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Netanyahu: We are at war. Israel attacked by Hamas. Login/Join 
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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Just like with blm or antifa, always in a big blue city where they are protected from citizens wrath.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 15712 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
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U.S. intelligence agencies are claiming that they “expect” protests to bring down the Israeli government and replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been an obstacle to President Joe Biden’s plans for the Middle East.

The claim emerged in the latest “Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community,” and was published by both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times Monday evening, suggesting a coordinated leak to the media.

The assessment says:

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has publicly stated his opposition to postwar diplomacy with the Palestinian Authority (PA) toward territorial compromise.
Netanyahu’s viability as leader as well as his governing coalition of far-right and ultraorthodox parties that pursued hardline policies on Palestinian and security issues may be in jeopardy. Distrust of Netanyahu’s ability to rule has deepened and broadened across the public from its already high levels before the war, and we expect large protests demanding his resignation and new elections. A different, more moderate government is a possibility.
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The Main Thing Is
Not To Get Excited
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Re: above ^^^

"...Netanyahu, who has been an obstacle to President Joe Biden’s plans for the Middle East..."

The hubris, the gaul, and if you'll excuse the cultural appropriation this once, The Chutzpa, of that clause.

The chief executive of an independent state on a wartime footing after an attack by 8th century savages, is AN OBSTACLE to a foreign office holder who is now kow-towing to supporters of those savages. The chief executive of a nation under siege is somehow an impediment to a dotards political ambitions while his citizens are held hostage in conditions I don't want to imagine.

It should be unfucking believable but to my great sadness I believe it.


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Wait, what?
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Biden is getting beat up at home by terrorist loving garbage. If it were “right wing extremists”, it would be all over the news, every minute, every day up to the election. But instead, the left is catering to this vermin, just as they did BLM and Antifa. I hope Israel proves the administration wrong at the ballot box; despite the intelligence failure by one of the worlds leading intelligence apparatus, Israel is predominately opposed to a two state solution.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 15712 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The U.S. government does not hesitate to orchestrate the overthrow of democratically elected governments that will not bend to their will. This is how the entire Ukraine war was escalated.

Report: Biden Trying to ‘Collapse’ Netanyahu Government, Mid-war

U.S. President Joe Biden is reportedly attempting to force the “collapse” of the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the middle of a war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza and a potential war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Biden has been increasingly hostile to Netanyahu in his public remarks, recently saying that Netanyahu is “hurting” Israel more than he is helping it through his conduct of the war. (Netanyahu fired back, saying that Biden was “wrong.”)

Now, New York Magazine reports that the Biden Administration is actively looking for ways to force Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition, which has been remarkably unified, to fall apart, which would bring about early elections. It reported (original emphasis):

One Israeli expert frequently consulted by American officials says, “I have been asked by a serious administration figure what it is that will force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse. They were interested in the mechanics, what can we demand which will collapse his coalition.”

In the event the new American position over Netanyahu remained unclear, Vice-President Kamala Harris left no doubts in a Friday interview with CBS News, which asked “Are the Israelis at risk of losing U.S. aid if this continues?” Harris replied: “I think it’s important for us to distinguish or at least not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people.”

In other words: Israelis, we’re with you. Netanyahu, be gone.

Netanyahu has been a frequent obstacle to Democrats’ policies in the Middle East, starting with his opposition to President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, and continuing into his opposition to Biden’s Palestinian state ideas.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Peace through
superior firepower
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Of course it's not Biden's doing. He can't put together a complete sentence.
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Harris replied: “I think it’s important for us to distinguish or at least not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people.”

So she's treating the Israeli government like Hamas. We have to separate the Palestinians from Hamas and not collectively punish the Palestinians.


I'm really stupid at geopolitics, is it normal to try to destabilize allies and topple their government? It's probably super routine and I'm just not paying attention.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Objectively Reasonable
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I think many people--and I'm often one of them-- don't really understand the workings of parliamentary democracy.

Netanyahu is Prime Minister because the block of conservative parties-- plural-- held, just barely, the majority in the Knessset, and Bibi led that coalition. In that system, you either forge working relationships with other parties or you don't get to govern.

