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What's up with all these sudden prime-time debates for Hillary? They finally realized that hiding her on Saturday night at 10 pm was a giant mistake and Bernie is about to overtake her?
Roll Eyes

It seems her coronation has turned into a real race!

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Originally posted by 46and2:
the "fact" that Powell and Rice may have also done loosely similar things was all over other forums yesterday being parroted around with dismissive certainty, like old news even.

This sounds like a petulant 4 year old saying, 'but they did it first.'

She broke the law as I understand it. Not prosecuting her undermines the rule of law, where no one is above the law. It undermines our country's foundation.


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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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sounds like a petulant 4 year old saying, 'but they did it first.'

of course.

but it's an effective strategy during an election, as too many people are stupid and lazy and will never look into it beyond repeating 'facts' like that.
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but it's an effective strategy during an election, as too many people are stupid and lazy and will never look into it beyond repeating 'facts' like that.

No doubt true.

But the answer to all in all cases is simple. If it can be proven that anyone did it , more shame to them with an indictment to follow.
Anyone doing it or who has committed similar crime (s) should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law regardless of who they are or any past service to the country.

Benedict Arnold did great service to this country during the Revolution, that does not excuse him from his later act of treason.

Hillary should have her day in court and the sooner the better.
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If I were an FBI agent tasked with this investigation, Hillary and the left's tactics (including this latest one) would only give me more resolve to get it RIGHT!
Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
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Many Democratic voters that our reporters have been running into in Iowa and New Hampshire tell us over and over again they are worried about the email issue.

Not because they don’t believe your explanation

that last line from above was a sad reminder to me.

The Democratic voters have bought Clinton's lies and/or they couldn't care less what she did w email. They really don't.

National security and keeping govt secrets are nonissues to the vast majority of Dem voters.

while we all think it is likely that the FBI will recommend something and the DoJ will follow though, the regime that has us under occupation will be focused on what the Dem voters will do. They just don't care.

I don't know where this is going, but the longer it stretches out, the more opportunity Clinton has to anesthetize the country to her blood sucking corruption.

If the FBI is truly aggressively pursuing a dual investigation of not only criminally negligent handling of classified material, but also corruption from the State Dept/ Clinton Foundation relationship, they should start to signal that in some very unambiguous manner.

I am not sure how they might do that, but one way would be to indeed start to bring charges against individuals over time.
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Quote from Chelsea Clinton yesterday: “We also need to strip away the immunity that President Sanders — excuse me — Senator Sanders, I hope not President Sanders — Senator Sanders…”
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Originally posted by Sigmanic:
If I were an FBI agent tasked with this investigation, Hillary and the left's tactics (including this latest one) would only give me more resolve to get it RIGHT!

I think that I why it is going slow. I think they need to prove that she masterminded the emails being sent, not her aides who 'just wanted it to be easy' for Hilz. And until they start getting aides and career who decide avoiding jail cells next to Hilz is worse than ratting her out, it will be a hard one for the FBI.

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Originally posted by IrishWind:
Originally posted by Sigmanic:
If I were an FBI agent tasked with this investigation, Hillary and the left's tactics (including this latest one) would only give me more resolve to get it RIGHT!
I think that I why it is going slow. I think they need to prove that she masterminded the emails being sent, not her aides who 'just wanted it to be easy' for Hilz. And until they start getting aides and career who decide avoiding jail cells next to Hilz is worse than ratting her out, it will be a hard one for the FBI.
Yes, I do believe the remarks from Hillary serve to strengthen the resolve of the FBI.
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If the FBI is truly aggressively pursuing a dual investigation of not only criminally negligent handling of classified material, but also corruption from the State Dept/ Clinton Foundation relationship, they should start to signal that in some very unambiguous manner.

I've been thinking....hoping, rather, that some of the latest stories in the media (FOX mostly) are just this sort of thing. Hopefully just a prelude of what is to come. Catherine Herridge has been outstanding on this, and her sources seem to come from a fairly high level and are solid. Very credible compared to what is found in much of the media these days.
Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
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Washington Post!

Clinton email scandal: Why it might be time for Democrats to draft Joe Biden

The Hillary Clinton email issue is developing into a real whodunit, complete with Clintonesque legal semantics. “I never sent or received any material marked classified,” she said with respect to the discovery of classified information on her private, unclassified email server. That surface denial nearly rivals Bill Clinton’s classic: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

But this is no laughing matter.

There is nothing trivial about a secretary of state having top-secret information on an unsecured computer in her home.

State Department rules are quite clear.

Top-secret information must not be placed on any unclassified systems. It must be accounted for and controlled. And no copy of a top-secret document can be made without the permission of the office or agency in which it originated.

There are also limited ways in which top-secret information can be transmitted. Sending top-secret information via a private, unsecured email server is not one of them. Transmitting top-secret information with the classification removed is also forbidden.

That makes it critical to establish whether Clinton’s private server contained information that was classified at the time it was sent or received.

