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Nancy Pelosi's $30k a plate fundraiser over the weekend. This tells you exactly how serious the China virus is. Keep in mind, she's 81 and in the "highest risk" category. No masks, no social distancing. Oh, except for the servants:
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This morning I'm receiving messages from people sharing that now that the Pfizer vaccine is FDA approved it is going to be mandatory for employment. Their companies released the information either late last night or early this morning. They all have until a certain date to get the jab and be able to prove it.

I know there are a lot of legal initiatives and a lot of states to stop mandatory vaccinations. Unfortunately by the time they make it through the courts people will already have passed their mandatory date and will have had to have been a vaccinated or lose their jobs.

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Has there been any new information on the origin of this virus? I did some digging today but a lot of media outlets that had articles I wanted to read have chosen poorly to hide their article behind a pay wall. Mad

My brother mentioned to me yesterday something about a German team investigating some old copper mine or something in China and being harassed by Chinese police to the point that no investigation of any value could be completed.

Is there anything new on this subject that has come out recently?


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Critics Blast FDA for Lack of Data, Scientific Debate Before Pfizer Shot Approval
Critics said it was concerning that full approval was based on only six months’ worth of data — despite clinical trials designed for two years — and that there was no public discussion of the data.

Critics Blast FDA for Lack of Data, Scientific Debate Before Pfizer Shot Approval

Editor’s Commentary: Why? That’s the question that nobody seems to be asking. Perhaps the answer is just that obvious, but it needs to be asked anyway. Why did the FDA rush to “approve” a drug that was already given Emergency Use Authorization? The “approval” does literally nothing from a practical perspective. No additional American is eligible to get the shots who wasn’t eligible before the “approval.”

The answer is obvious, but it’s deeper than what we see on the surface. The Biden regime wanted to take down one of the roadblocks keeping businesses and agencies from mandating the vaccines for employees. This was a very political optics move and reminds us that the FDA is not a medical or scientific organization. They are a full-blown political entity.

As for why Pfizer was selected as the opening choice for approval, there are theories ranging from greed to much, much worse. I’ll dismiss the greed factor, though it’s probably part of it. Others can dive into bank accounts and follow the money. I want to propose the evil theory. Considering the Pfizer “vaccines” have demonstrated the least efficacy and the highest rate of adverse reactions of any of the three available injections, perhaps they were selected because they “work” so well. Are the Pfizer vaccines, which account for more than half of the adverse reactions and nearly three-fourths of the deaths recorded in VAERS, doing the best job the powers-that-be intended from the start?

Megan Redshaw reports the news thoroughly, as always. Read through her article and ask yourself why all of this is happening. What does it all mean? Is there any way to stop it? Is it time to head for the hills? Here’s Megan…

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Fauci Dismisses “Freedom” In Call For Vaccine Mandates: “The Time Has Come. Enough Is Enough.”

“We’ve just got to get people vaccinated.”

After the FDA fully approved the Pfizer COVID vaccine, Anthony Fauci immediately issued a decree via his permanent CNN propaganda platform that it is time for nationwide vaccine mandates.

Fauci declared that “There was some poll that showed about 30% of people who are not anti-vax, they were just waiting to get what they felt was the real final stamp of approval, which we just got today with the Pfizer product.”

He continued, “And those 30% are saying when that occurs, they will feel very, very comfortable about getting vaccinated. So right away, you’re talking about 30%. I hope they come through with what the survey said.”

Fauci added “They’re going to give a lot of incentive and backing for a lot of institutions and organizations and places of employment to mandate, and that could be colleges, university, the military, organizations that employ a lot of people, some of the big corporations are going to say if you want to work for us in person, you’ve got to be there and get vaccinated.”

Fauci then dismissed freedom as an after thought, noting “I know I respect people’s freedom, but when you’re talking about a public health crisis that we’ve been going through for well over a year and a half, the time has come. Enough is enough. We’ve just got to get people vaccinated.”

