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wishing we
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Giuliani talking to Maria Bartiromo

Giuliani: he has 1,000 affidavits that prove “massive fraud all throughout the country.”

Bartiromo: “So you think somebody in Washington directed this and directed the big cities and the big swing states to do these weeks whether it is the processing of ballots in correctly or harvesting ballots et cetera. Who did this? That would suggest this is organized, developed. Who is in charge, who directed this then?”

Giuliani: “I have no idea. I mean, I don’t know who was in charge of it. All I can tell you is it looks like a very well-planned, very well-executed situation,”


pretty obvious it was well organized, well planned, and well executed

from a previous post:

1. There was a long time DEM plan to use "Mail in" votes to steal the election

2. DEMs put in place many "enabling" rules and procedures to let that happen

3. Talk about having to physically remove Trump from office 6 months before the election. (setting the stage)

4. After the election day voting ended on 3 Nov, counting "stopped" after a few hours in at least 5 key cities.

5. An assessment was made of how many false Biden ballots had to be introduced into each of the different areas to over take President Trump in that state
Were Dominion and Smartmatic involved in that knowledge being transferred to DEM operatives ?

6. "Mail in" pre-fabricated ballots were delivered by truck in the night while REP observers were not present

7. These hundreds of thousands of false Biden ballots were counted w no REP observers watching.

8. Some "mail in" ballots kept coming in for several more days

(w some help from braillediver)
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Telecom Ronin
Picture of dewhorse
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
For the states in question, all but Nevada have a Republican majority in their legislatures. I assume that the Nevada majority is pleased with the Democrat electors. The rest of the state legislature majorities should be champing at the bit to invalidate the election and make their own choice. To their credit, they are having hearings on this issue. Unfortunately, they fear backlash from the press. As low-level politicians, some of them may not have the courage to undo the damage and elect a Republican slate of electors. If this is the case, then the criminals will have won.

They are also afraid of black clad soy boys showing at their house....Biden's black shirts.

It saddens me that in PA (where I grew up) the cradle of this Republic there are so many cowards and cucks.
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wishing we
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WSJ on Giuliani

Mr. Giuliani, who is 76 years old, was admitted to Georgetown University Medical Center' on Sunday.

He tested positive for COVID19

Mr. Giuliani said in a tweet Sunday evening that he was “recovering quickly and keeping up with everything,” while his son, Andrew Giuliani, tweeted that his father was “resting, getting great care and feeling well.”

Andrew Giuliani tested positive last month. Earlier this month, Mr. Giuliani’s communications director, Christianné Allen, had tested positive for the virus

The Trump campaign said in a statement Sunday that the former mayor had tested negative twice “immediately preceding” his visits to Arizona, Michigan and Georgia last week and that he didn’t experience symptoms or test positive until more than 48 hours after he returned.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jimbo Jones
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Yeah seriously. Thats what is really bothering me now is that the RINOs are so pathetic and weak. Say what you will about the corrupt Dems but they would NEVER let their candidate swing the breeze like is happening to PDJT right now.

They should all get together (Brian Kemp and Fucko Raffensberger especially) could get collectively write their shared autobiography "Profiles in Cowardice"

Originally posted by gw3971:
Originally posted by roustabout:
Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I thought the USSC would be a slam dunk but I was mistaken. I don’t think they will hear much evidence. Republicans don’t want Trump back in the WH. They’d much rather have Biden. Says a lot about the integrity of republicans.

President Trump really is the 3rd party alternative we all wanted and the main stream republicans couldn’t stand to see him be successful.

This has been the problem from the moment Trump was inaugurated. He did what RINOs like Romney couldn’t do and they’ve never forgiven him for it. They paid lip service to his agenda and accomplishments, but could never truly stand in support of the President.

And the RINO's still haven't learned what we love about Trump. He fights. He fights everyone and anyone for us. He told us what he was going to do and he has done exactly that. The fact the RINO's are caving isn't surprising. It was expected.

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
Posts: 3625 | Location: Cary, NC | Registered: February 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jimbo Jones
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I had forgotten this but Mussolini had his "blackshirts" fascist violence and intimidation cadre and it was the inspiration for Hitler's brownshirts (Sling has AHC and a good program on the War in North Africa from ~1935-1943)

Originally posted by dewhorse:
Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
For the states in question, all but Nevada have a Republican majority in their legislatures. I assume that the Nevada majority is pleased with the Democrat electors. The rest of the state legislature majorities should be champing at the bit to invalidate the election and make their own choice. To their credit, they are having hearings on this issue. Unfortunately, they fear backlash from the press. As low-level politicians, some of them may not have the courage to undo the damage and elect a Republican slate of electors. If this is the case, then the criminals will have won.

They are also afraid of black clad soy boys showing at their house....Biden's black shirts.

It saddens me that in PA (where I grew up) the cradle of this Republic there are so many cowards and cucks.

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
Posts: 3625 | Location: Cary, NC | Registered: February 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Robert Barnes is an election lawyer. He's not on Rudy's team but has provided consultation. He's pretty critical of the approach taken by Sidney Powell.

