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How are you fixed for ammunition? Login/Join 
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Who do we like for SD ammo in a 10.5” SBR?

I don’t have any ammo designed specifically for SD use in an SBR, unsuppressed. Something like Hornady Black 75 gr SP HD SBR.

This is for use inside the house if ever needed.
Posts: 3978 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Not sure if this is helpful.

Sort of new to my area, but Coastal in WA and OR.

Ammo Incorporated 9mm 115 and 124 gr JHP (brass case Sierra HP).

$14.99 50 rounds through 12/18.
Posts: 608 | Location: Washington State | Registered: November 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Speedbird
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~10 years ago, all my pistols were .45, ammo was relatively cheap, so I am FLUSH w/practice and JHP "Flying Ash Trays" LOL

5.56 I'm good w/ practice 223 and the like, plus a solid base of proper green tips and a SHTF can ready to go. (Found nice but $$ VCI bags, those inside an ammo can should last decades, maybe generations... Seriously, I've seem military ammo stashes 30 years old, mixed storage conditions, but works. Big fan of legit MILSPEC ammo and gear). The rate I actually shoot 5.56, resupply at todays prices is not practical

Good amount of rimfire, again, don't shoot it much, so probably a lifetime supply

moving from 45 to 9 EDC, I stocked up on 124gr practice, but honestly am low on JHP. I have SOME HST, but it is expensive, when I splurge (Shooting EDC JHPs), it's usually what's in my carry mag plus a box of the SIG brand... 200 meter target, really should get some more 9 EDC

Now 12 GA, I admit I am sucking. Late to the game here. After more range time, I really need to stock up on 12 GA. Specifically looking for more of the Aguilar 1&1/4" mini shells. love those things, but damn all I can find this year has been ~$1 a pop

Honorable mention:
- 38/357 are really just for pleasure. DAMN I love shooting the Python. Given inflationary factors, I probably should increase buy rate here, but this has been a shit year financially, so 12 GA, 9 JHP, and 357 had to take a back seat

- Proud to say, still have a sealed can of 30-06 in Garand clips (Yeah, clips is the right word) for the EOTWAWKI (Or my kids to auction off one day)
Posts: 574 | Location: Fort Couch (VA) | Registered: December 16, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
quarter MOA visionary
Picture of smschulz
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I was taking inventory of some of my reloading supplies and one thing stood out was primers.
I am fortunate to have an adequate supply and grateful that the ones I have in stock are about one third the cost of today's prices.
Sure powder and brass are about almost doubled and a little less for bullets.
Still amazed at the primer inflation rate. Eek
I just added a new caliber recently (6.5 cm {Creedmoor not centimeters} Smile ) so it was a relief not to have to buy more primers.
Not so lucky on bullets or powder but after patiently waiting/looking did find some reasonable deals. Frown
Posts: 23555 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: June 11, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
blame canada
Picture of AKSuperDually
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The small town gun stores around here have been selling old packages of primers obtained from estate sales and customers selling them, for 10 cents each, no bulk discount and no guarantees.


"The trouble with our Liberal not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." Ronald Reagan, 1964
"Arguing with some people is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon will just take a shit on the board, strut around knocking over all the pieces and act like it won.. and in some cases it will insult you at the same time." DevlDogs55, 2014 Big Grin
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Picture of rtquig
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When the post first started I was thinking I had enough ammunition. After sitting on it for a while I purchased another 1000 rounds of 9mm. I'm good on other ammunition but I do need to stock up on some 12ga.

Living the Dream
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Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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Originally posted by smschulz:
I was taking inventory of some of my reloading supplies and one thing stood out was primers.
I am fortunate to have an adequate supply and grateful that the ones I have in stock are about one third the cost of today's prices.
Sure powder and brass are about almost doubled and a little less for bullets.
Still amazed at the primer inflation rate. Eek
I just added a new caliber recently (6.5 cm {Creedmoor not centimeters} Smile ) so it was a relief not to have to buy more primers.
Not so lucky on bullets or powder but after patiently waiting/looking did find some reasonable deals. Frown

I pointed this out a while back; I firmly believe the manufacturers are making so much money on loaded ammunition that they are throttling primer production. It makes no sense. The cheapest I can locate small rifle primers is on GB for 6.8 cents each shipped (you have to buy 5000 to get that rate). Nobody else has them for less than .8 at minimum. LGS prices are beyond obscene.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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Sigless in
Picture of IndianaBoy
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Originally posted by lkdr1989:
Saw the post about the Gecco 124gr 9mm and bought a case, don't really need it but it's cheap and you buy when it's cheap!

