole business is a human tragedy.

It seems consanguineous marriages are popular there.

Calgary Shooting Centre
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I'm trying to understand the viewpoint of the typical Palestinian...

Didn't the Palestinians vote Hamas into power back in 2006 (or 2008)?

What were they hoping to achieve and what type of governance did they want?

Did they duly elect Hamas or was it rigged in Hamas' favor? Were there viable alternatives to Hamas?

In the 15 years since Hamas came to power, what have they done to improve the lives of daily Palestinians? Infrastructure and economy?

What external pressures have prevented Hamas/Palestinians from growing their economy and becoming self sufficient?

What has Hamas and the Palestinians done with the economic and humanitarian aid from the past 20 years>

I understand the Gaza Strip to be an absolute hellhole, much of which is blamed on "Israeli occupation." But with with your Muslim neighbors rejecting you and your sworn enemy just outside the gate (to be clear, the Palestinians label Jews as the sworn enemy, not vice versa), how will the Gaza strip improve its lot without getting rid of Hamas?

Posts: 3900 | Location: Sacramento, CA | Registered: November 21, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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To return to Sig4eva’s question: if the average IQ really is around 67, would that help or hinder deprogramming efforts? After the terrorists are cleared from Gaza, could continual reinforcement with audio (like the call to prayer) and pictures on buildings slowly start to change the mindsets of the remaining population over years? Or would low IQs make it more difficult rather than easier? I’m assuming the Israelis would have total control of Gaza after hostilities cease and could broadcast as much propaganda as they want.
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Originally posted by Russ59:
I'm trying to understand the viewpoint of the typical Palestinian...

In the 15 years since Hamas came to power, what have they done to improve the lives of daily Palestinians? Infrastructure and economy?

What external pressures have prevented Hamas/Palestinians from growing their economy and becoming self sufficient?

What has Hamas and the Palestinians done with the economic and humanitarian aid from the past 20 years>

I understand the Gaza Strip to be an absolute hellhole, much of which is blamed on "Israeli occupation." But with with your Muslim neighbors rejecting you and your sworn enemy just outside the gate (to be clear, the Palestinians label Jews as the sworn enemy, not vice versa), how will the Gaza strip improve its lot without getting rid of Hamas?

The left and Arab countries have spend decades evolving a narrative that blames Israel for everything and ignores the failings of Hamas and the Arab countries in their fight with Israel.
The left in particular has been very good at disseminating the fake narrative as seen by the recent letter from the Harvard students.
In reality Hamas has done nothing at all to develop Gaza and everyone relies on foreign charity. The West finances Hamas through the UN, and Arab countries provide money and arms directly to Hamas.

Calgary Shooting Centre
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'Doxxing Truck' Drives Around Exposing Pro-Hamas Students at Harvard

A “doxxing truck” is driving around the campus of Harvard University with digital billboards that display the names and photos of students who allegedly signed a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ violent attack that killed more than 1,200 people over the weekend.

Giant video screens hung on the sides and back of the truck display the words “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites” in gothic script over a slideshow of Ivy Leaguers’ headshots and names in bold, red block letters, according to photos on social media.

Nonprofit news watchdog Accuracy in Media was behind the truck, which showed the students involved in the 34 student groups that signed a letter saying Israel is “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ deadly attack on Saturday.

The truck’s surprise appearance around campus on Wednesday “was the first day [of a] multi-day, multi-pronged campaign involving multiple billboards and a variety of other tactics,” Accuracy in Media president Adam Guillette told The Post.

The group deployed the truck because it’s “incredibly important to know who the hateful antisemites are in our society. And it’s important for people to know that their actions have consequences,” Guillette said in an interview with The Post.

Bill Ackman, a Harvard grad and hedge fund manager with a $3.5 billion net worth, was quick to call on his alma mater to release a list of the members of the dozens of student groups involved in the letter.

“I have been asked by a number of CEOs if Harvard would release a list of the members of each of the Harvard organizations that have issued the letter assigning sole responsibility for Hamas’ heinous acts to Israel, so as to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members,” Ackman, founder of hedge fund giant Pershing Square Capital Management, wrote on his X social media account on Tuesday.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
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Originally posted by stickman428:
Is there an outcry from Muslims that detest this behavior in the name of their God? If anything hurts their religion it is murderous savages like Hamas using their religion as a justification to kill innocents while chanting how great God is. That is a PR disaster.

