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The SCOTUS confirmation circus has begun.... Login/Join 
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Originally posted by chellim1:
Originally posted by entropy:
“Ruth Ginsberg to the black courtesy telephone please...Ruth Ginsberg”.

Big Grin

This fight was epic. Even bigger than the fight for Clarence Thomas.
Let's take a breather first! Big Grin
Absolutely not! Let's go tomorrow with Ruth Buzzy's replacement. After tomorrow, a huge group of crazies will be on medication and psychiatric watch, so let's see if we can push them completely over the edge.

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This other thread, about RBG, shows she is losing her memory.

I am thinking she will become unable to continue with her duties by mid 2019.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by nighthawk:
Lindsey Graham was on a show recently (don’t know which, it was on a replay on the radio), where he said Kavanaugh was treated like crap. The audience started to boo him, he broke in and told them to go boo themselves. He has really started to come around, I am finding new found respect for him.

That was at the Atlantic festival. So he was in front of a very leftist crowd. Yeah, Graham is taking charge. I look forward to him running the Judiciary Committee next session.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
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Oriental Redneck
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This is what th lefties will do, when RBG croaks.


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A post-pregame note from Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit (AKA the Blogfather):

And it makes me think about what Trump’s game was. I would have rather he picked one of the more libertarian members of his list: Willett, or maybe Kethledge. And because some sort of trumped-up #MeToo thing was almost certain, a lot of people thought he should have picked Amy Coney Barrett. Kavanaugh was a fine, safe pick, but kinda milquetoasty DC Establishment for my taste.

But that was the reason to pick him. Trump knew he’d been vetted enough that there would be no real skeletons, and he no doubt expected that the Democrats would be so desperate they’d invent some. They would have done that with anyone he put up — but, precisely because Kavanaugh was a milquetoasty DC Establishment type, seeing the Democrats go into full batshit assault mode on him galvanized the other milquetoasty DC Establishment types. You could see the lightbulbs go off in their heads: The Democrats don’t hate Trump because he’s Trump. They hate all Republicans and want to ruin them. Even me! And they always will.

The result is that the Kavanaugh affair has welded the Trump and NeverTrump forces (except for a few sad outliers who don’t matter) into a solid force. And it’s simultaneously galvanized GOP voters around the country, closing the “enthusiasm gap,” as the normals become more militant. Plus, it seems that minority voters aren’t as excited about empowering neurotic upper-class white feminists as you might — well, actually, I guess they’re just about exactly as excited about empowering neurotic upper-class white feminists as you might expect, but it seems Dems didn’t give that much thought. So Kavanaugh was, in fact, the perfect pick to trigger this reaction.

I’m reminded of the scene in Absence of Malice where Wilford Brimley asks Paul Newman, who has cleverly set a trap that the press and the rogue DOJ guy fall into, “Are you that smart?”

I mentioned this analysis to the Insta-Wife, a Trump fan who has followed him closely since the 1980s and her comment was, “Of course.”


“ What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.”— Lord Melbourne
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Picture of vthoky
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Originally posted by MitchbSC:
"Kavanaugh" (a parody of Van Halen's "Panama")

Great fun!

Originally posted by roustabout:
Please Mr. President, it’s too much winning! Big Grin

Shut up and suffer with it! Cool

God bless America.
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Quote from Susan Collins speech today:
"That Judge Kavanaugh is more of a centrist than some of his critics maintain is reflected in the fact that he and Chief Judge Merrick Garland voted the same way in 93 percent of the cases that they heard together. Indeed, Chief Judge Garland joined in more than 96 percent of the majority opinions authored by Judge Kavanaugh, dissenting only once."

This is a bit surprising. I did not expect Judge Kavanaugh to announce that he would overturn Roe v Wade at his first chance, but I guess I was expecting more than 7% difference from an Obama nominee. What I am missing here?
Posts: 592 | Registered: September 30, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm not a drinker, but if tomorrow goes as expected, I want to celebrate in an appropriate fashion.

Not having read the whole thread, does anybody know what About-To-Be Justice Kavanaugh's favorite brew is? Cool

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
-- H L Mencken

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Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by newtoSig765:
I'm not a drinker, but if tomorrow goes as expected, I want to celebrate in an appropriate fashion.

