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wishing we
were congress
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30,000 emails deemed official govt, another 30,000 deemed personal

How did they wade through 60,000 emails (very roughly 100,000 pages), to figure out which was which?

First, the lawyers searched all emails with a “.gov” email address in any address field, which yielded 27,500 emails—more than 90% of the total correspondence ultimately provided to State.

Next they searched for the first and last names of more than 100 State Department and other U.S. government officials ... Then they sorted and checked for “misspellings or other idiosyncrasies” to locate documents the search might have missed.

Finally, they performed a search for specific keywords, including “Benghazi” and “Libya.” It is not clear how many such terms were used as filters.

So anything that didn't go to a .gov, had to have a key word hit or else it was deleted.

"It is not clear how many such terms were used as filters."

For people communicating w Hillary on non .gov accounts, it would have been possible to hide almost anything if the people doing the key word search were careful.

Cheryl Mills was given the task of “identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Picture of domcintosh
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Cheryl Mills was given the task of “identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records.”

And the goat is led into the arena.

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Unflappable Enginerd
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Cheryl Mills was given the task of “identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records.”

Buh bye, scapegoat #1, we have a winner.


NRA Benefactor
I lost all my weapons in a boating, umm, accident.
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The request for the Shipley Book seems to have eliminated the; “I am just a poor innocent Grandma and don’t know how this digital stuff works” defense.
I suspect the State has a deep file of signed briefings covering the Official Secrets Acts from both “H” and her hand-picked accomplices, sorry I mean assistants, as well.
Someone took TS material from documents and transposed it into emails and that someone(s) is going to be very worried and all lawyered up as we speak.
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Get Off My Lawn
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My apologies Para. Won't happen again.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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For people communicating w Hillary on non .gov accounts, it would have been possible to hide almost anything if the people doing the key word search were careful.

.....probably a Foundation Top Secret 'ClintonCodeTalkers' cadre out there in land highly skilled in ShadowSpeak......
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Chip away the stone
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Originally posted by oldRoger:
The request for the Shipley Book seems to have eliminated the; “I am just a poor innocent Grandma and don’t know how this digital stuff works” defense...

I agree, but I also don't doubt that Hellary knows, or would have known at least to some extent regardless of reading that book, what it means to "wipe" a server. She's an attorney, and has been a part of highest-level government for decades. Her response to Ed Henry's question about wiping the server was such a blatant feigning of ignorance and innocence that Darby Wankerman Stoltz would have been proud.
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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Is Playing Stupid a Good Tactic for a Candidate?
By James Longstreet

Hillary is just a little too good at playing stupid.

“Wipe? You mean like with a cloth?” she says in answer to a question about her private email server. She continued on to declare she doesn’t know much about the digital technology involved.

These are curious statements, jests, and admissions for someone seeking the highest office in the land. Hillary essentially says with these statements that she is technology ignorant. We are to believe she missed the tech revolution. Where was she?

Hillary portrays herself in a poor light with the declarations that she just doesn’t know how all this stuff works. Presidential? Ignorance is not a quality one would expect of a presidential candidate. I guess we can file this with her dismissive nature, “At this point what difference does it make?”

Hillary hides from questioning for good reason. Expect more of the same. But when MSNBC starts to pile on, and your husband starts to do the moonwalk away from you, even money can not reverse the tide. Deny, deflect, delay is the Clinton model.

Secretary of State Clinton decided to rework the mandated records protocol of her office. She consciously decided, calculated, to re route her emails to a privately maintained main frame server that would reside in her house and be under her complete control and outside the sphere of governmental communication networking. She kept at least three devices for communication. Doesn’t know how this works? Just a lucky accidental circumvention of the standard operating procedures of the office Secretary of State rather than a calculated move, right?

Gone are the alleged bridal emails and thousands of yoga emails. She fully grasped the concept of “wiping” in that instance. That strong interest in yoga and the pantsuits just don’t jibe. So much of Hillary doesn’t.

The media treatment of the issue of her server, and her response that this is somehow an unfair personal attack, misses the national security gravity of the issue. Her server most assuredly had less security than the large hacking events at Sony, Global Payment Systems, Zappos, Adobe, Target, Neiman Marcus, Yahoo, Michaels. Information on her server, in the wrong hands, might put her in a blackmail situation. As President, what might Hillary do to protect her image and legacy, and at what cost to the country?

When and if Hillary is nailed to the wall with undeniable evidence of wrongdoing, she will likely make the graceful exit. We might be left wondering whether the crux of the violation was a national security issue or a multi country shakedown scheme for the Clinton Foundation.

However, Hillary is just a little too good at playing stupid. One begins to wonder how much of an act it is.

Read more:

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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As time goes on, more of her possible escapes will be erased until she is stuck. Admit to knowing better or understanding the implications of what she did, and she kills her candidicy. Continue the lie that she didn't know better and she starts to look increasingly unpresidential.

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Posts: 5446 | Location: Stationed in Kitsap Washington w/ the USN | Registered: November 04, 2007Report This Post
Amateur Astronomer
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Originally posted by chellim1:

However, Hillary is just a little too good at playing stupid. One begins to wonder how much of an act it is.

The only thing that surprises me about her is that she hasn't fallen back on one of her most famous quotes,


Who brought the chips and dip?

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I was listening to Rush this morning on the way home and he had a caller that posed an interesting question.

If she insists that she didn't send or receive any classified info. on her server, why hasn't someone asked how she did send and receive it?
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by sdy:

First, the lawyers searched all emails with a “.gov” email address ....

