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So who printed the emails and where? Who's printer, who's ink or toner?

Unhappy ammo seeker
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Irksome Whirling Dervish
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We're now fairly entrenched in the email controversy and after seeing all the explanations and excuses, apologies and so on, I think this is where it's at as of today.

1. Hillary is done. She knows that regardless of what Justice finds or these Judicial Watch suits uncover, her numbers are tanking nationwide and Hillary v4.0 won't change the perception of her that is turning out to be true.

2. The server issue is far from settled and many foundational inquires are still remaining.

3. The State Department is providing cover for Hillary and there's a trail of how her emails were sent to a non .gov address. State knows the answers won't be pretty and they are doing what they can to slow down the inquiry and the process.

4. Someone who works or worked for Hillary will crack. Since it looks very unlikely that she'll be the nominee, what's the payoff for protecting her? Very little if Justice starts to find things that implicate others.

5. Hillary is now showing the nation that her resume has a lot of Bill's wife on it but not much that she herself has done. She really hasn't done anything of substance except fly places.
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"If he didn't work for the State Dept, then I didn't think he could really have much liability"

I think that is true.

Pagliano was not a low level IT tech.

He was a Dept of State GS15 at $ 136k per year.

Also, Huma was an ED15 at $ 129k per year

Cheryl Mills was an ES00 at $ 180k per year

These are 2012 numbers from the federal employee salary database.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Picture of domcintosh
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Originally posted by sdy:
"If he didn't work for the State Dept, then I didn't think he could really have much liability"

I think that is true.

Pagliano was not a low level IT tech.

He was a Dept of State GS15 at 136k per year.
Though he was brought in to the State Department by Hillary, he became a State Dept IT. Of all the people, he at least failed to raise his hand and say it was wrong when she attempted to conduct official business through a private server. It is further complicated by the fact that he then accepted additional money to help the boss of the agency he works for manage her private property; this demonstrates in inappropriate fiduciary relationship between him and Hillary Clinton. Walks even further into the brier patch by not reporting the income, if the rumors are true.

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Bryan Pagliano appeared briefly behind closed doors Thursday before a House committee investigating the deadly 2012 Benghazi attacks. He refused to answer questions, asserting his constitutional rights not to incriminate himself, committee members said.

Pagliano's lawyers said he also will refuse to testify if served with a subpoena by two Senate committees looking into the email controversy.

Elijah Cummings said Democrats on the panel would support granting immunity to Pagliano, but Gowdy has rejected that idea.


Have been struggling for a reply to sigfreund. I agree w what he said about the 5th, but I still am infuriated about Lois Lerner and Bryan Pagliano taking the 5th.

If an innocent person takes the 5th to avoid getting trapped by an over zealous prosecutor, we are on the same page.

The problem I have is that I don’t consider Pagliano an innocent by stander. He is an inside guy for the Clintons. JMHO but it looks like he was an integral part of the Clinton scheme to keep things hidden.

Pagliano was IT director for Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

So when I see people who look awfully guilty of wrong doing using the 5th to hide crime, I get mad.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Info Guru
Picture of BamaJeepster
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DOJ going to bat for Hillary - should be an interesting precedent. Attn government employees - you get to decide which emails to turn over in response to subpoenas!

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails

The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to be the one deciding which of those messages are government records that should be returned.

In the most complete legal defense of Mrs. Clinton, Justice Department lawyers insisted they not only have no obligation, but no power, to go back and demand the former top diplomat turn over any documents she hasn’t already given — and neither, they said, can the court order that.

The defense came as part of a legal filing telling a judge why the administration shouldn’t be required to order Mrs. Clinton and her top aides to preserve all of their emails.

“There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the administration lawyers argued. “Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”

The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”

It’s unclear whether Mrs. Clinton’s review process, which she said involved her lawyers making determinations, qualifies.

Judicial Watch, which had at least 16 active open-records lawsuits against the State Department seeking emails from Mrs. Clinton or her top aides, said the administration is ignoring its own guidelines in trying to clear Mrs. Clinton.

“Indeed, the State Department’s own rules specify that personal records of a departing presidential appointee may not be removed from the government until the State Department ‘records officer in cooperation with the S/ES or appropriate administrative office’ approves of the removal, a process which ‘generally requires a hands-on examination of the materials,’ ” Judicial Watch said in a reply brief.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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"In the most complete legal defense of Mrs. Clinton, Justice Department lawyers insisted they not only have no obligation, but no power, to go back and demand the former top diplomat turn over any documents she hasn’t already given — and neither, they said, can the court order that."