“If we keep lingering without getting those people vaccinated that should be vaccinated, this thing could linger on, leading to the development of another variant which could complicate things.” Fauci further proclaimed.

Fauci’s comments come after Joe Biden called for more private companies to implement mandates.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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I'm retired. I don't travel internationally nor do I travel much in the Continental U.S. If I do it's by vehicle. With the exception of taking my SS and Medicare I don't see how they are going to mandate me. If they want to cut off the two previous mentioned benefits take em. Not much I can do about it. If it gets to where I can't go into certain businesses unless I have my vaccine card I won't go in.

Do I want it to get that far of course not but they will be surprised how simply I can live. I feel bad for those of you who are going to have to decide between the jab and you're livelihood.
I'm guessing most of you will forced to the needle and I wish all of you the best of luck.

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100% spot on as usual:

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A Victory for Natural Immunity and Sanity

Thirty-five million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19.
by Paul Kengor

I’ve written at length about the bizarre lack of acknowledgment of COVID survivors who possess natural immunity. They should be recognized if not thanked as the indispensable contributors to the herd immunity once so desired in America. Instead, the nation’s vax fanatics, consumed by a herd mentality, wholly ignore them, to the detriment of a rational response to the pandemic.

The CDC says that 35 million Americans have tested positive for COVID. Of course, as I noted here months ago, the real number is much higher. In my own family, at least eight of us had COVID, but only two appear on CDC rolls as having tested positive. Countless households infected with COVID have a family member who tested positive while others did not bother getting a test to confirm the obvious and risk exposing others.

In fact, the CDC estimates that at least 120 million Americans have had COVID. That estimate is of colossal importance to the vaccination debate. Consider that, according to the CDC, as “of August 19, 2021, nearly 200 million people in the United States have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.” Many people who tested positive for COVID-19 also got the vaccine, but many others did not. This means that there are more than the 200 million people who have some sort of immunity to COVID.

And yet, those with natural immunity are flatly ignored by those who want to jab everyone. The mad vaxxers would not only unnecessarily stick a needle in all those with natural immunity, but they’d also mask them up — as they are, curiously, masking up even the vaccinated. They would probably fit them with leper bells if they could.

As I noted at length here previously, COVID survivors have long-lasting immunity. To quote a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Nature, patients who have recovered from COVID develop “long-lasting immunity,” with “antibody-producing cells” that “live and produce antibodies for the rest of people’s lives.” There was also a massive study by Cleveland Clinic, conducted on 52,238 employees, which concluded categorically that individuals who had COVID “do not get additional benefits from vaccination.”

More and more research confirms the predictable superiority of natural immunity over artificial immunity. That’s not a surprise. In immunology (which I worked in for four years), there was a saying: infection beats injection. Sure, one would rather not be infected, but when it comes to immunity, it’s almost always stronger for those who survived infection than for those who received artificial injection.

But you can’t tell that to a mad vaxxer, many of whom seem more influenced by ideology than medical research.

For an example of the absurdity, consider the case of a good friend of mine, Tom (I’ll keep him anonymous).

Tom had a terrible bout of COVID. I feared he would die. He was lucky to get through it, turning the corner in May. I saw him last week. He looks great. He’s fully recovered, a COVID survivor with natural immunity. How much so?

Tom got an antibody test. This PCR test showed that Tom’s level of antibody protection is off the charts. It exceeded effectiveness by a level of not one or two or even 10, but 55. A person with active COVID could lick Tom’s face and he would be immune.

This begs the obvious question: Why in the world would Tom need to be vaccinated? Quite the contrary, his doctor is telling him that for a number of reasons, including the very high antibody count, vaccination is not only unnecessary but could be dangerous (a common opinion among physicians). He absolutely should not be vaccinated.

Thus, other questions beg to be asked: On what grounds would Tom’s employer be justified in forcing him to get jabbed? Why should he need a vaccination passport, or a vax ID to enter a restaurant in New York City?

Here’s a better idea: How about if Tom shows proof of antibodies? Isn’t this what the vax fanatics should really ask of everyone, including the vaccinated? How do we know that those who have received the experimental mRNA-based vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer have reliable immunity to those of us with natural immunity? Actually, the latest research suggests they don’t.

