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Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
Hillary goes to Vegas, loses big with performance at press conference By Thomas Lifson Wearing a prison-orange pantsuit yesterday, Hillary Clinton dug the hole she occupies several feet deeper with Tuesday’s North Las Vegas gym presser. Even normally supportive liberal pundits were appalled at her performance. Ron Fournier of the National Journal, who has known and been fond of the Clintons since covering them in Little Rock, counted six separate lies, evasions, and mis-directions in appearances on Fox News and MSNBC. Even Chris Matthews was shocked, discussing the presser on MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning. Ed Henry of Fox News distinguished himself, pressing Mrs. Clinton for nearly five minutes, asking tough questions, to which the responses were flip, using the playbook prepared by campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri, relying on lies and evasions. The lowest point came when, in response to Henry pressing her, on whether she had had the drive wiped, she responded, “What? Like with a cloth or something?” she asked, then laughed. “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.” This is an unbelievably stupid attempt to use humor, reflecting an attempt to mock and therefore dismiss legitimate concerns. Like her joke in a speech over the weekend about preferring Snapchat because the messages delete themselves, it only demonstrates arrogance toward legitimate queries. Perhaps the fact that she had just addressed an adoring crowd for an hour before walking into the gym led her to believe that only a few crazies are interested in the jeopardy she placed national security in. It appears that surrounding herself with yes-women, has given her a warped understanding of the national mood: As she exited the gymnasium, a reporter asked her if the questions were an indication that the email controversy isn’t going away, and will dog her campaign into next year. Clinton turned around, her hands raised in the air in a shrug. “Nobody talked to me about it — other than you guys,” she said, and then exited with her top aides around her Real Clear Politics summarizes the rest of the conference (video below): "Isn't leadership about taking responsibility?" Ed Henry asked Clinton first. "Look, I take responsibility," Clinton said. "This didn't turn out to be convenient at all and I regret that this has become such a cause celebre. But this does not change the facts and no matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn." "What I did was legally permitted," she added. Clinton flatly said she did not send or receive any classified documents that went through her personal e-mail account on her private server. "Whether it was a personal account or a government account, I did not send classified material and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified, which is the way you know whether something is," she said. "The FBI believes you tried to wipe the entire server," Henry stated. "Did you try to wipe the entire [server] so that there would be no emails, no personal or no official?" "Well, my personal e-mails are my personal business, right?" Clinton responded. HILLARY CLINTON: Look, I take responsibility. Look, I just told Jeff, in retrospect, this didn't turn out to be convenient at all and I regret that this has become such a cause celebre. But this does not change the facts and no matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn. What I did was legally permitted, number one, first and foremost, okay? Number two, I turned over -- out of an abundance of an attempt to be helpful -- over anything that I even thought was even vaguely related. In fact, they've already concluded more than 1,200 of the e-mails I gave them have nothing to do with the work, and I said make them public. And that's the process that one goes through to make them public. So, I know there's a certain level of, you know, sort of anxiety or interest in this, but the facts are the facts. (ED HENRY INAUDIBLE) Ed, you're not listening to me -- Ed, if it were -- well, if it were a government account, they would be saying the same thing. The fact -- no, no, no. Well, look -- first of all, that is not in any way agreed upon. State Department disagrees. That happens all the time in these efforts to say what can go out and what can't go out. That is a part of the ordinary process. Everybody is acting like this is the first time it's ever happened. It happens all the time. And I can only tell you that the State Department has said over and over again, we disagree. So, that's what they're sorting out and that's what happens a lot of the times. But whether it was a personal account or a government account, I did not send classified material and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified, which is the way you know whether something is. What you're seeing now is a disagreement between agencies saying, you know what? They should have. And the other saying no, they shouldn't. That has nothing to do with me. If it had been a government account and I said release it, we'd be having the same arguments. ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: The FBI believes you tried to wipe the entire server. Did you try to wipe the entire -- so that there would be no emails, no personal or no official? CLINTON: Well, my personal e-mails are my personal business, right? Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com..._.html#ixzz3jGlgQeuB "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Ball Haulin'![]() |
Poke her with a fork. She's done. -------------------------------------- "There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know." | |||
Member![]() |