Not having read the whole thread, does anybody know what About-To-Be Justice Kavanaugh's favorite brew is? Cool

From page 201. Big Grin


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Originally posted by ranger312
What I am missing here?

That the courts aren’t as divided as we are led to believe. Even the current SCOTUS issues many unanimous and 8-1 or 7-2 decisions. The lower courts are likely the same.


Don’t be fooled by the percentage of concurrence with a judge like Garland. Contained in that 7% difference are many cases that really matter. For example, BK’s dissent in Heller 2. A single decision can be a big deal, especially at the Supreme Court.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by ranger312:
Quote from Susan Collins speech today:
"That Judge Kavanaugh is more of a centrist than some of his critics maintain is reflected in the fact that he and Chief Judge Merrick Garland voted the same way in 93 percent of the cases that they heard together. Indeed, Chief Judge Garland joined in more than 96 percent of the majority opinions authored by Judge Kavanaugh, dissenting only once."

This is a bit surprising. I did not expect Judge Kavanaugh to announce that he would overturn Roe v Wade at his first chance, but I guess I was expecting more than 7% difference from an Obama nominee. What I am missing here?

Probably because most people only pay attention to the big cases that grab attention where the liberal justices actually veer away from the Constitution.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the 9 justices on the Supreme Court actually vote together more than 90% of the time?

ETA: sigcrazy beat me to it.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
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Lighten up and laugh
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Kavanaugh Will Join The Supreme Court And Republicans Have The 2018 Momentum. Here's Why.
ByBen Shapiro

In the space of three weeks, Democratic fortunes have turned in a shocking way. Just three weeks ago, on September 13, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) came forward with an allegation of sexual abuse against Brett Kavanaugh; just three days later, Christine Blasey Ford herself came forward in an interview with The Washington Post. At that time, Kavanaugh’s nomination fell into severe jeopardy. Democrats held an eight-point lead on the generic Congressional ballot according to the RealClearPolitics poll average. According to the latest Economist, Marist, and IBD polls, those numbers are now below six points. IBD has the race inside the margin of error; Rasmussen does as well. The enthusiasm gap for Democrats has essentially disappeared.

So, what happened?

Democrats woke the sleeping giant.

In 2016, Republicans showed up to vote because they were afraid of Hillary Clinton. But that concern pales next to the concern Republicans now have about the possibility of Democratic governance. Republicans have been treated to a front-row seat in a display of Democratic willingness to do anything to damage conservatives. Anything.

Republicans have known about lack of Democratic decency since at least 2012, when Mitt Romney was characterized as a potential slaver by Joe Biden and an emotionless, cruel sexist by many in the media. It’s one of the reasons so many Republicans voted for Donald Trump, a blunt instrument unwilling to back down in the face of threats, to face off against Hillary Clinton.

But Kavanaugh was one step further. Kavanaugh wasn’t up for election — he was a career judge, on one of the most prestigious circuits in America. He was a political moderate, with the support of many of his liberal colleagues. He was establishment. What’s more, he was a devout Catholic and a father of two.

And Democrats decided to ruin his life. Feinstein decided to hold back Ford’s allegations until the last minute, then drop them. Democrats decided to play up every weak, uncorroborated allegation, no matter how disgusting; they decided to promote the insane speculation of professional publicity whore Michael Avenatti. The media decided to endorse the idea that Kavanaugh, a respected federal public servant, was actually a secret gambler, alcoholic, ice-thrower, and gang rapist, throwing out their basic standards of journalism in the process.

And Republicans watched. So did independents.

What they saw scared the bejeezus out of them: a militant Left willing to ruin a man’s life based on unverifiable and uncorroborated allegations, for purely partisan purposes. And those Americans began to think: would the Democrats do that to me?

Because Democrats revealed that they have no standards. “Believe all women” isn’t a standard — it’s a call for mob justice. Allegations require evidence. “Respect my story!” isn’t a standard — it’s a call for mob justice. Just because something bad happened to you doesn’t mean that a completely separate allegation is verifiable. “This is just a job interview!” isn’t a standard — it’s an excuse for destroying a man without having to go through the legal process to do so.