Tom is far from alone. Many Americans pleading with employers or schools for a medical exemption from mandatory vaccination on the grounds that they have natural immunity are being told that such is not a valid reason for exemption. As one vax hysteric insisted to me, “The CDC and Anthony Fauci encourage vaccination anyway.”

Oh, yeah? Well, newsflash: As Sens. Ron Johnson and Rand Paul have attempted to explain, uh, Anthony Fauci is not God. The latest CDC statement is not infallible; to the contrary, CDC positions change based on new information.

What about teenage girls who had COVID and face a possible graver risk of myocarditis or pericarditis from mandatory vaccines? Even the CDC has issued warnings of this health risk. A new study published in JAMA acknowledges it.

Alas, is there any good news amid the vax hysteria? Are there any signs of hope for those of us with natural immunity who plead not to be jabbed with mRNA-based vaccines that are different from traditional vaccines?

Yes. I am happy to report one case.

At George Mason University, Scalia Law School Professor Todd Zywicki pleaded not to be forced to get a vaccine in light of the salient fact that he has natural immunity from COVID-19. The university, in an official statement, had insisted that “all students, faculty, and staff” get vaccinated and “share verification of their vaccination status, in order to work, study, and live on campus.” The university went so far as to threaten: “disciplinary action will be pursued against those faculty and staff who fail to receive an exemption and do not disclose their status and receive the vaccine. This action could include unpaid leave or possible loss of employment.”

Of course, GMU is far from unusual. Sadly, it’s typical of many universities, some of which (like Indiana University in Bloomington) have become high-profile legal cases where the student plaintiffs lost (including all the way to the level of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett). As classes start nationwide this week and next, some colleges have already expelled students. The University of Virginia has just unenrolled over 200 students for not complying with its mandate.

Zywicki’s case was picked up by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, which argued: “For Professor Zywicki, who has recovered from Covid-19 and acquired robust natural immunity, it is not only medically unnecessary to undergo a vaccination procedure at the current time, but doing so also would create a risk of harm to him.” The NCLA notes that the U.S. Supreme Court has held that a “forcible injection . . . into a nonconsenting person’s body represents a substantial interference with that person’s liberty,” adding that subsequent court decisions have made explicit the right to “refuse unwanted medical care.” Zywicki states:

George Mason is forcing me to choose between serving my students on one hand and undergoing an unnecessary and potentially risky medical procedure on the other. Multiple clinical studies have shown that natural immunity provides at least as much protection against reinfection as the most effective vaccines—and unquestionably more protection than less-effective vaccines from China and elsewhere that university policy approves. Clinical studies have also shown that receiving vaccination after recovering from Covid presents an elevated risk of side effects compared to those without natural immunity, who would benefit from vaccination. This is an important health matter that should be determined by my doctor and me—not forced on me by university policy-makers who have no familiarity with my personal medical history.

It is indeed absurd. Millions of Americans are being subjected to the fiats of faceless employers who have audaciously anointed themselves to the roles of unimpeachable medical-ethical tribunals. Who are these authoritative experts? Truly, what are their credentials to judge?

Zywicki’s attorneys note: “Shockingly, according to the university’s policy, GMU will acknowledge any vaccine approved by the World Health Organization as satisfying the requirement, not just FDA-approved vaccines. This means it will accept many vaccines that have proven to be quite inferior.”

Precisely that is happening at strange workplaces nationwide. It’s a farce.

And yet, Zywicki’s case has a silver living: The university has apparently relented. It has granted the professor a medical exemption.

Finally, a victory for natural immunity and for sanity.

“I am gratified,” says Zywicki. “I speak for tens of millions of Americans in the same circumstances I am in, and I call on leaders across the country to develop humane and science-based approaches as opposed to one-size-fits-all policies.”

Sadly, many of those Americans, especially students starting back at college, will not get the perfectly reasonable accommodation that Zywicki received. The vax fanatics are like a mob. And one can’t reason with a mob.

