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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
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Montana tried to ban mRNA vaccine recipients from donating blood. I sure as shit would prefer not to receive tainted blood transfusions.
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Posts: 107914 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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Isn't it interesting how all of the tyrants, their facilitators and their lies have been exposed and no one suffers real consequences for betraying the public and our constitutional rights?

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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COVID vaccines: Peer-reviewed study links shots to multiple health issues

The study found people were 21% more likely to receive a new diagnosis in the three months after a shot compared to the three months prior.

Adults have a far higher risk of being diagnosed with heart, skin, and psychiatric conditions for at least the first three months after receiving a COVID vaccine shot, according to a peer-reviewed study of almost 300,000 people in California that was published in Nature Cardiovascular Research.

Researchers studied new diagnoses given to people before and after they were vaccinated to see whether the shots altered the likelihood of new health problems.

They found that people were around 21 percent more likely to receive a new diagnosis in the three months following a shot compared to the three months prior. Given the number of people who have received the injections, potentially tens of millions of people across the world are now dealing with health issues that they most likely would not have experienced had they remained unvaccinated.

The health issues identified as most likely to crop up following COVID vaccination included hypertension (25 percent more likely to be diagnosed), depression, eczema, diabetes, and cellulitis (between 10 and 20 percent more likely).

Myocarditis diagnoses were found to be associated with the highest additional risk. They were about 2.6 times as likely overall, with an even higher risk in men.

Meanwhile, researchers in Hong Kong found an even sharper increase in autoimmune “flares” following COVID vaccination, describing new episodes of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and other serious autoimmune conditions. Their paper was published on February 17 in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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This is good. Though I am no fan of Bill Maher, the clip below means that the word is getting out to the leftist true believers who allowed and even encouraged the suppression of any questioning of the official (and false) COVID narrative.

As I said back in 2020 and have been pointing out recently in this forum, the day would come when I/we would be able to say "I told you so" and we have reached that point, and this is just the beginning. Most gratifying, it is.

Of course, we'll have another round of "Isn't it time we forgive each other?" horse shit from all the leftists who were complicit in destroying our economy, destroying countless small businesses, ruining so many lives, creating unwarranted fear in children and stunting their development by locking them in their homes for 2+ years.

The answer to that question is "no". The answer will always be no, because we did nothing which requires forgiveness, and those who were complicit in these crimes against society are undeserving of forgiveness. Instead of looking for forgiveness from us, they should be concerned about our retribution, which, as the truth finally is allowed to come to light, we will mete out like lashes from a whip.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 107914 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of erj_pilot
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Originally posted by darthfuster:
Isn't it interesting how all of the tyrants, their facilitators and their lies have been exposed and no one suffers real consequences for betraying the public and our constitutional rights?
You describe the double and triple standard that has driven me NUTS with anger for YEARS!!!

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Peace through
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Implicit in the burgeoning truth of how completely wrong were government at all levels, the media and all the sheep who mindlessly complied in this disaster, are the following questions: The next time we face (claims of) a pandemic, how will government at all levels, the media and all the sheep react? How will those who failed to take a stand against all the nonsense react?

Though I expect the same power grabs and gloming on by all the sheep, I am encouraged to believe that those who somehow Roll Eyes failed to take a side might next time have sufficient information to resist lockdowns and near-mandatory vaccinations.

Call me naive, but the damage from these last three years is so great, few people were left unscathed, and no sane person- armed with the knowledge of the events- would go through all of it again.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 107914 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of V-Tail
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Originally posted by parabellum:

the damage from these last three years is so great, few people were left unscathed, and no sane person- armed with the knowledge of the events- would go through all of it again.
I did some grocery shopping at Publix yesterday. I found it mind-boggling that there were quite a few people still wearing masks. Just hard to believe.

Of course, you did say "no sane person," which explains part of it.

הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Implicit in the burgeoning truth of how completely wrong were government at all levels, the media and all the sheep who mindlessly complied in this disaster, are the following questions: The next time we face (claims of) a pandemic, how will government at all levels, the media and all the sheep react? How will those who failed to take a stand against all the nonsense react?

Though I expect the same power grabs and gloming on by all the sheep, I am encouraged to believe that those who somehow Roll Eyes failed to take a side might next time have sufficient information to resist lockdowns and near-mandatory vaccinations.

Call me naive, but the damage from these last three years is so great, few people were left unscathed, and no sane person- armed with the knowledge of the events- would go through all of it again.

