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![]() _____________________________________________ I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal. | |||
Gracie Allen is my personal savior! |
No, dear, you just wiped it with a dishcloth and left a few witnesses behind. | |||
Rule #1: Use enough gun![]() |
Clinton's State Dept. calendar missing scores of entries http://www.mcclatchydc.com/new...article85708367.html Television cameras rolled when Hillary Clinton appeared on the central balcony of the New York Stock Exchange to ring the opening bell — just minutes after she attended a private breakfast in September 2009 with influential Wall Street and business leaders. But the identities of her breakfast guests would be left off of her official State Department calendar — omissions that are among scores of names and events missing from Clinton's historical record of her daily activities as secretary of state, an Associated Press review found. Now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Clinton met that morning with a dozen chief executives, most of whose firms had lobbied the government and donated to her family's global charity, the Clinton Foundation. The event was closed to the press and merited only a brief mention in her official calendar, which omitted the names of all her guests — among them Blackstone Group Chairman Steven Schwarzman, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi and then-New York Bank of Mellon CEO Robert Kelly. The AP review of Clinton's calendar — her after-the-fact, official chronology of the events of her four-year term — identified at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors and loyalists, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests that were either not recorded or listed with identifying details scrubbed. The AP found the omissions by comparing the 1,500-page document with separate planning schedules supplied to Clinton by aides in advance of each day's events. The names of at least 114 outsiders who met with Clinton were missing from her calendar, the records show. The missing entries raise new questions about how Clinton and her inner circle handled government records documenting her State Department tenure — in this case, why the official chronology of her four-year term does not closely mirror other more detailed records of her daily meetings. At a time when Clinton's private email system is under scrutiny by an FBI criminal investigation, the calendar omissions reinforce concerns that she sought to eliminate the "risk of the personal being accessible" — as she wrote in an email exchange that she failed to turn over to the government but was subsequently uncovered elsewhere. No known federal laws were violated and some omissions could be blamed on Clinton's highly fluid schedule, which sometimes forced late cancellations. But only seven meetings in Clinton's planning schedules were replaced by substitute events on her official calendar. More than 60 other events listed in Clinton's planners were omitted entirely in her calendar, tersely noted or described only as "private meetings" — all without naming those who met with her. Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said Thursday night that the multiple discrepancies between her State Department calendar and her planning schedules "simply reflect a more detailed version in one version as compared to another, all maintained by her staff." Merrill said that Clinton "has always made an effort to be transparent since entering public life, whether it be the release of over 30 years of tax returns, years of financial disclosure forms, or asking that 55,000 pages of work emails from her time of secretary of state be turned over to the public." The missing or heavily edited entries in her calendar included private dinners with political donors, policy sessions with groups of corporate leaders and "drop-bys" with old Clinton campaign hands. Among those whose names were omitted from her calendar were longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal, consultant and former Clinton White House chief of staff Thomas "Mack" McLarty, former energy lobbyist Joseph Wilson and entertainment magnate and Clinton campaign bundler Haim Saban. The AP first sought Clinton's calendar and schedules from the State Department in August 2013, but the agency would not acknowledge even that it had the material. After nearly two years of delay, the AP sued the State Department in March 2015. The department agreed in a court filing last August to turn over Clinton's calendar, and provided the documents in November. After noticing discrepancies between Clinton's calendar and some schedules, the AP pressed in court for all of Clinton's planning material. The U.S. has released about one-third of those planners to the AP, so far. The State Department censored both sets of documents for national security and other reasons, but those changes were made after the documents were turned over to the State Department at the end of Clinton's tenure. The documents obtained by the AP do not show who specifically logged entries in Clinton's calendar or who edited the material. Clinton's emails and other records show that she and two close aides, deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin