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I refused to get it from work for personal reason. I asked my doctor (Endocrinologist) for her opinion on the vaccine for high risk people like myself (diabetic and cancer survivor). My concern is more on the cancer cels. How the vaccine can have a side effect long after getting the vaccine. Her response was "We know what we know. We don't know what we don't know. We know that it protects high risk people from Covid. We don't know how it will affect the cancer cels". So for now, I have decided to wait for a while until there are enough vaccines given, and MOST side effects are documented. In the mean time, I will practice whatever precaution I can to prevent contracting the virus. And pray I don't get it.

P228 - West German
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For me no. But I've already have COVID. Not interested in lining up for the most rushed to market vaccine in history.

On the other hand I'm no paranoid anti-vaxer. Vaccines are amazing and have almost completed ridded us of things like Polio, Mumps, Measles, etc. I'll probably get it at some point. Since I'm still likely cruising high on anti-bodies. I'll let other people get it first and see how they do.

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Concerns have been around for a while.


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Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
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Just got my second dose today. Covid has started affecting kids more (anecdotal evidence from my pedi nurse family members) and my wife has very serious asthma that has landed her in the ICU three times. As a father and husband I’m willing to die to protect my family. So I’m willing to accept the risks associated with the new vaccine. Same with wearing a mask in public, minor inconvenience but it may have the slightest ability to protect someone else. It’s the American thing to do. That’s my .02¢...

And for those wondering, I haven’t noticed any ill effects so far.... other than being much more controllable and passive....Biden 2024! Take the guns! Razz

be safe.
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More support for not being vaccinated, and not just from someone who works in a medical office, but this time from a real doctor out of … Tanzania!
Reminds me of the beliefs the South African government had about AIDS at one time that also urged the use of traditional remedies for that disease.

From The Wall Street Journal.



Tanzania’s government said it had no interest in getting access to Covid-19 vaccines, cementing its status as an outlier in the world’s fight against the pandemic, as most other African countries scramble to secure shots.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli has rejected lockdowns and other social-distancing measures and instead urged the country’s 60 million citizens to pray in churches and mosques against a “satanic” virus. In May, when it had confirmed 509 infections and 21 deaths, the government stopped reporting cases to the World Health Organization, after Mr. Magufuli insisted that Tanzania had conquered the pandemic and that test kits showing positive results were faulty.

This week, Tanzanian Health Minister Dorothy Gwajima said the country had no intention of importing Covid-19 vaccines, including free doses it could get from the global Covax initiative, which aims to supply shots to poor and middle-income countries.

“We are not yet satisfied that those vaccines have been clinically proven safe,” Dr. Gwajima said at a news conference, flanked by unmasked government health officials.

The only other African countries that have opted to forgo the free Covax vaccines are Burundi, Eritrea and the island state of Madagascar, according to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which manages the initiative along with the WHO.

During the briefing, Dr. Gwajima, a medical doctor with a master’s degree in public health, displayed several trays with local herbs that she said could be used to make anti-coronavirus remedies. [Emphasis added.] She urged Tanzanians to use steam, along with hand sanitizers and hand washing, to prevent the disease.

“It’s better we continue to use traditional remedies that have been with us for generations,” she said. “We urge our neighboring countries to learn from how we have handled Covid-19.”

Tanzania’s neighbors tell a different story. Ugandan and Zambian officials say they are seeing large numbers of Tanzanian travelers testing positive when they try to cross the border. Rwanda is denying entry to Tanzanian truckers.

Countries as far away as Denmark say they have detected the more-contagious coronavirus strain that first emerged in South Africa in test samples from people arriving from Tanzania.

Inside Tanzania, a recent spike in Covid-19-type symptoms and deaths has alarmed the Catholic Church, of which Mr. Magufuli is a member. In a Jan. 26 letter, the head of Tanzania’s Episcopal Conference, Bishop Gervas Nyaisonga, urged his fellow bishops to provide guidance to congregants in fighting the virus.

Other church leaders say they have been overwhelmed by an increase in requiem Masses to pray for the dead.

At a crowded rally last week, Mr. Magufuli told supporters not to accept being used as “guinea pigs” for Western vaccine makers.

“Those vaccines don’t work; they are not good,” said Mr. Magufuli, who won a second term in disputed elections last year.

Mr. Magufuli’s remarks were countered hours later by the WHO, which urged Tanzania to prepare for a vaccination campaign, encouraged mask wearing, and shared data about Covid-19 infections.

Opposition politicians also demanded the government join other African nations in trying to secure vaccines for their citizens.

“What we need as a country are coronavirus vaccines, not reckless talk,” said Zitto Kabwe, head of the opposition Alliance for Change and Transparency party. “This kind of talk has already led to massive deaths.”



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Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
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I've received the 1st shot of Moderna. They made it available at work and while I don't truly care, I thought hey, the Army has pumped me full of all kinds of shady crap so if this makes it through all the other poison in my veins then so be it. Prior to them just showing up they asked who wanted it. I told them they should give my dose to our front office folks who are older and more at risk. I was pleased to see them get it at the same time.

