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Netanyahu: We are at war. Israel attacked by Hamas. Login/Join 
wishing we
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Israel reports that many of the men in underware were released.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari explained the arrest procedure in detail later Sunday, but also said the humiliating photos were not distributed by his office, and that troops would change the arrest procedure in cases where it was not being properly followed

On Friday, Hagari said more than 200 “suspects” had been apprehended, but, of them, only “dozens” were transferred to the Shin Bet security agency and Military Intelligence Directorate’s Unit 504 for interrogation about their alleged involvement in terror activities.

“The people we’re seeing in these images are all suspected terrorists,” Levy said. “We wish that all Hamas fighters were wearing uniforms that clearly said Hamas on their helmets, because that would make them easier to identify them. But when Hamas [members] dress up as civilians, and fight within civilian areas, they make it very difficult to find them.”

According to Israel’s Channel 12 news on Sunday, some 700 people have been detained, 60 percent of whom have been determined to not be terrorists. Haaretz, citing the assessment of senior defense officials, reported that only 10-to-15% of the arrested men are thought to be affiliated with Hamas.

The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement to AFP on Sunday that troops in Gaza detain and question individuals suspected of involvement in “terrorist activity.”

“Individuals who are found not to be taking part in terrorist activities are released,” it added, saying that the detainees are treated in accordance with international law.

According to the IDF, people deemed a potential threat are stripped to ensure that they are not carrying weapons or explosives.
Posts: 19702 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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What's this?? She's a fraud? Why, I never would have guessed it.

Not only a diversity hire, but an incompetent, lazy diversity hire? Who has ever heard of such a thing? Shocking, I tell you.

Posts: 108292 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Claudine Gay has been President of Harvard for only 5 months.

She assumed the office 1 July 2023
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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And apparently, she's a HUGE Fraud! High school students don't even try to get away with that level of plagiarism! Roll Eyes


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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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A fraud is a contemptible human being. There is good reason why Dante reserved fraudsters and fakes for the lowest circles of hell. They are truly scum of the earth. Despicable filth that deserve the worst that hell has to offer.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
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The Main Thing Is
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Picture of wishfull thinker
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I admit, these three bimbos had me fooled. I thought they were playing stupid and was annoyed at their arrogance.

I apologize, they really are that stupid. They have benefited hugely by the weird turns our country and culture have taken and were stupid enough not to shut up when the hounds started to bay.

If I had a gif of clowns riding tricycles in circles while calliope music played I'd post it.


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Staring back
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So now there's two presidents guilty of plagiarism.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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A Grateful American
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Originally posted by Gustofer:
So now there's two presidents guilty of plagiarism.

It depended on the context, when “reading verbatim crosses into Xeroxophobic conduct, that violates policies against plagiarism.”

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Remember that these people live in the ironclad bubble of academia. The way they obfuscated and equivocated when answering that very simple question by Rep Stefanik was simply SOP for them when under the protective bubble in which they live and breath every single waking moment. I'm sure they were truly shocked, legitimately flabbergasted, in the following days when the backlash they received starting rising to the real possibility of them facing consequences. They simply could not have foreseen such a thing. And that is clear in that they all gave the same canned answers. They weren't caught off guard; they were coached. Well, I guess coach forgot to tell these three creatures of academia that stepping out onto the playing field of reality means sometimes catching a fastball right in the damn mouth.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
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Peace through
superior firepower
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Smile Buncha assclowns.

Nowhere to hide, cockroach. You had the chance to do the right thing and you chose to insult the intelligence of every person who heard your smug, condescending testimony, and now, the Great Unblinking Eye has turned towards you and it won't go away until you go away.

Posts: 108292 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Back, and
to the left
Picture of 83v45magna
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Oh she must resign now. Resign she must, that lemon-headed idiot.

The MIT broad managed to garner what they want to appear to be ironclad support from her board of grand Poobahs. This makes me wonder, what is the main source of funding for MIT? I'm guessing the federal gubmint, uncle sugar, is one of the prime sources.
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Baroque Bloke
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Remember that these people live in the ironclad bubble of academia. The way they obfuscated and equivocated when answering that very simple question by Rep Stefanik

“Nuanced”, they would claim.

Serious about crackers
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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Glad to see SNL catching hell for this sketch where they are mocking Rep. Elise Stefanik, you can always tell who they are most fearful of by who they chose to go after. I was a loyal SNL viewer from 1986 when I just a kid to around 2017 when it became "Bash Trump all the time in every sketch" and I gave up in disgust:

SNL is excoriated for its 'tone-deaf' and 'shoddy' takedown of House anti-Semitism hearings... as it's revealed ex-star PULLED OUT of controversial sketch despite rehearsing

Posts: 34160 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This is from another forum, the member posting is an Israeli living outside of the major metro-areas, I believe he's a reservist. He's trying to answer a number of questions from members ranging from firearm ownership & access, how things are being perceived/experienced, and attitudes in-general.

Para, let me know if this not allowed and I'll pull it but, thought this could provide some on-the-ground perspective in Israel as of last week.


Between womens rights groups and the peace process Israel and the IDF went woke and stupid.

Israel always has had stupid gun laws, a legacy of commies and Europeans starting the country. In a lot of places in Europe through history a Jew with a gun received the death penalty. So they were deprived of ever building a gun culture. Then you add that most of the people that immigrated to pre State Israel came from the USSR, it meant that guns were tolerated and only due to no choice did the government have guns and they would then issue them that needed them.

Then starting at the same time of the whole peace BS pushed by the USA and leftist in Israel, the womens groups in Israel started pushing guns kill women in domestic violence and guns became even harder to get. Security guards that used to be able to take their issued pistols home now had to leave them at work.

