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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
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Originally posted by gearhounds:
What needs to be revisited is the extremely low rate of transmission in central Africa- a part of the world not especially known for adherence to commonly held medical practices such as social distancing or plastering masks on faces. Ask yourself this- why, of all places, are Covid infection rates so low? What is the common denominator? You dig deeply enough, I think you’ll find almost no Covid vaccination, but a lot of preventative ivermectin usage for parasite control. Prepare yourself for a lot of racist comments about ignorant people taking horse dewormer, despite the drug being prescribed for decades for people.

Maybe the crime of this century has been vaccines dominating the Covid discussion versus
therapeutics. We see tons of material about vaccine problems and, despite the fear mongering, so little anecdotal or clinical bad stuff about Ivemectin.

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Ayers’ 36-year-old son, Marc, confirmed the family's position in an interview with Fox News.

"We want to hold every segment of the population accountable and responsible for where we're at today," he said.

People this stupid need to be put out of my misery.

1) if vaccination works, why did she get sick? Did she mask up? Did that help?
2) since the vaccinated can transmit, how does he know a vaccinated person didn’t transmit it to her?
3) did you consider alternatives showing promise like ivermectin? Why not?

How about I blame you for supporting the Democratic Party and people like fauci that funded research that developed this virus? Tired of these leftists who blame everyone but where blame is appropriate.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
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Religious exemption. Catholics apposed to abortion. Abortion used for fetal cell research. Vaccines derived from said research. Against religious teachings.
Let them dismiss you for that. They will lose
Posts: 1529 | Registered: November 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by oldbill123:
Religious exemption. Catholics apposed to abortion. Abortion used for fetal cell research. Vaccines derived from said research. Against religious teachings.
Let them dismiss you for that. They will lose

Nah. Won't happen. Face off against a Fortune 100 corporation and see what happens.
Posts: 3978 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wasn't there a post in this thread that showed there is a law preventing mandating a drug/vaccine if said vaccine isn't approved (i.e. has emergency use authorization). And, wasn't it also shown that the vaccines available today are not the ones that were recently approved by the FDA?
Posts: 3978 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by konata88:

3) did you consider alternatives showing promise like ivermectin? Why not?

Don't take this as supporting the assholes in IL.

But it was on the radio just this morning that Saint Franciscan Hospital will not allow/treat patients with ivermectin or hydroxochroquin, as they are not approved for the treatment of covid19.

They can give you an experimental vaccine, but not an already approved and safe drug.
I guess they'd rather you die, so they can collect more money for a covid death. Roll Eyes

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The hippocratic oath is dead as well.

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bigger government
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Picture of Veeper
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This is pretty interesting. I disagree with Jimmy Dore on a lot, but he's a classic liberal in a lot of little ways. PLEASE IGNORE THE SENSATIONAL TITLE AND VIDEO TEXT.

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^^^ Good interview. Thanks.

Here's more on staying out of the hospital. Prevention and early treatment, by a variety of means, seems more important than the big pharma vaccines.

Self-medicating for COVID with Cheap Drugs
By Jon N. Hall

With the recent spate of “breakthrough cases,” we’re seeing the fully vaccinated getting infected with SARS-2, the novel coronavirus the world has been battling the last two years. Since the vaccines don’t always prevent infection but do lessen the severity of symptoms when they do fail, one might think of the COVID vaccines as therapeutics. That simple observation occurred to this writer before hearing it made by Alex Berenson on the August 30 episode of Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program. If one watches the three-minute video, at the 53-second point one hears Berenson say this: “If you look at the efficacy and duration of the vaccines, it’s probably more accurate to call them therapeutics than vaccines.”

A very similar statement had just gotten Mr. Berenson knocked off of Twitter. Also on August 30, at Legal Insurrection, Leslie Eastman came to Berenson’s defense, concluding: “The data suggest that Berenson wasn’t spreading ‘misinformation’ and was merely providing context and insight that goes against the preferred narrative.” Eastman itemized how Berenson was correct.

