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FNC reporting the Hilary's Email contained a "Top Secret" labeled message Login/Join 
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Originally posted by getupatree:
They'll definitely go after Huma for Aiden and Abedin the enemy.

Nothing to see here people, move along.

That's, just bad. Big Grin
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Muzzle flash
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Originally posted by getupatree:
They'll definitely go after Huma for Aiden and Abedin the enemy.
I saw what you did there! Cool


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
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Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
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Geraldo is still going on and on about Comey swaying this election. He's proven over and over he's an idiot. This ranks right up there though. I guess he's just playing his role on Fox some too.

I wonder if Fox will can Geraldo and Juan after the election?

Edit: I just remembered that Juan W. was once fired for sexual harassment. Has he been ragging on Trump for his treatment of women?
Posts: 3978 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Report This Post
Ball Haulin'
Picture of entropy
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"Boiled cabbage, urine, and farts."

There's a lot worse buried in those mails. A lot. Of you dig in there a bit, you will see. It solves the puzzle of a lot of loose threads over the years. I guess time will tell whether its factual or farce.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
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Originally posted by Jimineer:
Geraldo is still going on and on about Comey swaying this election. He's proven over and over he's an idiot. This ranks right up there though. I guess he's just playing his role on Fox some too.

I wonder if Fox will can Geraldo and Juan after the election?

Fire them? Why? You just recited everything they said, which means you saw all of it (and their lifeblood advertising.)

They're doing exactly what they are hired to do. As long as people keep watching it, they have a job forever.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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Originally posted by Bigboreshooter:
Gregg Jarrett: An "avalanche of evidence" may now bury Hillary

Americans who lived through the nightmares of both the Watergate and Lewinsky scandals recall vividly how every day seemed to produce new evidence of wrongdoing. The drip, drip of deceptions and lies finally overflowed into a cascading pool of criminality and disgust.

The first scandal culminated in Articles of Impeachment. The other an impeachment trial. Is America now hurtling toward the same political abyss? It looks like it. So, fasten your seat belts and brace for impact.

Sources tell Fox News’s Bret Baier that the FBI has uncovered an “avalanche of evidence” in the Clinton Foundation investigation....

That is a pretty devastating article. The fact that the media (not just bloggers) is even discussing Hillary in terms of Watergate, impeachment and pardons is pretty awesome. I know it's Fox, but still. It's a major news outlet putting the scandal in these terms. Love it!
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
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Originally posted by Mainframe Coder:
Originally posted by Jimineer:
Geraldo is still going on and on about Comey swaying this election. He's proven over and over he's an idiot. This ranks right up there though. I guess he's just playing his role on Fox some too.

I wonder if Fox will can Geraldo and Juan after the election?

Fire them? Why? You just recited everything they said, which means you saw all of it (and their lifeblood advertising.)

They're doing exactly what they are hired to do. As long as people keep watching it, they have a job forever.

I don't keep watching though. I'll spin the dial to see if anything is up in the world, like Hillary dying, then move on. I'll check out Tucker's new show when it debutes but my Fox viewing time has gone way down. Fox has over done it with the liberal idiots.
Posts: 3978 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Report This Post
wishing we
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from WSJ:

In September, agents on the foundation case asked to see the emails contained on nongovernment laptops that had been searched as part of the Clinton email case, but that request was rejected by prosecutors at the Eastern District of New York, in Brooklyn. Those emails were given to the FBI based on grants of partial immunity and limited-use agreements, meaning agents could only use them for the purpose of investigating possible mishandling of classified information.

Some FBI agents were dissatisfied with that answer, and asked for permission to make a similar request to federal prosecutors in Manhattan, according to people familiar with the matter. [FBI Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe, these people said, told them no and added that they couldn’t “go prosecutor-shopping.”

