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FNC reporting the Hilary's Email contained a "Top Secret" labeled message Login/Join 
Picture of lastmanstanding
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I see what you are saying but the Radar online site article does specify emails from Hillary's private server. I kept getting pop up ads and videos so I bailed from the site and didn't read the entire thing beyond that.

It's all confusing truthfully as we are talking about 2 different accounts. Blumenthals AOL account which has obviously been hacked and Hillary's private account on her own server that most likely has been hacked.

But as I said earlier I don't think it is going to amount to much either way.
If Gucifer or somebody else has the goods and dumps them publicly then we got something.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8770 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007Report This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Originally posted by lastmanstanding:

We are dealing with much more than just Hillary and her emails. We are dealing with the most corrupt administration from top to bottom that this country or any civilized country has ever seen. What happens or doesn't happen isn't happenstance it's controlled and orchestrated.
The truth will remain well hidden.

That's what Nixon thought, and hoped.

The FBI is typically pretty tight lipped on these things. As one agent I spoke with put it, "the FBI typically absorbs information not provides information."

We will only know it when they need to release it, unless they don't and somebody deep throats them.

The Nixon administration looks like a bunch of 12 year olds shop lifting baseball cards at the five and dime compared to this bunch we have now.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8770 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007Report This Post
crazy heart
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
We are dealing with much more than just Hillary and her emails. We are dealing with the most corrupt administration from top to bottom that this country or any civilized country has ever seen.

That's my opinion as well. Helpless feeling to watch this unfold.
HRC is a skank and a liar. She's not qualified to scrub toilets.
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Picture of SAR
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Here goes my 2 cents. I find it amazing that this email debacle is the only thing that anybody is bringing up negative about Hillary. Has everybody forgot all of the other questionable things her and Bill have allegedly been involved in? They have never been held accountable for any of it and it appears that they never will. I only hope that I am proven wrong.
Posts: 77 | Registered: June 14, 2012Report This Post
I believe in the
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Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
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They're really giving it to her now.
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The “email czar” hired by the State Department to handle the agency’s response to the Hillary Clinton email scandal has a second hidden conflict of interest: she received some of the same classified emails that were also sent to Hillary Clinton via her private email system, Breitbart News has learned.

Secretary of State John Kerry appointed Janice L. Jacobs this week to serve as a non-partisan, non-political “transparency coordinator.” The recently retired bureaucrat will lead the State Department’s political response to the various Clinton email investigations in Congress and the various civil lawsuits filed by transparency groups.

Jacobs, who served as the State Department’s assistant secretary for Consular Affairs from 2008 to 2014 has two big conflicts of interest.

First, she donated the maximum $2,700 to Clinton’s current presidential campaign.

Second, sources have revealed to Breitbart that Jacobs was cc’ed on at least three emails that were sent to Clinton and which the State Department have classified in retrospect.

The shared emails discussed sensitive topics involving the North Korean regime’s relations with China and the urgent political situation in Haiti.

Jacobs was copied on an email dated February 8, 2010, in which top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills asked various government officials for help on the issue of a status of forces agreement (SOFA) in Haiti and other Haitian issues involving that country’s then-Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.

Mills sent an email to Jacobs and others with the subject line “Re: PM Bellerive on Donors’ Conference, SOFA, adoptions, migrants, political dilemma and more.”

“Can you explain more on his goals for a SOFA given our joint communique,” Mills wrote to her colleagues in a partially redacted email that she forwarded to Hillary Clinton a few hours later.

Jacobs was copied on two other classified emails that Clinton received on the issue of North Korean border detentions.

Additionally, Jacobs was copied on a May 20, 2009, email that State Department staffer Kurt Tong sent to colleagues with the subject line “DPRK: AMCIT BORDER DETENTIONS UPDATE #47.” Mills forwarded that email to Hillary Clinton.

The State Department classified that email on June 30, 2015, and marked it “CONFIDENTIAL.” It is set to be declassified on May 20, 2030.

Jacobs was also copied on an April 1, 2009, email that diplomat Chris Bishop sent to colleagues with the subject line “DPRK/CHINA: AMCIT BORDER DETENTIONS UPDATE #13.”

That email–which is almost completely redacted by the State Department–was forwarded by Mills to Clinton, as well. It is also now classified and marked “CONFIDENTIAL.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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Picture of parabellum
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One thing Joe Biden has, of which you are entirely bereft, Hil, is heart.

I'm no fan of Joe Biden, but in all his bumblings and putting his foot into his mouth, he seems ten thousand times more genuine than you, you criminal fraud.
Posts: 110949 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
They're after my Lucky Charms!
Picture of IrishWind
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Originally posted by SAR:
Here goes my 2 cents. I find it amazing that this email debacle is the only thing that anybody is bringing up negative about Hillary. Has everybody forgot all of the other questionable things her and Bill have allegedly been involved in? They have never been held accountable for any of it and it appears that they never will. I only hope that I am proven wrong.

Part is I believe that this is something tangible. It is hard to argue 'this is political motivated or a private matter' when there is hard proof Hillary did something wrong, and is hiding it. Also, I think the hope is there is other written proof in those EMails that can open the door to other corruption charges against her.

Lord, your ocean is so very large and my divos are so very f****d-up
Dirt Sailors Unite!
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
I see what you are saying but the Radar online site article does specify emails from Hillary's private server. I kept getting pop up ads and videos so I bailed from the site and didn't read the entire thing beyond that.

It's all confusing truthfully as we are talking about 2 different accounts. Blumenthals AOL account which has obviously been hacked and Hillary's private account on her own server that most likely has been hacked.

But as I said earlier I don't think it is going to amount to much either way.
If Gucifer or somebody else has the goods and dumps them publicly then we got something.