My business is still struggling to recover.
Posts: 2958 | Location: (Occupied) Northern Minnesota | Registered: June 24, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Shall Not Be Infringed
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Originally posted by V-Tail:
Originally posted by parabellum:

the damage from these last three years is so great, few people were left unscathed, and no sane person- armed with the knowledge of the events- would go through all of it again.
I did some grocery shopping at Publix yesterday. I found it mind-boggling that there were quite a few people still wearing masks. Just hard to believe.

Of course, you did say "no sane person," which explains part of it.

Well, at least they're easy to identify... Wink


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 2024....Save America!
"May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20
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Lawyers, Guns
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As I said back in 2020 and have been pointing out recently in this forum, the day would come when I/we would be able to say "I told you so" and we have reached that point, and this is just the beginning. Most gratifying, it is.

Of course, we'll have another round of "Isn't it time we forgive each other?" horse shit from all the leftists who were complicit in destroying our economy, destroying countless small businesses, ruining so many lives, creating unwarranted fear in children and stunting their development by locking them in their homes for 2+ years.

The answer to that question is "no". The answer will always be no, because we did nothing which requires forgiveness, and those who were complicit in these crimes against society are undeserving of forgiveness. Instead of looking for forgiveness from us, they should be concerned about our retribution, which, as the truth finally is allowed to come to light, we will mete out like lashes from a whip.


They don't really seek forgiveness, because they are not contrite. What they seek is to be let off, excused from accountability.
If so excused, they will do it again. The tyranny will only be worse if that's allowed.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Picture of konata88
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Agree and I truly hope all of those complicit globally are held to account. They should be pursued doggedly in the same manner as war criminals - no end to the pursuit for each and every one of them until they are ALL held to account.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
Posts: 12792 | Location: In the gilded cage | Registered: December 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
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Here's one of the apparatchiks who aided in suppressing any discussion of the possibility of a Wuhan lab leak, by mocking and deriding anyone who questioned the official narrative. She's a self-avowed "Fauci groupie". Yeah, you're a bright one, aintcha, babe?

Leftist hack. She should spend the next decade being confronted with the truth she sought to suppress with her Goddamned half-wit view of the world.

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace insisted COVID originating in Wuhan lab was ‘conspiracy theory’

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace once called the COVID lab leak theory a "conspiracy theory" but has failed to inform viewers that the notion is now considered the likely cause of the pandemic by government voices she normally reveres.

The theory that COVID originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was embraced this week by FBI Director Christopher Wray, and a bombshell report recently indicated that the U.S. Energy Department believes the virus likely started at the lab. But many media organizations insisted this couldn’t be possible in 2020 during the early stages of the global pandemic and anyone who relies on MSNBC’s "Deadline: White House" for news would be in the dark about Wray and the Energy Department.

Wallace, one of the media's most rabidly anti-GOP voices, appeared determined to shut down the theory that was embraced by the Trump administration. She blamed then-President Trump on April 30, 2020 for pushing intelligence agencies into investigating one of "Trump world’s most favorite conspiracy theories," when referring to the possibility that COVID originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace initially dismissed the theory that COVID began in a Wuhan lab.

The GOP-flack-turned-liberal MSNBC host then put a spotlight on a 2020 New York Times piece headlined, "Trump officials are said to press spies to link virus and Wuhan labs."

Wallace read a Times report to viewers that claimed, "administration officials have pushed American spy agencies to hunt for evidence to support an unsubstantiated theory that a government laboratory in Wuhan" was the source of the virus. The report added that "analysts are concerned that the pressure from administration officials will distort assessments about the virus and that they could be used as a political weapon in an intensifying battle with China."

The following day, Wallace was at it again and enlisted former Obama administration official Jeremy Bash to criticize comments Trump made about having "confidence" the virus began in the Wuhan lab. Wallace read a Washington Post quote about "no direct evidence" of the lab leak theory being public.

"Many scientists argue that the evidence tilts firmly toward a natural transmission," Wallace told viewers, citing the Post.

"It sounds like, not even among the options is the scenario depicted by Donald Trump," Wallace said before asking Bash if she was understanding the situation correctly.

"I think you are," Bash said before insisting "conspiracy theorists were parroting" Trump’s remarks about the Wuhan lab.

On May 4 of that year, Wallace – who once happily declared she was a "groupie" of Dr. Anthony Fauci – continued the conversation.

