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Were the bad guys tipped off that our ambassador would be there at a certain time?

From reading a number of the emails, I would say that is a possibility.

Here is just one example of what is on the open source State Dept reading room

That email is from June 2011 (year before Stephens was murdered)

This is an example of the kind of info they emailed about on Clinton's personal system.

Remember - this is what the Clinton team released
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by Bigboreshooter:
I don't know if this has been brought up in the previous 109 pages of this epic thread, but is it possible that hacked/intercepted emails from Hillary's server might have contributed to the attack in Benghazi? Were the bad guys tipped off that our ambassador would be there at a certain time?

They wouldn't need to hack her e-mail to get that stuff.

The Ambassador was going to see someone. That someone is likely fairly important, not just some itinerant camel herder. That someone knew other people and was known to other people. They knew what he was going to be doing, and approximately when and where. No big deal to find out if you need to know.

Those guys can't keep a secret amongst themselves, like a bunch of old women. You are more important when you know, and it's important to know, so everyone is trading info.

That's the benign version.

There was a reason the US took the rather risky step of not telling Pakistan we were coming into their country with a number of helo's and troops to kill bin Laden. Three can keep a secret over there if all of them are dead.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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They're after my Lucky Charms!
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Originally posted by mbinky:
Originally posted by recoatlift:
So this what our country has been reduced to, fucking carnival coin toss competition for election victories? Our Founding Fathers must be very proud of the way we handled our inheritance.

I saw one of the it made me furious! It makes us look like a third rate shithole. Next thing you know the Dem's will be telling us to dip our fingers in purple ink after we vote so we can feel proud of ourselves...

Actually, after the reports of fraud in Democratic strongholds last few elections, I think the ink idea is worth looking into.

But then again, if the poll places are going to allow fraud, why let a little ink stop them from casting a few dozen ballots?

Lord, your ocean is so very large and my divos are so very f****d-up
Dirt Sailors Unite!
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Needs a check up
from the neck up
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What do you make if anything in the document number shown on the email. That sure is a lot more than 30K.

The entire reason for the Second Amendment is not for hunting, it’s not for target shooting … it’s there so that you and I can protect our homes and our children and and our families and our lives. And it’s also there as fundamental check on government tyranny. Sen Ted Cruz
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
They wouldn't need to hack her...

if all of them are dead.

All walls have ears.

I guess that's why she read the e-mails under the bedsheets. Roll Eyes

Knowing more by accident than on purpose.
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That email is from June 2011 (year before Stephens was murdered)This is an example of the kind of info they emailed about on Clinton's personal system.Remember - this is what the Clinton team released

Very good point!

Someone in the Clinton camp must think that this was not embarrassing information to release.

What a bunch of idiots, send an email in the clear saying we are going to move our people because of apparent danger.

I suppose these are the same people that post very embarrassing photos on Facebook and then are surprised when caught. Oh, wait, Huma is married to just such an idiot.
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Originally posted by Timdogg6:
What do you make if anything in the document number shown on the email. That sure is a lot more than 30K.

The document number probably has a magic decoder ring key saying who sent the document, who received the document, etc.

I seriously doubt that it's a sequential numbering.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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The email above also says

"and the rest of the intel community is using"

The intel community was not happy when they saw this email.

This was real time info.
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just one more as an example.

This is part of an email from Abedin to HC in March 2011

This again shows the kind of real time
sensitive info that was sent over unclass systems

Reminder the date is Mar 2011

I would really like to know what was among those "deleted" emails.
Posts: 19664 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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^^^^^ ..and his security team will be armed with a revolver and one round of ammunition.
Posts: 3853 | Location: Citrus County Florida | Registered: October 13, 2008Report This Post
I'll try to be brief
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I guess that's why she read the e-mails under the bedsheets

Maybe if she had done a little more under the bedsheets Bill would have behaved himself. Smile
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At the end of a get out the vote campaign event in New Hampshire on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton was asked about her plans for protecting cyber security.

“It is one of the most important challenges the next president is going to face,” Clinton said.

short video at link
Posts: 19664 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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Originally posted by IrishWind:
I think the ink idea is worth looking into.

I have long thought that that’s exactly what we should do. It wouldn’t stop all voter fraud, but it would be a first step.

My only objection to it is that I like to vote early well in advance of election day, but maybe it’s just necessary to use the right kind of ink.

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National Review report pertinent to this thread: Clinton Illegal Server Caused Widespread Devastation

Ex-Spies Say That Clinton’s Illegal Server Triggered Widespread Devastation

[Go to URL to view photo]Clinton testifies on Capitol Hill, October 22, 2015. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty)
February 1, 2016 4:09 PM

Three veterans of American intelligence are horrified by the havoc that they believe former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton caused through her epic abuse of state secrets in the E-Mailgate scandal.

