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Wisconsin Removes 205,000 Voters From The Rolls https://conservativebrief.com/...ce=CB&utm_medium=DJD Election officials in the battleground state of Wisconsin have removed more than 205,000 voters from the rolls as part of routine work to keep the state’s registration lists as current as possible. Conservatives filed lawsuits back in 2020 demanding that the Wisconsin Elections Commission remove voters from the rolls if they didn’t respond to mailings within 30 days. Those lawsuits failed and Joe Biden took the state of Wisconsin over Donald Trump by about 20,000 votes. On Wednesday, nearly nine months after the election, Wisconsin Commission officials deactivated 174,307 voter registrations because the voters hadn’t cast a ballot in four years and didn’t respond to a mailing. The commission also said they deactivated 31,854 registrations of voters who may have moved and didn’t respond to a mailing. But wait, it gets even worse. US News reported: The commission mailed postcards during the summer of 2019 to more than 230,000 voters identified by the Electronic Registration Information Center as having possibly moved. The commission voted that summer not to deactivate them until after the April 2021 election to give them several chances to affirm they hadn’t moved. Last month, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that the battleground state would be purging around 100,000 names from voter rolls if the individuals do not take a few moments to update their information. As noted by WSB-TV Atlanta, it’s a legal procedure that happens all the time in every state. A chunk of voters being purged from the registration rolls simply because they are missing updated addresses is not a major issue “The vast majority of the more than 101,000 people on the list submitted change of address forms to the post office or had returned election mail,” the outlet reported. These people now have 40 days to check their status online and update it accordingly or they will be removed from the list. In May, the Texas Senate has passed a powerful election reform bill that aims to restrict illegal voters from casting ballots in the state’s elections. One of the most important measures in the bill includes purging the voter rolls of non-citizens and non-residents, which would make it more difficult for unqualified voters to participate in U.S. elections. According to the Texas Scorecard, Senate Bill 155, “adds the Texas attorney general to the list of officials receiving information about voters who identify themselves as not meeting citizenship or residency qualifications for jury service. This means they are also ineligible to be registered to vote in the county in which they were called to serve on a jury—or, in the case of non-citizens, at all.” “Texas Senate, on an 18-13 vote, passed #SB155 cleaning voter rolls of all non-citizens/residents and giving the AG power to use jury lists to purge voters,” Tim Swain, a senate candidate, noted. Texas has taken a major stand to curb possible voter fraud. Back in April, the U.S. Supreme Court has turned away a Democratic effort to expand mail-in voting in Texas. Texas state law makes mail-in ballots available only for people age 65 and older or for voters who meet specific disability guidelines. The state Democratic Party and some voters sued the Republican-governed state, arguing that by treating voters differently by age, the Texas law violated the U.S. Constitution’s 26th Amendment guarantee of the right to vote for American citizens age 18 and above. The Democrats had gone to court to try to enable all eligible voters in Texas to vote by mail during last year’s election cycle, including the presidential election, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the Supreme Court left in place a lower court ruling that sided with Texas in the lawsuit. _________________________ | |||
Member |
Just maybe some progress is being made.....I sure do hope so. | |||
Be not wise in thine own eyes ![]() |
Maricopa County Given Until Friday August 20 to Honor Subpoena, or they may face Another Subpoena, and if they don’t respond a more forcefully worded subpoena will be issued, and if they don’t respond… Link “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Pres. Select, Joe Biden “Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021 | |||
safe & sound![]() |
I'd offer to honor subpoenas in the order in which they were issued. Seeing they still have subpoenas which have yet to be complied with, this one will have to wait. | |||
The Velvet Voicebox |
Joey D 8/9/21 No description provided "All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope." --Sir Winston Churchill "The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose." --James Earl Jones | |||
Be not wise in thine own eyes ![]() |
Oh Look! John Durham pokes his head out of the hole. Near as I can tell going to blame the janitor. Swamp Rat’s can’t be holding Swamp Rat’s accountable. “Examining potential criminal charges against several lower-level FBI employees, and people who aren’t in government, according to people familiar with the matter.” Link Honestly, I had no hopes of Justice. Lady Justice fell in the swamp Nov. 4th 2020 Hey, what’s the status of the Jan. 6th political prisoners? Guess Lady Justice took that whole part about speedy trial down with her. 500 left to rot in jail seems almost un-American. If any of those prisoners get freed, I will damn sure buy them a beer. “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Pres. Select, Joe Biden “Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021 | |||
