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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Picture of cparktd
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
TN Gov. Lee: ‘Safer at Home’ order to expire April 30, phased reopening to begin next week

Hadn't been out in over two weeks but had to go to Lowes for parts, they were almost business as usual as far as customer numbers, roughly 50% of the people in the store wearing mask, men and women, but not a single Hispanic with one on.

Free drive through testing is available here.

Tennessee graph

Collecting dust.
Posts: 4145 | Location: Middle Tennessee | Registered: February 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Please God, let Utah and most states follow Georgia's lead immediately. End this catastrophic Shawshank Mitigation tomorrow.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
Posts: 30650 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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Balze, is there a single page of this thread where I won't find at least one post from you? Why don't you take it a bit easy? This is affecting all of us.

You must have hundreds of posts in this thread. A four hundred page thread and you seem to be on every page. It would be OK for a page or two to go by without feeling the need to respond. Just slow down, please.
Posts: 108262 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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How much is it costing the Feds to produce and air the multiple PSAs extolling They are never ending! And often run back to back.
Enough already!

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
Posts: 30650 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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President Trump ad re Pelosi

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In search of baseball, strippers, and guns
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Friend I used to carpool to high school with has it now. She is a nurse in Baltimore. Apparently she isn’t doing well. I haven’t seen her in a while but both my wife and I hung out with her extensively in high school

One of the employees I had to lay off went to the ER with fever and cough. She tested positive for flu so they didn’t test her for covid, which I think was a mistake but I guess we will see


If the meek will inherit the earth, what will happen to us tigers?
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I have a very particular
set of skills
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Originally posted by sdy:
President Trump ad re Pelosi

[FLASH_VIDEO]<iframe frameborder="0" height="408" src="" width="725"></iframe>[/FLASH_VIDEO]

^^They sure are working awful hard to help ensure DJT's reelection. Ironic, no?


A real life Sisyphus...
"It's not the critic who counts..." TR
Exodus 23.2: Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong...
Despite some people's claims to the contrary, 5 lbs. is actually different than 12 lbs.
It's never simple/easy.
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Plowing straight ahead come what may
Picture of Bisleyblackhawk
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Originally posted by sdy:
President Trump ad re Pelosi

[FLASH_VIDEO]<iframe frameborder="0" height="408" src="" width="725"></iframe>[/FLASH_VIDEO]

If you could smack her in the head with a tuna...Repeatedly (Monti Python) to slap some sense into this dimwit would it not be a kindness...I’m thinking...yes it would!


"we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches
Making the best of what ever comes our way
Forget that blind ambition and learn to trust your intuition
Plowing straight ahead come what may
And theres a cowboy in the jungle"
Jimmy Buffet
Posts: 10591 | Location: Southeast Tennessee...not far above my homestate Georgia | Registered: March 10, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Plowing straight ahead come what may
Picture of Bisleyblackhawk
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Link to original video: Link to original video:


"we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches
Making the best of what ever comes our way
Forget that blind ambition and learn to trust your intuition
Plowing straight ahead come what may
And theres a cowboy in the jungle"
Jimmy Buffet
Posts: 10591 | Location: Southeast Tennessee...not far above my homestate Georgia | Registered: March 10, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Plowing straight ahead come what may
Picture of Bisleyblackhawk
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Forgive me on this post of the fish slapping dance...I’m not sure why it’s posted like it’s late my friends...and I’m old Wink...go figure Smile


"we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches
Making the best of what ever comes our way
Forget that blind ambition and learn to trust your intuition
Plowing straight ahead come what may
And theres a cowboy in the jungle"
Jimmy Buffet
Posts: 10591 | Location: Southeast Tennessee...not far above my homestate Georgia | Registered: March 10, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by chellim1:
Originally posted by Krazeehorse:
Locally, Marion Correctional is reporting 1800 inmates confirmed with the virus and 109 staff.

This thing spreads like wildfire where you have people in close quarters. Prisons, nursing homes, cruise ships, aircraft carriers... wherever you have people in close quarters.

As of Sunday, a single prison in central Ohio has more positive cases of COVID-19 than any county in the state. With a shocking 1,828 positive tests among its inmate population of 2,500, the Marion Correctional Institution has more cases than Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Franklin County (Columbus) and Hamilton County (Cincinnati).