Not long after that discussion, FBI agents informed the bureau’s leaders about the Weiner laptop, prompting Mr. Comey’s disclosure to Congress and setting off the furor that promises to consume the final days of a tumultuous campaign.

more from article:

the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn is not just any United States attorney’s office. It is the office that was headed by Attorney General Loretta Lynch until President Obama elevated her to attorney general less than two years ago.

It was in the EDNY that Ms. Lynch first came to national prominence in 1999, when she was appointed U.S. attorney by President Bill Clinton — the husband of the main subject of the FBI’s investigations with whom Lynch furtively met in the back of a plane parked on an Arizona tarmac days before the announcement that Mrs. Clinton would not be indicted.

Obama reappointed Lynch as the EDNY’s U.S. attorney in 2010. She was thus in charge of staffing that office for nearly six years before coming to Main Justice in Washington. That means the EDNY is full of attorneys Lynch hired and supervised.

it was Lynch’s Justice Department that:

-refused to authorize use of the grand jury to further the Clinton e-mails investigation

-consulted closely with defense attorneys representing subjects of the investigation

-permitted Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson — the subordinates deputized by Mrs. Clinton to sort through her e-mails and destroy thousands of them — to represent Clinton as attorneys, despite the fact that they were subjects of the same investigation

-struck the outrageous deals that gave Mills and Samuelson immunity from prosecution in exchange for providing the FBI with the laptops on which they reviewed Clinton’s four years of e-mails

The Clinton Foundation agents were said to be barred from “prosecutor shopping” by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — the official whose wife’s Virginia state senate campaign was infused with $675,000 in cash and in-kind contributions by political committees controlled by Governor Terry McAuliffe, a notorious Clinton fixer and former Clinton Foundation board member.

Were it not for the Clinton Foundation, there probably would not be a Clinton e-mail scandal. Mrs. Clinton’s home-brew communications system was designed to conceal the degree to which the State Department was put in the service of Foundation donors who transformed the “dead broke” Clintons into hundred-millionaires.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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Originally posted by entropy:
"Boiled cabbage, urine, and farts."

There's a lot worse buried in those mails. A lot. Of you dig in there a bit, you will see. It solves the puzzle of a lot of loose threads over the years. I guess time will tell whether its factual or farce.

I'm guessing that's satire and not an actual email from the Wikileaks release.

Here's the alleged email:

People tell me that Hillary is acting ‘like a retard’ since her head injury. Frankly, considering her normal behavior, I’m surprised anyone noticed! (this is a joke!) Have someone talk to her doctor and see if there’s anything he can give her.
Also, I’ve noticed she’s had an ‘odor’ lately. It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine and farts. I’m guessing it’s either connected to her fall or simply the fact that she rarely bathes. Outside of encouraging her to take a shower once in a while, I don’t know what to do about this. — any suggestions would be appreciated.
–sent from my iPad–
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
They're after my Lucky Charms!
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Real? Who knows.
Believable? Likely
Adds more to the she is Weekend at Bernies? Yep.

Lord, your ocean is so very large and my divos are so very f****d-up
Dirt Sailors Unite!
Posts: 25075 | Location: NoVa | Registered: May 06, 2003Report This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by ChicagoSigMan:
Originally posted by Bigboreshooter:
Gregg Jarrett: An "avalanche of evidence" may now bury Hillary

Americans who lived through the nightmares of both the Watergate and Lewinsky scandals recall vividly how every day seemed to produce new evidence of wrongdoing. The drip, drip of deceptions and lies finally overflowed into a cascading pool of criminality and disgust.

The first scandal culminated in Articles of Impeachment. The other an impeachment trial. Is America now hurtling toward the same political abyss? It looks like it. So, fasten your seat belts and brace for impact.

Sources tell Fox News’s Bret Baier that the FBI has uncovered an “avalanche of evidence” in the Clinton Foundation investigation....

That is a pretty devastating article. The fact that the media (not just bloggers) is even discussing Hillary in terms of Watergate, impeachment and pardons is pretty awesome. I know it's Fox, but still. It's a major news outlet putting the scandal in these terms. Love it!