Hillary is genuinely sorry you are confused. Wink

“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” –Chuck Palahnuik

Be harder to kill:
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Picture of FlyingScot
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The best label for Hillary is appropriately a Soviet label...say it with derision


Apparatchik /ˌɑːpəˈrɑːtʃɪk/ (Russian: аппара́тчик [ɐpɐˈratɕɪk]) is a Russian colloquial term for a full-time, professional functionary of the Communist Party or government "apparat" (apparatus) that held any position of bureaucratic or political responsibility, with the exception of the higher ranks of management called "Nomenklatura". James Billington describes one as "a man not of grand plans, but of a hundred carefully executed details."[1] It is often considered a derogatory term, with negative connotations in terms of the quality, competence, and attitude of a person thus described.[2]

“Forigive your enemy, but remember the bastard’s name.”

-Scottish proverb
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by parabellum:
One thing Joe Biden has, of which you are entirely bereft, Hil, is heart.

I'm no fan of Joe Biden, but in all his bumblings and putting his foot into his mouth, he seems ten thousand times more genuine than you, you criminal fraud.

This is the God Damned Commie choice, between an evil conniving criminal fraud and a bumbling, good hearted genuine idiot.

For those to whom the Republican Party has become so distasteful, and some potential nominees so toxic, think about this long and hard.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Official forum
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JALLEN, you forgot the old socialist Santa Claus wannabe...they got him too.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
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Picture of Kadin
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Originally posted by SAR:
Here goes my 2 cents. I find it amazing that this email debacle is the only thing that anybody is bringing up negative about Hillary. Has everybody forgot all of the other questionable things her and Bill have allegedly been involved in? They have never been held accountable for any of it and it appears that they never will. I only hope that I am proven wrong.

I'm with you on this. She's got a long history of questionable practices and ethics violations, going all the way back in her professional career. Sure would think that any good reporters would cover that information as being relevant today.
Posts: 1848 | Location: Carrollton, TX | Registered: June 05, 2015Report This Post
Picture of domcintosh
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Originally posted by Kadin:
Originally posted by SAR:
Here goes my 2 cents. I find it amazing that this email debacle is the only thing that anybody is bringing up negative about Hillary. Has everybody forgot all of the other questionable things her and Bill have allegedly been involved in? They have never been held accountable for any of it and it appears that they never will. I only hope that I am proven wrong.

I'm with you on this. She's got a long history of questionable practices and ethics violations, going all the way back in her professional career. Sure would think that any good reporters would cover that information as being relevant today.
Those have been increasingly burdened with the 'right wing conspiracy' baggage, and are too far back to grab. This is now, it directly attacks the record she is trying to run on. She has zero accomplishments in anything, but her resume looks nice.

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Posts: 5446 | Location: Stationed in Kitsap Washington w/ the USN | Registered: November 04, 2007Report This Post
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LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CENTER FOR POLITICS: For all of her positives, and all of her experience, and the rest of it, it is stunning how bad a candidate she has been.

To take six months to stop the drip drip drip on the emails server, and it still won't stop. But to take six months to do what some on her team said to do in the beginning, is remarkable.

Look... she could easily come back... but I have to say, over the past six months she has bombed as a candidate.


The only part of Sabato's statement that I agree with is "it is stunning how bad a candidate she has been"

"For all her positives and experience.." is nonsense

but the main point is that HC can't stop the email drip drip drip. She has pissed off the intelligence community and it doesn't look like they are going to let it go.

Will politics allow a powerful presidential candidate to lie her way through a huge intentional security violation or will she will be held accountable like any other citizen ?

At this point I think Biden is the only hope for the Dems. But, we are a long way from November 2016. Been a wild one so far.


If Team Clinton hasn't hit the panic button yet, they certainly should.

According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, Hillary Clinton is trailing rival Bernie Sanders in Iowa 41-40 and based on his rise so far, he's expected to keep gaining on the former Secretary of State. In July, Clinton was beating Sanders in the state by 19 points.

According to the RealClearPolitics average, Clinton is losing to Sanders in New Hampshire by seven points, which is outside of the margin of error.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Picture of domcintosh
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"For all her positives and experience.." is nonsense

She hasn't actually accomplished anything. Her Resume is hollow.

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Posts: 5446 | Location: Stationed in Kitsap Washington w/ the USN | Registered: November 04, 2007Report This Post
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"For all her positives and experience.." is nonsense

Hillary has great positives in some eyes.
1-She is a Democrat.
2-She is a very liberal/progressive Democrat.
3-She is much beloved by the radical feminists.
4-Dems thought she could win.
5-The potential Dem bench is very, very thin.
6-See number one.

The beauty of her email problem is that it won’t go away. Many Democrats are very hard-headed when it comes to their candidates, it takes water torture to finally convince them that a candidate cannot win, they don’t give a damn how corrupt she is only that she wins.

May the torture continue….DRIP Drip Drip Drip………..
Posts: 3853 | Location: Citrus County Florida | Registered: October 13, 2008Report This Post
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Ol' Hil's "Reset Button" is like those buttons they put at intersections: "Push for Crosswalk"

I've pushed those suckers many times. Nothing happens. Razz
Posts: 110949 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
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Looks like the O'Keefe video left a mark.

Nevada attorney Christina Gupana, who is managing voter-registration efforts for the Clinton campaign in the key state of Nevada, was the unwitting star of O’Keefe’s undercover sting video this week. Gupana was caught on film apparently conspiring to violate election laws.

Now top state officials are investigating the matter.

“We do have an official complaint referencing the video,” Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary for elections in Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office, told Breitbart News. “The complaint was filed 2:30 local Nevada Time today. We will be investigating the complaint.”

Gupana deleted the website for her law practice Friday.
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