Whether it’s correct to classify the COVID vaccines as therapeutics or not, in 2010 the FDA approved the first of what are called “therapeutic vaccines,” which are administered after one contracts a disease in order to enlist the patient’s own immune system to battle infection. The COVID vaccines, however, are supposed to be prophylactic vaccines, given to prevent contracting disease.

We should never have been led to believe that the vaccines would be panaceas. That’s because other vaccines, like those for the seasonal flu, don’t always prevent infection. Perhaps the vaunted vaccines will soon be obsolete, and effective only for dead variants. Also, the virus is constantly mutating, with new variants regularly emerging. On September 4, Salon reported on the mu variant:

[T]he WHO also announced that it will start naming variants after stars and constellations once it runs out of Greek letters. Mu is the 12th letter in the Greek alphabet, meaning scientists are already halfway through that system… because Andromeda is a constellation, “‘Andromeda Strain’ is now technically possible as a name,” referencing the 1969 Michael Crichton novel that was adapted into a 1971 film.

Does the AMA Really Care About Human Life?

The World Health Organization should save “Andromeda Strain” to name some new variant that is far more lethal than any of the SARS-2 variants we’ve seen so far, as the “remedy” the scientists had for Andromeda was a nuclear bomb.

One can appreciate why folks might want to avoid a visit to the doctor. Modern medicine can save lives, but it often comes at quite a price. Medicine can involve radiation, harsh chemicals (that kill pathogens just before they start to kill the patient), and cutting off body parts, such as orchiectomy (castration) for prostate cancer. (Incidentally, there’s a therapeutic vaccine for prostate cancer: Provenge.)

The “miracles” of modern medicine are often treatments that normal folks want to avoid. Not only that, but medical “consensus” is often quite wrong, as the medical establishment is continually backtracking and revising itself. Of course, constant revision is the nature of science.

Medical diagnoses are often wrong, which is why folks seek second opinions. Also, modern medicine seems more about treating disease than optimizing health. So, many folks want to avoid doctors and take responsibility for their health themselves; they practice “self-medication.”

The Country Club Plaza is an upscale shopping district in Kansas City through which I’ve taken countless walks. Years ago I’d occasionally see a little old lady on the Plaza and she always wore dainty white gloves. Maybe her white gloves were a “fashion statement.” Or maybe she was a germaphobe trying to avoid the latest “designer disease” from the couturiers of Wuhan. If the gloves were for protection, then the little lady was taking responsibility for her health. Perhaps she was practicing self-medication and even took vitamins.

One self-medication is Vitamin C. An early champion of Vitamin C was one of history’s greatest scientists, Linus Pauling, who recommended mega-doses of the stuff. Vitamin C spurs the production of interferon, which is anti-viral. Interferon is even being investigated as a possible treatment for COVID. (Red wine is thought to boost interferon, but it comes with acetaldehyde.)

You probably already know this stuff if you’re a health nut. As a one-time health nut myself, I was interested to learn that Zinc in conjunction with certain therapeutics is prescribed for COVID. That’s because I chew Zinc and Vitamin C pills to coat my throat when I feel a sore throat coming on, and it helps. If I ever notice any COVID symptoms, I’ll immediately start chewing C and Zinc tablets; that is, I’ll self-medicate.

But in addition to vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and such, what I’d also like to have in my COVID arsenal are therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin. But the medical establishment doesn’t want us to have cheap drugs that’ll keep us off of ventilators and save our lives, they want us all vaxxed up.

Perhaps the main reason certain public health bureaucrats should be fired and even indicted is how they’ve treated therapeutics, especially HCQ and ivermectin. These bureaucrats pooh-pooh the efficacy and use of therapeutics while holding up the vaccines as our only hope. We can only speculate about how many lives would have been saved had the medical establishment prescribed therapeutics at the first sign of infection.

