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Like you, looking forward to that day. I hope it comes sooner rather than later. "Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy "A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
One thing's for certain- we won't get an ABC Primetime Special Event about it when it comes to pass. | |||
Ignored facts still exist |
I haven't read all 800+ pages of this thread... but am I the only one who's happily vaccinated? I got the Pfizer in May, and so far no issues or side effects. Of course, I'm a sample of one person ![]() That said, I'm not forcing the vaccine on others either. It was my choice and my choice alone. . | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
No, not at all. There's another thread, specifically on the wonders of the vaccine.
My wife got the Pfizer in Jan.-Feb, and so far no issues or side effects.
That's the most important point, for me, and for many here. Informed consent is a basic, human right. "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Member |
Philadelphia Announces Double-Mask Mandate For Government Workers https://www.zerohedge.com/covi...e-government-workers The Mayor and Health Commissioner of Philadelphia dropped an announcement Wednesday that unvaccinated city employees will need to wear two masks while working indoors and that all new hires after September 1 will have to be vaccinated. During a remote press briefing, Bettigole demonstrated that wearing two masks is “cumbersome,” and stated that “Luckily there is something else that you could do to protect yourself: You could be vaccinated.” Mayor Kenney declared that “It goes without saying that none of us want to be here discussing restrictions and policies needed to stem the spread of COVID-19. The science is clear: These measures will protect Philadelphians and save lives.” When Kenney was asked if even more restrictive policies could be put into place going forward, he replied “Not if everyone acts like a mature adult.” “I’m upset that people just can’t act in the way they are supposed to act … and do what’s good for everybody,” Kenney continued. ”Please, just get the vaccine,” Kenney said, adding “This could all be avoided if we did that.” This all comes just two months after the city lifted its 14-month-long mask mandate and other limits on businesses and events. As we have noted, several other cities are beginning to enforce draconian vaccine mandates, essentially locking out those who haven’t taken the shots. _________________________ | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
QED They won't be satisfied until people are dropping dead from being protected. It sure doesn't look that way, man. ![]() . | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
Pikers ![]() Get back to me when you've all gone with the plastic bag and duct tape mandate...100% effective against Covid! | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
Well...what are you all waiting for? They've made you all prisoners! | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
That's right, PASig, cjevans is a one-man army and is personally responsible for the nation of Australia. If you're going to spam this thread, at least make it worthwhile. | |||
Info Guru![]() |
Dr. Scott Gottlieb expects coronavirus to be an ‘endemic’ virus in U.S. after delta surge I've been saying that for a while. Covid is going to be just another flu variant that we have to live with. It's not going away and the sooner the media and politicians can cut the hysteria out and start dealing with this like the long term issue it's going to be, the better.
“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
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Yet Again, the Media's Covid Narrative Doesn't Add Up https://mises.org/wire/yet-aga...narrative-doesnt-add If one were to go only on what one reads or sees in the media, one would think it’s the spring of 2020 all over again. The headlines are filled with stories of overcrowded hospitals, overwhelmed medical personnel, and predictions of people dying in parking lots waiting for medical care. The news articles generally quote a staffer of some kind at various hospitals and then leave it at that. It’s difficult to know what to make of these stories. After all, we heard very much the same thing during March, April, and May of 2020. Local governments were building makeshift hospitals in convention centers—yet they went unused. Memphis’s overflow hospital was closed down after an entire year of never housing a single patient. In late 2020, after months of media reports that New York hospitals were utterly overwhelmed, Andrew Cuomo announced New York hospitals “were never overwhelmed.” Colorado built a twenty-two hundred–patient overflow hospital. It was never used. Last spring, a $17 million overflow facility in Houston was dismantled without ever being used. Now we’re being told that this time, they really mean it and hospitals are on the verge of overflowing. Yet according to data from Johns Hopkins, most of these cases may be overstated. In Texas, for example, whose hospitals have been the subject of countless recent stories about overflowing ICUs, the state is a long way from reaching its earlier peaks of 2020. Moreover, Texas is now staffing fewer ICU beds overall. The story is the same in Georgia, that supposed home of an “experiment in human sacrifice,” where officials were among the first to end stay-at-home orders in 2020. Indeed, it’s clear most of the country—regardless of the state’s use of mask mandates or stay-at-home orders—remains