More than 100 prison staffers have also tested positive for the virus there, which means that all told, Marion accounts for more than 17 percent of Ohio's total caseload.
Forgive me chellim1 but this story like so many others tells us little to nothing of value. Testing positive means nothing. How many show symptoms, how many have been hospitalized, and how many have died? Those numbers complete the picture. 'If' ~70% are asymptomatic or relatively unaffected, the picture changes dramatically.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
A Grateful American
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Originally posted by Bisleyblackhawk:
Forgive me on this post of the fish slapping dance...

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 44109 | Location: ...... I am thrice divorced, and I live in a van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!! (in Arkansas) | Registered: December 20, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of bigdeal
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Once again, Kurt hits a homerun. An excellent read and right on target. They Can’t Stop Us from Re-Opening America

-- Excerpt --

We’re going to see a rush back to freedom. What’s going to happen is conservative states are going to start opening up and they’re going to start opening up soon. Then people in fascist nightmare states like California and New York are going to look over at Texas and North Dakota and the rest of free America that lies outside of the future People's Republic and wonder why the hell they are still getting yelled at for going to the beach. Pretty soon it’ll be an avalanche as people demand to re-open. And then the stock market is going to soar and unemployment is going to come down and we’re going to put this nightmare behind us. And Trump will get re-elected, which they fear more than any virus.

And once this ends, it’s time to reevaluate. It’s time to reevaluate all the science people who couldn’t make an accurate model to save their or our lives. It’s time to reevaluate all the globalist jerks who sold us out to China – hi Hoover Biden! And it’s time to reevaluate all the Lil’ Himmlers who enjoyed this all way too much.

But first we’ve got to re-open America, and that’s going to happen faster than you think.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Indiana is to re-open May 1st.

Meanwhile, Facebook is deleting content for 'mis information'.
One person was organizing a protest, information deleted.
Did it stop there? No. The lady was arrested by NJ police.

Forward to 1:30

Posts: 10057 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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There was previously posted a link to a very recent DHS study of COVID-19.

One point from the study:

Sunlight reduced infectious virus to undetectable levels after just 3 minutes of exposure to the solar equivalent of midday sun on a sunny day in the middle latitudes of the U.S.

link to report

the science behind how sunlight kills the virus is fairly well established, says Arthur Anderson, former director of the Office of Human Use and Ethics at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md.

“[Ultraviolet] light breaks DNA into fragments. If the virus is floating around in the air and there’s bright sunlight, the UV component in sunlight will break the DNA or the RNA into pieces,”
Posts: 19700 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by rusbro:
[A]pparently the virus finds refuge in men's testicles. ...

That is evidently true of the Ebola virus, but that article leaves some doubt about the validity of the specific claim. What it does make clear, of course, is that things are still being learned about the virus and disease. It will be interesting to follow because it may relate to the reports that COVID-19 is worse for men in general. That’s more likely due to other obvious factors, but time will hopefully tell.

Posts: 47501 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by sdy:
There was previously posted a link to a very recent DHS study of COVID-19.

One point from the study:

Sunlight reduced infectious virus to undetectable levels after just 3 minutes of exposure to the solar equivalent of midday sun on a sunny day in the middle latitudes of the U.S.

There is so much dreck in this thread that it’s hard to determine what’s worthwhile reading. If you know the link, can you post it here?

I researched the sunlight thing not too long ago, and most of the discussion I found was completely dismissive of the idea that it could inactivate viruses, or at least this one. That seemed odd at the time, but if the above report is true that would be important to know (for me, anyway). As I’ve mentioned before, one thing about living where I do is that most days are sunny and the UV level is higher than at lower altitudes.

Added: I should have searched the Internet first before asking for the link. "DHS COVID-19 sunlight" produced beaucoup hits. But thanks again.

Posts: 47501 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Excam_Man:
Indiana is to re-open May 1st.

Meanwhile, Facebook is deleting content for 'mis information'.
One person was organizing a protest, information deleted.
Did it stop there? No. The lady was arrested by NJ police.

Forward to 1:30
[FLASH_VIDEO]<iframe frameborder="0" height="408" src="" width="725"></iframe>[/FLASH_VIDEO]

Maybe the next protest should be at Facebook HQ?
Posts: 4979 | Registered: April 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Shall Not Be Infringed
Picture of nhracecraft
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Originally posted by Excam_Man:
Meanwhile, Facebook is deleting content for 'mis information'.
One person was organizing a protest, information deleted.
Did it stop there? No. The lady was arrested by NJ police.

Arrested for 'Posting on Facebook' re: Protesting against Draconian Lockdown Measures....Dangerous 'Mis-Information'!

In 'New Jermany' it's Shut Up and Obey! Roll Eyes


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
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