Gecco ammo in 5.56 has been excellent for me. I suspect the 9mm will be just as good.
Posts: 14205 | Location: Indiana | Registered: December 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
Picture of oddball
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Relevant to this thread. Vista Outdoors, who owns Federal, Remington, Speer, Alliant Powder, announced they are raising prices starting Jan. 1, 2024.

"Due to world events our suppliers have notified us of unprecedented demand for and an anticipated global shortage of gunpowder, and thus has increased our prices substantially," Vice President of Sales, Sporting Products Brett Nelson said in the letter. "We must therefore raise our pricing to help offset those increases."

From Newsweek, of all places.


"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Res ipsa loquitur
Picture of BB61
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So, I was reorganizing today and found several 100 round boxes of Remington green box JHP 115 grain in 9mm I had forgotten about. I remember buying it at Walmart several years ago. In the day, it wasn't much more that FMJ. I rationalized that basic JHP was still a good practice round and better than FMJ for self-defense if absolutely needed.

I picked up several boxes of this Winchester ammo a couple of weeks ago on sale. Same principle. Not the best but still better than FMJ and for the price, why not?


Posts: 12694 | Registered: October 13, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Was that you
or the dog?
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We have a regional sporting goods retailer, Dunham's, that is running a special on 9mm every week. Might be a box of 50, might be a box of 250. I have made it a weekly stop.

"Opinions vary" -Dalton
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I could always use more. But as of now, there’s a .50 cal can per rifle, with 12 loaded mags, and a full reload on stripper clips for all magazines with desiccant packs.

I can’t carry anymore than that plus standard life saving gear if on foot. Vehicle, it all goes with me.

Originally posted by parabellum:
Naturally, we don't want to get too specific on a public forum, but how are you fixed for ammunition? The serious kind. The question is rhetorical. Please, no bragging or exaggerated claims. I do not pose this question in search of a winner, but rather to urge members (and readers) to make hay while the sun shines.

There are an estimated 500 million firearms in the United States, and some 25 million of those are AR-15s, but those rifles are nothing more than awkward clubs without ammunition (and magazines).

And now the world finds itself in conditions more precarious than anytime since September 11th.

If you value your life and the lives of your family, you should be stocking up on rifle and pistol ammunition, and shotgun ammo, too.

How much do you need? More than you likely have right now. I know a certain someone Roll Eyes who has approximately 5K 5.56/.223; 1.5K 7.62x51; 5K 9x19 and he still feels this is inadequate. After all, one never knows what new legislation is right around the corner.

Gentlemen, listen to me, please: take stock and buy ammunition right now. Today.

Also, magazines. If you own an AR-15 and you have half a dozen magazines for it, you are doing yourself a disservice. When the time comes that you realize you haven't enough, it will be too late to obtain more. You should have a minimum of two dozen quality AR magazines (and more, if you have more than one rifle)- Pmags, USGI aluminum (Okay mags are preferable, but Labelle work, too), Lancers. Get yourself an UPLULA loader.

Spare parts. AR-15 bolts, extractors, firing pins, etc.

The same applies for AK shooters, and all other platforms.

You need a way to carry magazines on your person (and you Goddamn well better have a decent sling on your rifle). I have a three mag bandolier that straps on to my body, as well as an additional six mag carrier with an over the shoulder sling. In this way, I can have ten 30 round magazines on my person (one in the rifle).

You don't need a dedicated carrier. You can buy something like this well-made Helikon-Tex Bushcraft Satchel which has plenty of room and a couple of pockets. You can load it up with magazines and have room for a canteen, a snack, Israeli bandage and a good tourniquet. A charger for your phone, things like that, but careful about weighing yourself down. When empty, this satchel scrunches down to nothing, and again I say it is very well-made, well worth the asking price.

Eyewear- you don't need to get fancy. A 5 dollar pair of safety glasses will do.

A sweat band or bandana to keep the sweat out of your eyes.