One can, however, seek legal assistance. That’s an option that those with natural immunity must pursue. The mad vaxxers have left them no other option.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Originally posted by chellim1:
A Victory for Natural Immunity and Sanity

Thirty-five million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19.
by Paul Kengor

My wife had Paul Kengor as a professor at Grove City College, it's one of a few in the whole county much like Hillsdale College that does not take Federal aid or deal with federal student financing and therefore is not subject to their games and whims.

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This begs the obvious question...
Uh oh
Thus, other questions beg to be asked...
Oh shit
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Big Grin


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Israel was the first country to get the majority of its population vaccinated. I believe the percentage is something like 80% vaccinated. This is a country that cannot afford to lose its citizens as basically every citizen is also a soldier and they live in a rough neighborhood. Guess what? It’s looking like their push to vaccine everyone might have failed.

Link to article

From the article: “Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. Now it has one of the world's highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus.”

If you go on to read the article it claims this new Delta variant arrived on the scene just as the vaccine protection was beginning to wane. My isn’t that convenient and quite curious. What the actual fuck did China release on the world?


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^^^ It's still the fault of the unvaxxed, don't you see... Roll Eyes

4. Israel's high vaccination rate isn't high enough.

The country jumped out ahead of all other countries on vaccines, and 78% of eligible Israelis over 12 years old are vaccinated.

But Israel has a young population, with many under the eligible age for vaccination, and about 1.1 million eligible Israelis, largely between the ages of 12 and 20, have declined to take even one dose of the vaccine.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Let’s think this through logically. Israel is a country that sees a tremendous amount of tourism. As they opened back up to pre plague conditions people from nations without nearly as high a vaccine rate are now among the population. Sure there is not a hell of a lot of tourism going on most likely but they did see some tourism and people coming into the country.

No nation can be serious about the effectiveness of a vaccine among their population unless every country has the majority of its people vaccinated. That’s never going to happen. It just won’t. Even then it looks like the effectiveness of the vaccine over time has serious issues.

This is a cluster of monumental proportions. I hate when I see those who are vaccinated get angry and blame those who are not. Just look at the case of Israel. It clearly doesn’t mean shit if the majority of your population is vaccinated unless you become a hermit kingdom. No one wants to do that except for maybe least that’s how they are trending.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
Posts: 21267 | Location: San Dimas CA, The Old Dominion or the Tar Heel State.  | Registered: April 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This is a cluster of monumental proportions. I hate when I see those who are vaccinated get angry and blame those who are not. Just look at the case of Israel. It clearly doesn’t mean shit if the majority of your population is vaccinated unless you become a hermit kingdom.

The fact is- the majority of Americans are already vaccinated...

And when combined with those who have recovered from the virus and have developed natural immunities, it's probably better than 75%.

...but that appears not to be what the authoritarian bureaucrat really wants.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
I was speaking of the Stock market. Everyone had an equal chance to short the stock or go long. Hope that clarifies it for you.

How many people in those companies, politicians and bureaucrats knew it was coming, being pushed by politicians an bought in before the release, think that is the point of his question, Hope that Clarifies it... Big Grin
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The State of Wisconsin is now offering $100.00 to each unvaccinated person who gets vaccinated.

In my opinion, this will only get a few more people and is basically a waste of taxpayer money.

I think the unvaccinated will not be swayed by this amount of money.
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They are being silly. I wouldn’t endure the 2nd moderna shot again for $1000.00 they need to attempt to reattach themselves to reality. $100!? Pfffft. I’d be shocked if that gets even a hand full of people to get the jab.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
Posts: 21267 | Location: San Dimas CA, The Old Dominion or the Tar Heel State.  | Registered: April 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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^^^ I agree. I think most people have already decided if they will participate in this experiment or not. At this point the carrot approach isn't working so the stick will get bigger and will be swung harder. About a third of the population will dig in.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Most of the folks I know that took the first jab have absolutely no intention of getting the 2nd one.
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