Jarrett is the guy who informed the nation about the bullet button which turns an ordinary semi auto rifle into a machine gun in the coverage of the San Bernardino massacre.

He was off the air for a long while, struggling with alcoholism, I heard. His article reflects it in organization and tone. I would not put much stock in it, a Geraldo like lurid rehash of known allegations, associations and circumstances.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Nullus Anxietas
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More Bad News for Hillary, Obama, Lynch and, perhaps, eventually, Holder.


The FBI Wants to Make America Great Again
Nov 3, 2016 6:00 AM EDT
By Eli Lake

Maybe it’s just me, but I think the FBI is trying to send a message about next week’s election.

It’s not just that FBI Director James Comey informed Congress that there may be things on Anthony Weiner’s computer pertinent to his investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server. Nor is it the extraordinary Wall Street Journal coverage this week that revealed frustrations in the bureau over alleged Justice Department pressure to slow-walk an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

The cherry on this banana-republic split is a tweet published Monday from a long-dormant Twitter account called @FBIRecordsVault. It disclosed that new records of the bureau’s probe into Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich had been released because of a Freedom of Information Act request.

The FBI has since assured the public that this was all standard operating procedure. The records were requested. The request was approved. And the Twitter account automatically tweets out new files sent to the bureau’s electronic reading room.

Nonetheless, it’s hard to credit this explanation. As Mark Corallo, a former Justice Department spokesman and Trump supporter, told me Wednesday, “The Marc Rich tweet is evidence of open warfare between the Justice Department and the FBI.” Corallo said this is largely because frustrated field agents believe the Justice Department has stymied the bureau’s investigations into Clinton’s e-mails and the Clinton Foundation.

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy, told me it was true that records requested from multiple people are supposed to be added to the government agency’s electronic reading room. “What undermines that explanation is that they were not just added to the reading room, they were broadcast on this rarely used Twitter account,” he said. What’s more, Aftergood said government agencies have great discretion when they respond to Freedom of Information Act requests. “There is always a bottleneck, because the resources to review FOIA requests are inadequate to the demand,” he said.

The move certainly appeared political. After all, former Attorney General Eric Holder was one of the first former officials to criticize Comey’s decision to update Congress on the e-mail investigation. Perhaps the tweet was a shot across the bow to Holder, who recommended the Rich pardon in 2000 as deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton.

So what’s going on here? As the New York Times and the Washington Post are now reporting, and as my own sources confirm, many rank-and-file FBI officials are frustrated about the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the way the e-mail probe was handled. Republicans too have wanted to see the FBI more robustly investigate the Clintons. So Comey has tried his best to split the baby.

The baby-splitting began over the summer, when Comey held a press conference and testified before Congress on his decision to not recommend the Clinton e-mail case to prosecutors. As he announced his decision to close the investigation, he also excoriated Clinton, calling her decision to use a private e-mail server for official business reckless and speculating that foreign powers accessed her e-mails (although he said the bureau could not prove that). Comey then promised Congress he would keep them abreast of new developments. He did just that less than two weeks before the election.

Comey’s letter to Congress has gotten a lot of attention. But his initial blunder was breaking with precedent and explaining to the public his decision not to recommend prosecution of Clinton for her use of the private e-mail server when she was secretary of state.

“When Comey did his press conference in July, I nearly fell off my chair,” Steven Pomerantz, a retired assistant director for the FBI, told me. “I don’t think the FBI should ever make a prosecution recommendation. I believe Comey was honestly motivated, but I just don’t think process- and procedure-wise it was the right thing to do. And it all got compounded when he testified before Congress.”

