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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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Didn't the Mongols eventually conquer China?

Originally posted by TXJIM:
Originally posted by BBMW:
"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man" - George Patton.

If we build the wall, they'll figure out how to go over it, under it, through it, and around it. There are sections of wall already up, and they still make it through.

That also doesn't deal with the ones already here, and the ones that come from different directions and means. IIRC 40% of illegals come on various visas, and just stay.

If you want to deal with the illegal alien problem, you have to make it impossible for them to function here. I've put out ways that this could be done, and I routinely get flamed because people think (falsely) that it would be impinging on their rights.

Originally posted by bionic218:
can't build a 1900 mile wall. Hogwash.


I'm damn tired of hearing what we "can't" do. If I had a dollar for everything I've done that somebody told me I "can't" do, I'd have . . . well, several dollars.

My grandfather had a saying I was quite fond of: "Can't never did"

I didn't understand it when I was very young. Just thought it was another of his backwoods old-timer-isms that was a double negative and didn't explain much.

Later in life, I came to understand the true meaning of it; something very similar inversely to the SAS saying "Who dares wins"

I think my grandfather and the Don would have gotten along like a house on fire (another of his favorites). Smile

Perhaps the Chinese should have just made it impossible for the Mongols to function there Big Grin Who needs a stinking wall, right?
Posts: 21240 | Registered: November 05, 2003Report This Post
Funny Man
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Originally posted by BBMW:
Originally posted by BBMW:
Didn't the Mongols eventually conquer China?

Originally posted by TXJIM:

Perhaps the Chinese should have just made it impossible for the Mongols to function there Big Grin Who needs a stinking wall, right?

Yes, and then they were driven out and the wall was built Wink

“I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living.”
― John Wayne
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Glorious SPAM!
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Originally posted by BBMW:
Fixed defense can't generally just be emplaced and abandoned. They need to be overwatched, and usually significantly.

And name me one advocate of a wall who said we should build it and then not monitor it. Thats what the US Border Patrol will be doing. To write a wall off as useless is ignorant. It is but one tool in the tool box. If memory serves the Russians were pretty successful at building a wall in East Germany. Cut WAY down on those trying to cross. So I guess they do work.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
Picture of 46and2
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we build the wall, they'll figure out how to go over it, under it, through it, and around it. There are sections of wall already up, and they still make it through.

ever been to a Federal Prison, or a secure military facility, or the Korean DMZ? how many folks, by percentage, do you think successfully breach such fortifications?

fences/moats/walls/mine fields, when designed and guarded correctly, work exceptionally well, and are in use every day around the world. none are perfect, no doubt, but to have no fence...

...that just seems astoundingly reckless, defeatist, and negligent.

whether a physical Great-Wall-ish wall, or a mix of buffer zones, layered fencing, minefields, or a moat with sharks with frickin' lasers, it isn't rocket surgery, nor even remotely impossible.

the Mexico / US border is almost 2,000 miles long, and an estimated 350 Million folks cross it illegally each year.

even if, and this is a monumental IF, even if 50 fucking Million crafty fuckers managed to get past our "Wall", a nearly incomprehensible feat of a 1 in 7 rate of breach - but just the same - we'd still be stopping 300 fucking Million of them, which is a tremendous win that also frees up significant resources to guard the fucking wall and all manner of other things.

how hard can it be? a network of sonar or seismic like sensors checking for tunneling, guard towers every x-feet that're manned 24/7, a bunch of drones zipping back and forth, a buffer zone of all the old land mines we no doubt have sitting around in some Gov't warehouse...

like waging war, if we half ass it of course we won't be successful, but if we put our minds and efforts toward it, we can most assuredly stop the vast majority of illegal border crossings, if we have the guts to do the difficult/unpopular aspects.

after the 10th or 100th one is converted into pink mist by a landmine, I bet that shit will curtail...
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
Picture of 46and2
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hat I'm saying is that if we REALLY want to solve the problem...We need ways of keeping them from functioning in society when they get in, or if they're already it.

no doubt, this (in addition to physical border security) must also happen. we need to make it much, much more difficult for illegal immigrants and those overstaying their Visas to work, rent/buy homes, get insurance/licenses, attend school, and the rest.

*both* must happen to actually solve the problem...

and in a sense I get the argument that one *might* be able to affect enough meaningful change by only dealing with what illegal immigrants can do once here, but I doubt we'll ever pass strong enough measures to accomplish it that effectively, and thus, a wall/etc is *also* necessary.

in addition to removing the bulk of those already here...
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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as for resources, for instance, my experiences in the military taught me many useful lessons, and a notable one is that there is a staggering amount of sitting around doing busy work or repetition of questionable utility that goes on every single day, enough of which to make all the human resource differences we need.

cleaning guns is great, for example, and necessary, but I can hardly recall the number of times we had to clean them five times in a row because they didn't have more important shit for us to do. or shining fucking boots... if you aren't in the honor guard, or going to some important event, it is a monumental waste of effort on something almost entirely pointless most of the time.

reallocate all of that useless or questionable busy work, across all branches, just by stopping the extraordinary amount of silly bullshit that is systemic as it is, and we could supplement the BP by putting a soldier/marine/etc every 10ft around the entire perimeter on rotating 24/7 coverage.

trust me, we waste more resources daily than it will take to guard the border effectively.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Liberty, Freedom,
Rights...and GunFire!
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Originally posted by 2000Z-71:
Watched him on Fallon last night. One of his responses had me laughing my ass off. He was asked about his individual republican opponents. His response, "There is no difference between them."
Only a matter of time, enjoy.

