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Now in Florida
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Bret Baier walks back his earlier reporting about likely indictments in Clinton Foundation case.

Link to Fox
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
wishing we
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so what is Anthony Weiner doing ?

Any guesses ?

How about horse back riding ?

Anthony Weiner rides through sex addiction rehab on a horse

The Recovery Ranch at Nunnelly, Tenn
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
This Space for Rent
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Originally posted by ChicagoSigMan:
Bret Baier walks back his earlier reporting about likely indictments in Clinton Foundation case.

Link to Fox

Well that's a kick in the nuts. Bret Baier was being taunted as very straightforward and credible by Hannity the other day. Too bad.

We will never know world peace, until three people can simultaneously look each other straight in the eye

Liberals are like pussycats and Twitter is Trump's laser pointer to keep them busy while he takes care of business - Rey HRH.
Posts: 5837 | Location: Colorado | Registered: April 20, 2009Report This Post
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Originally posted by sdy:
so what is Anthony Weiner doing ?

Any guesses ?

How about horse back riding ?

Anthony Weiner rides through sex addiction rehab on a horse

The Recovery Ranch at Nunnelly, Tenn

That seems... odd...

Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it.
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Irksome Whirling Dervish
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Originally posted by TheOtherDave:
Originally posted by sdy:
so what is Anthony Weiner doing ?

Any guesses ?

How about horse back riding ?

Anthony Weiner rides through sex addiction rehab on a horse

The Recovery Ranch at Nunnelly, Tenn

That seems... odd...

He could be using a tampon. With those things you can go swimming, skiing, play volleyball and even go horseback riding. The packaging says so.
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Ball Haulin'
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Maybe they're forcing him to have sex with the horse to break him of his compulsive habits.

Or maybe it's a big charade to show he's all upset about what he's done and getting in touch with himself.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by ensigmatic:
Scathing indictment of the Clinton machine and the dominant "news" media--written by a liberal, no less.


... this year’s campaign has made the United States an international embarrassment. I’ve personally witnessed elections in Africa and Latin America that had more legitimacy than the charade that will culminate here next Tuesday. The idea of the United States lecturing foreign countries about holding fair elections has long been dubious and is now grotesque.
It’s even less likely that the media, especially major outlets and Washington political reporters who have all but openly worked on Clinton’s behalf, will rethink their roles. This election has exposed as never before that there is indeed a media elite, bound together by class and geography, that is utterly clueless about its own biases and filters.
But you don’t have to be crazy to vote for Trump. The best reason I’ve seen was recently offered by Camille Paglia, who said, “People want change and they’re sick of the establishment…[I]f Trump wins it will be an amazing moment of change because it would destroy the power structure of the Republican party, the power structure of the Democratic party and destroy the power of the media.”

If she’s correct, that indeed would be the very best outcome of this sad, sad election.

This Election Has Disgraced the Entire Profession of Journalism

The "profession of journalism." Now there's a concept.

It would be instructional to compile a history of journalism, what "journalists" have actually done, if it could be gleaned from the self promotional, self laudatory articles most often found.

I've suggested before that "journalists" ought to be licensed, having met standards of education, training, experience, competence, demonstrated "good moral character" like other professions, go to continuing education courses in ethics, even.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
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Originally posted by JALLEN:

The "profession of journalism." Now there's a concept.

Yeah, lately referring to journalism as a profession is insulting to the oldest profession in the world...
Posts: 7417 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Report This Post
Son of a son
of a Sailor
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Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case

This is one hell of an article, if even a smidgen true. From what I heard and read previously, NYPD didn't have much to do with weiner's emails, but this story paints quite a different picture. I just hope there are enough good people left in the federal government to exterminate these cockroaches once and for all.

Floridian by birth, Seminole by the grace of God
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Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
The "profession of journalism." Now there's a concept.

It would be instructional to compile a history of journalism, what "journalists" have actually done, if it could be gleaned from the self promotional, self laudatory articles most often found.

I've an ex-girlfriend that was once a journalist. Got a degree in journalism and everything. When she saw where the profession was headed she got the hell out while she still had a soul. (And I think those were her words, more-or-less, too.)

Years and years later some of her ex-colleagues came to town for some or another thing, maybe "journalism" related, and she met up with them for lunch. She was appalled. "They have no idea what's going on in the real world" and "they're totally disconnected from reality" were her remarks to me, after that lunch.

She was happier than ever, and thoroughly convinced that she'd made the right decision. (Not that she'd had much doubt beforehand.)

They really are operating in some kind of unreality bubble or something. I heard the funniest damn thing the other afternoon: A NPR segment about media bias in the election during which they managed to exhibit the very thing upon which they were reporting! They're so out of it they don't realize they're doing it--even when they're talking about it

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
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Originally posted by TheOtherDave:
He can't tell you more... you'll suspend him.
I'm sorry, was there something you wanted to say to me? It seems like it. I'd appreciate it if you'd just get to whatever is bugging you.
Posts: 110967 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
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Originally posted by ensigmatic:
Scathing indictment of the Clinton machine and the dominant "news" media--written by a liberal, no less.