Due to the IDF and Police going woke they took guns away from rural villages. When I moved into my little village our arms room was full of AK's and Uzis. Our nearest neighbors are 25to40 k palistians . We were suffering multiple incidents of arson and major theft a week. I put an end to that in just a matter of weeks. I had guns from work, so I never checked out an AK or Uzi, but in like 3 months after I moved there the AK's were gone replaced by M1 carbines. In the end almost all the guns were taken.

In the IDF it went from sleeping with your rifle to rifles at night were locked up in the armory. This was even the case for all the sites a long the Gaza border. The position of the government and IDF was Hamas will never go to war with us beyond every once in a while shooting some rockets into Israel. The reason these idiots both in the IDF, Shabak, Police and the government bet on was that so much money was being allowed into Gaza they will never do anything against us.

Problem is Hamas and the Palestinians are whores like the leadership in Jerusalem and DC for that matter. They are corrupt just not whores.

The moving of the 2 Commando platoons was normal I don't read anything bad into it. gaza border was quite and norther Samaria was not.

The problem is that the leftist and later even the so called right thought jobs inside Israel that paid good were the answer to build peace. So 20,000 came out of Gaza to work in southern Israel. They even let them work in IDF bases. 20,000 spies inside our communities and military bases. The f up was so bad that they even targeted a IAF base that has things that will make you glow in the dark and they knew what was there.

One base for reserve soldiers in the south was taken over totally . When the commander responded to 10/7 Hamas was waiting for him at the armory. They murdered him and took his body away which had the keys to the armory . Hamas terroris then got on the roof of the armory and when 300 soldiers started showing up they were attacked.

The bottom line the fact that Israel was not defeated on what is now called Shabbat Shahor Black Sabbath was a miracle from G-D.

Also brave men and women both as individuals and in groups of 4 or less from MAGAV, Police, IDF saved the country by rushing south. Many started the day only armed with a pistol.

4 women serving in a coed infantry unit, killed over 100 terrorist.

Ketar Soran a MAGAV officer who grew up next to my house was highlighted by the police. The police showed his body cam footage on the news. His Glock took down a lot of terrorist and when he was out of ammo he was doing battlefield pick ups of AKs.

Unamed officer part of the family serving in YAMAM answered the call on that morning . He was off of any duty so his battle kit was back at the office. He had his Glock 17 and a total of 4 mags. He drove up to a road block that he thought was IDF. They had IDF uniforms and gear. The rifles came from Astan as part of the stuff Brandon left behind. He got out of his vehicle to go speak to the commander of the road block/ staging area (it had like 40 people too many for just a road block) our hero happened to see something that clued him into these were Palis not Jews. So with a smile still on his face he jerked out his smoke wagon( I always wanted to say that ) and started shoot them . When he was able to break contact he did, not going back to his car but rather he just ran into the woods. 20 dead were found at the location later.

The mission was Hamas that day beyond the stuff they did in the south is they sent squads north with the mission to hook up with Hamas in the miscalled west bank.
These squads were unable to get the mission done because by the time they got father north every Jew was on edge . Like 8 or 9 days after the 7th the police caught a squad of these bastards like 2 klicks from my house,

Israel is never going to be the same. More people own guns today than ever. We are working to get more rifles in the hands of QRF in every village . It isn't America yet when it comes to guns and probably never will be but it is better than Israel ever has been. I hope we get to the place where money is the only limiting factor to gun ownership. The other problem we have is we have Israeli Arabs that have the same rights and I trust most of them like I trust Hamas.
Posts: 14841 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It seems like she could make the argument that plagiarism is actually a form of free speech. She didn't actually PAY for stealing ideas so it's truly free.

Why am I having flashbacks to Elisabeth Warren? (Princess Running Joke).
Posts: 700 | Location: Rural W. MI | Registered: February 25, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by PASig:
Glad to see SNL catching hell for this sketch where they are mocking Rep. Elise Stefanik, you can always tell who they are most fearful of by who they chose to go after. I was a loyal SNL viewer from 1986 when I just a kid to around 2017 when it became "Bash Trump all the time in every sketch" and I gave up in disgust:

SNL is excoriated for its 'tone-deaf' and 'shoddy' takedown of House anti-Semitism hearings... as it's revealed ex-star PULLED OUT of controversial sketch despite rehearsing

SNL staff are likely congratulating each other for making the sketch; that by tweaking the noses of those who were offended, they think they're still capable of doing edgy comedy.
As one quote said, SNL is as out of touch as the three university presidents they tried to find humor in.
Posts: 14841 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Originally posted by corsair:

SNL staff are likely conratulating each other for making the sketch; that by tweaking the noses of those who were offended, they think they're still capable of doing edgy comedy.
As one quote said, SNL is as out of touch as the three university presidents they tried to find humor in.

Cecily Strong was ‘uncomfortable’ as Stefanik in ‘SNL’ antisemitism sketch and backed out at last minute: source

And the plot thickens

Cecily Strong was on SNL from 2012 to 2022 and was decent as a cast member but she must have gotten some bad vibes about this sketch going not after the 3 horrible college presidents but Rep Stefanik.

SNL turns 50 in 2025 but it seems like it's past time to pull the plug on this garbage show

Posts: 34160 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Am I the ONLY 64 yo who has never watched SNL?

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Picture of SIG4EVA
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Originally posted by Sig2340:
Am I the ONLY 64 yo who has never watched SNL?

How did you miss it in its peak? Here's a few.
Eddie Murphy
Bill Murray
Phil Hartman
Mike Myers
Dana Carvey

SIG556 Classic
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Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it"
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Peace through
superior firepower
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Fucking fraud. The only genuine thing about her is her racism.

Fortunately, weight is being brought to bear against this shameless bitch.

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