The current coalition government has precisely one task on its plate: War with Hamas, to the exclusion of any other internal disagreements or inter-party feuding.

Bibi isn't going ANYWHERE. Even his opponents grudgingly admit that he's the right guy to lead a war.
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A Grateful American
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Biden steps on his "Ice Cream Cone"...

"White House attempts to walk back Biden's comments on Israel"

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Staring back
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Originally posted by DennisM:
The current coalition government has precisely one task on its plate: War with Hamas, to the exclusion of any other internal disagreements or inter-party feuding.

We used to have a country like that.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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wishing we
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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Wednesday that it would evacuate Palestinian civilians near the Gaza town of Rafah to “humanitarian islands” before entering to fight and destroy the last four remaining Hamas terrorist battalions.

U.S. President Joe Biden has warned Israel not to enter Rafah without a plan for evacuating the civilians who have fled there from the rest of Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted that Israel must finish the job of defeating Hamas, lest it recover and return to rule Gaza and to launch terror attacks against Israeli communities again.

Netanyahu directed the IDF to prepare an evacuation plan, as well as a battle plan, which were reviewed by the war cabinet. The White House has said for weeks that it had not seen any of the plans, but Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant dropped hints earlier Wednesday that Israel had prepared its plans and would strike in the near future.

The core of the plan is to create pockets around the city that would be safe from the fighting

The Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday it plans to direct a significant portion of the 1.4 million displaced Gazans in Rafah toward “humanitarian islands” in the center of the territory, ahead of a planned ground operation in the southernmost Gazan city.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said moving those in Rafah to the designated areas, which he stressed will be carried out in coordination with international actors, was a key part of the military’s preparations for its anticipated offensive on Rafah, where Hamas maintains four battalions that Israel says it wants to destroy.

Hagari said those “islands” will provide temporary housing, food, water, and other necessities to civilians fleeing war. He did not say when Rafah’s evacuation will occur, nor when the offensive on the city will begin, explaining that Israel wants the timing to be right operationally and to be coordinated with neighboring Egypt, which has said it does not want an influx of displaced Palestinians crossing its border.
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Maybe Biden should make Kamala Harris the Middle East Czar.

U.S. Army 11F4P Vietnam 69-70 NRA Life Member
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Picture of lastmanstanding
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I'd be interested to know how the IDF plans to differentiate the civilian non combatants from Hamas fighters. These people are chameleons and can be cooperative civilians one minute and pick up a rocket launcher the next. Women and children included.

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I’ve wondered the same exact thing, LMS…

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"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
I'd be interested to know how the IDF plans to differentiate the civilian non combatants from Hamas fighters. These people are chameleons and can be cooperative civilians one minute and pick up a rocket launcher the next. Women and children included.

Anyone who runs is Hamas. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined Hamas.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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semi-reformed sailor
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
I'd be interested to know how the IDF plans to differentiate the civilian non combatants from Hamas fighters. These people are chameleons and can be cooperative civilians one minute and pick up a rocket launcher the next. Women and children included.

It’s called Overwatch, a sniper sets up where he can watch the area and pops anyone who picks up a weapon

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Remember how the U.S. meddled in Ukraine in 2014 and how wonderful that has turned out.

Israeli Official Says US Trying To Overthrow Netanyahu As Sen. Schumer Calls For New PM


According to his words as cited in The Washington Post:

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) will call for the Israeli government to hold new elections in a speech warning that Israel risked becoming an international "pariah" under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing cabinet.

As Biden has faced increased criticisms from Democrats over his unconditional support for Israel, the White House has attempted to distinguish support for Israel and Netanyahu. In the past week, Biden has criticized Netanyahu on several occasions, saying he wanted to have a "come to Jesus" meeting with the leader of the Jewish state.

More at link

Schumer: Netanyahu an obstacle to peace, has to go

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Peace through
superior firepower
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Piece of shit. Keel over and die.
Posts: 108285 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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I share para's sentiment.

Getting rid of Bibi is not going to change 10/7, can't put that toothpaste back in the bottle. This is not Bibi's war it's Isreals. It's not going to end until the people feel safer.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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delicately calloused
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To me, Schumer is functionally no different than Caiaphas.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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