and scheduling assistant Lona J. Valmoro, held weekly meetings and emailed almost every day about Clinton's plans. According to the recent inspector general's audit and a court declaration made last December by the State Department's acting executive secretary, Clinton's aides had access to her calendar through a government Microsoft Outlook account. Both Abedin and Valmoro were political appointees at the State Department and are now aides in her presidential campaign. Unlike Clinton's planning schedules, which were sent to Clinton each morning, her calendar was edited after each event, the AP's review showed. Some calendar entries were accompanied by Valmoro emails — indicating she may have added those entries. Every meeting entry also included both the planned time of the event and the actual time — showing that Clinton's calendar was being used to document each meeting after it ended. Former senior State Department logistics officials and government records experts interviewed by the AP said that secretaries of state have wide latitude in keeping their schedules — despite federal laws and agency rules overseeing the archiving of calendars and warning against altering or deleting records. Omissions in Clinton's calendar could undermine the document's historical accuracy, particularly its depictions of Clinton's access to political, corporate and other influences, experts said. "It's clear that any outside influence needs to be clearly identified in some way to at least guarantee transparency. That didn't happen," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, a nonpartisan government reform group. "These discrepancies are striking because of her possible interest at the time in running for the presidency." When Clinton met in September 2009 with her 12 corporate breakfast guests at the New York Stock Exchange, her planning schedule that morning listed the hourlong event as "CEO breakfast discussion and New York Stock Exchange opening bell ceremony," adding that no press would be allowed. Besides Schwarzman, Nooyi and Kelly, Clinton's other guests were Fabrizio Freda, CEO of the Estee Lauder Companies Inc.; Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks Corp.; Lewis Frankfort, chairman of Coach Inc.; Ellen Kullman, then-CEO of DuPont; David M. Cote, CEO of Honeywell International Inc.; James Tisch, president of Loews Corp.; John D. Wren, CEO of Omnicom Group; then-McGraw Hill Companies chairman Harold McGraw III; and James Taiclet, chairman of the American Tower Corp. Also attending was then-NYSE CEO Duncan Niederauer, who later accompanied Clinton when she rang the stock exchange bell. As she opened the day's trading session, Clinton cited Wall Street's resurgence after the 2008 recession. "Coming back as secretary of state after all that we've done in the last year to try to pull ourselves out of this economic downturn is very exciting," she said. Details about Clinton's private conversation with her corporate guests were not included in her records. Four of the attendees — Schwarzman, Nooyi, Cote and Kullman — headed companies that later donated to Clinton's pet diplomatic project of that period, the U.S. pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo. All the firms represented except Coach lobbied the government in 2009; Blackstone, Honeywell, Omnicom and DuPont lobbied the State Department that year. Schwarzman and Frankfort have personally donated to the Clinton Foundation, and the other firms — except for American Tower and New York Bank of Mellon — also contributed to the Clinton charity. P.J. Crowley, a State Department spokesman for Clinton at the time, told the AP that Clinton's vision of "21st century statecraft" included exchanging views with corporate leaders and promoting public-private partnerships. "That was certainly reflected in her day-to-day schedule, her travel and her global outreach," Crowley said. Clinton's calendar listed meetings with 124 business leaders and political donors and loyalists, but not with 114 others who were identified by the AP's review. In some cases, repeat Clinton visitors were listed for some meetings, but not for others. Four meetings with S. Daniel Abraham, a multimillionaire who founded the Center for Mideast Peace, were noted in Clinton's calendar. But in four other sessions — including two listed only as "private meeting" — Abraham's name was omitted. Abraham, a prolific fundraiser for Clinton's 2008 campaign who has donated $3 million to a super PAC backing Clinton in 2016, told the AP last year that he and Clinton typically discussed Mideast policy. "The fact that some information was not captured isn't necessarily a sign of bad faith," said Steven Aftergood, a government records expert at the Federation of American Scientists. He added, "It's obviously more important to have a complete record than a scattershot one." When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21 "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -- George W. Bush | |||
Ball Haulin'![]() |
You know, Comey's delay may very well be due to the fact that the Bureau doesnt have enough handcuffs in inventory to cover this.... -------------------------------------- "There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know." | |||
