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that matter is being handled by career independent law enforcement agents, FBI agents as well as the career independent attorneys in the Department of Justice.

That does sound like a step forward
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Get Off My Lawn
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Hillary was on the Steve Harvey Show yesterday and shows she doesn't know the difference between the U.S. Constitution and The Declaration of Independence.

“You know what there is a Constitutional right for people to own guns but there is also a Constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that enables us top have a safe country where we are able to protect our children and others from this senseless gun violence.”

I have always thought that she was as dumb as a fence post, right down there with Barry.


"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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"that matter is being handled by career independent law enforcement agents, FBI agents as well as the career independent attorneys in the Department of Justice. "

I thought that was good (career independent attorneys in the Department of Justice), but WSJ pointed out that when DoJ investigated the IRS targeting conservative groups, Holder selected Barbara Bosserman.

Bosserman is from the DoJ Civil Rights Division and gave large donations to Obama's campaigns.

DoJ stonewalled congress about the IRS.

Why do we expect anything other than lies and corruption from Obama's DoJ ?
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by sdy:

Why do we expect anything other than lies and corruption from Obama's DoJ ?

DOJ will act only if it serves Obama's agenda.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Gov’t Memo Said Clinton Would Steer State Department Resources to Donor’s Haiti Project

Instead of building houses, Clinton Foundation donor Claudio Osorio went to prison

BY: Alana Goodman Follow @alanagoodman
February 26, 2016 4:59 am

An official at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a federal agency under the guidance of the State Department, wrote a memo on Jan. 26, 2010 to her superiors recommending funding for a construction project in Haiti.

According to the proposal, Miami businessman Claudio Osorio and his company InnoVida would build homes on the island using low-cost proprietary panels. Lynn Tabernacki, OPIC’s renewable energy director, noted in the report that InnoVida had “U.S. persons of political influence that are able to assist in advancing the company’s plans.”

“For instance, former President Bill Clinton is personally in contact with the Company to organize its logistical and support needs,” wrote Tabernacki. “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made available State Department resources to assist with logistical arrangements.”

Additionally, the Clinton Global Initiative had “indicated that it would be willing to contract to purchase 6,500 homes in Haiti from InnoVida within the next year.”

What was not explicitly stated in the memo, but known to OPIC officials at the time, was that Osorio had a prior relationship with the Clintons. Days earlier, the businessman had shown Tabernacki a video of Bill Clinton speaking at his home in 2007. The speech took place during a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign that Osorio hosted at his Star Island mansion.

Osorio was also a Clinton Foundation donor, contributing between $10,000 and $50,000 to the organization. Additionally, he had hired Clinton’s 2008 finance director Jonathan Mantz to lobby OPIC for the loan request.

Less than 24 hours after Tabernacki’s recommendation was sent, OPIC approved a $10 million loan to InnoVida. But the homes in Haiti were never built. By the following year, InnoVida had declared bankruptcy and its owner had caught the eye of both the Securities and Exchange Commission and the FBI.

In 2013, Osorio was sentenced to 12 years in prison for wire fraud and money laundering connected to the Haiti house-building scam. He was accused of cheating investors out of $40 million, using the money to pay for a Maserati, his Miami mansion, and a ski chalet in Colorado.

The existence of the OPIC memo was first reported by the Washington Free Beacon last summer, but the agency declined to release the document until now. The 25-page report indicates that Clinton may have used her position at the State Department to help donors to her family’s foundation.

The State Department declined to comment specifically on whether Clinton directed any department resources to support InnoVida. A State Department official said it was not typical for the secretary of state to be personally involved in an OPIC project.

“The Secretary of State is not involved in Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) projects, but U.S. embassy personnel like economic officers, and most importantly transport and security teams, can play a crucial role in OPIC’s development support process as well as OPIC’s ability to visit project sites,” said the State Department official. “The need for these logistics assets can be particularly useful in places with undeveloped or damaged infrastructure.”