... this year’s campaign has made the United States an international embarrassment.

This Election Has Disgraced the Entire Profession of Journalism

Below is a recording of how much respect hillary has for an election:

Dramatic 2006 Recording Captures Hillary Clinton Proposing To Rig The Palestine Election


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
Posts: 13559 | Location: Bottom of Lake Washington | Registered: March 06, 2007Report This Post
Ignored facts
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^^^The Rigging of The Palestine Election came out a week ago or so. I'm surprised not more was made of it. But then again, the list of issues is quite long.

Honestly I think the pay-to-play stuff is the most serious of everything we've heard so far.

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Savor the limelight
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
I've suggested before that "journalists" ought to be licensed, having met standards of education, training, experience, competence, demonstrated "good moral character" like other professions, go to continuing education courses in ethics, even.

Great idea. Hold journalists to the same standards lawyers are held to. The world needs more jokes.
Posts: 12394 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Report This Post
Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by trapper189:
Originally posted by JALLEN:
I've suggested before that "journalists" ought to be licensed, having met standards of education, training, experience, competence, demonstrated "good moral character" like other professions, go to continuing education courses in ethics, even.

Great idea. Hold journalists to the same standards lawyers are held to. The world needs more jokes.

Yes! They could even have an American Journalistic Association to, you know, promote standards and ethics amongst journalists. Just like the ABA does for lawyers and the AMA does for the medical professions?

(No reflection on present company intended.)

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26118 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Report This Post
Coin Sniper
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Speaking of which, did anyone catch the NBC nightly news last night. The segment where they noted how they had reviewed several TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED documents related to our cyber attack on Russia as provided to them by government sources.

I guess TOP SECRET and Classified are meaningless words to the administration and the DOJ if they are just handing them over to the media

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

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There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
Posts: 38614 | Location: Above the snow line in Michigan | Registered: May 21, 2004Report This Post
Official Space Nerd
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Originally posted by ensigmatic:
Originally posted by trapper189:
Originally posted by JALLEN:
I've suggested before that "journalists" ought to be licensed, having met standards of education, training, experience, competence, demonstrated "good moral character" like other professions, go to continuing education courses in ethics, even.

Great idea. Hold journalists to the same standards lawyers are held to. The world needs more jokes.

Yes! They could even have an American Journalistic Association to, you know, promote standards and ethics amongst journalists. Just like the ABA does for lawyers and the AMA does for the medical professions?

(No reflection on present company intended.)

The only thing that would happen if this were initiated would be to squeeze out the real ethical and conservative journalists (I'm sure they exist, in small numbers, hiding in the shadows so as to not get outright persecuted or fired by the lib wackos that run the place). There is no way, in this day and age, that the 'profession' of journalism would be able to self-police itself. It is too far lost for that.

Besides, if 'journalism' had ethics, standards, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility and professionalism, it would have addressed the blatant bias decades ago.

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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There is some damned interesting stuff in the Wikileaks material.

For example, this is from an attachment to Podesta email 47719 dated 12-09-2015

General Election Transition Concept

● Earlier start on general election than GOP
● Ability to stay on current message; no need to “backtrack” on primary message
● Strong operations in 4+ of the 7 BG states
● Electoral college map

● GOP opposition research on HRC will be better than ours on GOP and they will have a clear opponent; they will likely have a powerful and well tested argument against HRC; assume hefty tactical plan to implement
● Could be outspent in GE markets

● Define the GOP candidate; put him on defense and keep him on defense
● Keep pushing GOP nominee to the right (if their primary keeps going)

● Super PAC spending
● Overly intense media scrutiny on scandal
● Lack of a plan


1. Take advantage of earlier nomination; Important opportunity to make our message and contrast crystal clear before GOP candidate has a clean shot to respond
2. Opportunity to force likely GOP nominee to double down on extreme positions while their nomination fight continues
3. Box in the likely nominee on key issues and permanently put him on defense: MC economics, immigration, POTUS legacy, women’s health
4. Turnout will be as important, if not more important, than persuasion (need to test), so lock in AA, Hispanics, downscale WW right at the beginning
5. We must either be on offense or get picked apart; dovetails with imperative to define the GOP candidate
6. GOP will be well prepared with a well researched, damaging message and will have the resources to communicate (i.e. can’t flounder or leave things unanswered)

Target States (full infrastructure in shaded states) [[[I Bolded the shaded states]

North Carolina (?)
New Hampshire

Objective of Comm Plan

● Frame the general election race for press and electorate at large: why HRC is running, contrast with GOP, what’s at stake for target voters (will take place in BG states, but national framing is the core objective).
● Secondary objective will be communicating Democratic unity and using Sanders and others to help drive contrast and urgency.