Left-Handed, NOT Left-Winged! |
^^^ Yep, they will burn the lower level FBI staffers who lied to get the FISA warrants, but not the people over them who made it clear - probably without any specific documented evidence - that that was what they were expected to do. Verbal instructions to this effect will be denied and deemed hearsay. Hopefully some staffer that gets charged has something in writing that implicates the higher-ups but I'm not holding my breath. | |||
The Velvet Voicebox |
Joey D 8/16/21 No description provided "All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope." --Sir Winston Churchill "The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose." --James Earl Jones | |||
Shall Not Be Infringed![]() |
I really miss my President! Donald J Trump....We REALLY need YOU to Save America! ____________________________________________________________ If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !! Trump 47....Make America Great Again! "May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20 Live Free or Die! | |||
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Top Google Engineer Abandons Company, Reveals Big Tech Rewrote Algos To Target Trump https://www.zerohedge.com/poli...e-algos-target-trump A Big Tech whistleblower said Google altered its algorithm in order to ensure that negative stories from the establishment media about former Present Donald Trump were what people saw when using the highest-trafficked website on the internet. Zach Vorhies, who previously worked for Google, said in an interview with The Epoch Times that the tech titan specifically tailored its news algorithm to harm the former president. Vorhies has written a book about his experience working at Google. He said he wanted to “take conspiracy theory and turn it into conspiracy fact” by sharing the practices he saw as a longtime former employee, working on both Google and YouTube projects. “People kind of suspect this is happening. That certain keywords trigger things within the algorithm … That is actually happening,” he told the Times, noting that newly written stories about Trump were digitally married with older ones to ensure they remained at the top of search results. “They actually have that. They show like a graph, a tree, and they say actually this forms a super-story that spans eight days,” he said. “So, with the Trump/[former FBI Director James] Comey thing, they’re able to keep the stories boosted all the way at the top because the algorithm was able to fold a news story into the stories that were preceding it in the last five days,” Vorhies added. “They allowed the mainstream media to structure their stories so that they could remain at the top of their search index, of their news index,” he continued. Vorhies’ new book is called “Google Leaks: A Whistleblower’s Exposé of Big Tech Censorship.” The book dropped earlier this month. “The madness of Big Tech and their attempt to mold our reality into a version compatible with their globalist view of the world has never been portrayed better than in this chilling account by Google whistleblower,” the book’s listing on Amazon states. “As a senior engineer at Google for many years, Zach was aware of their bias, but watched in horror as the 2016 election of Donald Trump seemed to drive them into dangerous territory. The American ideal of an honest, hard-fought battle of ideas — when the contest is over, shaking hands and working together to solve problems — was replaced by a different, darker ethic alien to this country’s history,” the description adds. Vorhies said he left Google in 2019 with 950 pages of internal documents and gave them to the Justice Department. It is unclear what, if anything, the DOJ did with those documents. Vorhies also made the documents public with the help of Project Veritas in 2019. The former employee previously told Project Veritas and founder James O’Keefe how he was able to get ahold of the documents from his former employer in 2019. “These documents were available to every single employee within the company that was full time. And so as a full-time employee at the company, I just searched for some keywords, and these documents started to pop up,” he said. “And so once I started finding one document and started finding keywords for other documents and I would enter that in and continue this cycle until I had a treasure trove and archive of documents that clearly spelled out the system, what they’re attempting to do in very clear language,” he concluded. Vorhies spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this year, alongside O’Keefe and Project Veritas. “Google, Facebook and the Big Tech oligarchs represent the Trojan horse for totalitarianism,” he said. _________________________ | |||