well behind previous peak levels. One outlier in terms of hospitalizations, however, is the state of Florida. Numbers in Florida do appear to be closer to previous peaks than in most other states, and ICU usage is now larger than what it was during the summer of 2020. Why is this? According to many reports from the corporate media, this must be because the state’s governor is Ron DeSantis. Because of his connection to the Trump movement, the media has predictably focused on DeSantis and his policies as alleged drivers of rising covid cases in Florida. The preponderance of media articles about Florida are careful to mention that the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, has opposed mask mandates, vaccine passports, and stay-at-home orders. The implication, of course, is that DeSantis’s opposition to these measures has somehow caused today’s rising number of hospitalizations. This connection is so tenuous, however, that even Philip Bump at the Washington Post—who clearly is no fan of DeSantis—admits it’s unclear what’s behind Florida’s rising numbers. Florida may be an outlier in terms of new hospitalizations, but it's not an outlier in terms of policy. States that have been relatively laissez-faire on covid, like Georgia, Texas, South Dakota, and Nebraska have not seen trends similar to Florida’s. Moreover, Bump notes that Florida has higher vaccination rates than many states with both fewer hospitalizations and fewer new covid deaths. Florida isn’t an outlier in terms of vaccinations. Nearly 50 percent of the population is fully vaccinated in Florida—California is at 53 percent. Floridians are vaccinated at higher rates than is the case in Utah, Texas, Indiana, Ohio, and South Dakota. Yet these other states all have fewer cases of new deaths and hospitalizations, per capita: Something makes Florida exceptional here: These numbers are hazy enough (thanks to reporting periods and the lags in case and death counts) that one can certainly cobble together a case that there’s some other factor at play than indifference from state leadership. And, in fact, something else may be the problem. It’s hard to say. Moreover, even with the current surge in hospitalization in Florida, the state may still never catch up with states like New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts in terms of total covid deaths per million. As of August 11, Florida is still twenty-sixth in the nation in terms of total deaths per million, at 1,870. New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts still top the list, with 3,003, 2,797, and 2,629 deaths per million, respectively. There is also evidence that the current increase in covid cases—and the “delta surge” in general—has already peaked. So here we go again—the narrative doesn’t lend itself to easy explanations. States with long-lasting lockdowns, covid restrictions, and even mounting vaccine “incentives” have still been hit harder than more laissez-faire states in many cases, even after the virus has had eighteen months to spread well beyond the borders of the initial hot spots. But for anyone who can remember the media narrative eighteen months ago, the current story will seem quite familiar. Hospitals are overflowing. But if we heed the diktats of the regime’s technocrats, we’re told, things will markedly improve. Those places that refuse to take orders from Washington will have many times more death, illness, and economic destruction. The facts never backed up this story in 2020. Twenty twenty-one isn't shaping up to be much different. _________________________ | |||
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Remember they are immune from ANY liability for adverse events or deaths. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Poised to Make Billions on COVID-19 Boosters https://www.theepochtimes.com/...oosters_3948003.html Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech alliance could reap billions from COVID-19 booster shots in the coming years, in what analysts and investors say could be a market comparable to the $6 billion in annual sales for flu vaccines. Pfizer, its German partner BioNTech, and Moderna have together locked in over $60 billion in sales of their respective COVID-19 vaccines through 2022, with the agreements covering initial doses and booster shots, according to Reuters. Analysts cited by the outlet predict revenues of over $6.6 billion for the Pfizer-BioNTech alliance and $7.6 billion for Moderna, chiefly from booster shots. Over a longer-term horizon, they predict the market will eventually settle at around $5 billion or more in annual revenues as rival drugmakers enter the space. Moderna did not immediately respond to a request for comment on booster shot sales projections, while a Pfizer spokesperson said the only forecasts the company is providing are 2021 projections for $33.5 billion in COVID-19 vaccine revenues. Moderna President Stephen Hoge said in an interview last week that it is unclear what the market forces driving COVID-19 vaccine sales will be going forward, adding that, “at some point, this will become a more traditional market—we’ll look at what are the populations at risk, what value are we creating, and what are the number of products that serve that value. That will ultimately impact price.” Pfizer executives said during the company’s second-quarter earnings call that they believe a third dose will be necessary 6 to 8 months after vaccination, and at regular intervals thereafter. The vaccine makers have said evidence of waning antibody levels in fully vaccinated people after six months, along with an increasing rate of breakthrough infections in regions affected by the Delta variant, support the need for boosters. It comes as U.S. regulators on Thursday authorized Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for certain vulnerable and immunocompromised people. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval came in the form of an update to the existing emergency use authorizations for the two mRNA vaccines. Several other countries, including Israel and France, have similar recommendations on booster shots. The FDA’s move was followed by a Friday decision by a key medical advisory panel to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which unanimously voted to recommend the boosters to immunocompromised Americans. The approval of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices clears the way for a final nod by CDC, expected later Friday, which would allow for near-immediate rollout of the boosters. White House COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci said in an interview Thursday that he believes it is “likely” and “inevitable” that everybody will need a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot. “It’s likely that that will happen at some time in the future,” Fauci told CBS News when questioned on the topic. In a separate interview with NBC News on Thursday, Fauci said that “inevitably, there will be a time when we’ll have to give boosts to the general population.” It comes amid a surge of the Delta variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, the pathogen that causes COVID-19, which currently accounts for at least 80 percent of newly sequenced cases in the United States. Biden administration officials first signaled last month that certain groups would need COVID-19 booster shots. _________________________ | |||
Member![]() |
All these companies, medical facilities, airlines, restaurants, etc. requiring vaccines - do they think Uncle Joe is going to bail them out when 1/3 of the country says "up yours" and quits or takes their business elsewhere? | |||
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A couple of weeks ago, I was required to start working in the office once a week;however, as of this week, due to another employee in a different department testing positive for china-virus, all unvaccinated employees were told to not come into the office...so I'm back to comfortably working from home 5 days a week and gaining about 2.5 hours of my life in not having to commute once/week. ...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV | |||
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Florida has a high percentage of retirement aged residents wich could explain the higher hospitalization rate. https://blog.insurify.com/wp-c...t-people-over-65.png | |||
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This is the reason we have had a surge in cases in the United States I wonder if the Biden Administration is shipping the majority to red states? Texas border town makes deal with Biden administration to ship illegals to big cities The border city's Democratic Mayor Pete Saenz said Border Patrol is not testing the people it is releasing for COVID before they are bused out. https://justthenews.com/govern..._campaign=newsletter Laredo, Texas reached an agreement Wednesday to settle its lawsuit against the Biden Department of Homeland Security for transporting illegal immigrants from the Rio Grande Valley sector into the border city. Now these individuals are being transported instead to Austin, Dallas and Houston after they are released by Border Patrol. Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz, a Democrat, said Border Patrol is not testing the people it is releasing for COVID before they are bused out. Under the new agreement, the city is not required to test them, so they don’t have to provide care. "The reason why we don't do testing is that once you test, there's an obligation," Saenz told MyRGV.com. "If they're positive, we're told that you have to quarantine. We don't have the infrastructure for that. "What we're doing is coordinating with the EMC, the emergency management coordinators, in Austin and Houston, and I believe even Dallas, too ... Then, it's really up to them to continue offering PPEs, masks, hygiene, whatever they require." Laredo was forced to temporary shutdown after illegal immigrants created a COVID-19 outbreak, Saenz said. "Border Patrol was very clear that they were just going to put them out in the street, in our plazas," Saenz said. "And of course, we couldn't have that. "I know some people may say, 'You're basically transporting untested people to other cities.' And the answer is, 'Yes.' But what alternative do we have here, locally? "At this point, we've had zero ICU beds in the last seven days. We've had people in overflow, basically waiting for a hospital bed out in the hallways. I think today we had close to 40 just waiting for a room." Laredo taxpayers have spent roughly $54,000 on busing out illegal immigrants so far, Saenz said. President Biden "is letting all these people in knowing they have COVID," Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told Fox News. "They are being dropped off all over the country. I was talking to some Dallas police officers. They watched ... a couple of buses unload in downtown Dallas in the middle of the night. These people just disappeared. Many of them have COVID. "And to be lectured about masks and vaccines by the administration, to be told when you are out of the country and a U.S. citizen, you can’t come back if you have COVID, is hypocritical." "We know that everybody being released, they're not being tested," Morgan said on a Zoom video meeting sponsored by the Heritage Foundation. "Let me give you another fact: 32 CBP personnel have died from COVID in the line of duty, nine in the United States Border Patrol, since the pandemic," Morgan added. Mayorkas "is directing the release of up to 80% of families who have illegally entered the United States," and they are not being tested for the coronavirus or other diseases, Morgan alleged. "DHS is not testing them. So what's DHS Secretary Mayorkas's solution to all of this? 'Ah, it's up to the local communities to deal with it. It's your issue and your problem to deal with now.'" _________________________ | |||