Link to original video:
Posts: 1721 | Location: Spetsnaz 2/9/2006, then GunFire --> > > | Registered: December 18, 2010Report This Post
Cogito Ergo Sum
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Whose side of the Rio Grande does the wall get built? I agree with the previous poster in making life so tough for them, that they go back. Crack down on the entitlement abuse, crack down on employers, make it hard to come and stay here. Create a psychic wall.
Posts: 5847 | Registered: August 01, 2002Report This Post
Glorious SPAM!
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I have not donated to a political campaign since 2000. I will donate to Trump when he wins the nomination.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Glorious SPAM!
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Originally posted by k5blazer:
Whose side of the Rio Grande does the wall get built?

I don't care whoes side it gets built on. The G has already given up swaths of land to the drug cartels so our side works.

Red side blue side my side you side I do not care. Just stop the criminals.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
recovering ammoholic
Picture of jaybird86
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by BBMW:
If we build the wall, they'll figure out how to go over it, under it, through it, and around it. There are sections of wall already up, and they still make it through.

Due to my job, I am definitely convinced that they do burrow tunnels under our non-existent wall at this current time.

Technology definitely exists to detect it though. Big Grin

How's your cardio?
Nature, alas, made only one being out of you although there was material for a good man and a rogue.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Border Field State Park, California.

Knowing more by accident than on purpose.
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
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Originally posted by jaybird86:
Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by BBMW:
If we build the wall, they'll figure out how to go over it, under it, through it, and around it. There are sections of wall already up, and they still make it through.

Due to my job, I am definitely convinced that they do burrow tunnels under our non-existent wall at this current time.

Technology definitely exists to detect it though. Big Grin

There have been all sorts of tunnels across the border between Calexico and Imperial Beach. But although those are populated and patrolled, there is no substantial fence like what I imagine the fence builders are contemplating.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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The Unknown
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If we build the wall, they'll figure out how to go over it, under it, through it, and around it.

Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm not saying build the wall, wash our hands, go home and call it a day. I'm saying we CAN build it . . . we have the technology, and if we arm it, and maintain it, it will work.

I've seen it done.
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Eat, sleep, fish.
Forced to work.
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Thanks, GunFire Cool

We cannot discuss politics even at home. "CLASH"
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Bad dog!
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Trump's appearance on Jimmy Fallon's show rocketed its ratings to an 18 month high.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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Political Cynic
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Sunday bump for Mr. Trump...

gotta keep this alive to its conclusion

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

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Telecom Ronin
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Originally posted by mbinky:
Originally posted by BBMW:
Fixed defense can't generally just be emplaced and abandoned. They need to be overwatched, and usually significantly.

And name me one advocate of a wall who said we should build it and then not monitor it. Thats what the US Border Patrol will be doing. To write a wall off as useless is ignorant. It is but one tool in the tool box. If memory serves the Russians were pretty successful at building a wall in East Germany. Cut WAY down on those trying to cross. So I guess they do work.

Israel's wall works pretty well, pretty sure the illegals will not be using human rockets Cool

And if companies used the tools in place, one of which is calling an applicants info into their system to see if someone is eligible to's only optional now.

And stop giving federal funding tp sanctionary cities.

And no federally funded schooling or ids.

The issue can never be solved but it can be drastcally reduced
Posts: 8301 | Location: Back in NE TX stay | Registered: February 12, 2004Report This Post
The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rollah
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Screw a wall. Just set a two mile DMZ and spread FASCAM all along it and set the fuses ito indefinite.



"For the cause that lacks assistance/The wrong that needs resistance/For the Future in the distance/And the Good that I can do" - George Linnaeus Banks, "What I Live for"
Posts: 10567 | Location: Boyertown, PA USA | Registered: July 17, 2002Report This Post
I'll try to be brief
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And name me one advocate of a wall who said we should build it and then not monitor it. Thats what the US Border Patrol will be doing. To write a wall off as useless is ignorant. It is but one tool in the tool box. If memory serves the Russians were pretty successful at building a wall in East Germany. Cut WAY down on those trying to cross. So I guess they do work.

The Russians are willing to shoot I fit meets their needs. I haven't seen anything in the news about refugees flooding into Russia.
Posts: 14298 | Location: Heart of Texas | Registered: April 14, 2005Report This Post
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