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Has Skynet become self aware yet?

Where I got my shot there were no pre shot warnings about other anti inflammatory drugs or anything else. Just bring proof of age and your code.
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Report This Post
Green grass and
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Picture of old rugged cross
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Sure, try to paint the millions who are not interested in this so called vaccine with a broad brush.

And the same could be said for the sheep that have been led to it.

See how that works?

Everyone has a choice.

Once you take it, the deed is done. No going back. I understand to those who have taken it that some comfort comes from publicly professing that you got it and your arm is a tiny bit sore and all is good. But you are only attempting to comfort yourself.

Do you also feel like your life today is any different than it was a couple of weeks ago?

Those who are waiting or declining in my view are wise.

This rushed so called answer to this created chicom virus is something that is far from being hammered out.

"Practice like you want to play in the game"
Posts: 19710 | Registered: September 21, 2005Report This Post
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
Picture of 92fstech
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Talked to one of my co-workers last night who recently got shot #2. She told me that about 12 hours after receiving it, she got a slight fever (about 100) and felt nauseous. She went to bed and was better when she got up.

I had zero issues after shot #1. I get my second dose on Friday afternoon. I'm scheduled to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Guess we'll see how that goes...might be a fun ride.
Posts: 9189 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Report This Post
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Originally posted by 92fstech:
Talked to one of my co-workers last night who recently got shot #2. She told me that about 12 hours after receiving it, she got a slight fever (about 100) and felt nauseous. She went to bed and was better when she got up.

I had zero issues after shot #1. I get my second dose on Friday afternoon. I'm scheduled to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Guess we'll see how that goes...might be a fun ride.

The second dose often creates a stronger immune response. Its a good thing. She's immune now.
Posts: 3260 | Registered: August 19, 2001Report This Post
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America's Frontline Doctors on the COVID vaccines

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) recently published a white paper that is the first objective look at the experimental vaccines that are now being enthusiastically offered to the public on an ever-increasing scale.

They are the group that advocated for the safety of the very well-known, long-studied and widely-used drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 during the summer of 2020, holding a well-publicized press conference in Washington, D.C. They were, of course, immediately attacked and almost entirely silenced for their efforts because hydroxychloroquine had been touted by President Trump as an effective treatment against Covid-19.

A few key highlights from the paper: First, all three vaccine candidates -- from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna -- are still experimental and investigational. Pfizer, in its own executive summary to the FDA on December 10, 2020 calls it “ investigational Covid-19 vaccine.”

The experimental vaccines from both Pfizer and Moderna utilize mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) which instructs the body’s cells on manufacturing proteins. It is technology that has not “ever been approved for any disease, or even entered final-stage trials until now.” There have been no independently published animal studies on any of the vaccines, and it is not yet known what effects they will have on the elderly, the very young, or women who are pregnant or might become pregnant in the near future. I’d say those are important groups whose safety is critical.

The white paper speaks extensively about Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) as a well-known complication of vaccines that can result in a making the disease worse if contracted. It also goes into somewhat frightening detail about the possibility that the mRNA vaccines “may permanently interfere with a woman’s ability to maintain a pregnancy.”

A curious detail that the AFLDS paper mentions is the National Childhood Vaccine Act, a little-known law passed in 1986 that “provides immunity from liability to all vaccine manufacturing companies.” None of them can be held responsible for rushing an untested, potentially dangerous vaccine to fight a flu virus that has an incredibly low Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR). In this case, it’s a very real possibility that the “cure” may be worse than the disease.

The point of the white paper is not to say that people shouldn’t get the shots; it is merely to inform people of the reality of the situation, such as the possibility that the vaccines may cause worse spread of the virus via asymptomatic carriers. Those vaccinated may think it is safe to be around others when it actually isn’t. People should be given all the facts before making a decision for themselves or their families. At this stage, do people getting a shot even know which shot they are getting?

America’s Frontline Doctors are also circulating a petition against the possible future mandating of the vaccine. Rumors have been spreading that there may come a time when employers, schools, airlines, and even concert venues may require proof of vaccination, which would be illegal on many levels, not the least of which is the access by third parties to people’s private medical data. What happened to “my body, my choice?”

It's interesting that the same “scientific” and media communities that rebranded HCQ -- a drug with decades of history of safe and widespread use -- as unsafe during mid-2020 is now aggressively pushing the distribution of vaccines with very little testing data of any kind and, by definition, zero data regarding any possible long-term complications. I ask why?

