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Netanyahu: We are at war. Israel attacked by Hamas. Login/Join 
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Biden Sends "War Powers" Notification to Congress over Gaza

Reported on 1 website. We will see what tomorrow brings
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A Grateful American
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He also sent out a request of what tomorrow's two scoops of ice-cream flavors will be available.

Fucking Gump POTUS.

" Is that idiot Biden gonna get us in a war with Russia or China?"

Biden: "Hold my ice-cream cone..."

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Baroque Bloke
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Blitzing communications will greatly handicap Hamas.

“Gazans who have refused to leave the north of the enclave despite Israel's warnings to do so are living in a state of 'panic, fear and chaos' amid the heaviest bombardments yet since October 7 and a total communications blackout.

Shocking images were leaked out of the Palestinian occupied territory on Saturday as bombardments deprived civilians, journalists and aid agencies [and Hamas] of electricity, internet or phone signal.
BBC correspondent Rushi Abualouf, speaking from the southern city of Khan Younis, said: 'We have had no communication here for the last 10 hours as Israel cut internet lines, fibre lines, also the two main mobile carriers were stopped, so people were unable to communicate with each other.

'(It is) a state of panic, fear and chaos; very chaotic scenes in the street. People don't know what to do in these circumstances.' …”

DailyMail article:

Serious about crackers
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wishing we
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Near the Gaza border, staging grounds once teeming with hundreds of Israeli tanks, armored personnel carriers and bulldozers have mostly emptied out. Logistics support vehicles and armored personnel carriers flowed toward Gaza.

CNN also observed some tank units returning from the direction of Gaza, back to their forward operating positions. But unlike the tank raids the IDF carried out inside Gaza the two previous nights, many troops that charged into Gaza Friday night remained inside enemy territory as the IDF said its troops were still fighting Hamas inside Gaza Saturday morning.

The IDF said on Saturday morning: "Overnight, IDF fighter jets struck Asem Abu Rakaba, the Head of Hamas' Aerial Array.

"Abu Rakaba was responsible for Hamas' UAVs, drones, paragliders, aerial detection and defense.

"He took part in planning the October 7 massacre and commanded the terrorists who infiltrated Israel on paragliders and was responsible for the drone attacks on IDF posts."

It comes as the IDF revealed Hamas' naval forces commander Rateb Abu Sahiban - who led a failed infiltration attempt by sea on October 24 - was also killed in an overnight airstrike, according to local media.

Other top Hamas commanders Abed Alrahman, Khalil Muhajez, and Khalil Tatri were wiped out in an airstrike on Tuesday, the IDF claimed.

Israeli tanks and troops stormed into Gaza on Friday night to battle Hamas in a "rolling start" to a full-scale invasion.

The terrorist group was bombarded from land, air, and sea as Israeli fighter planes, warships, and artillery pounded the Gaza Strip for hours in what was the third and largest armed raid this week.
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Picture of Ironbutt
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Originally posted by Pipe Smoker:

'(It is) a state of panic, fear and chaos; very chaotic scenes in the street. People don't know what to do in these circumstances.' …”

No internet, or phone! Oh my! That's inhumane. Israel should've warned them.

Oh, that's right. They have been warning them for weeks to GTFO.


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Political Cynic
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No sympathy at all

They are living the good life getting exactly what they’ve wanted all these years

I hope Israel absolutely decimates the places and doesn’t pull any punches

Time to end the existence of Hamas once and for all - every last one.

They asked for this and they’re getting it. They thought it would be clean and it’s going to be messy. Take no prisoners.

War isn’t clean and surgical. They’re finding out and in my opinion it’s too fucking bad they’ve never developed beyond the 14th century mentality. They’ve had so many opportunities. Squandered every one.

Time to put an end to the tormentors and the destabilizing factions.
Posts: 53471 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
would not care
to elaborate
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Time to end the existence of Hamas once and for all - every last one.

I wonder if that's possible.
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Hamas hides their operational locations in hospitals, schools, and mosques, and uses civilians as human shields so that they can claim "you bombed a hospital and xxx people died!" These are war crimes.

The people of Gaza elected Hamas as their government, and Hamas doesn't give a shit about them. So it's hard to talk about the "poor civilian casualties" when they are complicit in this. They were told to go south to get away from the war zone, but they followed their Hamas "leaders" and stayed, so they can be human shields, or in other words useful idiots.

The people of Germany elected the Nazi party and allowed them to continue ruling after they went full-totalitarian. Civilians worked in the factories manufacturing war supplies. Factories got bombed as legitimate military targets and workers got killed.

War is hell. If you don't want to be in a war, don't start one.

I agree 100% that this time Isreal has to finish it by eradicating every last person in Hamas. The civilians should hear non stop warnings to leave and go south by bullhorn, and leaflets from the air. If they choose to stay, it is on them.
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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Originally posted by sse:
Time to end the existence of Hamas once and for all - every last one.

I wonder if that's possible.

I believe Israel will make a solid go at it!


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
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Picture of erj_pilot
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Originally posted by sse:
Time to end the existence of Hamas once and for all - every last one.
I wonder if that's possible.
I don't think it is. The children of these Hamas barbarians will grow up to be Hamas barbarians and seek revenge on Israel and will in turn teach THEIR children how to guessed it...Hamas barbarians and seek revenge on Israel, etc., etc., generation after generation.

It's a vicious cycle. The ONLY way to rid the world of Hamas barbarians is to destroy every last bit of their seed. And that, to us, is an abhorrent impossibility because "we" value life.