We all watched. All of us. And we all hated every second of this disgusting s***show.

How else can we explain the sudden appearance of Lindsey Graham 2.0 (R-SC), the moderate-turned-firebreather, calling “bulls***” on Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and blistering Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats, shouting, “Boy, you all want power. God, I hope you never get it”? How else can we explain the utterly milquetoast, pro-choice Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), morphing into Grambo, spitting hot fire at Democrats who leaked Ford’s account to the media and indulged every idle fantasy about Kavanaugh’s supposed dark side?

I have never seen the Republican Party so united. I have never seen conservatives of all stripes so united. All the Left had to do to walk away with the House and contend for the Senate in 2018 was act like human beings. They couldn’t even do that.
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Originally posted by 12131:
Originally posted by newtoSig765:

Not having read the whole thread, does anybody know what About-To-Be Justice Kavanaugh's favorite brew is? Cool

From page 201. Big Grin


That's a joke, right? You're kidding, right? Busch??? Big Grin

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
-- H L Mencken

I always prefer reality when I can figure out what it is.
-- JALLEN 10/18/18
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Originally posted by mark_a:
Originally posted by sdy:

Murkowski repeated that she will be a "no today and a no tomorrow," but said her vote will be recorded as "present" as a courtesy to cancel out the absence of GOP Sen. Steve Daines.

Man I hope not even a single protester shows up at the wedding. That young lady doesn't deserve it. I wish some group like the patriot riders would show up and completely block the place off.


I typed out the same last night and decided I didn’t want to ‘put it out there’... If these fools show up to this uninvolved girls wedding we’ll truly see how evil they are, and as low as they’ll stoop.
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A new day dawning, Judge Kavanaugh will become Justice Kavanaugh despite the attempts to bring him down at all costs because he's not X or to just have some payback over Judge Garland's nomination.

A morning in America like this deserves: BACON! Smile
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Age Quod Agis
Picture of ArtieS
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Originally posted by ranger312:
Quote from Susan Collins speech today:
"That Judge Kavanaugh is more of a centrist than some of his critics maintain is reflected in the fact that he and Chief Judge Merrick Garland voted the same way in 93 percent of the cases that they heard together. Indeed, Chief Judge Garland joined in more than 96 percent of the majority opinions authored by Judge Kavanaugh, dissenting only once."

This is a bit surprising. I did not expect Judge Kavanaugh to announce that he would overturn Roe v Wade at his first chance, but I guess I was expecting more than 7% difference from an Obama nominee. What I am missing here?

That Garland, except with respect to guns and government power, really isn't that bad a guy. Obama really picked someone he thought he could get through a Republican senate. Garland is a good judge, and was a "reasonable" pick given a liberal president facing a Republican senate.

In almost any other circumstances, Garland would have sailed through confirmation with a bi-partisan vote.

"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."

Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
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Glorious SPAM!
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I agree. Garland isn't a left wing hack. He seemed pretty anti-gun but a centerist in most other things.

Want to see the left go nuts? Have Trump nominate him to replace RGB. The'll go all in assassinating his character.
Posts: 10640 | Registered: June 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by mbinky:
I agree. Garland isn't a left wing hack. He seemed pretty anti-gun but a centerist in most other things.

Want to see the left go nuts? Have Trump nominate him to replace RGB. The'll go all in assassinating his character.

More likely a her the next time.


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Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by mbinky:
Want to see the left go nuts? Have Trump nominate him to replace RGB. The'll go all in assassinating his character.

Gain a few seats in November, RBG passes on, and give the nod to Amy Barrett. "Nuts" isn't the right description.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Seeker of Clarity
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Food for thought. Could ANY other President have overcome this onslaught?

Call it leadership, call it control, call it setting an example by his focus under fire... battle hardened. I dunno what to call it. It's as if he elevated the cacophony of everything to the point where even this mayhem didn't REALLY stand out so much that it was insurmountable. And he's demonstrated steadfastness in the face of chaos in the media.

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