In fall 2014, the State Department shut down and shored up its unclassified email system after detecting a possible hacker attack. A hacker also attacked the White House’s unclassified computer system around the same time.

Last year, Iranian hackers broke into the email and social media accounts of State Department officials who focused on Iran and the Middle East, according to the New York Times.

In July, The Post reported that hackers who attacked the Office of Personnel Management got the personnel and security files of at least 22 million people, including federal employees and contractors, as well as their families and friends.

The U.S. Postal Service was hacked in 2014. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s computer system was compromised the same year.

The nongovernment personal accounts of CIA Director John Brennan and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson reportedly have been hacked.

It’s chilling to think of what a breach of Clinton’s email account might mean to national security.

Presidential election year or not, the Clinton email issue must be resolved.

Just a thought: As a precaution, the manager in the White House dugout might consider telling the bullpen to start warming up Joe Biden .


The big news here is that this came from the Washington Post.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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Clinton lies again according to this former FBI Agent.

Hillary Clinton used misleading language in Thursday night’s Democratic debate to describe the ongoing FBI investigation into her use of a private email server to conduct official government business while she was secretary of state, according to former senior FBI agents.

In the New Hampshire debate with Senator Bernie Sanders, which aired on MSNBC, Clinton told moderator Chuck Todd that nothing would come of the FBI probe, “I am 100 percent confident. This is a security review that was requested. It is being carried out.”

Not true says Steve Pomerantz, who spent 28 years at the FBI, and rose from field investigative special agent to the rank of assistant director, the third highest position in the Bureau.

“They (the FBI) do not do security reviews,” Pomerantz said. “What they primarily do and what they are clearly doing in this instance is a criminal investigation.”

Pomerantz emphasized to Fox News, “There is no mechanism for her to be briefed and to have information about the conduct, the substance, the direction or the result of any FBI investigation.”

Separately, an intelligence source familiar with the two prongs of the ongoing FBI probe, stressed to Fox that the criminal and national security elements remain “inseparable.” The source, not authorized to speak on the record, characterized Clinton’s statement “as a typical Clinton diversion… and what is she going to say, “I’m 95 percent sure that I am going to get away with it?”

Fox recently learned that one of the FBI's senior agents responsible for counterintelligence matters, Charles H. Kable IV, is working the Clinton case, another indicator the intelligence source said that the FBI probe is “extremely serious, and the A-team is handling.”

Kable, known as "Sandy," was appointed special agent in charge of the counterintelligence division at the Washington field office by Director James Comey in December.

He had recently served as the chief of the counterespionage section at FBI headquarters. In that capacity, a bureau press releases says the 15-year, well-respected FBI veteran, "provided leadership and oversight to the field offices engaged in espionage, economic espionage, and insider threat investigations."

While his responsibilities are not publicly known, Kable was described to Fox as "tough and no- nonsense FBI " and analyst and agents are exploring whether the mishandling of classified information was "intentional" and who may have benefited.

A spokeswoman for the FBI took Fox's questions, but said they would not be providing comment on Kable’s role or the FBI case.

In 2009, Kable led investigations against known and suspected Chinese intelligence officers in the U.S. In January, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, told the Hugh Hewitt radio show that "the odds are pretty high" that then-Secretary of State Clinton's personal email server was hacked by Iran, China and Russia.

An intelligence source told Fox, "it is no less of a violation of espionage statutes if any material was classified secret or top secret....All the statute requires is national defense information or NDI,” adding "this is way past accidental spillage…(it) is being investigated as intentional mishandling….in this kind of high profile investigation, the most damaging information takes primacy.”

Investigations into the compromise of classified information include damage assessments. In the recent case of former CIA Director David Petraeus, the damage was deemed to be limited, discreet, and knowable because the highly classified information was shared with his biographer, who also had a security clearance.

In Hillary Clinton's case, if the private server was compromised by a third party, the extent of the damage maybe unknowable.

The hacker "Guccifer" compromised Clinton’s adviser Sydney Blumenthal's aol account, and he copied the email exchanges sent to Clinton. The Romanian hacker, whose real name is Marcel Lehel Lazar, has an extradition hearing February 17, and in an interview, indicated he would welcome extradition to the U.S.

The amount of classified information, now including top secret emails the State Department withheld from public release last week, and more than 15-hundred containing classified information at various levels.

At the State Department briefing Thursday, spokesman John Kirby was asked by Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge whether Clinton, as well as aides Huma Abedin, and Cheryl Mills, completed the required classified training that includes the proper storage, handling, and identification of classified information.

"Everybody here is trained in how to handle sensitive information. Sometimes that takes place in in-person briefings and I can't comment any further," Kirby said. Asked it was documented, Kirby said he had nothing more to offer, but did confirm Clinton, Abedin, Mills were not exempt from the strict rules that apply to State Department personnel.

Fox: “So they would not be an exception?”

Kirby: “Everybody that works at the State Department gets trained in how to handle sensitive information. Sometimes that's done in- person briefings.”