According to the OPIC memo, the InnoVida project would be largely dependent on NGOs making bulk purchases of the homes it built.

The report said groups such as World Vision and Habitat for Humanity had expressed interest, but implied that talks were furthest along with the Clinton Global Initiative.

Two weeks after proposing the project, InnoVida had already “provided design plans to CGI and began construction of composite panels for construction of an infirmary and a school building to be immediately shipped to Haiti,” according to the report.

In addition to the Clintons, the memo said the company was in talks with other influential political figures, including General Wesley Clark, George Soros, and the first lady of Haiti.

“Wesley Clark is arranging for military transport of the initial structural panels; Steve Green (former CEO of Samsonite Corporation and former ambassador to Singapore [under Bill Clinton]) will provide large space on ocean vessels when necessary to ship the factory components,” wrote Tabernacki.

She said the company was still looking for a project site, but had “received offers from both George Soros and World Vision, who have warehouse space in the country.”

The report also noted that InnoVida’s board included former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush and Clinton’s 2008 national finance chair Chris Korge.
During the trial for InnoVida’s chief financial officer in 2013, Tabernacki testified that her memo was based on claims made by Osorio and other representatives of InnoVida, and she did not go out of her way to substantiate them before the loan was approved.

Other testimony from the trial also supported the memo’s claim that Bill Clinton was personally assisting InnoVida. An attorney at the prominent Florida law firm Shutts & Bowen testified that Bill Clinton reached out to friends at the firm to ask it to represent InnoVida in its loan negotiations.

OPIC approved its loan to InnoVida just two weeks after the company proposed the project. Officials said the process usually takes months or years.

The agency also waved its requirement for the company to turn over independently audited financial records up-front. Instead it relied on reports drafted by InnoVida’s chief financial officer, who was also sentenced to prison time in connection to the Haiti project.

The OPIC memo noted that Osorio had previously run a major tech company that went bankrupt after it was sued by shareholders for manipulating its stock prices through accounting fraud. But the memo downplayed the issue, arguing that, “this failure was only one of innumerable technology companies that suffered bankruptcy when the tech bubble burst.”

The National Legal and Policy Center, the government watchdog group that first uncovered the Clintons’ involvement with InnoVida, has called for an investigation into OPIC’s handling of the loan.

“This case represents a new low in the misuse of public funds by Clinton allies,” National Legal and Policy Center chairman Ken Boehm told the Free Beacon last July. “There must be an investigation into why this Clinton donor was using a law firm recommended by Bill Clinton and one of Hillary Clinton’s top fund raisers to improperly obtain millions from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.”

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I'll try to be brief
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This has gone on and on. What I do not understand is, if her emails were not classified, why aren't they all published, unredacted?
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Because they're unclassified enough that she can show them to her friends, but you? She doesn't know you.
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They're after my Lucky Charms!
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Originally posted by Himiko:
This has gone on and on. What I do not understand is, if her emails were not classified, why aren't they all published, unredacted?

Because she doesn't think you need to know about her yoga routines, Chelsea's Wedding, and deals to sell access for big donations to the Clinton Foundation.

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HC avoiding BLM

Hillary Clinton is moving her Friday event in Atlanta from Georgia State University to a smaller and more tightly controlled venue at City Hall.

Multiple people, in and out of the campaign, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the 12:45 p.m. event was being moved several blocks south to the old city council chambers in the iconic center of city government. The event is still open to the public.

The reason why it’s moving is less clear. Could it be because of what happened earlier Thursday in South Carolina? At a fund-raiser in Charleston, a protester called on Clinton to explain, why she once “called black youth ‘superpredators,'” just two days before Saturday’s Palmetto State primary and less than a week before Georgia’s March 1 primary.

It was a reference to a speech Clinton, then first lady, gave in 1996, of a crime bill passed two years earlier. At the time, Clinton said, according to The Washington Post:

“They are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘superpredators.’ No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”

Moving from Georgia State’s Student Center to City Hall allows Clinton to better control the audience. Which would also help prevent instances like the protest which happened on a visit to Atlanta in October, when Black Lives Matter demonstrators interrupted a speech she gave at Clark Atlanta University.

