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"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by darthfuster:
Originally posted by Skins2881:
Maybe we should chip in a send a thesaurus to them?

Kamala won’t fall for it. She knows dinosaurs are extinct. That includes the Thesaurus though DNA might still be viable unburdened by what has been.

Well played.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Good grief! I've watched three vids on YouTube this evening, trying to learn a thing or two, and every one of them has been preceded by a Harris campaign ad. Can't skip it, can't fast-forward it, and one I couldn't even mute (within the YT controls).

Go away, Kam, we don't like you!

God bless America.
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Peace through
superior firepower
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Get people in arena with free concert

Free concert ends

People leave

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Liberal Media Scrambles to Do Damage Control for Harris

( – Liberal media outlets are downplaying potentially damaging news stories against Kamala Harris in the wake of her possible rise to the top of the Democratic presidential ticket.

GovTrack, a government transparency platform that allows people to view the partisan leanings and voting records of U.S. lawmakers, pulled down its own page that labeled Harris as the “most liberal” U.S. Senator in 2019. The website gives these ratings to lawmakers based on the bills they sponsor or co-sponsor in Congress.

Now, the website claims that they decided to remove Harris’ ratings as only one year of voting records is not a “reliable portrait” to judge any lawmaker.

Pro-Democratic media is also attempting not to blame Harris for the severe U.S. Southern border crisis, which is her biggest burden entering the 2024 presidential race.

Axios referred to Harris as Biden’s “border czar” as early as April 2021 but recently came to defend the vice president, stating that former president Donald Trump was responsible for giving her this title.

Other legacy media outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, and CBS, are also promoting the narrative now that Harris was never a “border czar” of Joe Biden, despite embracing the term in the past.

This defense came at a time when an increasing number of voters were planning to vote based on the immigration issue.

A recent Morning Consult poll revealed that almost 58% of voters view immigration as “very important” while 28% see it as a “somewhat important” issue in influencing their voting decision later this year.

Fact checker PolitiFact marked RNC’s claim that Biden appointed Kamala Harris to curb illegal immigration as “mostly false.” Instead, the fact checker claimed that Harris was mandated to deal with foreign governments to address the root causes of illegal immigration.

Time Magazine, The New York Times, and NPR are also furthering the narrative that Harris was never appointed as “border czar,” with the New York Times even blaming Republicans for imposing the title on the vice president.


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Kamala Harris Is Making Democrats Start to Sweat
By Ward Clark | 4:15 PM on July 29, 2024

Remember how many primary delegates Kamala Harris won in the 2020 Democrat primaries? Oh, yes - none. She dropped out before a single primary vote was cast, in no small part because she was the recipient of a devastating attack by then-Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard (HI), who abandoned her laid-back aloha composure to tear Harris apart over her record as attorney general of California. I was recently able to uncover some previously unknown video coverage of Tulsi's takedown of Kamala Harris.

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Posts: 8665 | Location: 18 miles long, 6 Miles at Sea | Registered: January 22, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Judge Joe Brown has Knee Pads pegged Smile.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Posts: 34515 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
No, not like
Bill Clinton
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Wow, Judge Joe. Surprising

And that Joyce dude, WTF?

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Wait, what?
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“I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year”…

I love how the leftist softens the blow by saying “this year”. Cackles has no chance in ANY year.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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A little something about PA Gov Josh Shapiro.
Josh Shapiro’s rise wasn’t accidental. Just ask those who helped him get here — or felt betrayed along the way
The Pennsylvania governor is on a shortlist of potential running mates for Vice President Kamala Harris. Those who’ve tracked his steady rise say it's not by chance.
With a critical election looming, Democratic leaders worried that their aging incumbent was no longer in a position to win and were debating dumping him from the ticket.

Josh Shapiro stood ready to seize the opportunity.

The race? A 2011 campaign for the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. Party leaders blindsided their longtime standard-bearer, former U.S. Rep. Joe Hoeffel, and threw their support behind Shapiro, a then-37-year-old state lawmaker and former Hoeffel chief of staff who had not publicly expressed interest in the job.

Hoeffel saw his former protégé's entry into the race as a betrayal. But Marcel Groen, then chair of the county’s Democratic Party, defended his decision in an interview with The Inquirer at the time.

Of Shapiro — who would go on to secure a commanding win and flip the board to Democratic control for the first time in history — Groen said:

“Watch, he’s going to be president one day.”

