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Originally posted by Keystoner:
Originally posted by Wolfpacker:
Stlhead I believe has posted truthfully.

Do you understand the difference between truth and opinion?

That is all that any of us have here is an opinion then. Were any of us here a witness in a state count and actually saw misdeeds or manipulation? We all have to depend on other people’s accounts of the circumstances unless we were there.

That’s all. I am not saying DJT didn’t or won’t win. I can’t give any substantive proof against or for.
Posts: 802 | Location: NW North Carolina | Registered: November 04, 2009Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Many of us have suspected significant DEM voter fraud for a long time.

This is the first time we have a serious investigation directly taking that issue head on.

Once again it is Donald Trump who had the courage to say the forbidden words and push for the shining of light into one of our nation's darkest secrets.

If we can get one state to have clearly committed voter fraud in the hundreds of thousands, it will open a flood gate. That would show the need to look everywhere.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
A Grateful American
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The founders ensured that the 1st amendment, the most important of all amendments was the right to speak in matters of the government which is the "tree" liberty.

"We the people..." are the roots of that tree, and the tree is the product of us.

Liberty and Freedom are absolutely nothing and non-existent without people "pursing or enjoying" the fruit.

Without "us" they are simply; meaningless stained scratches on paper.

The 1st amendment is the trunk of the tree, and everything else good going up, is grown and fed and relies upon the trunk. Without the freedom of speech regarding our governing, the tree cannot grow.

My vote, and each and every vote, determines the growth and survivability of the tree.

This election is not over. I will not allow my voice to be silenced, or made null or void, nor lost in lies and deceit, because another cares not of their own voice.

You (and I am speaking specifically to several board members) have no place to speak for me. So,(kindly, because you are a board member) feel free to state your opinion that "you" believe it's over for you and that you concede defeat for yourself.

Since Solomon stated, "there is nothing new under the sun", If one were to go back 250 years, we would see the same discussions and positions from people.

And I can see how "3%" was all there was to stand against all the Kings Horses, and All the Kings men.

Pick a side and fight, or quietly get out of the way.

It is not over until "We the People..." say it is over.

And "peaceful acquiescence" to a stolen election, is so much not a "peaceful transition" to a valid election.

The very last thing I wish to see, is a haze of smoke across this land. The fear of injury to this great Republic, and Her peoples, should compel us diligently to do everything to prevent the provoked wrath of her people.


"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Official forum
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It is a bit frustrating to see how quickly some of you fux roll over and concede. Where is your fighting spirit? Do you take pleasure in posting such absolute shit? Please shove your defeatist posts straight up your asses sideways.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Back, and
to the left
Picture of 83v45magna
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Originally posted by sigmonkey:
The founders ensured that the 1st amendment, the most important of all amendments was the right to speak in matters of the government which is the "tree" liberty.

"We the people..." are the roots of that tree, and the tree is the product of us.

Liberty and Freedom are absolutely nothing and non-existent without people "pursing or enjoying" the fruit.

Without "us" they are simply; meaningless stained scratches on paper.

The 1st amendment is the trunk of the tree, and everything else good going up, is grown and fed and relies upon the trunk. Without the freedom of speech regarding our governing, the tree cannot grow.

My vote, and each and every vote, determines the growth and survivability of the tree.

This election is not over. I will not allow my voice to be silenced, or made null or void, nor lost in lies and deceit, because another cares not of their own voice.

You (and I am speaking specifically to several board members) have no place to speak for me. So,(kindly, because you are a board member) feel free to state your opinion that "you" believe it's over for you and that you concede defeat for yourself.

Since Solomon stated, "there is nothing new under the sun", If one were to go back 250 years, we would see the same discussions and positions from people.

And I can see how "3%" was all there was to stand against all the Kings Horses, and All the Kings men.

Pick a side and fight, or quietly get out of the way.

It is not over until "We the People..." say it is over.

And "peaceful acquiescence" to a stolen election, is so much not a "peaceful transition" to a valid election.

The very last thing I wish to see, is a haze of smoke across this land. The fear of injury to this great Republic, and Her peoples, should compel us diligently to do everything to prevent the provoked wrath of her people.


Hear, hear!
Monkey, I'm not sure Thomas Paine could have said it any better. Thank you.

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. -Ecclesiastes 9:11

...But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by Him shall glory, but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped. - Psalm 63:11 [excerpted]
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Official Space Nerd
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Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
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Official Space Nerd
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Originally posted by 83v45magna:

Monkey, I'm not sure Thomas Paine could have said it any better. Thank you.

+1. You have been a great encouragement during this time of crisis.

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
Posts: 22017 | Location: Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth | Registered: September 27, 2004Report This Post
Conveniently located directly
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thank you again sigmonkey

"I've been on this rock too long to bother with these liars any more."
~SIGforum advisor~
"When the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change, then change will come."~~sigmonkey

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Picture of HayesGreener
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The stock in trade of first responders is to remain calm in crisis, create order from chaos, sort out the facts to determine what really happened, and proceed appropriately from there. Although I lived and worked by that mantra or more than 40 years, it is difficult to find calm in the current storm. Many of us saw Trump as a leader to return America to greatness. Others simply disliked his persona. While we await the final results, many of us are now worried for the kind of America our grandchildren will inherit. The ghosts of Mao, Marx, Stalin, Krushchev, and Saul Alinsky must relish the prospects.