Knee pads- make your own jokes.

Guys, get yourself ready. Buy. Ammunition.

This isn't play time. We're not kids in the backyard dreaming of playing Army men. Danger is all around. I feel almost silly saying it because it sounds melodramatic, but damn if it isn't true.

Take stock. Get what you need. Keep your rifle with you whenever possible. Take your rifle to the range. Make sure it's sighted in.

Take it home, clean it, lube it, and load it. Be ready.

Many of you already have all of this covered, but many of you do not.
Posts: 874 | Location: NE Pennsylvania | Registered: December 10, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I don't know why a view threads like this. I know what is going to happen.

I couldn't resist going to and then SGAmmo. Interesting deal on bonded 64 gr. 5.56, so had to order some, and then I'm always in the market for 147 gr. 9mm, so I had to buy some of that too.
Posts: 712 | Registered: March 08, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I have lived the
greatest adventure
Picture of AUTiger89
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I'm good on ammo, mags, parts, mag loaders.

I'm working on go-bags, food, organizing and prepping every firearm for use.

I need more training, exercise, and practice.

Phone's ringing, Dude.
Posts: 6244 | Location: Upstate SC | Registered: April 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of P250UA5
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Small additions. Added 100rds 5.56 today.
Need to find some 357Sig local, 2 stops today, none on the shelf. Might have to resort to ordering/shipping.

The Enemy's gate is down.
Posts: 16565 | Location: Spring, TX | Registered: July 11, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Grabbed a good deal on 100 rounds of Remington Core-Lokt .308 150-grain SP. Gonna grab a couple of hundred more as money allows.

My spare BCM BCG arrived the other day after some PO drama.

Next are some AR gas tubes, gas tube pins, a Wolff service rifle pack, and then I'm gonna call it good with AR parts. I'm good on all mags, but I'm gonna get a few more while they're available and affordable.
Posts: 1131 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: September 25, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Make America Great Again
Picture of bronicabill
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I have a lifetime supply of 5.56, most of a lifetime of .22 rimfire, but not enough 9mm or .45ACP to make me happy. Not enough magazines either for any of my weapons!

While I would love to stock up, I am in the position of being an early retiree on disability, so very limited income. In addition, my daughter in GA lost her job back in the summer and is anxiously awaiting news about a new position at the U of GA, which I'm sure now that she won't hear about until January! Her unemployment has run out and the wife and I are having to help until this job comes through (she appears to be the top candidate).

Just today I had to send her enough money to cover 2 months worth of utilities... enough to have bought another case of 9mm.

Oh well, the child comes first, so ammo has to wait a while longer.

Bill R.
North Alabama

I just can't quit grinnin' from all of this winnin'!
Posts: 4923 | Location: Madison, AL | Registered: December 06, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
It's pronounced just
the way it's spelled
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I figure I have a lifetime supply of 30-06 ammo, a lot of it on clips. A few cases of 223/5.56, most in 55 grain, with a couple dozen magazines. About 1500 rounds of 30 Carbine. I’d like more 6.5 Creed, but since all I have is a bolt action, I’m ok. More 38 Super than I will probably ever use, from one of the ammo droughts when 9mm couldn’t be found. Enough 45ACP and components for the zombie apocalypse. I shoot 9mm in competition, so I run through a lot of it, if I wasn’t then I’d have a year or two supply. 10mm & 40 S&W I’m a little short on, but that’s just for range toys. I haven’t inventoried all my 22lr, but I’ve got a lot of it.
Posts: 1558 | Location: Arid Zone A | Registered: February 14, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I saw a decent price on some 9mm at PSA so I added 4 boxes, 200 rds, to my cart and went to check out.

The shipping cost was $27.49.

Nope, not happening.
Posts: 1214 | Location: Texas | Registered: February 20, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Beanhead
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I have plenty but decided to buy some ammo before the normies drive up the prices or make it scarce like it was in 2013.

Bought 1100 of .22 and 500 round of 9mm on black Friday.

Just bought 1000 rounds of PMC 55 grain 5.56 for $509 shipped from Liberal Tears. That was better than the best deal on Ammo Seek.

I think I might pick up a box of the weird stuff here and there as I drop by shops this up coming year....
Posts: 1373 | Location: Georgia | Registered: May 27, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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