I am being 100% serious. Has there been an outcry from the Muslim community against the atrocities committed by Hamas? I am asking this in good faith and with genuine curiosity.

Not all religions are created equal, some are good, some are bad, and some are something altogether different. Some are characterized, as you put it, with good faith and genuine curiosity, but others are not. The religion of islam is not one of them, so I doubt you will find sentiments like that from that religious tradition.

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Originally posted by tsmccull:
To return to Sig4eva’s question: if the average IQ really is around 67, would that help or hinder deprogramming efforts? After the terrorists are cleared from Gaza, could continual reinforcement with audio (like the call to prayer) and pictures on buildings slowly start to change the mindsets of the remaining population over years? Or would low IQs make it more difficult rather than easier? I’m assuming the Israelis would have total control of Gaza after hostilities cease and could broadcast as much propaganda as they want.

You can't deprogram criminals, or terrorists, which is another name for criminal. And Israel has no desire to run a 2.5 million head count prison. The Hamas population cannot be fixed, by nature or nuture, and certainly not given all the countries and terrorist organizations controlling and using them, literally, around the world. So the Hamas problem, or any other terrorist problem, can't really be fixed in the way you're describing. Ever noticed that when you do something nice for someone who hates you, they hate you more for it ? That's what you're dealing with.

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Thank you
Very little
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Ever noticed that when you do something nice for someone who hates you, they hate you more for it ? That's what you're dealing with.

It's quite the norm for those people with that mindset, be they Hamas, BLM, or any of the groups that use bigotry, racism, hate, masked under the terms of oppression and the like in order to extort money, power, control. Pay them in cash, credit, land, reparations, political appointment, high paying corporate jobs it's all based on the same principles. This is a weapon, wielded quite well, and it's run by very smart people who use groups of individuals in order to gain financially and in power or destroy an enemy. We have groups like that here in the US.
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Religion, politics and ethnicity aside it would appear humanity has "evolved" past its Warsaw Uprising, its Battle of Algiers, its Haiten Revolution, etc.. Liberty is the rarest gift humans ever gave to themselves and as fragile as a new toy to an 7 year old on Christmas. I am horrified by these events unfolding. The US will probably always be the arbitrator of destiny for much of the world it perceives a threat. I hope we get better. The questions to Blinken today regarding lessons learned from 9/11 to Iraq and Afghanistan did not fall on deaf ears. It's a battle for souls as much as much as it is for Liberty. I cry and pray those children can be saved. If i could, I would take them into my arms while keeping my head on a swivel. "Eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty".
Posts: 3563 | Registered: May 30, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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if the average IQ really is around 67, would that help or hinder deprogramming efforts?

I doubt that figure is accurate. If there are problems in daily living, that number qualifies as mentally retarded. That is the IQ of Mcnamara' follies. These folks get Certificates of Attendance if they make it through high school. The majority receive disabiilty checks.
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I didn't remember this until yesterday and I relayed the story to some friends today at lunch...

Many moons ago in my early Accounting years, I worked for the University of Texas System in the Houston Medical Center. I worked on a project with another Accountant from the Grants Department, which lasted 2 or 3 days. This would have been circa 1987 or 1988. The guy with whom I was working was a REALLY nice guy, I knew he was foreign (middle eastern perhaps), but I was unsure of his nationality.

When we finished the project, we shook hands and as we were parting, I politely stated, "Shalom". He stopped me VERY abruptly and wagged his index finger at me and stated, "No no no not ever say that word to me again. That is the language of my enemy."

I just kinda looked wide-eyed and expressed my apologies and that I meant no offense. We egressed to our respective departments and did remain friends/colleagues, but now it was more out of professional courtesy than anything else from that point forward.