Just because one has a medical degree doesn’t mean that one must therefore be ethical; let’s not forget “Dr.” Josef Mengele. The sainted Dr. Anthony Fauci seems to have lied to Congress about his part in developing the coronavirus that’s killed millions around the globe. In “Things Get Ripe” on July 30, James Kunstler wrote this about the “good doctor”:

Not only did he finance the development of the COVID-19 virus so he could heroically bring forth a super-vax to the awe of mankind, and gain a niche in the pantheon of Great Men in History (plus make a buck on his share of the vax patents), but he screwed up the public health messaging so badly that Science itself now looks like a mere evil racket instead of the great achievement it used to be. His reputation is shot and he could end his days in an orange jump suit doing Chinese fire drills up and down the exercise court at Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary.

Don’t expect any “justice” (whatever that is in Biden’s America) to be visited upon Tony. However, since you’ve made it all this way, it might be time to go hardcore and read Paul Craig Roberts’ September 10 article at LewRockwell, “The Powerful Case Against COVID mRNA Vaccine.” It’s a powerful article and I recommend it highly. However, Roberts makes some huge claims about rot and corruption in the medical industry and in Big Pharma. I’ll leave Roberts’ charges for the reader to sort out, but if they’re even halfway true, we’re in big trouble.

One issue Roberts reports on that I will weigh in on is the use of HCQ, and in Africa, ivermectin. We should demand that these safe cheap drugs be more easily obtainable here in America. Indeed, they need to be available over-the-counter, so we can self-medicate and bypass doctors when we don’t really need them.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25324 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This is just wrong and sad on every level. Plus you get the added bonus of the general population beginning to hate health care providers.

The gist of the story is, elderly man and wife get sick and are taken to the hospital. Diagnosed with covid. Wife is sent home after a few days to rest. Husband probably won't make it. Wife and family are not allowed to say final goodbyes in person and are forced to do it via video because of some fucking policy.

This whole thing is just pure insanity. Has been from the start. And read some of the comments if you want a taste of how demented people have become because of how the bat flu has been handled.

"And I think about my loves,well I've had a few. Well,I'm sorry that I hurt them, did I hurt you too" I Was Wrong--Social D.
Posts: 1176 | Registered: July 20, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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From the article above -

The COVID vaccines, however, are supposed to be prophylactic vaccines, given to prevent contracting disease.

And this is why it was necessary for the government overlords and medical malpractice whores to recently change the definition of a ‘vaccine’.

From the Miami Herald and elsewhere -

Why did CDC change its definition for ‘vaccine’? Agency explains move as skeptics lurk

“Before the change, the definition for “vaccination” read, “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” Now, the word “immunity” has been switched to “protection.”

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Originally posted by tatortodd:
According to our county judge (i.e. the county emergency manager), the MFing Biden administration just reduced Regeneron deliveries to Texas which shut down our county's monoclonal antibodies infusion center for people with COVID.

COVID Politics Takes a Dark Turn, Biden Administration Takes Control of Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Order to Block Treatments in Red States and Ration Equitable Treatment

When Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services made the announcement earlier this month (LINK) that they were taking full control over Monoclonal Antibody drugs (mAb) in order to begin rationing the highly effective treatment for COVID-19 infection, several people sounded alarm bells as there was the potential for rationing of COVID treatment based on political ideology. Representative Chip Roy of Texas was one of the first to raise concerns (link).

The change in HHS approach followed republican governor Ron DeSantis of Florida promoting the use of mAb and opening up dozens of treatment centers throughout his state. Other governors quickly took notice of the effective action plan of DeSantis in Florida and started to follow that path.

As soon as HHS noticed the red state governors were working on a effective treatment alternative to the vaccine approach, HHS appears to have moved in to block it – thereby restricting the treatment pathway in order to enhance the vaccine approach. [HHS Announcement] Note the alarm word “equitable“:

It took a week for the new HHS restrictions to impact the pre-existing orders. However, now Alabama is the first state to draw attention to the problem Joe Biden’s administration is creating by rationing mAb treatment and making determinations on which states should be allowed the “equitable use of the available supply“; a fancy term for “rationing” the life-saving treatment based on alignment with the political ideology of the government in control of it.