Specific Goals

● Reroll out core campaign message (fighting for us)/make the contrast with the GOP clear
● Put the GOP immediately on the defensive and create crosspressure between general election and primary messages; force them to get firmly on the record with right wing positions
● Protect and reinforce leads with key constituencies
● Conduct tour in key markets to hit BG voters; focus on states that didn’t get as much time in primaries
● Demonstrate unity through POTUS, Sanders[/], O’M and other endorsements. Have primary opponents help drive contrast and urgency.


We should be very aggressive about saying the primary has ended as early as possible, since it will save us money and give us a further head start on four key transition activities:
1. [b]HRC rest/downtime would be ideal to give her 4-5 days of downtime
2. Fundraising
a. PUSA meetings, small events (assume these can be organized early?)
b. Megaevents for HVF, to raise general election money and party funds for state programs (question for Dennis: can these be organized relatively quickly)
3. Unity event with Sanders
4. General election messaging tour (see below)


We will retest our current message assumptions in the last HRC memo, but the operating theory should be that we stick with what’s there
Why HRC is running: fighting for usjob growth, wage growth, help with costs
GOP contrast: the Republicans have the same out of date policies that help those at the top, but hurt the rest of us: tax cuts for rich and special interests/corporations...out of date social agenda

What’s at stake :
● Middle class: no help, bad econ policies that crash the economy and take away progress we’ve made
● African Americans: voter suppression (?); healthcare/education; President Obama’s legacy
● Hispanics: Immigration, healthcare, education HRC Events

UNITY: Sanders endorsement SANDERS WAS CO-OPTED BACK 2015!!![/b]


Surrogate Events

Special team of reliable GOP opposition surrogates this may be a good project for DWS who birddog GOP candidates, especially likely nominee, at their events (need special staff team at HQ that does this); reinforce basic contrast message and try to push them further to the right.
1. Women’s bus tour chasing GOP; speaking at events and challenging them to be clear on women’s health/equality issues
2. Hispanic activist groups to protest GOP events; seek outside groups to badger GOP candidates, get them on the record
3. AA team; POTUS legacy?
4. Youth group? Hollywood types or digital influencers?

And then there is this, from Podesta email 47397 dated 05-26-2015

Fwd: Sanders criticism
Date: 2015-05-26 12:04
Subject: Fwd: Sanders criticism

This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him? [LEVERAGE?? IS THIS BLACKMAIL???]

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* Christina Reynolds <>
*Date:* May 26, 2015 at 9:22:07 AM EDT
*To:* Robby Mook <>, Kristina Schake <>, Jennifer Palmieri <>, Tony Carrk <>,
John Podesta <>, Oren Shur <>,
Brian Fallon <>
*Subject:* *FW: Sanders criticism*

Following up on our call on Friday, just wanted to give some updates and flag that Bernie went after HRC and WJC on wealth (including using the word “hustle.)

I followed up with Brad. The only thing they’ve pushed is from the attached docs—trying to get reporters to write that HRC and Bernie are actually in the same place. They are happy for any suggestions, but were not planning on making any big attacks around the announcement.

We’re working on talking points for surrogates now and will get those around. Unless others disagree, I don’t think we comment on the question below.

*From:* [] *On
Behalf Of *Josh Schwerin
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 26, 2015 8:58 AM
*Subject:* Fwd: Sanders criticism

Are we just declining comment on all these?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* Colin Campbell <>
*Date:* May 26, 2015 at 8:54:10 AM EDT
*To:* Josh Schwerin <>
*Subject:* *Sanders criticism*

Morning Josh! Fresh off of a pantsuit post <> (and maybe something on the latest Snoop Dogg-for-Hillary news), I'm looking at putting together something Bernie Sanders said in a CBNC interview published this morning:

Asked about the Clintons' wealth, Sanders responded: "Theoretically you can be a multibillionaire and in fact be very concerned about the issues of working people. Theoretically that's true. When you hustle money like that, you don't sit in restaurants like this. You sit in restaurants where you spend, I don't know what they spend, hundreds of dollars for dinner and so
forth. That's the world you are accustomed to. And that's the worldview that you adopt. I'm not going to condemn Hillary and Bill Clinton because they've made a lot of money. That type of wealth has the potential to
isolate you from the reality of the world."

I wanted to see if the campaign had any comment, especially because her town hall events involve interacting with a lot of real-world people.

Otherwise, I'll just pull a campaign quote from other times the money issue has popped up.

Probably looking at publishing something later this a.m. Thanks!




@BKcolin <>

Nice is overrated

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Partial dichotomy
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A possibility?

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Speaking of chelsea:

Hillary Deleted Email Showing She Forwarded Classified Information To Her Daughter


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
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