I don’t know about you, but I am not someone who takes everyone at their word, especially these days. I have a scientific educational background that taught me to involve the scientific method as part of my critical thinking. I am much more likely to listen to a group of respected practicing physicians brave enough to risk their careers in order to advocate caution in taking an experimental “vaccine” than I am to take the word of politicians, media talking heads, or the liability-immune pharmaceutical companies poised to make billions from its distribution.

Posts: 2271 | Location: San Francisco, CA | Registered: February 16, 2003Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Is it accurate to even call these drugs vaccines? It sounds like people can still contract and carry the virus and even have mild symptoms after having taken the shot. Is it true that it primarily lessens the effects of the virus?

Furthermore, from what I understand now, the trials that were performed were not even done for those who are the most vulnerable, namely the elderly. Mostly young people were part of the trials. Well no wonder they had over 90% effectiveness. Young people by themselves are over 90% effective at combating this virus.


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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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The second dose often creates a stronger immune response. Its a good thing. She's immune now.

I'm aware. I'm just not looking forward to possibly having that immune response while I'm at work :-/.
Posts: 9189 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Report This Post
Green grass and
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Picture of old rugged cross
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From my understanding, no- she is "not immune now."

But that is the huge problem. The trials are being conducted on those willing to take this thing now and for the years going forward. And what about boosters or the next variant, etc. So much is either unknown or not being told.

But hey, go ahead be part of it. The experiment that is.

"Practice like you want to play in the game"
Posts: 19710 | Registered: September 21, 2005Report This Post
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Is it accurate to even call these drugs vaccines? It sounds like people can still contract and carry the virus and even have mild symptoms after having taken the shot. Is it true that it primarily lessens the effects of the virus?

Furthermore, from what I understand now, the trials that were performed were not even done for those who are the most vulnerable, namely the elderly. Mostly young people were part of the trials. Well no wonder they had over 90% effectiveness. Young people by themselves are over 90% effective at combating this virus.

It most certainly is a vaccine. There are definitely other examples of a vaccine being "effective" by means of reducing the severity of illness rather than eliminating infection.

That's not the way the calculation of effectiveness is made. The 95% comes from the fact that the placebo group had roughly 20x the number of infections as the vaccine group. The 56-85yo group represented 41%.
Posts: 9023 | Location: The Red part of Minnesota | Registered: October 06, 2002Report This Post
Altitude Minimum
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ORC, I didn’t relate my experience to give comfort to myself or anyone else.
I did it to simply tell others what my experience has been so far. I don’t GAF if you’re a shrink or whatever, don’t try to tell me what my motives are.
And my day today will be just like it was yesterday and the day will tomorrow and the next day....
Bless your heart and have a great day!
Baaaa Baaaa Baaaaa
Posts: 1289 | Location: Shalimar, FL | Registered: January 24, 2007Report This Post
Altitude Minimum
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Fish on, appreciate that. I had read that also so asked my cousin the newly retired long time chief of staff at his hospital about it and he said it was not a concern.
Posts: 1289 | Location: Shalimar, FL | Registered: January 24, 2007Report This Post
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Originally posted by old rugged cross:
From my understanding, no- she is "not immune now."

But that is the huge problem. The trials are being conducted on those willing to take this thing now and for the years going forward. And what about boosters or the next variant, etc. So much is either unknown or not being told.

But hey, go ahead be part of it. The experiment that is.

If she is two weeks past her second dose, she is most likely immune. Nothing guaranteed, but I'll take that chance. Same as when I got the shingles vaccine. I don't want that nasty disease. As far as the next variant goes, I imagine if Covid stays in the population and mutates, we'll get a booster once a year just like the flu shot. Sign me up!

Caveat, I have several docs in the family and a cousin who is a PHD research scientist in immunology. Yup I trust the science. But thats just me. I respect those who don't---its their life. Lot of folks choose not to wear seatbelts and I'm fine with that. But I wear mine even though the odds of being in a bad accident are extremely low. It does not bother me that the government and Big Insurance recommend I wear my seatbelt. I don't sense any agenda there other than capitalism. Big Insurance spends less if fewer people are hurt/killed in accidents. Big Health Care spends a LOT less if far fewer people are sick in the hospital for weeks with Covid. I imagine the funeral home industry might disapprove of vaccines.
Posts: 3260 | Registered: August 19, 2001Report This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Are there good reasons to refuse the vaccine, such as:

Its being a new type of vaccine (even though traditional types are in the pipeline)?

Its not having been tested and certified as safe and effective (by the government) in the usual ways?

There might be unanticipated long term effects that could be worse than the disease?

Just not feeling vulnerable to the disease, to include having already had it?

Believing the vaccine is probably not going to be that effective?

Believe the “herd immunity” rationale is a myth and/or don’t care if my getting it will help end the pandemic?