I relay that story to say this...even 35 years ago, there was enough hatred instilled in this man to take offense to an extension of peace because it was the tongue of his enemy, Israel, Israelis, and Jews. This hatred HAD to be instilled in him by his parents from a VERY early age and as a youth growing up. I have to surmise that his parents raised him to hate Israel, Israelis, and Jews as a way of life and that was it. No gray area, no chance of reconciliation; nothing but PURE. HATRED.

So what's my point? Not really sure, but I will tell you that when people say, "Oh...only the TERRORISTS and HAMAS hate Israel, Israelis, and Jews", well...I have to VEHEMENTLY disagree with them. Based on my experience with that gentleman that day, I have no doubt he was raised to take up arms against Israel if it were required. My personal bias based on that experience is that ALL Palestinians, save for those infants who are so young that they have yet to be brainwashed by their parents, LITERALLY hate Israel and Jews and would celebrate (as we've seen) their death REGARDLESS whether they're 100 minutes old or 100 years old.

Do two wrongs make a right in this situation? I'm not about to judge.....

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"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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In regards to the brain washed children video. These are young children, they are a product of their environment and what they have been taught. These kids do not have even the most scant idea of what it's like to live in any kind of a developed country. Children are easily malleable why do you think the LGBTQIA+ scum relentlessly make efforts to get their crap into the schools in front of young children. Hamas has done the same thing only with no impediment to stop them. They are not teaching anything to these children except to hate Jews and to fight. That's all these kids know. That's why they say the things they do. Ask them what sound a dog makes and they probably don't have a clue what you are asking them.

Give these kids a few months or a year in a developed western country under the proper influence and they would be entirely different people. Sadly some of those kids in the video may not live through this current event but they are innocent none the less.

They all can't or won't be saved but they deserve a chance.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
if the average IQ really is around 67, would that help or hinder deprogramming efforts?

I doubt that figure is accurate.

I don't.


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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
In regards to the brain washed children video. These are young children, they are a product of their environment and what they have been taught. These kids do not have even the most scant idea of what it's like to live in any kind of a developed country. Children are easily malleable why do you think the LGBTQIA+ scum relentlessly make efforts to get their crap into the schools in front of young children. Hamas has done the same thing only with no impediment to stop them. They are not teaching anything to these children except to hate Jews and to fight. That's all these kids know. That's why they say the things they do. Ask them what sound a dog makes and they probably don't have a clue what you are asking them.

Give these kids a few months or a year in a developed western country under the proper influence and they would be entirely different people. Sadly some of those kids in the video may not live through this current event but they are innocent none the less.

They all can't or won't be saved but they deserve a chance.

Children want to make their parents/peers proud. They will parrot anything to get a smile or affirmation. At some point it becomes ingrained.

I'm deeply troubled by the choices faced by the Israelis right now. They have to lace up their boots and take action that will result in the loss of life for children that look just like their own. They know their actions will harm families, that never leaves you. Even if they annihilated all of Hamas, the innocent lives lost are still a tragedy even in victory.

Pray for those that may be forced to do the unconscionable, they do it not out of hate, but love for their children, for their friends, for their family, and for their country. Blame the ones responsible for it.

No child should ever die from war, but as has happened for many millenia many innocent lives will be lost. If that price has to be paid, please God make it the last time.


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Coin Sniper
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It appears Israel has started their push on Gaza, air strikes are increasing.

Of course the people in Gaza are trapped. Egypt has closed their border, Israel will shoot anyone leaving, and the sea is the back door.

Tactically you would think this was absolutely foolish to launch an attack against a numerically superior and much more powerful force from a position that is literally painted in a corner.

However as we've seen again and again the goal here seems to be martyrdom. Perhaps they have taken a page out of General Giap's playbook and are willing to martyr thousands in an attempt to get the bleeding heart media behind their cause and inspire Muslims the world over to rally to the cause. In a sense the ultimate liberal play, pick a fight, get your ass handed to you, then cry victim and demand something be done so this doesn't happen to you again.

Granted, there are probably a lot of normal people in Gaza who aren't all that excited about becoming a martyr and given the choice would flee to avoid that. In this case it appears Hamas has made that decision for them, whether they like it or not. I'd guess if they really got upset about it, Hamas would just eliminate any opposition themselves. Talk about a lose - lose.

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