Now, 13 years later, Shapiro finds himself under consideration for a role a heartbeat away from that job and is, once again, poised to potentially benefit from a last-minute reshuffling of a Democratic ticket.

Those who’ve tracked his steady rise — from state representative, to Montgomery County commissioner, to state attorney general, to governor — say it’s not by chance that Shapiro is a front-runner on Vice President Kamala Harris’ shortlist of potential running mates.

More on Josh Shapiro
Vice President Kamala Harris, poised to become the Democratic Party's presidential nominee after President Joe Biden's historic decision to leave the race, is eyeing Gov. Josh Shapiro as a potential running mate. Here's a look at some of our coverage.

Josh Shapiro’s rise wasn’t accidental. Just ask those who helped him get here — or felt betrayed along the way
Why the thought of Josh Shapiro as Kamala Harris’ VP nominee is making the Pa. GOP nervous
How a sexual harassment scandal involving a former Josh Shapiro aide could affect the Pa. governor’s VP chances
In Philly, Gov. Josh Shapiro wouldn’t say if he wants to be VP. He also won’t take himself out of the conversation.
Could Josh Shapiro become the Democrats’ pick for vice president?
Who would take over if Josh Shapiro is chosen as Kamala Harris’ running mate?
Josh Shapiro is getting VP hype for a commanding win in Pa. — against a weak opponent
Would Josh Shapiro’s stances on Israel help or hurt Kamala Harris’ ticket?

He’s proven himself as a skilled communicator and a competent leader with a record of accomplishments that appeal to voters in both parties, such as improving his county’s bond rating and bringing attention to the Catholic Church’s coverup of child sex abuse. He’s demonstrated an ability to win big in a critical swing state — earning more votes than even the presidential candidates in Pennsylvania in 2016 and 2020.

But driving Shapiro’s success over his two-decade political career is an ambition fed by a sharp political acumen, an uncanny knack for positioning himself to seize a moment, and a laser-like focus on not just what’s good for Pennsylvania but what’s good for his own career — even if it occasionally comes at the expense of former allies and friends who say he turned against them to serve his own interests.

“I recognize that at this moment, in probably every moment in my life, folks are judging me from the outside. And that’s fine,” Shapiro said on Tuesday. “It’s part of the business. I’m most comfortable with every decision I made that it’s always been about service.”

Though Shapiro hasn’t publicly said he wants to become vice president, leaders of his own state party are openly campaigning for him to be Harris’ running mate as she takes on former President Donald Trump.

And he’s shown no signs of waving them off.

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Posts: 8665 | Location: 18 miles long, 6 Miles at Sea | Registered: January 22, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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All the videos of Shapiro the past 2 weeks show him speaking with a very Obama-esque affectation and I don't think that is coincidental either.

Posts: 34515 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Southern Kamala

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Lawyers, Guns
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Kamala Harris and the Californication of America

Kamala Harris is going to represent the Democrats in the race for U.S. president for the same reason Joe Biden did. Just like Joe, she is a puppet for her donors, who want to rule the world.
By Edward Ring
July 31, 2024

If you have ever confronted the astonishing hatred that San Francisco Bay Area Democrats have for anything Republican, much less MAGA Republican, then you understand why Kamala Harris may become the next president of the United States.

This isn’t a hate that is grounded in reality. It is nurtured by decades of propaganda, backed by trillions of dollars in big tech wealth, and, lately, the most powerful tools of mass hypnosis and Pavlovian conditioning the world has ever seen. If you question any of their pieties—climate, race, gender, Trump—you are instantly and permanently dehumanized. It is impossible to change their minds. There is no room for nuance. There is no tolerance for alternative perspectives. You are hated. You are garbage. Give up. Die.

This is Kamala Harris’s core constituency.

If you haven’t experienced the withering rebukes of San Francisco progressives or been the target of their white-hot rage, you might think Harris’s Portlandian drivel actually indicates a benevolent, if somewhat intellectually middling, soul. Her bird-brained new-age prognostications are certainly more humorous than fearsome:

“It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day.”

“The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.”

“You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.”

It’s hard to ascribe malevolence to phrases like this. They’re the words of a vapid airhead, not a tyrant. On the other hand, Harris’s penchant for nodding her head in the affirmative as a way to punctuate literally everything she says is more than slightly ominous. It is a condescending, passive-aggressive way to telegraph what is actually a terrifying arrogance. I am right. You will agree. Nod your head with me. This is how it is.