“If there really were SAP [special-access programs] material on her server, consider the implications,” a former U.S. intelligence officer tells me. He refers to the “several dozen” messages marked TOP SECRET/SAP that I. Charles McCullough III, inspector general for the intelligence community, reports were on the private server at Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., 267 miles north of the State Department. Special-access programs are America’s most clandestine activities. Their revelation could damage national security severely and possibly get people killed.

In the anonymous words of this one-time American intelligence professional, here is some of the devastation likely caused by Clinton’s exposure of SAP secrets:
  • Intel officers responsible for those programs must be alerted.
  • Once alerted that SAP was mishandled and on a system that has been attacked, it is only prudent to end those programs.
  • What does ending those programs mean? Depending on the SAP involved, it could mean redoing war plans, terminating ongoing covert actions, rethinking how the exposed covert actions must be done and executing on that new plan, or, if it reveals a source, removing that source from his environment.
  • That has a significant impact. Presume, if you will, that it was a source. If that source were providing intel of such value that it rose to the SecState, now we’ve lost that source.
  • Intel officers care about their sources, and for two reasons. One, we’re human beings. We don’t want those assisting us and our country to be hurt, even though we recognize the danger in which they are placing themselves. Two, the business model doesn’t work very well if sources think they’ll be outed. The US intel community already has so much trouble in that regard due to Edward Snowden and Bradley [now Chelsea] Manning. This just compounds it. Think about the next meeting between a prospective source and a CIA case officer trying to recruit that source to risk his/her life for the United States: “Are you sure a high-level official won’t out me?”

  • So, since Clinton and her illegal, off-site server contained evidence of these beyond-top-secret initiatives, the safest course for the CIA and other agencies is to assume that these efforts were compromised and then to wind them down. Once terminated, these activities stop yielding information that keeps America secure and Americans alive.

    Intelligence agencies also would relocate and possibly repatriate the relevant U.S. operatives whose covers Clinton likely blew. This would affect their careers. Those whom Clinton’s crimes have unmasked would become unable to serve overseas, lest hostile nations or actors find, exploit, or kill them.

    Also, if Clinton’s server contained the identities of American agents, that could mean that, say, an undercover “diplomat” here and a “businesswoman” there might be ordered back to the United States at once. While these people might wind up stuck behind desks at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., at least they would be safe.

    But how about their contacts in Somalia, Ukraine, or Venezuela? The friends and associates of American agents exposed via Clinton’s at-best gross negligence might awaken to loud knocks at their doors at 4:00 a.m., followed by one-way rides to Third World dungeons.

    “To me, it’s offensive,” the former spook tells me. “If it were really SAP, Clinton was undoing all the hard work that my friends were doing. This is oftentimes intensive, painstaking, costly work, and her carelessness has now undone it. That pisses me off.”

    This source uses an analogy from American industry to put Clinton’s misdeeds into everyday language.

    “Imagine that you work at Pepsi, your 401K is tied to the performance of the company, and that performance is inextricably linked to the secret ingredient for Pepsi,” this intelligence specialist explains. “How would you feel if one of your superiors were just casual with that most sensitive of information? I think it would upset you. Now, for intel, multiply that by at least ten. We can have arguments over whether confidential material is unnecessarily classified; we generally don’t in mishandling cases, but I’d potentially be open to it. But with SAP, no way. This is so grossly negligent that either it is false or Hillary Clinton doesn’t care.”

    Meanwhile, a veteran who worked in military intelligence for more than 25 years thinks that this first source may be too optimistic.

    “As for damage done, my suspicion is that it is much worse than it looks,” he says, also anonymously.

    “We need to consider that everything that was on that server has been compromised. There isn’t an intelligence service out there that isn’t interested in the actions of our senior people,” he continues. “Outside the president, the two most important targets for collection are SecDef and SecState. And that means everyone. Russia and China, certainly. Germany, France, South Korea, Japan, Iran, and Israel — I would guess — would all be interested as well. Very interested.”

    The former military-intelligence man outlines how foreign spy agencies would handle the most sensitive information, after capturing it.

    “The SecState is seeing a whole bunch of stuff. Virtually everything she does is classified — honest. There are all sorts of stuff that would fit under the generic heading of SAP. . . . Let’s assume this is a program about some particularly well-placed individual somewhere who is feeding us information. If I were a bad guy, and I got hold of this kind of information, the last thing I would do would be to roll the guy up.” He adds: “If it were one of my people, I might start feeding him, the source, slightly skewed information so as to mislead the U.S. But that is only the beginning. No matter what, the last thing I want to do is let the U.S. know that I know of this source. . . . So, from the U.S. side, everything that remotely touches that material, from the date of the compromise, should now be considered tainted.”