These Viva & Barnes chats have been posted here before. This one is from last night. There's a lot of fluff in here so you don't have to watch the whole thing. I'd say start around 1:20:00 or so.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Picture of lastmanstanding
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Sidney Powell's and Lin Woods credibility has taken a serious hit since the start of all this sadly. They could still regain much of it down the road in perhaps some criminal convictions but by then the presidential question will have been long answered. And will they still vigorously pursue their evidence if Trump does not prevail and the money runs out?

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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wishing we
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President Trump: (today)

The Republican Governor of Georgia refuses to do signature verification, which would give us an easy win. What’s wrong with this guy? What is he hiding?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
A Grateful American
Picture of sigmonkey
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Originally posted by Jimbo Jones:
Yeah seriously. Thats what is really bothering me now is that the RINOs are so pathetic and weak. Say what you will about the corrupt Dems but they would NEVER let their candidate swing the breeze like is happening to PDJT right now. ...

"Yes, we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
-Benjamin Franklin

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 44457 | Location: ...... I am thrice divorced, and I live in a van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!! (in Arkansas) | Registered: December 20, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by chellim1:
Robert Barnes is an election lawyer. He's not on Rudy's team but has provided consultation. He's pretty critical of the approach taken by Sidney Powell.

This is the second one I’ve seen where he mentions people getting mad in the chat. In both cases I could clearly see why. He seems to be very sharp and on target. Recognizing that and hearing him say stuff you’d rather not hear is unlikely to make most folks happy.

While I suspect very few here gave any credence to the notion that all the dirtbags were on the verge of being rounded up and shipped off to jail, it was amusing hearing it.

With some of the stuff coming out about Lin Wood encouraging republicans to boycott the runoff election and some of the questions about handling of funds raised for Kyle Rittenhouse, he isn’t cast in a great light. Maybe he isn’t truly a good guy.

However, a possibility that occurred to me with the Kracken stuff and some of Mr. Wood’s fraud claims is that perhaps this is a second front on President Trump’s behalf (either with or without his approval and support) intended not necessarily to prevail in a court of law (That’s Rudy & Jenna’s focus), but to address the court of public opinion. Or maybe those folks have just gone off the deep end, I dunno.
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Lighten up and laugh
Picture of Ackks
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This morning's episode of Bannon's War Room.

John Fredericks talks about a petition started by 4 GA senators that needs 28 signatures to go around Kemp and have a special session.

Also, AZ Speaker shut down the legislature there for 7 days. That ends any chance of a hearing in the House.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by sigmonkey:
Originally posted by Jimbo Jones:
Yeah seriously. Thats what is really bothering me now is that the RINOs are so pathetic and weak. Say what you will about the corrupt Dems but they would NEVER let their candidate swing the breeze like is happening to PDJT right now. ...

"Yes, we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
-Benjamin Franklin

But I think they are hanging together. The issue is that far too many Republican politicians are politicians more than they are Republicans. I suspect that many of them identify much more with the DemonRat politicians across the aisle than they do with the Republican voters who sent them there.

President Trump is an anomaly, a freak show, a non-politician who has done much to upset their apple cart, derail their gravy train, and screw things up for their ability to line their own pockets. If far too many of our Republican politicians spoke honestly spoke their mind (Yeah a politician speaking honestly is as likely as me flapping my arms and flying to the moon) it would probably go something like this:

“Yeah, okay, he has done some of what he promised (a whole lot more than any President I remember, and fighting an uphill battle all the way against legislators on both sides of the aisle all the way) and made some of the folks who voted for him happy, but gosh darn it, that isn’t what the game is about. The game is about giving the proles just enough to stay in office and maximize the growth of our power, personal wealth, and opportunities. He is playing the game all wrong, and if you expect us to support him against our DemonRat partners in fleecing the American people, you’re delusional.”

I think the question is whether there is enough evidence brought out to shame them into doing the right thing. With the vast majority of them, if they do the right thing, it will be because they feel they have no other choice, not because they want to or because they feel it is the right thing.

Still cautiously optimistic, but mostly only because I believe PDJT is a whole lot smarter than most of these stains.
Posts: 7072 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jimbo Jones
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GA voters need to hammer their reps w emails and phone calls to sign the petition and get this special session in place

Originally posted by Ackks:
This morning's episode of Bannon's War Room.

John Fredericks talks about a petition started by 4 GA senators that needs 28 signatures to go around Kemp and have a special session.

Also, AZ Speaker shut down the legislature there for 7 days. That ends any chance of a hearing in the House.

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
Posts: 3625 | Location: Cary, NC | Registered: February 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
Picture of oddball
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I think the Arizona GOP raise an important question Smile

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Honestly, I hope Beijing Biden and Kameltoe do boycott Trump’s second inauguration. Why ruin a joyous occasion with their presence?
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Lighten up and laugh
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Ted Cruz is going to argue one PA fraud case before SCOTUS if it gets there. The guy isn't perfect, but he has had our backs and has stood with President Trump.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Ted Cruz is a sharp attorney, and he has experience presenting cases in front of SCOTUS, nine of them.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 17153 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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I have the utmost of confidence in Ted Cruz with this responsibility.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by oddball:


Ted Cruz is a sharp attorney, and he has experience presenting cases in front of SCOTUS, nine of them.

Yep, the man knows his stuff.


Posts: 27511 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
A Grateful American
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I trust the Senator.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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