Odd comment given there is an ongoing DoJ investigation into classified material massively mishandled.

Maybe the WH doesn't want some of those emails to be found.

"The legal brief said that means employees are required to “review each message, identify its value and either delete it or move it to a record-keeping system.”"

Each message was not reviewed. The Clinton team said they did a key word search to sort personal from work emails. They never identified the complete set of key words.

I wonder if the administration will try to say the FBI can't look for any deleted emails ?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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Server Timeline

I am fascinated by the history of the “server” which may well have been “servers”.

First; the server existed before Hillary’s appointment. Evidently (?) it was always in the in the Chappaqua House basement. It was reportedly used for business related to the Clinton Slush Fund. Was it used for any personal email? Who knows? H. Clinton probably used her campaign servers but again who knows? Obviously there was an IP involved, was it cable or perhaps a T-1 line, who knows?

I assume the Secret Service maintains a presence in the Clinton Chappaqua Domicile (at great expense to the taxpayer) which allow HC to say that the server was under ‘armed guard”. I very much doubt that the SS was tasked with guarding a server containing classified info.

Pagliano worked for the Clinton for Pres campaign, employed by the Campaign, at some time he switched to being paid by the Clinton Slush Fund (CSF). More than likely he set-up the new domain and addresses for HC on the server in the basement immediately prior to HCs appointment.

Timeline HC was S of S 21 Jan 09 to 1 Feb 13. Of course it was evident that she was going to be approved for at least a month prior.

Pagliano was hired by HC at some time and worked directly for her at State, still was paid by the CSF and best info is he did not report the dual pay as required. There is no info about what he did at State or where he did it, other than maintain the server in the basement.

Sometime (2010?) the server in the basement somehow levitated to Denver and the very unsecure restroom closet. Exactly how this happened while it continued in use is puzzling to me.

Since it contained classified information the ‘chain of custody” is a very weak in this area.

Evidently, if we are to believe HC and that is very difficult for me to do, the download of emails, inspection of emails, and deleting of emails (done by others), and wiping of the server all happened remotely, we are not certain just where.

Now this long serving server has had a very interesting life spread over at least seven years, I would like to see the maintenance log.
My question to all of you is, is there still a server in the Chappaqua Basement handling the CSF business?
Posts: 3853 | Location: Citrus County Florida | Registered: October 13, 2008Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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I was tempted to create a new thread, but decided otherwise.

Here is a video clip of an undercover reporter in Nevada showing the Clinton campaign staff breaking Nevada laws in regards to "voter registration". Absolutely infuriating, these commies doing this shit.


Quotes from a Clinton staffer:
“Do whatever you can. Whatever you can get away with, just do it, until you get kicked out like totally.”

“Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.”


"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Originally posted by oddball:
I was tempted to create a new thread, but decided otherwise.
Good man
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Picture of lastmanstanding
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Whatever happened to the guy that was trying to sell the 30,000 supposedly deleted emails but decided to turn them over to the FBI?
This story has gone dark so apparently nothing to it.
It's going to take something like that, some foreign hacker who is just sitting on the very thing that could land her in prison release it publicly like the Ashley Madison data base dump where anybody with a computer can access and view it.
No where to hide from it, no questions left to ask where all is laid bare to the American public.
Short of chasing tail.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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I believe in the
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
Whatever happened to the guy that was trying to sell the 30,000 supposedly deleted emails but decided to turn them over to the FBI?
This story has gone dark so apparently nothing to it.
It's going to take something like that, some foreign hacker who is just sitting on the very thing that could land her in prison release it publicly like the Ashley Madison data base dump where anybody with a computer can access and view it.
No where to hide from it, no questions left to ask where all is laid bare to the American public.
Short of chasing tail.

He got some legal advice, changed his mind and turned his horde over to the FBI, last I heard.

Smart man!

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
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The guy selling 30,000 emails was selling the AOL account emails of Sid Blumenthal.

Some of those were to HC, and some were from HC.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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The guy selling 30,000 emails was selling the AOL account emails of Sid Blumenthal.Some of those were to HC, and some were from HC.

Yes, some already have been exposed to daylight in Federal Court in answer to subpoenas and are of interest to the Bengasi Committee. Interestingly these particular emails have not yet turned up in Hillary’s dump at the State Dept.

Drip.Drip.Drip (indicates a faster rate of drip).
Posts: 3853 | Location: Citrus County Florida | Registered: October 13, 2008Report This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
Whatever happened to the guy that was trying to sell the 30,000 supposedly deleted emails but decided to turn them over to the FBI?
This story has gone dark so apparently nothing to it.
It's going to take something like that, some foreign hacker who is just sitting on the very thing that could land her in prison release it publicly like the Ashley Madison data base dump where anybody with a computer can access and view it.
No where to hide from it, no questions left to ask where all is laid bare to the American public.
Short of chasing tail.