"The Trump administration yesterday stepping up its attacks on China and that lab, but their assessment that the virus began at the lab in Wuhan not one shared by U.S. Intelligence, who spoke to NBC News saying, there’s no, quote, smoking gun evidence pointing them in that direction and there may never be," Wallace told viewers.

Wallace went on to dismiss the possibility that COVID began in the Wuhan lab, bluntly calling it a "false conspiracy theory" on May 21, 2020.

The following year, when the intelligence community began to recognize the lab leak theory might be plausible, Wallace brought on Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Gordon to explain why President Biden ordered a probe into COVID’s origins. Suddenly, Wallace was interested and chalked up prior dismissals to the lab leak theory being a "talking point" of the Trump administration.

"This was one of his early talking points. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to know why people didn’t run it to ground or why there wasn’t a bipartisan effort to do so," Wallace said. "But just from a medical scientific community perspective, it seems like an urgent intelligence priority to get to the bottom of this."

Wallace did not cover the latest information regarding COVID lab leaks on her MSNBC program this week, according to a search of transcripts. The terms "Wuhan" and "lab leak" were not mentioned on "Deadline: White House" since Wray’s comments and the Energy Department report.

Wallace has become one of the faces of MSNBC since her heel turn from moderate Republican "View" host to a fanatically anti-GOP, Democratic-boosting cable voice. Along with left-wing hosts Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow, she leads their special political coverage, in addition to her two-hour daily afternoon show that leads into the show's liberal evening pundit lineup.
Posts: 107914 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Shall Not Be Infringed
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It's amazing how 'Logical Conclusions' have been labeled as Conspiracy Theories...Especially when supported by facts, and counter to ridiculous non-sensical claims by so-called experts pushing THE approved narrative!


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 2024....Save America!
"May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20
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No More
Mr. Nice Guy
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When people talk about forgiveness, let's keep a few things in mind:

Forgiveness requires the offender to have genuine remorse for what they've done. They must recognize that they did wrong, and they must understand the damage they have done. They must express remorse and convince us that they will never do that thing again for the reason that they do not want to hurt us again.

The offender must seek to compensate for the harm.

If your buddy borrows something and breaks it, you don't forgive him until he replaces it and you are convinced he has remorse for your distress.

You can't trust your buddy otherwise. If the offense was great enough, you may have to release him of any place in your life.

Those who harmed us during Covid just want a free pass. They do not want to admit their failings nor the harm they caused. They do not feel badly for the suffering. And they want to keep their position in our lives.
Posts: 9507 | Location: On the mountain off the grid | Registered: February 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
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They aren’t done with us yet. They’re already planning for the next attack on freedoms.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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"I think you are," Bash said before insisting "conspiracy theorists were parroting" Trump’s remarks about the Wuhan lab.

No, asshole, we were paying attention to what many world renowned virologists, scientists, doctors, those in academia and big pharma industry and bio-med researchers were saying but unfortunately you and your like-minded ilk were censoring them, black-listing them and cancelling them!

Wallace and Bash can both FOAD!!

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy."
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Newt Gingrich calls the COVID coverup the biggest scandal in American history

We are living through the largest, deadliest scandal in American history, but the elite media refuses to connect the dots and analyze it.

COVID-19, a disease no one disputes came from Wuhan, China, has killed more than 1.1 million Americans and more than 38 million people worldwide. It has left millions of others with chronic health problems.

Because of the teachers’ unions and totally misguided, destructive public health policies, children who were under virtually no risk from COVID-19 have lost at least a year of education. Many children are suffering from depression and other mental health challenges from the forced isolation and lack of social contact.

Now, it is becoming more clear that much of this pain was avoidable – and the result of powerful government employees protecting themselves. As Jarrett Stepman in The Daily Signal wrote:

"In 2020, if you thought it was possible COVID-19 came from a lab in China you were labeled a conspiracy theorist, a peddler of misinformation, ‘bonkers,’ and a racist.

"Facebook and other social media removed the lab leak claim from their apps or slapped ‘misinformation’ labels on it. Facebook did so in lockstep with the government.

"So according to the standard set in 2020, the Department of Energy just came out as a racist purveyor of misinformation this week.

"The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that, according to a classified intelligence report provided to the White House and Congress, the Department of Energy concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic likely came from a lab leak.

‘"The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research,’ the Wall Street Journal report said."