Victoria Toensing, a former deputy assistant attorney general under President Ronald Reagan and a Trump supporter, told me much of this goes back to the decision not to impanel a grand jury in either the Clinton Foundation or e-mail investigation. “Comey fumbled the ball in the beginning by not demanding a grand jury,” she said. “And now he’s trying to make it up because he was caught between a rock and a hard place.”

In this case, the rock for Comey is the perception that he is influencing the election by informing Congress about Weiner’s computer. The hard place is his pledge to Republicans in Congress to keep them informed of any developments about Clinton’s e-mails.

Comey appears to have done his best to stay out of the election, but he is in the middle of it now. Through leaks and tweets, people in his bureau appear to be helping Donald Trump -- a man who has called for Clinton to be jailed. Ironic that Trump is the one who keeps saying the election will be rigged.

Full article: The FBI Wants to Make America Great Again

The author, in title and text, tries hard to imply this is an effort on the part of certain elements within the FBI to aid Trump, as payback. But, like the accusations against WikiLeaks: It fails. It doesn't matter if it's payback if it's true.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26117 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Report This Post
Picture of Ironbutt
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Well, it's Friday again. There's usually some sort of earth shattering news dump every Friday afternoon, close to the time that .gov offices shut down. I wonder what it'll be today.


"It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
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WikiLeaks has dumped a lot but not the silver bullet needed. Assange better show his cards or get droned.


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
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They're after my Lucky Charms!
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I am beginning to think Assange has already dumped all he has. Any bombshell now will unlikely move the electorate much. Or is holding out because he thinks if Hilz is elected, it gives him a bargaining chip for a pardon.

Lord, your ocean is so very large and my divos are so very f****d-up
Dirt Sailors Unite!
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Peace through
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Originally posted by IrishWind:
I am beginning to think Assange has already dumped all he has. Any bombshell now will unlikely move the electorate much. Or is holding out because he thinks if Hilz is elected, it gives him a bargaining chip for a pardon.
Oh, please do tell us more about his pardon.

I tell you what I'm going to do, guys. I'm going to start handing out one week suspensions for those who keep subjecting us to this "pardon" speculation.
Posts: 110943 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Ball Haulin'
Picture of entropy
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The "Marc Rich tweet/shot across the bow" is a very curious event. Reading through some of the wiki mails it seems that the connection between Rich, the Clintons, and some of the more questionable activities of the Clinton Foundation may be more than just happenstance.

Its like an Ian Flemming novel crossed with the works of Clancy and Flynn all combined.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
Nullus Anxietas
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Scathing indictment of the Clinton machine and the dominant "news" media--written by a liberal, no less.


... this year’s campaign has made the United States an international embarrassment. I’ve personally witnessed elections in Africa and Latin America that had more legitimacy than the charade that will culminate here next Tuesday. The idea of the United States lecturing foreign countries about holding fair elections has long been dubious and is now grotesque.
It’s even less likely that the media, especially major outlets and Washington political reporters who have all but openly worked on Clinton’s behalf, will rethink their roles. This election has exposed as never before that there is indeed a media elite, bound together by class and geography, that is utterly clueless about its own biases and filters.
But you don’t have to be crazy to vote for Trump. The best reason I’ve seen was recently offered by Camille Paglia, who said, “People want change and they’re sick of the establishment…[I]f Trump wins it will be an amazing moment of change because it would destroy the power structure of the Republican party, the power structure of the Democratic party and destroy the power of the media.”

If she’s correct, that indeed would be the very best outcome of this sad, sad election.

This Election Has Disgraced the Entire Profession of Journalism

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26117 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Report This Post
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by IrishWind:
I am beginning to think Assange has already dumped all he has. Any bombshell now will unlikely move the electorate much. Or is holding out because he thinks if Hilz is elected, it gives him a bargaining chip for a pardon.
Oh, please do tell us more about his pardon.

I tell you what I'm going to do, guys. I'm going to start handing out one week suspensions for those who keep subjecting us to this "pardon" speculation.

He can't tell you more... you'll suspend him.

Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it.
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