He got some legal advice, changed his mind and turned his horde over to the FBI, last I heard.

Smart man!

Jallen, I think both you and I know if there were any truth, one bit of substance to this story that these emails actually existed and were turned over to the FBI this would be so big it would push Trump into obscurity as far as news coverage.
Believe me, I soooo wish it were true! I want to see this traitorous hag swing as much as anybody.

Watching this whole event drag on as long as it has is putting the writing on the wall more so everyday. Now you have the Justice Department putting forth in a official statement that she followed the law in deleting her emails.

We are dealing with much more than just Hillary and her emails. We are dealing with the most corrupt administration from top to bottom that this country or any civilized country has ever seen. What happens or doesn't happen isn't happenstance it's controlled and orchestrated.
The truth will remain well hidden.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8769 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007Report This Post
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If you really want to understand a key part of the HC email disaster, here is a link to Mar 2013 article

This is where the hacker Guccifer got into Blumenthal's acct.

Guccifer provided this:

This is a snapshot of part of Blumenthal's AOL email.

Upper right hand corner shows "sbwhoeop". That is Blumenthal.

Also upper right shows 32,425 total emails in the account.

The picture is a small part of the SENT emails. The ones shown are to "hdr22" which is one of HC's personal email addresses.

Remember this was published Mar 2013. In the middle of this set of SENT emails are the 6 examples that the "seller" recently provided as proof he had something.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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Originally posted by sdy:
The guy selling 30,000 emails was selling the AOL account emails of Sid Blumenthal.

Some of those were to HC, and some were from HC.

Not according to this.
Some emails were to or from Blumenthal but the emails were supposedly the deleted ones from Hillarys very own private server.
The ones you're referring to I beleive were from when Romanian hacker who goes by Gucifer hacked Blumenthals AOL account which brought into light that there was a address which turned out to be Hillary's dirty little secret.
It is believed Gucifer has much more but I think he is serving a 6 year term for his activities.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8769 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007Report This Post
Picture of Loganspawn
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Originally posted by oddball:
I was tempted to create a new thread, but decided otherwise.

Here is a video clip of an undercover reporter in Nevada showing the Clinton campaign staff breaking Nevada laws in regards to "voter registration". Absolutely infuriating, these commies doing this shit.


Quotes from a Clinton staffer:
“Do whatever you can. Whatever you can get away with, just do it, until you get kicked out like totally.”

“Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.”


I just thought this was political SOP, is this news?

What people didn't really think the progressive will do anything and I mean anything to get what they want..... Wake up, and don't kid yourself there are some of them Republicans doing shit just as bad.

Knowing is half the battle!

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

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That story at the link got it wrong.

At the linked site they reference the radaronline article. Go to that source doc for their story.

You will see the examples given:

“H Libya security latest. Sid” (with attachment)

“H FYI, best analysis so far of hearing Sid,’ about the latest security
in Libya”

“H Algeria latest French Intel on Algeria hostage Sid”

“H Latest French Intel in Algeria hostage Sid” (with attachment)

“H Latest Libya intel internal govt discussions high level” (with

“H HIGHLY IMPORTANT! Comprehensive Intel Report on (with attachment)”

Now compare those email descriptions to the ones in the list that I posted. The email descriptions are from the AOL account of Blumenthal and were published 2.5 years ago.

Guccifer is a Romanian taxi cab driver. He is in jail. It is thought he gave Blumenthal's emails to someone else to hold.

Now here is the catch. If indeed the Clinton Team gave hard copy of all work emails to the State Dept, then these exact same emails will soon be provided to us by the State Dept.

If any of them do not appear in the State Dept provided Clinton emails, then the Clinton Team held those back. We have to wait and see.

adding: the radaronline article says the emails came from HC's SENT box. They did not.

They came from Blumenthal's SENT box.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
I believe in the
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Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:

We are dealing with much more than just Hillary and her emails. We are dealing with the most corrupt administration from top to bottom that this country or any civilized country has ever seen. What happens or doesn't happen isn't happenstance it's controlled and orchestrated.
The truth will remain well hidden.

That's what Nixon thought, and hoped.

The FBI is typically pretty tight lipped on these things. As one agent I spoke with put it, "the FBI typically absorbs information not provides information."

We will only know it when they need to release it, unless they don't and somebody deep throats them.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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