I find it shockingly insane that she can keep claiming she didn't do anything wrong with a straight face. There is no doubt she's broken several federal laws and recordkeeping rules. And no, her personal emails are not her business when she's in public office, especially when sent or received on the same email acct as her work emails. And the blather about classified info, she was secretary of state, she should know what's classified or not with or without markings. And technically I would believe that EVERY email the secretary of state sends or receives is at least confidential and should be protected. The arrogance and belief in the stupidity of Americans is stupendous! It really boggles my mind, I can't think of any public figure in my lifetime that is or was so out of touch with reality. She has far surpassed Obama in believing what she wants to the exclusion of all facts. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Welcome to the annual Clinton Platitude Festival, where Hillary says...well...nothing: Ha! ![]() | |||
Freethinker |
Herr Goebbels would be proud: Once again someone in politics has followed his example in trying to convince the public by telling big enough lies long enough. ► 6.4/93.6 “It is peace for our time.” — Neville the Appeaser | |||
Unflappable Enginerd![]() |
We are all hoping against all hope that you find out just how stubborn they really are. ![]() __________________________________ NRA Benefactor I lost all my weapons in a boating, umm, accident. http://www.aufamily.com/forums/ | |||
Conveniently located directly above the center of the Earth ![]() |
finally!!!! The 'stupidity of Americans' has produced a bumper crop of 'stupid politicians' to enact whatever fantasy devoid of constitutional process they choose for the day. On a side note, and without public disclosure (as of yet) of any criminal intent (save 'insanity in a public official') the Boehner/McConnell tag team claims http://thehill.com/policy/nati...success-on-iran-deal | |||
Member |
You really, truly believe that? http://www.bing.com/videos/search?FORM=QBDCRD&q=site:youtube.com Jason%20Voorhees#view=detail&mid=BC2576CDBD10FE35F24FBC2576CDBD10FE35F24F | |||
Rule #1: Use enough gun![]() |
I do. I've been saying for over a year that she will not be the Dem nominee in 2016. At this point, that is a slam dunk. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21 "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -- George W. Bush | |||
Member |
While I have doubts that she will be the nominee, I highly doubt that she is done, right now and ready to throw in the towel. She won't be done unless they actually indict her and she is sent to prison. Otherwise, she will not quit until the actual nominee has been anointed by the democrat powers that be. Until that point, she could be found to be a spy for the Russians, Chinese, and North Koreans with e-mail footprints sending Top Secret documents to Pyongyang, Beijing, and Moscow and she still would just laugh it off as vast Right Wing Conspiracy and continue with her campaign. Until the democrats pick their eventual nominee, she will continue to forge on no matter what evidence is found against her. I've no doubt of that. | |||
Get Off My Lawn![]() |
Yep. I do. Remember the 2008 election? Everyone thought she was gonna waltz right into the White House, then a Negro Junior Senator Socialist took it all away from her. The truth is that she was incapable of getting elected President then, and she is even more poisonous now. Her bag of tricks ran out a while back. "I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965 | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
oddball, are you looking to be placed on Moderated Status? I can accommodate you. Fair warning. | |||
Member![]() |
Nobody brings it up besides the media, because the crowds she talks with have been groomed and filtered, much like her emails, to limit the damage they can do. Everyone that meets with her is a sycophant. It is there reason her crowds are smaller than Bernies; there is an interest in minimizing her exposure past what is necessary for a photo opportunity. The opinions expressed in no way reflect the stance or opinion of my employer. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
It's just double-talk to allow her time to get out of range of questions. I think all but the most dull-witted leftists can see it now. | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
It would be a multiple-year circus between any indictment and conviction. There's less than 15 months until the election. She's trying hard to stay on top and ride it out. She won't drop out without a good hard push from within her own party. Remember, she still has a commanding lead over any potential Democrat nominee. "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
delicately calloused![]() |
I volunteer to stick the fork in. May I get a running start? You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier | |||
Ball Haulin'![]() |
She has been, and always will be, the dems favorite door mat. I think its halarious to listen to thier endless diatribe about "the war on women" but here's one of their own thats been thrown under the bus more than a load of rock salt in winter. ...And they're gonna do it again...you watch. -------------------------------------- "There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know." | |||
Little ray of sunshine ![]() |
I wish you were right (except who knows who else they might come up with), but I think that unless this gets much worse, she still will be the nominee. I don't think the chances are even 80% any more, as I would have a few months ago, but I think she is still more likely than not to be nominated. The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything. | |||
wishing we were congress |
Side note to the Dec 2009 email that Hillary sent to Mills - requesting the Shipley book on email. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the...eted_everything.html In October 2009 a federal regulation was released that stated “agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.” | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Yeah, well, that's why you're supposed to have both a government/work email account and a separate private email account, you stupid. AFAIC, when you jumble them together, you lose the right to decide which is which...stupid. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
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