This is important because, on its face, it undercuts Clinton's claim she had no way to know it was classified because the emails were not marked. Personnel are trained (IF?) the content is classified, it can be marked, unmarked, or given in oral communications.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch sought the records documented (IN?)the classification training, but in a letter dated January 22, 2016, exactly seven years after Clinton signed her Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to serve as Secretary of State, the government watchdog was told "no responsive records" could be found.

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State Department rules are quite clear.

The MSM cannot seem to get through their thick heads that the big problem is not "State Department Rules" or HRC's violation of those rules.

Nor is the problem information originating in the State Department that was classified later after it had passed through HRC's unsecure hands.

The crux of the problem is information that originated outside of State and was classified before it was delivered to State. It is not within the purview of the State Department to changes someone else's classification. Nor is it within the State Departments purview to change the rules for handling TS-SAP information.

This entire line of BS is a Clinton Smokescreen. Her crap about "classified latter" and "what I did was permitted" should cause the MSM to laugh out load.

My sympathy is with the FBI, they have to wade through 30,000 to 60,000 pages a big part of which is Hillary BS.
Posts: 3853 | Location: Citrus County Florida | Registered: October 13, 2008Report This Post
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The hacker "Guccifer" compromised Clinton’s adviser Sydney Blumenthal's aol account, and he copied the email exchanges sent to Clinton. The Romanian hacker, whose real name is Marcel Lehel Lazar, has an extradition hearing February 17, and in an interview, indicated he would welcome extradition to the U.S.

Has he turned over all the emails he copied or does he have some get out of jail free emails in his back pocket once he is in the U.S.?

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If the FBI was able to read the "deleted" emails off of Clinton's server, then Guccifer probably doesn't have any Clinton - Blumenthal emails that the FBI doesn't have.

But he may have emails from Blumenthal to other people that would be of interest.

Back on page 54 there is a link to the March 2013 article about the Romanian taxi cab driver "Guccifer". That link was when it was first understood that HC was using a private email system.

It didn't get much attention. But that was 3 years ago.

Comment about security training. For some parts of the federal govt, training is not a one time affair.

Security training at some agencies takes place at least once a year, and sometimes 2 or 3 times per year.

You don't stop taking the training as you build time in service. You take the training every year, over and over. Occasionally it is updated to address changes or to address current issues. The training is usually mandatory.

Who knows what the State Dept does. They look like poster children for sloppy and reckless security control.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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This thread is long. This is a repeat of an earlier post. But it is even more important now than it was originally.

From the Annual Report to Congress: Federal Information Security Management Act February 2015

Strong Authentication is at 72 % over all federal agencies. (requires users to log-on to networks with unique Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards)

State Dept: (100,000 unprivileged users) Strong Authentication 0%

State Dept: (5,000 privileged users) Strong Authentication 0%

Privileged user accounts possess elevated levels of access to or control of Federal systems and information, significantly increasing the risk to Government resources if their credentials are compromised

Percentage of remote access connections that prohibit split tunneling and/or dual connected remote hosts where the laptop has two active connections:
75% all agencies (State Dept 0%)

Percentage of remote access connections that scan for malware upon connection: State Dept 0 %

Percentage of email traffic that is on systems that have the capability to digitally sign email (when sending messages): State Dept 0 %

Percentage of email traffic that is on systems that have FIPS 140-2 Encryption of Email (when sending messages): State Dept 0 %

Total Agency scores:
GSA 99%
DoJ 99%
DHS 98%
Dept of State 42%
HHS 35%
HUD 19%
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
delicately calloused
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What, with a cloth or something?......

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Don't know if this has been posted in this thread but Bill and Hillary made 153 million in speaking fees since 2001....153 Freaking Million Eek
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Ball Haulin'
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I would like to think one of the reasons this is taking so long is that its encompassing HRC, a former sitting President, a daughter, and many others. Im hoping its RICO on steroids. As far as Zippy's influence on it all... In some ways I see this as a battle of "old dem money/control" vs. "new dem money/control". In that light, I could see BHO feeding them to the wolves. As long as whatever they got on HIM can be avoided.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
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Festina Lente
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Originally posted by entropy:
I would like to think one of the reasons this is taking so long is that its encompassing HRC, a former sitting President, a daughter, and many others. Im hoping its RICO on steroids. As far as Zippy's influence on it all... In some ways I see this as a battle of "old dem money/control" vs. "new dem money/control". In that light, I could see BHO feeding them to the wolves. As long as whatever they got on HIM can be avoided.

That is an epic fantasy. Piling on, Obama sees this the chance to purge the Dem party of all the old guard - Clintons, Kerry, Kennedys, etc. so he tells the FBI to unleash the RICO dogs, and take them all down, leaving him, mooch, Biden, and other Obama lackeys at the top of the Dem food chain for the rest of their lives.

I'd put down big $ for pay per view to watch the perp walks...

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