Originally posted by nhracecraft:
I believe Israel will make a solid go at it!
Yes. Yes they will...

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Coin Sniper
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Originally posted by sse:
Time to end the existence of Hamas once and for all - every last one.

I wonder if that's possible.

Doubtful, too many radicalized individuals out there ready to pick up the torch. If not, there are enough just on the edge that would be irate enough at the killing of Muslims by Jews to leap over the edge and join the cause.

Somehow you have to defeat their outright hatred for anyone who is not align with their version of Islam. Given that hasn't happened in several thousand years, I doubt it will any time soon.

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Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by sse:
Time to end the existence of Hamas once and for all - every last one.

I wonder if that's possible.

Interview with son of one of the founders of Hamas. If it happens, the only way is from within, the people of Gaza need to wake up and just say no more, we want peace and a good life, this war with Isreal for 50+ years only hurts us. I pray this guy is right at the end of the video and it's the Palestinian people that deal the final death blow to Hamas.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Political Cynic
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Israel will do their part in the eradication and if the Palestinians ever want peace they will finish the eradication from within

Either way, it needs to be done. Get the problem resolved in this decade.
Posts: 53471 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Skins2881:
If it happens, the only way is from within, the people of Gaza need to wake up and just say no more, we want peace and a good life, this war with Isreal for 50+ years only hurts us. I pray this guy is right at the end of the video and it's the Palestinian people that deal the final death blow to Hamas.

It's not just Hamas but, many other groups, who all hold a genocidal view against Jews which in-turn, is fed by their overall societal view of varying stripes. Not all Palestinians hold such views but, they've had many generations who's mantra and MO in life, is to hold a bigoted view of Jews & Israelis, or to impulsively wish or, act upon those impulses. Look at the protests around the Western world by Palestinians and their supporters, there's no wishing for peace slogans or, signs, nobody denouncing rape and kidnapping....they're pretty aggressive in what their wishing for.
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wishing we
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"We destroyed our enemy from the air and we paved the way for our ground forces to go inside Gaza," Netanyahu said after Israel expanded its ground operations, sending soldiers and tanks into the Gaza Strip overnight into Saturday. The prime minister said the fighting has now entered a second stage of a war to destroy Hamas and bring some 230 hostages home safely.

"This is our second independence war. We will fight on the land, air and from the sea. We will fight on the ground and under the ground. In this war, we stand together – this is the fight of our life."

Netanyahu said that the war cabinet made the decision to expand on its ground operations.

"We made the decision to expand ground operations unanimously – both in the War Cabinet and in the political-security cabinet. We did so in a prudent and informed manner, out of a commitment to ensuring the fate of the state and ensuring the safety of our soldiers. The commanders and fighters who are now fighting in enemy territory know that the people, and the leadership of the people, stand behind them," Netanyahu said.

He said the goals of the second stage are clear: "the destruction of Hamas' military and governmental capabilities, and the return of the hostages home."

"The war inside Gaza is going to be long," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Saturday.
Posts: 19704 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
34" Scale 5-String
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Yep. Right on schedule Roll Eyes

I often do not agree with Graham, but on this post I do... No apologies by the US is needed or expected; hit'em hard until they get the message!

Bill R.
North Alabama
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Peace through
superior firepower
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Man, the point is that his solution for all foreign policy issues is to drop bombs on some country.

He's a warmonger. It's not whether or not you agree with him on one particular issue; it's that he's a disgusting warmonger who always wants US armed forces to do the killing he thirsts for, but does not possess the courage to do himself.
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The grievance industry worldwide needs to be stamped out
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Almost all Islamic people in or from the Middle East and Persia object to the state of Israel, except the few business minded countries that signed the Abraham accords. That is just how it is.

And based on immigration, there are more Muslims in the US than Jews now, so politicians are favoring the greater numbers. The Governor of Michigan has a huge Muslim population in the Detroit area so you will never hear clear condemnation of Hamas terrorism. Lot of funding to terrorists flows through US Mosques as well.

Muslims in Indonesia, Pakistan/India, and Africa may have different views on Isreal, but they are not exactly on the side of religious tolerance either.

Even my employer who is proud of their 98 ESG score and all their "diversity" said only that they are heartbroken about the violence in the region cased by hate. That's weak sauce. But we have more business in the middle east due to oil than we do in Isreal. And money trumps everything else.
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Baroque Bloke
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DeSantis vows to strip US funding after UN demanded Israeli ceasefire

“Ron DeSantis says the United Nations is a 'mess' and a 'total farce' as he vowed to strip U.S. funding from the General Assembly if he becomes president.

The Florida Governor and 2024 hopeful told that the UN has become a 'den' where 'bad actors in the world get together and misbehave.'

UN General Secretary António Guterres claimed the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel earlier this month were a response to the Jewish State's actions, comments that have been widely viewed as anti-Israel.

Additionally, the UN General Assembly voted 120 to 14 on Friday to call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel. This action has also been viewed as anti-Semitic with critics claiming it is asking Israel to not defend itself from a Palestinian terrorist organization.

'What an absolute disgrace,' DeSantis said in an interview with on Saturday. 'And then to do a moral equivalency and to call for a ceasefire.'

'So wait a minute, Israelis can be massacred and cold blood, butchered, raped, mutilated, burned – and yet somehow they're not supposed to respond?' the Florida Governor lamented. 'I mean, give me a break.' …”

DailyMail article:

Serious about crackers
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