Step by step walk the thousand mile road![]() |
I wonder if the reason the FBI is taking so long to complete their criminal investigation is they found evidence of criminal activity and are contemplating charges of destruction of evidence. Nice is overrated "It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government." Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018 | |||
Coin Sniper![]() |
I bet someone is pushing for the FBI to delay this until after the election. If she <shudder> becomes president she can bury it. If not, charging her won't create a political firestorm. Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys 343 - Never Forget Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive. | |||
Serenity now!![]() |
If the FBI decides that Hillary's actions are criminal, and DOJ goes along, what would happen? Would there be a trial, or would everything happen behind closed doors? Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice - pull down your pants and slide on the ice. ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ | |||
Member![]() |
Hillary, the State Dept & DOJ would insist that it be held behind closed doors, because alot of the information is classified & needs to be kept secure. Ironic, isn't it. ------------------------------------------------ "It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." Thomas Sowell | |||
I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
Sorry, trials must be public. That's one of the numerous imponderable perplexities, given the likely materiality of evidence which is currently classified, some likely highly classified. Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | |||
Member |
You may not be far off... When you open this can (or these cans) of worms, and start turning over these rocks, there probably aren't enough special agents in the building to chases down all of the leads. | |||
Edge seeking Sharp blade! |
Rush said Shill was reading off the teleprompter yesterday and it indicated for her to "sigh" She said "sigh" out loud. | |||
Rule #1: Use enough gun![]() |
Top IT official: Disabling security for Clinton server laid out 'welcome mat' for hackers http://www.foxnews.com/politic...rs.html?intcmp=hpbt1 A 2010 decision temporarily disabling State Department security features to accommodate Hillary Clinton’s private server effectively laid out a "welcome mat" for hackers and foreign intelligence services, a leading IT official who oversaw computer security at the Defense Intelligence Agency told Fox News. "You're putting not just the Clinton server at risk but the entire Department of State emails at risk," said Bob Gourley, former chief technology officer (CTO) for the DIA. "When you turn off your defensive mechanisms and you're connected to the Internet, you're almost laying out the welcome mat for anyone to intrude and attack and steal your secrets." He was referring to revelations from new court-released documents in a lawsuit by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch. They show the State Department temporarily turned off security features in 2010 so that emails from then-Secretary of State Clinton's personal server would stop going to the department's spam folders. Gourley, who has more than two decades of cybersecurity experience and is now a partner with strategic consulting and engineering firm Cognitio, noted the Russians did breach the State Department system at some point – though it’s unclear when, and whether disabling the security functions in 2010 played a role. He said, though, that when the Russian presence was detected in 2014, there were indications “they had been there for quite a while … [and] also hacked into unclassified systems in the White House.” He said the Russians would have tried “everything possible to get in.” Gourley said: "A professionally run system is going to keep their defenses up all the time to at least make it hard on them.” The court-released emails show State Department IT staffers struggled to resolve the issue in December 2010, and it was considered an urgent matter. "This should trump all other activities," Ken LaVolpe, a senior technical officer, wrote on Dec. 17, 2010. The disabled software was designed to block so-called phishing emails that could insert viruses into the system. Another senior State Department official, Thomas W. Lawrence, wrote that Clinton aide Huma Abedin was personally checking in for status reports on the progress. The State Department inspector general's report released in May found Clinton's personal server used exclusively for official State Department business violated government rules. It also reported that in early January 2011 -- a month after the security feature shut-down -- an IT worker shut down the server because he believed "someone was trying to hack us." The individual, who was not identified by name in emails released by the IG, reported a second incident only hours later, writing, "We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min." An email also from this time period documented Clinton's concern about getting a government email account. In November 2010, Clinton wrote to Abedin: "Let's get separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible.” Though