President Donald Trump called it "the Chinese Virus" and was intensely attacked. Somehow word "Chinese" was deemed racist. No one disputes that the virus originated in China. But calling it COVID-19 rather than the Chinese virus was more polite. (After all, it’s important to indicate an appropriate sensitivity to the totalitarian dictatorship that is trying to defeat the United States and become the world’s leading power).

We now know this censorship and speech silencing was part of a systematic effort of senior scientists to mislead the American people. When COVID-19 first became a threat in early 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci already knew the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had funded research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology via EcoHealth Alliance. He knew the WIV was a subgrantee of EcoHealth Alliance – and that EcoHealth Alliance was not in compliance with its grant reporting. Specifically, the organization was out of compliance for a project that NIAID knew could potentially make novel bat-borne coronaviruses much more dangerous.

Fauci knew all this.

According to Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, on Feb. 1, 2020, "Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and at least eleven other scientists convened a conference call to discuss COVID-19. On the conference call, Drs. Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from the WIV and may have been intentionally genetically manipulated."

The scientists decided to remain silent to avoid controversy (which would have ultimately fallen back on themselves).

So, the same experts who are paid by the American people and given tens of billions of dollars to invest in research decided that they would deliberately mislead the American people.

This perfectly captures the arrogance of the aristo-bureaucrats, who believe they are intellectually and morally superior to the people to whom they are supposed to be accountable. They believe they have the right and duty to censor what we think and say – and to feed us falsehoods in the name of some higher duty.

This scandal of many of our best professional researchers lying to the American people is compounded by the absolute failure of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Why there has not been a scathing and thorough investigation – and set of hearings on the absolute inability of the bureaucrats in Atlanta to do their jobs – and the general failure of the public health system across the country is a mystery to me. This lack of introspection or investigation should itself be a scandal.

Driven by the economic impact of the Chinese virus, the American government spent trillions of dollars propping up the economy, sparking inflation, massively increasing the national debt, and permitting hundreds of billions in theft and corruption.

Finally, there has been no serious effort to hold the Chinese Communist dictatorship accountable for the damage it has done around the world. There is ample precedent for holding governments responsible for the damage they have done to others (the Lockerbie bombing, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, 9/11, and other cases).

The Chinese Communists have continuously focused on stopping us from understanding the origins of the pandemic. As Dave Boyer reported in the Washington Times, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray confirmed his agency believes the COVID-19 pandemic likely started from a lab leak in Wuhan, China. He told Fox News on Tuesday that "the FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan… Here you are talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab.

As Boyer reported, "Mr. Wray also slammed Beijing for stonewalling international efforts to find out what happened. ‘I will just make the observation that the Chinese government, it seems to me, has been doing its best to try to thwart, and obfuscate the work here, the work that we’re doing, the work that our U.S. government and close foreign partners are doing. And that’s unfortunate for everybody,’ he said."

Clearly there ought to be a mechanism for making the Chinese Communist dictatorship pay COVID-19 victims for the disaster it caused. One step might be a COVID-19 tariff on all Chinese imports (the proceeds of which would go into a COVID-19 Compensation Fund that every American family affected by the pandemic could apply to).

Other countries could be urged to establish similar tariffs. Then Xi Jinping and his dictatorship would learn that lying, covering up, and hiding the truth has enormous costs for those guilty of killing millions and forcing the spending of trillions.

This scandal is so large, and covers so many areas, it will be a major factor in politics and government for the next decade. It will go down in history as a turning point in our lives and the life of our country.

We just need to decide what direction we turn: toward clarity and accountability, or toward lies and chaos.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 107914 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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A woman at work that STILL to this day wears a mask, refuses to talk about the new admissions regarding mask efficacy, origin, natural immunity, etc. The immediate response is, “I don’t want to talk about it!” She’s mad that she was duped but to admit she was wrong about what she so vehemently preached would destroy her. Roll Eyes
Posts: 13764 | Location: Shenandoah Valley, VA | Registered: October 16, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
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Yet another I/we told you so:

New York businesses urged to require customers remove masks amid crime surge

We were saying it back when all this stuff started- these useless masks will be used by criminals to disguise their identity during the commission of crimes and your stupid laws were abetting these thugs.

Welcome to three years ago, yutzes.
"People are coming up to our businesses, sometimes with masks, sometimes masks, hoods and latex gloves, and they’re being allowed, they’re being buzzed in and allowed to enter the store and we have a robbery," Maddrey said.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 107914 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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