Having had bad reactions to vaccines in the past?

Being afraid of needles?

Don’t want to experience even the often-reported unpleasant side effects?

Too difficult or expensive to get it?

Want to leave it available to those more deserving or likely to need it?

The Chinese developed and spread this disease, and since Chairman Mao would have approved of that effort, who am I to interfere with it?

I was told by my barber’s third cousin who knows someone who works in a janitorial service for a drugstore that he heard that a doctor’s pool boy got the vaccine and died of mopery later?

We all will die sometime?

Sure, those can be legitimate reasons or at least possibly-understandable reasons for not taking the vaccine. On the other hand, these aren’t so much on the basis of any rational information-based system I am familiar with:

I’m not going to do anything the “government” tells me is a good idea.

These vaccinations are just part of an agenda by the government and/or Big Pharma to do something bad to those stupid enough to take them. I can’t imagine what such an agenda could possibly be, but I’m sure there is one.

COVID is similar to corvid, and because I like ravens and crows, I don’t want to do anything to show I don’t trust them.

Posts: 47681 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
186,000 miles per second.
It's the law.

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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Are there good reasons to refuse the vaccine, such as:

Its being a new type of vaccine (even though traditional types are in the pipeline)?

Its not having been tested and certified as safe and effective (by the government) in the usual ways?

There might be unanticipated long term effects that could be worse than the disease?

Just not feeling vulnerable to the disease, to include having already had it?

Believing the vaccine is probably not going to be that effective?

Believe the “herd immunity” rationale is a myth and/or don’t care if my getting it will help end the pandemic?

Having had bad reactions to vaccines in the past?

Being afraid of needles?

Don’t want to experience even the often-reported unpleasant side effects?

Too difficult or expensive to get it?

Want to leave it available to those more deserving or likely to need it?

The Chinese developed and spread this disease, and since Chairman Mao would have approved of that effort, who am I to interfere with it?

I was told by my barber’s third cousin who knows someone who works in a janitorial service for a drugstore that he heard that a doctor’s pool boy got the vaccine and died of mopery later?

We all will die sometime?

Sure, those can be legitimate reasons or at least possibly-understandable reasons for not taking the vaccine. On the other hand, these aren’t so much on the basis of any rational information-based system I am familiar with:

I’m not going to do anything the “government” tells me is a good idea.

These vaccinations are just part of an agenda by the government and/or Big Pharma to do something bad to those stupid enough to take them. I can’t imagine what such an agenda could possibly be, but I’m sure there is one.

COVID is similar to corvid, and because I like ravens and crows, I don’t want to do anything to show I don’t trust them.

Ha. Got to watch out for those Chinese crows!
Posts: 3260 | Registered: August 19, 2001Report This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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Sure, those can be legitimate reasons or at least possibly-understandable reasons for not taking the vaccine...

There are good reasons to take it and good reasons not to, or at least to wait awhile.
The important thing is that it is an individual decision based on 'informed consent' and not pressured by anyone.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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I Deal In Lead
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I think I'm going to buy stock in tin foil manufacturing companies.
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Report This Post
Picture of ruger357
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I appreciate all of the guinea pigs lining up like good little lab rats. Let us know how it goes.


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Originally posted by ruger357:
I appreciate all of the guinea pigs lining up like good little lab rats. Let us know how it goes.

Calling people you disagree with derogatory names is rarely the sign of a solid argument.
Posts: 9023 | Location: The Red part of Minnesota | Registered: October 06, 2002Report This Post
Green grass and
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Picture of old rugged cross
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On both sides.

Yes, there many who are not quote unquote anti vaccine that have scientific and medical backgrounds that at this point in time are against taking this experimental treatment for this thing.

Search them out if so inclined. Many have been linked here.

At some point in time I could be convinced that this treatment is necessary. But right now. No thanks.

As these trails unfold we will all be able to see the outcomes. Good and bad.

"Practice like you want to play in the game"
Posts: 19710 | Registered: September 21, 2005Report This Post
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Originally posted by old rugged cross:
On both sides.

Yes, there many who are not quote unquote anti vaccine that have scientific and medical backgrounds that at this point in time are against taking this experimental treatment for this thing.

One can decline the vaccine for a solid reason or absolutely no reason better than "I don't want it". That's fine. I have never advocated for mandatory vaccination or mask wear. It seems like there are some in this thread that feel compelled to convince the other side just how wrong or how foolish they are. Presenting an opinion or some information is fine. Disparaging others for their choice is ridiculous.
Posts: 9023 | Location: The Red part of Minnesota | Registered: October 06, 2002Report This Post
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