As far as symptoms from the shot we were all tired a day or two later which lasted about 2-3 days and I got the sweats much like I did when I got the actual VIDs I believe back in Jan. Had they not made it so available I would not have sought it out. There were a few clinics first responders could go to and I never applied for it at the time.
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Victim of Life's
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I got the 1st Moderna shot this am. No worse than pneumonia or shingles shot pain wise and our local health dept is a credit to the state of Indiana. Operation ran like clockwork.

10 am appointment no wait pre registered. Out the door by 10:20 and that included a 10 minute wait after the shot. A little sore but I'm going to take a couple ibuprofen and take the rest of the day off, same as I do most every day. Wink

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More support for not being vaccinated, and not just from someone who works in a medical office, but this time from a real doctor out of … Tanzania!
Reminds me of the beliefs the South African government had about AIDS at one time that also urged the use of traditional remedies for that disease.

From The Wall Street Journal.


Africa has had some bad experiences with Bill Gates and various vaccinations. Certainly not an excuse for some of their paranoia, but seeing a significant portion of a nations youth sterilized through a polio vaccine (Nigeria) can have a lasting impact. Similar instance in India with paralyzations of youth. I have no issues with vaccines as long as they don't have the Bill Gates earmark on them.
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The virus is mutating and those who have had the original covid19 are not immune to some of the new mutants; such as the African mutant. I heard of a city in Brazil that has already seen 2 waves. The 1918 pandemic in the USA was thought to be a new strain. Viruses mutate whenever they infect a new host. Depending on herd immunity instead of a shot means 100's of millions of more chances for the virus to mutate into something worse. And mutate it will: that's it's nature. Herd immunity seems like a losing plan to me.
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Originally posted by Graniteguy:
[S]eeing a significant portion of a nations youth sterilized through a polio vaccine (Nigeria) can have a lasting impact.

A total myth perpetrated by this sort of typical nonsense claim by another African doctor about “western” medicine (from a long article about the efforts to disrupt the anti-polio vaccination program in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa):

“In the same article, Datti Ahmed, a Kano-based physician who heads a prominent Muslim group, the Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria (SCSN), is quoted as saying that polio vaccines were ‘corrupted and tainted by evildoers from America and their Western allies.’ Ahmed went on to say: ‘We believe that modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with anti-fertility drugs and…viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS.’”


Or do you have reliable evidence that the claim was in fact true?


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— Neville the Appeaser
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Void Where Prohibited
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Of course they don't need vaccines in Tanzania. They have witch doctors to cure people.

I'm getting my second Pfizer shot on Monday.

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Seeker of Clarity
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Originally posted by WaterburyBob:
Of course they don't need vaccines in Tanzania. They have witch doctors to cure people.

I'm getting my second Pfizer shot on Monday.

Exactly. My guess is their government just doesn't have the loot to secure vaccine. Eat some grass instead.

Posts: 11513 | Registered: August 02, 2004Report This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by r0gue:
My guess is their government just doesn't have the loot to secure vaccine.

This week, Tanzanian Health Minister Dorothy Gwajima said the country had no intention of importing Covid-19 vaccines, including free doses it could get from the global Covax initiative, which aims to supply shots to poor and middle-income countries.

[Emphasis added.]


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
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My side effects (fatigue, headache) kicked in late the second day. I experienced them for two days and now seem to be back to normal.
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Meh, I'm up for my first one on Sunday. Yeah Sunday. I know even after two shots you're not 100% covered and there's little evidence how long it protects. The alternative for me and my wife is to continue to stay at home with only outside trips that are necessities. Not suggesting we'll willy-nilly prance around in large groups, but I'll feel a lot better socializing with my 20+ three generation family.

I'll post pictures if I grow a foot out of my forehead.

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Domari Nolo
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Originally posted by 2PAK:
My side effects (fatigue, headache) kicked in late the second day. I experienced them for two days and now seem to be back to normal.

Did my second Moderna Friday morning. Late in the evening some flu like symptoms showed up. Saturday morning I woke up to sore muscles and joints. Motrin and Tylenol cured that and I feel great today.

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Nope. "They" will have to forcefully jab a fuggin' hypodermic into my arm.

If masks work, why do we need to "Social Distance"? (And release convicts into the populace and shut down the economy?)
If masks AND "Social Distancing" works, why do we need a vaccine?
If a vaccine works, why do we still need to wear a mask and "Social Distance"?

Oh Haaaarroooold...see what I'm getting at?

To those that desire, want, or need it, that is your God-given right. I have yet in my life to even take a flu shot. Guess what...never had the flu. Thank you, Jesus (sincerely)...

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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A day late, and
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To those that desire, want, or need it, that is your God-given right. I have yet in my life to even take a flu shot. Guess what...never had the flu. Thank you, Jesus (sincerely)...

That's quite amazing!

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I Deal In Lead
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Originally posted by erj_pilot:
I have yet in my life to even take a flu shot. Guess what...never had the flu. Thank you, Jesus (sincerely)...

I got flu every year from the time I was around 20 on. Then I married Mrs. Flash and she worked in a place where employees and their families got flu shots for free.

I got one and one every year since and haven't had the flu since I started getting the shots, some 37 years at this point.

People are different.
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