Newsweek – Albama doctors are concerned about the impact on health care systems after the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) decided to temporarily limit monoclonal antibody order. […] Dr. Scott Harris, Alabama’s state health officer, told Newsweek that the shots are key for protecting a person against hospitalization and death … “It can be a lifesaver if given in the first 10 days of symptoms,” Arora said about monoclonal antibodies. “We’re calling on the federal government to help us provide more of this treatment, not less, so we can save lives and keep COVID patients out of the hospital.”

[…] Monoclonal antibody treatments have been authorized for use only in high-risk patients who either tested positive for the coronavirus or were knowingly exposed. That’s still a broad swath of people, given that high risk includes anyone with a body mass index over 25, so surges in cases can quickly deplete supplies.

Since the treatments have shown promise in keeping people out of the hospital, Alabama had plans to increase the number of locations where people can receive monoclonal antibodies. Those were put on hold following the HHS announcement, and Alabama’s Department of Public Health urged physicians to ensure that only those who qualify for the treatment receive it and prioritize patients based on the likelihood a person will become seriously ill. (link)

The approach of the federal government moving in to control mAb treatment does not come in a vacuum. When you consider the U.S. federal government approach to dismiss the effective use of Ivermectin as a COVID treatment; and then consider the “vaccine-only” approach is being applied with extreme pressure from within the U.S. healthcare industry – which includes threats against doctors who do not comply with that outlook; a very clear picture is emerging. All treatment approaches are being blocked in order to force people to take the mRNA gene therapy.

It is one thing to demand people take the mRNA gene therapy (aka “vaccine”). It is another thing entirely to block treatment options in order to force vaccination as the only method of survival from infection.

Against this backdrop, those fences being installed around Washington DC take on a different perspective.

The Joe Biden FDA is blocking Ivermectin. (link)

The Joe Biden regulatory agency A.M.A is threatening doctors with their licenses if they speak against vaccination. (link)

The Joe Biden administration is threatening the economic security of the U.S. workforce who are not comfortable taking the vaccine. (link)

The Joe Biden HHS is taking control of monoclonal antibody treatment supplies. (link)

The Biden administration is now determining the “equity” in medical treatment. (link)

The Biden administration is putting walls around the Capitol. (link)

Yes, there appears to be a very dark agenda unfolding before our eyes. These are not conspiracy theory data-points, they are facts.


"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Ignored facts
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Howard Stern: "Fuck their freedom"

Odd, I didn't see Howard Stern getting the Metal of Freedom in front of a crowd of millions. Big Grin

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My noon scan of the Yooper news channel reports that our local Health Dept. is somehow at "capacity".
Whatever that means. Then on the same news channel is a chart of cases. Marquette Co. is listed at 142 cases. Our population: 66.6K, according to the US Census Bureau.
Looks like most of us are doing ok. But the Health Dept. is swamped! Roll Eyes

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Jim man!

‘SNL’ alum Jim Breuer cancels clubs requiring vax proof: It’s ‘segregation’

Jim Breuer is taking shots at the COVID jab as he announces cancellations of shows at venues which require proof of vaccination.

The policy is government-sanctioned “segregation,” according to the former “Saturday Night Live” cast member best known as “Goat Boy.”

The Long Island native took to Facebook Live to drop the bombshell over the weekend.

“Two quick updates on shows that you may think you may be getting tickets to or you already have tickets to: The Wellmont Theater in New Jersey — not doing it,” Breuer, 54, said in the 22-minute broadcast that’s now trending on Twitter.

“Also the Royal Oak Theater in Michigan, due to the segregation of them forcing people to show up with vaccinations … I am also not doing those shows,” he added.

“I know I’m going to sacrifice a lot of money, but I’m not going to be enslaved to the system or money.”

The funny guy emphasized that vaccination is “a choice,” and has decided to cancel bookings at venues that don’t align with his values.

“If you have anything else to say, I honestly don’t care,” Breuer said. “Due to, I have to stick to my morals, I have to stick to what I know is right.”

He alleged that guests are being “forced” and “bribed” into vaccination by venues, which he believes are being held “hostage” by pro-vax lawmakers and corporate ticketing vendors.