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Witch hunt of Trump allies continues, as Cy Vance goes after pardoned man https://nypost.com/2021/08/18/...mp-allies-continues/ Is there anything more politicized than the criminal justice system in an administration run by Democrats? Yes . . . a criminal justice system run by elected Democrats in a blue-dyed stronghold, such as New York City, ensnared by one-party politics. That is not mere politicization of the justice system. It is weaponization of the justice system against political enemies. Ken Kurson is the latest Trump World habitue to learn that the hard way. Kurson, the former editor of The New York Observer, is a close friend of former President Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner, as well as a one-time speechwriter for Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. He is also a jackass — or, at the very least, conducted himself like one several years ago when his marriage was disintegrating. Kurson’s obnoxious behavior, which involved harassing people involved in his personal drama, came to the attention of the FBI only because Trump nominated him to sit on the board of the National Endowment for the Humanities. By normal prosecution standards, it was ancient history, having occurred in 2015, and dubious grist for criminal charges. Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn nevertheless filed a criminal complaint weeks before the 2020 election. The “cyberstalking” case never reached the indictment stage because Trump pardoned Kurson before leaving office, reasoning that there would have been no criminal case but for the political connection. As if to prove the former president’s point, Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance swung into action. The federal investigation had uncovered evidence that Kurson had used a computer program to spy on his then wife, whom he suspected of having an affair. Vance has charged Kurson with felony electronic eavesdropping. At a time when violent crime is surging and the district attorney has declined to prosecute a raft of cases arising out of last summer’s deadly rioting and looting, there is no enforcement justification for devoting resources to a six-year-old non-violent domestic-relations matter. Kurson’s own ex-wife doesn’t want this pursued. In his pardon application, she wrote that she “repeatedly asked for the FBI to drop it . . . I hired a lawyer to protect me from being forced into yet another round of questioning. My disgust with this arrest and the subsequent articles is bottomless.” This is sheer political retribution. What’s stunning is how unabashed Vance is about that. Announcing the charges, he brayed, “We will not accept presidential pardons as get-out-of-jail-free cards for the well-connected in New York.” Kurson is not being punished for the alleged crimes; he’s being punished for being a Trump crony who got a pardon. It is not the first time. Vance earlier indicted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort after Trump pardoned him for convictions arising out of the Mueller investigation. It was a blatant violation of New York’s double-jeopardy protections, and the state courts threw it out. Vance, meanwhile, has spent years and resources — including two trips to the Supreme Court — trying to nail Trump himself on what he hoped were frauds burrowed in the former president’s financial records. After finally getting access to the records, he still has no case. Did he drop it? Of course not: he is now squeezing the Trump organization’s chief financial officer — charging him with bookkeeping improprieties that, in any other instance, would be settled in civil litigation. But it’s Trump, so New York Democrats must treat it as the crime of the century. In New York, unlike in the federal government, top prosecutor posts are elected rather than appointed positions. That’s why state attorney general Letitia James, a progressive darling, campaigned on a promise to spare no effort to sue or prosecute Trump. The system lends itself to abuse. There is a term for the exploitation of government police power to crush political foes: banana republic. _________________________ | |||
wishing we were congress |
Donald Trump Jr: "I’m old enough to remember a time when we had a President that wasn’t afraid to answer the media’s questions for hours on end… and the media that he dealt with was the most hostile ever towards a President, not the fluffers they are for this incompetent clown." | |||
Partial dichotomy |
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FBI Shoots Down Dem 'Conspiracy Theory' That Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Was Pre-Planned https://www.zerohedge.com/poli...organized-conspiracy Many Democratic leaders, including - most notably - Nancy Pelosi refuse to let go of the notion that the Jan. 6 "attack" on the Capitol was a terror attack on par with 9/11 or the Pulse nightclub shootings. Why? Because, they claim, the whole seige was planned and perpetrated by shadowy militia groups like the Oath Keepers, working in concert with Republican lawmakers. Dems also blame President Trump for instigating the incident (the supposed reason behind Twitter and Facebook banning his accounts). But according to a scoop from Reuters published Friday, prosecutors who once planned to try and lay charges of sedition, conspiracy or other serious offenses against members of the Oath Keepers and other militia groups have been stymied by the reality of what actually happened. And now that the first (surprisingly stiff) jail sentences have been handed down, the FBI has apparently determined that there's "scant evidence" to suggest that the events of Jan. 6 resulted from an "organized plot", according to a scoop published by Reuters. In other words, it's a repudiation of prosecutors' claims that "trespassing plus thought crime = terrorism". The FBI tells Reuters that "95%" of these cases are "one offs". And even among the "5%" who were more organized, there is still no evidence of a "grand scheme" to overthrow Congress and install President Trump for a second term. Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations. "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages." But that's not even the most disappointing bit for Pelosi, who is trying to use her Jan. 6 Committee to punish GOP colleagues. Because the FBI also told Reuters that there's no evidence that Trump, or people around him, were involved in organizing the unrest. But the FBI has so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence, according to the four current and former law enforcement officials. The report specifically cited "dirty trickster" Roger Stone (who was famously taken into custody by a SWAT team for a perp walk in front of CNN cameras) and InfoWars founder Alex Jones. Stone, a veteran Republican operative and self-described "dirty trickster", and Jones, founder of a conspiracy-driven radio show and webcast, are both allies of Trump and had been involved in pro-Trump events in Washington on Jan. 5, the day before the riot. FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said. The findings could also help the 40 or so defendants who belong to militia groups, and are facing more serious conspiracy charges. As we first learned a few weeks ago, prosecutors feel they don't have enough evidence to lay charges of "seditious conspiracy", or use the RICO act to target militia groups as if they were an organized criminal gang. But one source said there has been little, if any, recent discussion by senior Justice Department officials of filing charges such as "seditious conspiracy" to accuse defendants of trying to overthrow the government. They have also opted not to bring racketeering charges, often used against organized criminal gangs. Senior lawmakers have been briefed on the FBI's findings and find them "credible", according to Reuters. The ultimate takeaway is this: while some groups may have discussed the rally and attendant protest in advance, and while they ultimately may have "worked together" on the day in question, there's simply no evidence of a grand conspiracy headed by a single nefarious ringleader (not Stone, not Jones, not even Trump). Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack. They alleged that one Proud Boy leader recruited members and urged them to stockpile bulletproof vests and other military-style equipment in the weeks before the attack and on Jan. 6 sent members forward with a plan to split into groups and make multiple entries to the Capitol. But so far prosecutors have steered clear of more serious, politically-loaded charges that the sources said had been initially discussed by prosecutors, such as seditious conspiracy or racketeering. The FBI's assessment could prove relevant for a congressional investigation that also aims to determine how that day's events were organized and by whom. With seditious conspiracy now off the table, the most serious charges are likely to be the assault on an office charges, which carry a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. _________________________ | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
The FBI did that? Gotta be a mistake. The FBI has done everything they can- legal and otherwise- to put their boot heel on the face of the American conservative. Somebody screwed up royally and reported the truth. I guess they'll get sent to a gulag. Totalitarians just love gulags. | |||
Political Cynic![]() |
I'm surprised they didn't manufacture evidence to support the conspiracy theory after all, they were highly successful with Strozk and Page, and they skated on that | |||
Be not wise in thine own eyes ![]() |
I wouldn’t be surprised to see the FBI and others starting to hedge their bets as we start to see cracks in the Liberal veneer being exposed. Take note of these charlatans as their color starts to change with political winds. Their core beliefs will not change, just the image they wish to project. “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Pres. Select, Joe Biden “Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021 | |||
Political Cynic![]() |
^^^ That’s all the Feebs have at this point is image The reality of it is that they’re no better than the mob | |||
Never miss an opportunity to be Batman! ![]() |
There is going to be a transferred FBI agent to the Phoenix or Nome Field Office shortly. | |||
Member![]() |
"Everything woke turns to shit" https://youtu.be/pJyBs9XbYDc ...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV | |||
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