Left-Handed, NOT Left-Winged! |
I went out to dinner last night in downtown Indianapolis with a female companion for her birthday. We went to a Brazilian Steakhouse. It was very busy, and no one was wearing masks except for a couple people and I think also the "Gauchos" with the swords serving the meat, but not the management or other wait staff. After dinner we went to a cigar and martini bar and again no one was wearing masks. Then as we picked up my car and started leaving, she saw a live music bar and wanted to go in. Three piece band on the stage, pretty crowded and filled with 20-somethings, no masks. She didn't know the music (seemed to be stuff for 20-somethings) so we walked a couple blocks to a place that plays a better mix of music. Pretty full, no masks, and songs for all ages. It was kind of like everything is almost back to normal, except for a few masks here and there. But I am still working at home, and when the "delta surge" resulted in the CDC recommending masks indoors, my employer went back to requiring masks for everyone onsite (mostly people in operations that cannot work at home). They delayed any large scale reopening of offices by a month or two. They are pushing vaccination but not requiring it. They did allow vaccinated people not to wear masks before the "delta surge" but now everyone has to wear them again so there isn't much incentive. And an executive director is fretting over letting people in his chain of command travel on a company shuttle plane to a plant for a two day onsite to plan a $100M+ capital investment. The difference between reality and the fears of people who are trying to profess their commitment to "keeping us safe" is pretty extreme.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Lefty Sig, | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
As it should be, except the .gov continues to peddle fear for the sake of control... Weaponizing Fear, Biden Administration Contemplating Mandating Vaccines for Interstate Travel ![]() – They Won’t, But They Will Push Further Many outlets have reported on a leak from the White House that JoeBama was considering a vaccine mandate for interstate travel. These public probes into how far they can go should not come as a surprise; however, as each day passes more and more people are realizing COVID fear is being weaponized. As a result of a larger awakening; which must be maintained with large trumpet by every ally of freedom; further federal mandates will get a lot more push-back and become harder and harder to execute. VIA Associated Press – […] The sharper federal approach comes as nearly 90 million eligible Americans still have not been vaccinated and as Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, says shots are the only path for the nation to contain the delta variant. […] Still, while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing at this time. An administration official said the interstate travel vaccination requirement was not under consideration at the moment. That’s not to say they won’t be implemented in the future, as public opinion continues to shift toward requiring vaccinations as a means to restore normalcy. (read more) https://theconservativetreehou...further/#more-215304 "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
wishing we were congress |
https://www.breitbart.com/ente...kless-birthday-bash/ singer Erykah Badu is begging the Obamas to forgive her after she posted videos to social media showing the world just how former President Barack Obama celebrated his 60th birthday last weekend among hundreds of maskless party guests. Obama’s party came just as the delta variant of the coronavirus was surging across the country and while the CDC and the Joe Biden White House was urging people to socially distance, keep their groups small, and wear masks. “Mr. And Mrs. Obama, Please forgive me 4 being the ‘terrible guest’ at such a sacred event for your family. I was so inconsiderate, Thank you for all your love. What an example of ‘how NOT’ to be …… erica,” Badu tweeted on Thursday. During the party, Badu posted a video to social media of Obama dancing maskless among hundreds of maskless party guests. The singer later deleted her post — but not before others on the internet saved her video and re-posted it to social media. Badu’s video ended up sparking outrage on social media, as some said it showed the hypocrisy of those who lecture Americans on how to behave during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, while living their lives in the opposite manner. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Damn, the Truth! Where did that come from Erykah? Kinda stuck up on ya, didn't it? Can't put the genie back in the bottle, no matter how you style your hair. Doesn't seem quite fair. | |||
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