Clinton said all her work-related emails were turned over, this document was provided not by Clinton but by Abedin. While Clinton swore under oath last fall all records had been provided, campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement that Clinton did not have all the emails. "We understand Secretary Clinton had some emails with Huma that Huma did not have, and Huma had some emails with Secretary Clinton that Secretary Clinton did not have," he said. He asserted the November 2010 email shows that “contrary to the allegations of some, Secretary Clinton was not seeking to avoid any use of government email. As indicated in this email, she was open to using a state.gov account but she simply wanted her personal emails to remain private, as anyone would want." The FBI is investigating Clinton's emails practices. Agents are looking into whether classified information was taken outside secure government channels, and whether the server was compromised by a third party. Fox News first reported in January the FBI investigation had expanded to public corruption and whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws, according to three intelligence sources. This week, the head of WikiLeaks Julian Assange told a British television network that he was in possession of Clinton emails that have not yet been released, indicating the system was compromised. In an interview with British Television Network ITV, Assange said he has Clinton emails that are not public, and there is "enough evidence" for criminal charges, including regarding the Clinton Foundation, though he claimed she was too protected by the Obama administration for an indictment to go forward. "There's very strong material, both in the emails and in relation to the Clinton Foundation," Assange said. The Clinton campaign has dismissed claims the server was compromised by a third party, including those of Romanian hacker "Guccifer." Fox News was first to report his claims that he accessed the server with ease in March 2012. The Justice Department extradited the hacker to Northern Virginia where he recently agreed in a plea deal to cooperate in future investigations and testify before a grand jury. An NSA whistleblower said the Assange claim should be taken seriously, given WikiLeaks’ track record of releasing authentic documents. "It just says that she put all this material on a server that was insecure, that anyone in the world could access it and break in," said Bill Binney, a former National Security Agency specialist who spoke out against the agency's broad surveillance programs. Binney was investigated by the FBI, though there was no evidence he mishandled classified information. Binney said there is a double-standard at play in the Clinton case, given more than 2,100 emails on her server containing classified information have been identified. He called her files “vulnerable [to] attack [from] all people in the world -- hackers, governments, everybody." When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21 "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -- George W. Bush | |||
Now in Florida![]() |
Yes indeed.....It's made even better by her carefully stage-managed dramatic pause and tone of voice. Her campaign staff is so close to making her appear to be human. Remember how much they ridiculed Bush 41 for "Message: I care"??? I didn't see the same or actually any mention of this one on the MSM. This message has been edited. Last edited by: ChicagoSigMan, | |||
Gracie Allen is my personal savior! |
And now questions are being raised about her calendar - which doesn't mean much in and of itself, but will probably be enough to help keep the noise going. Hillary Clinton's State Dept. Calendar Missing Scores Of Entries Time Magazine, June 25, 2016, with AP's Bradley Klapper contributing An Associated Press review of the official calendar Hillary Clinton kept as secretary of state identified at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors, Clinton Foundation contributors, and corporate and other outside interests that were not recorded or omitted the names of those she met. The fuller details of those meetings were included in files the State Department turned over to the AP after it sued the government in federal court. The missing entries raise new questions about how Clinton and her inner circle handled government records documenting her State Department tenure - in this case, why the official chronology of her four-year term does not closely mirror the other, more detailed records of her daily meetings. At a time when Clinton's private email system is under scrutiny by an FBI criminal investigation, the calendar omissions reinforce concerns that she sought to eliminate the "risk of the personal being accessible" - as she wrote in an email exchange that she failed to turn over to the government but was subsequently uncovered in a top aide's inbox. The AP found the omissions by comparing the 1,500-page calendar with separate planning schedules supplied to Clinton by aides in advance of each day's events. The names of at least 114 outsiders who met with Clinton were missing from her calendar, the records show. No known federal laws were violated and some omissions could be blamed on Clinton's highly fluid schedule, which sometimes forced late cancellations. But only seven meetings in Clinton's planning schedules were replace by substitute events on her official calendar. More than 60 other events listed in Clinton's planners were omitted entirely in her calendar, tersely noted or described only as "private meetings" - all without naming those who met with her. Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said Thursday night that the multiple discrepancies between her State Department calendar and her planning schedules "simply reflect a more detailed version in one version as compared to another, all maintained by her staff. Merrill said Clinton has always made an effort to be transparent since entering public life, whether it be the release of over 30 years of tax returns, years of financial disclosure forms, or asking that 55,000 pages of work emails from her time of [i(sic)[/i] secretary of state be turned over to the public." In one key omissions, Clinton's State Department calendar dropped the identities of a dozen major Wall Street and buisness leaders who met with her during a private breakfast discussion at the New York Stock Exchange in September 2009. The meeting occurred minutes before Clinton appeared in public at the exchange to ring the market's ceremonial opening bell. Despite the omission, Clinton's State Department planning schedules from the same day listed the names of all Clinton's breakfast guests - most of whose firms had lobbied the government and donated to her family's global charity. The event was closed to the press and merited only a brief mention in her calendar, which omitted all her guests' names - among them Blackstone Group Chairman Steven Schwarzman, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi and then-New York Bank of Mellon CEO Robert Kelly. Clinton's calendar also repeatedly omitted private dinners and meetings with political donors, policy sessions with groups of corporate leaders and "drop-bys" with old Clinton campaign hands and advisers. Among those names were omitted from her calendar wer longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal (Surprise, surprise, surprise - IC), consultant and former Clinton White House chief of staff Thomas "Mack" McLarty, former energy lobbyist Joseph Wilson and entertainment magnate and Clinton campaign bundler Haim Saban. The AP first sought Clinton's calendar and schedules from the State Department in August 2013, but the agency would not acknowledge even that it had the material. After nearly two years of delay, the AP sued the State Department in March 2015. The department agreed in a court filing last August to turn over Clinton's calendar, and provided the documents in November. After noticing discrepancies between Clinton's calendar and some schedules, the AP pressed in court for all of Clinton's planning material. The U.S. has released about one-third of those planners to the AP, so far. The State Department censored both sets of documents for national security and other reasons, but those changes were made after the documents were turned over to the State Department at the end of Clinton's tenure. The documents obtained by the AP do not show who specifically logged entries in Clinton's calendar or who edited the material. Clinton's emails and other records show that she and two close aides, deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin and scheduling assistant Lona J. Valmoro, held weekly meetings and emailed almost every day about Clinton's plans. According to the recent inspector general's audit and a court declaration made last December by the State Department's acting executive secretary, Clinton's aides had access to her calendar through a government Microsoft Outlook account. Both Abedin and Valmoro were political appointees at the State Department and are now aides in her presidential campaign. Unlike Clinton's planning schedules, which were sent to Clinton each morning, her calendar was edited after each event, the AP's review showed. Some calendar entries were accompanied by Valmoro emails - indicating she may have added those entries. Every meeting entry also included both the planned time of the event and the actual time - showing that Clinton's calendar was being used to document each meeting after it ended. The State Department said Friday that "extensive records" from Clinton's calendars were preserved. Spokesman John Kirby said he couldn't speak in more detail about practices during Clinton's tenure because of the AP's ongoing lawsuit. Kirby said the department was confident it was properly preserving Secretary John Kerry's calendars and other historic documents, but he noted that Kerry was not required to include details of private, non-work-related meetings. Kirby declined to specify the agency's definition of those private sessions, saying only that "there are obviously some moments of his life that have no bearing on his work as secretary of state." Kirby would not comment on how Clinton and other former secretaries handled their calendars. Five former State Department logistics officials told the AP that some of Clinton's predecessors also omitted some private meetings from their calendars. The former officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss sensitive agency practices, said omitted meetings typically were for medical or other personal reasons as opposed to meetings Clinton attended with political and charity donors and with corporate executives. P.J. Crowley, a State Department spokesman for Clinton at the time, told the AP that Clinton's vision of "21st century statecraft" included exchanging views with corporate leaders and promoting public-private parterships. "That was certainly reflected in her day-to-day schedule, her travel and her global outreach," Crowley said. The former department officials as well as government records experts said that secretaries of state have wide latitude in keeping their schedules - despite federal laws and agency rules overseeing the archiving of calendars and warning against altering or deleting records. Omissions in Clinton's calendar could undermine the documents' historical accuracy, particularly its depictions of Clinton's access to political, corporate and other influences, experts said. "It's clear that any outside influence needs to be clearly identified in some way to at least guarantee transparency. That didn't happen," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, a nonpartisan government reform group. "These discrepancies are striking because of her possible interest at the time in running for the presidency." Clinton's terse calendar entry on her 2009 private breakfast on Wall Street contains no details on what she and her 12 guests discussed. Besides Scharzman, Nooyi and Kelly, Clinton's other guests were Fabrizio Freda, CEO of the Estee Lauder Companies Inc.; Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks Corp.; David M. Cote, CEO of Honeywell International Inc.; James Tisch, president of Loews Corp., John D. Wren, CEO of Omnicom Group; then-McGraw Hill Companies chairman Harold McGraw III; and James Taiclet, chairman of the American Tower Corp. Also attending was then-NYSE CEO Duncan Niederauer, who later accompanied Clinton when she range the stock exchange bell. Four of the attendees - Schwarzman, Nooyi, Cote and Kullman - headed companies that later donate to Clinton's pet diplomatic project of that period, the U.S. pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo. All of the firms represented except Coach lobbied the government in 2009; Blackstone, Honeywell, Omnicom and DuPont lobbied the State Department that year. Schwarzman and Frankfort have personally donated to the Clinton Foundation, and the other firms - except for American Tower and New York Bank of Mellon - also contributed to the Clinton Charity. Original text at https://www.yahoo.com/news/hil...endar-160528122.html | |||
I'll try to be brief |
Isn't she a little old to be worrying about her calendar? ![]() | |||
Plowing straight ahead come what may![]() |
EWWWWWWW! ******************************************************** "we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches Making the best of what ever comes our way Forget that blind ambition and learn to trust your intuition Plowing straight ahead come what may And theres a cowboy in the jungle" Jimmy Buffet | |||
Non-Miscreant |
We and others make all this noise about her not following the law. Almost as important, the rules of the State Dept. What I don't see brought up are the possible law breaking by her staff. Somehow, emails to her had to be typed by those staffers bridging the gap between the secret system and her public system. Maybe I just don't understand.... If she typed the classified information (not likely) then she's the criminal. If her staffers transcribed that classified stuff, then they broke the law. Its bad enough the folks at the FBI seem to be giving her a pass, or a slow walk. But she's the crown princess of America. Her hand maids are just workers who she has selected for greatness. So we've evolved from being a nation of laws to one of men(or women). Now it seems she has the power to anoint others with a get out of jail free card, too? Poor Vince Foster, who could have guessed how far we've advanced. Unhappy ammo seeker | |||
Oh stewardess, I speak jive. ![]() |
IIRC, we (the people) won't even know exactly when or if the FBI recommends charges to the DOJ nor the timeframe or decision until after the fact, given how the process works. Short of a leak or official statement that they're under no timeliness obligation to give... So, for all we know or may know, the FBI could recommend next Tuesday, unbeknownst to us, and a month or two later a statement could finally be made that "they're carefully weighing the evidence", then who knows... What it won't be is quick and transparent. | |||
Gracie Allen is my personal savior! |
Either that or we're waiting to find out which members of her staff cooperate with the FBI and which ones go to jail. No matter what, Hill the Pill has to be the number one target of this investigation. | |||
Member |
It wouldn't amaze me if after she's elected and the words to the Oath are spoken, she is declared the winner of the 2017 Nobel Peace prize. I'm certain she would accept it, "On behalf of Quackers everywhere...". *************************** Knowing more by accident than on purpose. | |||
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