Here’s what Kamala Harris is really about, and here’s what we are up against:

California is ruled by a coalition of extreme environmentalists, opportunistic business interests, the “renewables” lobby, the Homeless Industrial Complex, the DEI Industrial Complex, public sector unions, including the rabidly partisan and woke teachers union, and Hollywood, all backed by tech billionaires who wield stupefying wealth and influence.

At its roots, this is a coalition of lunatics, crooks, and amoral pragmatists. A prominent Democrat who was working on some genuine reforms once told me, “We had the Republicans at hello.” A businessman who supports Democrats once shared with me a similar sentiment. “Why should we back Republicans?” he said, “we’ve already got them.” And yet the Republicans, especially the “MAGA Republicans,” are the threat. Go figure.

This is a machine, and Harris is just a cog. Meanwhile, California is broken. People can’t afford homes or any other essentials, including gasoline, electricity, water, food, tuition, or health care. And the reason California is broken is because the economy is dominated by leeches who profit from inefficiency and failure and hide behind pessimistic narratives—climate doom, race and gender resentment.

Not every Democrat in California has bought the progressive narrative. Not every one of them has become usefully terrified of climate catastrophes, pervasive white bigotry, and MAGA fascists. Not every one of them has succumbed to apocalyptic fear and hence yielded to blinding hatred of the alleged deniers, bigots, Nazis and MAGA storm troopers on the brink of destroying the world.

No. Some of them are just practical. Do you want to do business in California? Play ball with the Democratic machine. Do you want to make incremental change? Maybe find some nonpartisan island of common sense and work towards at least one useful reform? Be a Democrat. To have credibility in California, that’s the price of admission. Which is to say, there are some Democrats in California trying to do some good.

The problem with this otherwise sound reasoning is that even Democrats with mostly good ideas are bound to have at least one issue where they are insanely, fatally flawed. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a perfect example. On many critical issues, he is a breath of fresh air, a voice of honesty and courage. But on the issue of climate change, his positions are just as fascist, delusional and obedient to the doom narrative as the worst machine politician the Democrats can offer.

Which brings us back to Kamala Harris. She is going to represent the Democrats in the race for U.S. president for the same reason Joe Biden did. Just like Joe, she is a puppet. A cog in the machine. But make no mistake about the motivations of her donors. They want to rule the world. And make no mistake about her grassroots supporters. They have been manipulated into thinking of themselves as embattled warriors, fueled by a hatred they believe is righteous and justified.

The irony is deep and tragic. They are the Nazis they hate. They are the haters they hate. They are the puppets of the authoritarian machine they think they’re fighting.

As Kamala Harris spouts her goofy aphorisms, in between stoking her acolytes with fear and loathing, this machine is one election away from consolidating its power across America. If it wins, it will do to the entire country what it’s done to California.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: chellim1,

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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Big Grin


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 2024....Save America!
"May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20
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Oriental Redneck
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The SuggALotaCox. LMAO.


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Thank you
Very little
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Well, it will be labeled the "birther" movement but it is going on...

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Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Following the Joe Biden model of only parroting canned words off a teleprompter and avoiding the press at all costs in any sort of live/unscripted way:

11 Days: Kamala Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee

Posts: 34515 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
More light than heat
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I suggest maybe not relying on Laura Loomer as a source for well, anything.

Kamala Harris' father, Donald, is a black dude. A light skinned one, to be sure, but a black dude nonetheless.

I think I'd be moving on from this line of attack.


"Age does not bring wisdom. Often it merely changes simple stupidity into arrogant conceit. It's only advantage, so far as I have been able to see, is that it spans change. A young person sees the world as a still picture, immutable. An old person has had his nose rubbed in changes and more changes and still more changes so many times that that he knows it is a moving picture, forever changing. He may not like it--probably doesn't; I don't--but he knows it's so, and knowing is the first step in coping with it."

Robert Heinlein

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Originally posted by Milliron:
Kamala Harris' father, Donald, is a black dude. A light skinned one, to be sure, but a black dude nonetheless.

Jamaican, light, dark or any shade in between - it really doesn't matter. Her identity "color" has been determined and it will be regurgitated ad nauseam by the legacy media. Wait until she walks on water or heals a leper.
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