A person with knowledge of the move said it was switched to accommodate the schedule of Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, a Clinton supporter.
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routine update.

88 more Confidential emails released today by State Dept for Clinton's emails.

ho hum

That brings the total number of messages deemed classified in Clinton's account on her family's private server to about 1,840 , with 21 of those "Secret" and 22 "Top Secret."

State spokesman Mark Toner : "We’re still reviewing some of these emails – a lot of them, frankly. We’re going to be working hard through the weekend."

Friday's release involved no highly classified documents, although 88 emails or attachments were designated as "Confidential" — the lowest tier of classification.

More "Secret" or "Top Secret" designations could be coming Monday, since that is a deadline for State and intelligence agencies to sort out their differences on the classification issues and decide what determinations can be defended in court.

That final release — which is expected but not certain since State blew a similar deadline last month — comes on the eve of a key test for Clinton's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In the so-called Super Tuesday contests next week, delegates from 12 states are simultaneously on the line.

Minutes before the new set of emails was posted on the State Department website Friday, the House Select Committee on Benghazi announced that the agency just handed over more than 1,600 additional pages of Libya-related records — a disclosure that comes about four months after Clinton took the stand to testify.

The State Department in early January told a federal court in a FOIA lawsuit that it recently discovered a new batch of documents from the Office of the Secretary, which could have included materials from Clinton’s chief of staff Cheryl Mills, and deputy chiefs of staff like Jake Sullivan and Huma Abedin, among others schedulers.

A State official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the records sent to the Hill Friday are from this trove.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Oh, only 88 this time? Big effing deal... Eh


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Hillary puts the dem party in a good position from one angle. Flexibility. When the primary is pretty much sorted next week, they'll be able to actually do some meaningful polling to see how she stacks up to the Donald. If they firmly believe she can't beat him in the general, an indictment gives them the option of choosing whoever they want at the convention, I assume. Biden? Bloomberg maybe?

I've never thought shill would be the candidate, her liabilities may prevent a win. Unless they really have something up their sleeves, I can't imagine they would allow what might be a sure loser to be the nominee. If she is the candidate, to me it indicates the fix is in.
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holy crap.

watch this video where 2 people in the crowd turned on Bill Clinton. Awesome.

Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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It's good to see. The Clintons could have retired on top of the heap but they wanted more and it looks like it'll be their eventual downfall.

I saw where the democratic turnout was down and the republican turnout was up so far during the primaries. Trump excites people unlike sanders and hillary. The college support won't win this election cycle.


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holy crap.

watch this video where 2 people in the crowd turned on Bill Clinton. Awesome.

I just watched this video and read the corresponding article on FOX. The comments were coming in so fast that I couldn't read them fast enough.
Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by sdy:
holy crap.

watch this video where 2 people in the crowd turned on Bill Clinton. Awesome.


"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Originally posted by sdy:
holy crap.

watch this video where 2 people in the crowd turned on Bill Clinton. Awesome.

Yep, ole big Bill is a bit beyond his prime for sure. But as important, did you note the size of the crowd he was speaking to. There couldn't be more than 100 people in that room. The Dem's are really excited to get out and vote of Hillz. Roll Eyes

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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Am I the only one who thinks this:

Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Seems like an odd name and function for a federal government agency?

Why is a government agency a corporation at all? Why is this corporation an agency?

Seems weird.
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The government creates corporations for more or less the same reasons private parties do. That's why we have, for example, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation watching over banks and their bankruptcies. Whether or not an overseas investment corporation makes sense is another question entirely.
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Clinton wiping Sanders out in South Carolina

50 points ahead with half the vote in.

Exit polls showed 6 in 10 voters in the South Carolina primary were black. About 7 in 10 said they wanted the next president to continue Obama's policies
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