    The former military spy echoes the first source: Breaches, such as what likely befell Clinton’s private server, are not just technical glitches. They hammer real people.

    “More to the point, it affects other folks,” the ex-military-intelligence operative tells me. “Everyone who was remotely associated with the source is now on shaky ground. Compromises are expensive. They mean everyone who was derived from one source is also tainted. If the compromise happened a while ago, and we just found out, it could mean years of not only being misled by some other organization, but by now virtually all the people in a given network have been compromised and either turned by the other side or are under close observation, and they are waiting to roll them up when we start acting. If this compromise, and it was a compromise, took place in 2012, then more than three years have passed since the compromise. That’s really a mess.”

    This veteran thinks that Hillary Clinton cannot have it both ways: She’s either too brilliant to be as innocent as she asserts or too innocent to be as brilliant as she professes.

    “Secretary Clinton has been seeing this kind of thing for a long time,” he says. “If she is competent to handle major decisions, if she is the highly capable person she claims to be, she would know what all this material was, without having some label stating it was secret.”

    “If, on the other hand, someone could put reports in front of her describing these various things, again and again, without the appropriate labels, and she was not smart enough to recognize that this material was from classified sources, then she isn’t competent to be the president, or a departmental secretary. Or, of course, this is all lies. There are no other options.”

    One retired intelligence officer did comment on the record — and how.

    “I assume that the messages discussing SAP programs were known instantaneously by the Russians and the Chinese and were likely shared to some degree with other really bad actors — Iran?” Martha Sutherland tells me. She spent 19 years as an operations officer in the Central Intelligence Agency. “The only saving grace, in some weird way, is that Bibi and the Mossad probably had their eyes all over them as well!”

    Sutherland is appalled by what we already know about Hillary Clinton’s behavior.

    “The fact that she had a completely separate system for her chats with Sid Blumenthal and others is outrageous,” this former CIA agent observes. “And then the tie-in to the Clinton Foundation and the quid pro quo is another felony count. If I had cut and pasted classified documents and put them in an e-mail on my unclassified server to avoid a written record, I would have been frog-walked in handcuffs out of Langley, no questions asked.”

    People keep demanding a smoking gun in this scandal. Sutherland explains that Hillary’s unencrypted, do-it-yourself server is, ipso facto, the smoking gun. It never should have been purchased. Its mere presence is the crime.

    “It goes beyond having classified stuff without markings,” Sutherland says. “It is the fact that she maintained a shadow communications system, separate from the government-mandated, secure system. And she was the BOSS! Its existence, the now damning news of SAP info on it, and her continued denial that she did anything wrong are proof positive that Hillary and the Clintons still think they are above the law! Enough already — the BIG HOUSE for Hillary, not the White House, for goodness sakes!”

    Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University.


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    Rep. Chris Stewart

    Stewart said the State Department has classified seven additional emails as "top secret." The agency will now withhold 29 emails from the public due to their sensitive content.

    California Sen. Dianne Feinstein , a Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, complained in a statement that Clinton should not be “held responsible for email exchanges that originated with someone else.”

    “The only reason to hold Secretary Clinton responsible for emails that didn’t originate with her is for political points, and that’s what we’ve seen over the past several months,” she said in a statement.


    notice that Clinton says the emails are not classified at all

    but Feinstein, who has seen the emails, says Clinton should not be responsible

    Someone should ask Feinstein directly: Should the emails be released to the public as Clinton wishes ?


    “We are not aware of any additional documents that will be upgraded to top secret,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. “If, in the course of our FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] review process, it is determined that additional information should be classified as top secret we will do so.”

    Someone will look bad. If there are more TS, Kirby continues to look like a hack. If there are not, then Stewart looks bad.

    This message has been edited. Last edited by: sdy,
    Posts: 19664 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
    Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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    Originally posted by SapperSteel:

    < snip >

    Somewhere in the recent past I made mention that the presence of the HCS-0 information moved this into Aldrich Ames territory.

    Nice to know National Review agreed.

    Nice is overrated

    "It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
    Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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    Stewart said the State Department has classified seven additional emails as "top secret." The agency will now withhold 29 emails from the public due to their sensitive content.

    Wouldn't it be great to be a fly on the wall in the FBI office investigating the emails when they hear things like 29 TS SAP emails, they must roll around on the floor. They probably can see the 29 and raise you a couple of hundred more since they have at least some of the "deleted' emails.

    The Russians must also be rolling around laughing. Do the Chinese roll on the floor laughing?
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    I hope a shoe drops pretty soon on this. It's getting harder to imagine that nothing will happen.
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    Unapologetic Old
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    I don't know. The longer this goes on the more I see it going nowhere

    Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
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