Next they searched for the first and last names of more than 100 State Department and other U.S. government officials ...

Finally, they performed a search for specific keywords, including “Benghazi” and “Libya.” It is not clear how many such terms were used as filters.

Ambassador Stevens used a private email account ( for official business. No .gov there, so that won't find it.

The one email we've seen to and from that account does mention "Mr. Stevens," so no idea whether that registered as we don't know the names on the list used for the search (e.g., did it search for "Christopher Stevens" or "Chris Stevens" - neither would find "Mr. Stevens").

This one email does not mention either Benghazi or Libya.

Overall, I think they continue digging their hole deeper.

Nice is overrated

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Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Peace through
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Originally posted by domcintosh:
As time goes on, more of her possible escapes will be erased until she is stuck. Admit to knowing better or understanding the implications of what she did, and she kills her candidicy. Continue the lie that she didn't know better and she starts to look increasingly unpresidential.
I agree. She's trapped. If she gets the Democratic nomination, the Republicans will lambaste her at every opportunity, and let's not forget that this email stuff is just one of Hillary's sins. There aren't enough hours in the day to condemn her and her husband for their arrogance.

Nasty bitch. Freaking crook. I hope you crash and burn real soon, ya harpy. Mad
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Info Guru
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Drip, drip, drip...

State Department destroyed Clinton aides’ BlackBerrys

Clinton used her own device, raising questions of security

The State Department destroyed the BlackBerry devices issued to two top aides of former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and never issued Mrs. Clinton a device at all, officials told a federal court Wednesday in a filing that raises still more security questions.

The filing came a day before officials will have to appear in court to detail the steps they took to try to track down Mrs. Clinton’s emails, and whatever computers or other devices she may have used to send them.

Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest law firm, has sued to get a look at the emails of Mrs. Clinton and two top aides at State: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.

All three used email accounts not issued by the State Department to conduct government business, and all three are now under court orders to return those documents to the department to belatedly comply with open-records laws.

After Mrs. Clinton said she had deleted messages from her server, Judicial Watch prodded the State Department to try to dig up her electronic devices to see if any messages could be recovered.

State, on Wednesday, said that was impossible.

“[The department] does not believe that any personal computing device was issued by the department to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and has not located any such device,” administration officials said.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said that means Mrs. Clinton, who did use such devices during her time in office, must have issued one to herself — raising major national security questions.

“If the State Department was not providing secure email devices to Mrs. Clinton, who was? Best Buy? Target? Mrs. Clinton clearly did whatever she wanted, without regard to national security or federal records keeping laws,” Mr. Fitton said.

The State Department said Ms. Mills and Ms. Abedin were issued BlackBerry devices, which were likely turned in at the end of their service.

“Because the devices issued to Ms. Mills and Ms. Abedin would have been outdated models, in accordance with standard operating procedures those devices would have been destroyed or excessed,” the department said.

Ms. Mills’ lawyer has told the court she returned her emails to the government earlier this year, while Ms. Abedin’s lawyer said they will return her emails by next week.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
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Ball Haulin'
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Her escape from going to prison will be a sudden "relapse" of whatever went on with her a couple years back with the funky glasses. She will have a "stroke"'or event that will allow her to not only exit the stage, but not be held accountable either. A beach house will suddenly become her therapy.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
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So, what's the latest news on that federal judge who was last told by the State Dept. lawyers that their position is that they're not responsible for any e-mails even though the judge ordered them to produce them or get them and produce them? Is the judge going to rule them (Stete Dept)in contempt? Things were going along very well until this point.
Posts: 2476 | Registered: January 21, 2007Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Originally posted by parabellum:

I agree. She's trapped.

And she's lashing out like a wounded animal; did anyone see the hard-faced, combative and angry Clinton yesterday? That's NOT Presidential AT ALL. I think it's finally beginning to sink in that her goose is cooked and she's just figuring out a way to keep herself out of federal prison.

Posts: 35585 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
crazy heart
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Originally posted by entropy:
Her escape from going to prison will be a sudden "relapse" of whatever went on with her a couple years back with the funky glasses. She will have a "stroke"'or event that will allow her to not only exit the stage, but not be held accountable either. A beach house will suddenly become her therapy.

Some version of this wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Posts: 1807 | Location: WA | Registered: January 07, 2009Report This Post
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There are people in this country; my wife is one of them, who do not use computers or smart phones. These people can claim “digital ignorance”.
Hillary cannot claim ignorance without our “willing suspension of disbelief”.

I would believe that she does not personally have the technical competence to wipe the drives by herself. But she does have accomplices who can do it, or know how to hire someone that will do the job.

I suspect that if a high level big employee went to a large IT firm with security clearances and asked for a military grade cleaning job, they would be refused.
So you have to go to the guy who stores the server in his bathroom, who doesn’t know the trouble he is getting into.

It’s very similar to asking your connected cousin Vinnie where to find someone to do a knee-capping.
Posts: 3853 | Location: Citrus County Florida | Registered: October 13, 2008Report This Post
Chip away the stone
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Originally posted by mod29:
Originally posted by entropy:
Her escape from going to prison will be a sudden "relapse" of whatever went on with her a couple years back with the funky glasses. She will have a "stroke"'or event that will allow her to not only exit the stage, but not be held accountable either. A beach house will suddenly become her therapy.

Some version of this wouldn't surprise me in the least.


Walter White Fugue State diagnosis announcement in 3..2...
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