Breuer’s memo is just the latest in a succession of performers to amend their touring schedules in regards to their pandemic politics, including rocker Eric Clapton, 76, who has cancelled shows citing the same reason. (Nicki Minaj had her own reasons for not attending Monday night’s Met Gala.”)

Meanwhile, comedian Patton Oswalt made the opposite announcement last week — that he would cancel shows, particularly in Florida and Utah, where vaccines were not required to attend. He’s joined by artists, such as Bruce Springsteen and the Foo Fighters, who have made similar calls.

Breuer starred on “SNL” between 1995 and 1998, and was best known for his character “Goat Boy” and celebrity impersonations such as Joe Pesci. He later co-starred alongside Dave Chappelle for the stoner flick “Half Baked” in 1998, the same year he also hosted his short-lived MTV talk show “The Jim Breuer Show.”


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Speling Champ
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So I recently spent a little over a week in ICU.

I was the only non Covid patient in ICU. Then I was the only non Covid Patient in Intermediate Care.

The Hospital I was at called 6 other hospitals trying to find me a bed. None could take me due to all beds (plus emergency overflow wards, wings and/or beds)) being taken by Covid patients.

Every one of these hospitals were very large, modern, metropolitan hospitals.

I honestly don't know what to think about Covid.

Covid is real and is causing real problems. The hype around Covid is bullshit but also causing real problems.

Fauci and other TV talking head "experts" are worthless, a waste of time to listen to and are causing real problems with their bullshit as well.

My PCP (as well as the ICU & ER docs who took care of me) are all in agreement though; that the vaccine is worth getting and barring allergies or other conditions that might cause complications, one is much better off with the vaccine than without should one contract Covid.

The current Covid vaccines deal with Covid the same as current Flu vaccines. It helps prevent contraction but doesn't guarantee immunity. If one should contract Covid, vaccinated individuals suffer far less severity (in the vast majority of cases anyways). Further, a vaccinated individual will (again in the vast majority of cases) suffer far less severe post Covid effects than a non-vaccinated individual.

I'm not a doctor, or medical professional. I don't play one on TV and I don't stay in Holiday Inn's because Holiday Inn sucks. I'm by no means an authority on Covid, virology, immunity and so forth. But I have just spent a lot of time around people who are experts in those fields. Some of those people are directly responsible for saving my life multiple times while in ICU. Every one of them are saying get the vaccine.

There is no politics in their recommendations. These are the professionals who have been dealing with Covid, and the wreckage Covid is causing, every day, day in and day out for almost two years straight.

Also let me be absolutely, crystal clear; I am not recommending, or arguing for or against whether or not someone should get the vaccine. I am simply relating my recent, personal experience.
Posts: 1641 | Location: Utah | Registered: July 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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Also let me be absolutely, crystal clear; I am not recommending, or arguing for or against whether or not someone should get the vaccine. I am simply relating my recent, personal experience.

Thanks for that. As long as it's your informed personal choice, free of coercion, that's great.
You didn't specify whether you have had the shot yourself, though from your comments I would assume that you have?

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Originally posted by OcCurt:

There is no politics in their recommendations. These are the professionals who have been dealing with Covid, and the wreckage Covid is causing, every day, day in and day out for almost two years straight.

Of course there is this https://theconservativetreehou...accination-position/ .There is politics in all of it.

I'm alright it's the rest of the world that's all screwed up!
Posts: 1384 | Location: Southern Michigan | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:

Jim Breuer is taking shots at the COVID jab as he announces cancellations of shows at venues which require proof of vaccination.

On the other hand,
Jeff Dunham has several events scheduled, which require a vaccine or a negative test to attend.

Posts: 10062 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Speling Champ
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Originally posted by chellim1:
Also let me be absolutely, crystal clear; I am not recommending, or arguing for or against whether or not someone should get the vaccine. I am simply relating my recent, personal experience.

Thanks for that. As long as it's your informed personal choice, free of coercion, that's great.
You didn't specify whether you have had the shot yourself, though from your comments I would assume that you have?

I will be getting the shot in about two weeks.
Posts: 1641 | Location: Utah | Registered: July 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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