Crooks will crook, cheaters will cheat, and haters will hate. It remains to be seen where that goes in the context of the 2020 election, and the turmoil is far from over. But regardless of how the election ultimately turns out, one thing is absolutely certain. President Trump has exposed a biased Leftist media for what it is, phony and biased polls, politically motivated prosecutions, criminals within our own justice and intelligence apparatus, China is not our friend, and the depths to which the Left is willing to sink to attain power. Trump is an imperfect man, brash and bombastic at times. But then so were so many other leaders of the past who got things done in the face of adversity. With all his shortcomings, however, he is a patriot and a leader, and the world damn sure couldn't ignore him. And we can count on him to fight to the end. I still fly his flag and will support him as long as he is in the fight.

The impeachment of President Trump on the basis of false, manufactured evidence will go down as a dark stain on American politics. He has stood up to 4 years of constant assault from a corrupt and hateful media. Despite all that, he got things done. He has demonstrated that we CAN make America great again, and that American patriots are a force to be reckoned with. What he has done for businesses, employment, law enforcement, the economy, energy independence, trade agreements, strengthening our military, peace in the Middle East, bringing our troops home, national defense, leveling the NATO field, veterans benefits, immigration and border security, peace in the Middle East, and American pride cannot be denied. He has ignited a fire-it is on us to fan the flames.

As far as that other guy, well, I try to remember what my Mother said to do when you can't think of anything nice to say. But I challenge you to note where we are today, and compare those notes to where you are 4 years from now.

President Trump may or may not be our president after January 21st, we shall see. But he has exposed the swamp and planted a seed of optimism for America that 70 million patriots want to see take hold and flourish. Political figures who regard those 70 million "deplorables" as irrelevant in the future do so at their own great peril. As Americans do, we will weather the storm-the ship will eventually right itself, as it always does, when good men and women come forward to serve. In the meanwhile, we should cast a critical eye on the media, stand for the flag, and jealously guard our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees. Oh, and buy ammo (if you can find it)

CMSGT USAF (Retired)
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Picture of TigerDore
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Originally posted by TigerDore:
Originally posted by Ripley:
Stephen Colbert goes into 'meltdown' and smashes a champagne bottle while threatening...

Like a monkey in a zoo flinging his poop; we know what they do, why would we want to watch it?


For the record, neither sigmonkey nor 12131 are zoo monkeys. My analogy was definitely not intended to impugn either highly respected Sig Forum member.

Posts: 9343 | Registered: September 26, 2013Report This Post
Picture of JohnCourage
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Can that Trump tweet above about the Dominion voting systems be proven? Seems like that with the other evidence it will be enough to get us there. Those are big numbers.

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So let it be written,
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Picture of Dzozer
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Originally posted by Hound Dog:
Originally posted by 83v45magna:

Monkey, I'm not sure Thomas Paine could have said it any better. Thank you.

+1. You have been a great encouragement during this time of crisis.

+1000 Smile

'veritas non verba magistri'
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Originally posted by Hound Dog:


Hound Dog. Love that picture Cool

"And I think about my loves,well I've had a few. Well,I'm sorry that I hurt them, did I hurt you too" I Was Wrong--Social D.
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The Dems brought this fight on themselves. My $20 says if DJT loses, he still wins. Shine the light on the cockroaches, and watch them run.
Posts: 3581 | Location: Fairfax Co. VA | Registered: August 03, 2015Report This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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I like and trust L Lin Wood but those are some pretty high and strong words he using. I hope he is using them in the confidence of KNOWING what they have.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by HayesGreener:
The stock in trade of first responders is to remain calm in crisis, create order from chaos, sort out the facts to determine what really happened, and proceed appropriately from there.

Thanks for that commentary. It was like finding a diamond in … an unexpected place.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
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Ethics, antics,
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Picture of Dtech
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And once again Mr. Monkey inspires the best in all of us with his words and insight!


"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

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Middle children
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:

Here is the video where Dr. Shiva explains the mathematical analysis that has uncovered the vote switching.

And here is the American Thinker article where another analyst uncovered the "Lost votes" which were deleted ballots.


As "Pede" puts it, "I made a script to run through the data and gather all instances where votes switched from Trump to Biden. 'Lost Votes' means that the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting."

Here are the results "Pede" found for the swing states:

Pennsylvania: Switched, 220,883; Lost Votes, 941,248

Florida: Switched, 21,422; Lost Votes, 456

Michigan: Switched, 20,213; Lost Votes, 21,882

Georgia: Switched, 17,407; Lost Votes, 33,574

Wisconsin: Switched, 2,078; Lost Votes, 3,408

North Carolina: Switched, 0; Lost Votes, 15


Arizona: Switched, 4,492; Lost Votes, 0

Minnesota: Switched, 2,766; Lost Votes, 195,650

Colorado: Switched, 1,809; Lost Votes, 0

Nevada: Switched, 0 Lost Votes, 0

Remember, these numbers are for electronic fraud, above and beyond the paper-ballot fraud also committed and which is slowly being uncovered and documented.

SCAR forend upgrades:
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