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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Fortified with Sleestak
Picture of thunderson
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Just a note of interest. The following is an article from from the January 10th, 1919 Edinburg Sentinel,Page 1, Microfilm Collection, Truban rchives, Shenandooah County Library, Edinburg, Virginia.

This is considered a rural area now, but then very much so.

I have the heart of a lion.......and a lifetime ban from the Toronto Zoo.- Unknown
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Civil liberties just right out the window.

Meanwhile in Delaware, governor Carney is now giving troopers the authority to pull over out-of-state drivers for the simple crime of just having a non-Delaware tag.


Acta Non Verba
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Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by bdylan:
We are setting some pretty dangerous precedents during this 'crisis'.

^^^THIS X 1,000


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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I've begun hearing and seeing reports now that the "modelers" themselves are saying the numbers predicted by "experts" like Fauci are not accurate at all and not supported by their models. They are showing no where near as high as the doomsdayers say.
Again...Fauci is in love with the microphone and all the attention, and really just a career political appointee hack. As smart as he may be, he thinks he knows it all and loves everyone eating up his every word without question.
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In search of baseball, strippers, and guns
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While not a doctor myself, I am the chief operating officer of the medical practice I own with my wife (who is a doctor). So you could say I do this for a living?

I noticed you didn’t answer the question, so it’s your turn.

And fuck you too. It’s assholes like you that don’t want to listen to people who actually know what they’re talking about who are responsible for the community spread of this fucking virus and put me, my wife, and all my staff in danger to get this shit because when you do get it because you didn’t listen to what EVERYONE INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is telling you you won’t stay home and die politely. You’ll want to be taken care of by the very people you can’t be bothered to listen to.

So yeah. Fuck you too.

Originally posted by Micropterus:
Originally posted by Kevbo:
And your level of expertise is.....?



80% of the people who get this (and you will get this)

Yeah? And what's your level of expertise, Mr. "In search of baseball, strippers, and guns." You're the kind of dickhole I'm talking about. Fuck off.


If the meek will inherit the earth, what will happen to us tigers?
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Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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OK, all the fucks have been passed around. Let us now put the fucks away for a bit, shall we?
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Made from a
different mold
Picture of mutedblade
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Civil liberties just right out the window.

Meanwhile in Delaware, governor Carney is now giving troopers the authority to pull over out-of-state drivers for the simple crime of just having a non-Delaware tag.

I'd ask if they needed my paperwork proving I'm not Jewish just to make a point. This shit has gotten so out of hand and any police officer that abides by this is nothing more than a Goose-stepping check cashing Gestapo fuck. Just my opinion but we really need to be careful at this point. It's so easy to give up freedoms in hopes of security but most forget that it's hard to get the government to give back those freedoms at the end.

No thanks, I've already got a penguin.
Posts: 2859 | Location: Lake Anna, VA | Registered: May 07, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of 229DAK
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Originally posted by tleo205:
Fauci is...just a career political appointee hack.

Not taking any sides here, but he's not a political appointee.

“A man’s treatment of a dog is no indication of the man’s nature, but his treatment of a cat is. It is the crucial test. None but the humane treat a cat well.”
-- Mark Twain, 1902
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Still finding my way
Picture of Ryanp225
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What a powder keg this is becoming. I'm still in disbelief that these tyrant governors and mayors have the cajones to do what they're doing.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by 229DAK:
Originally posted by tleo205:
Fauci is...just a career political appointee hack.

Not taking any sides here, but he's not a political appointee.

Well, he sure wasn't elected. And there are people actually saying that "we will open the economy back up when Dr. Fauci says it's time." Let that sink in.

If he had his way, we wouldn't start back up the economy until the end of next year. That's why "experts" shouldn't be the ones making decisions.


Acta Non Verba
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Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 30896 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Originally posted by Jimineer:
I think they belong to big pharma.
Why use existing and proven drugs when we can spend billions investing in research using our money.

Rule number 1: follow the money. Right?

WHAT existing and proven drugs? There aren't any.

Based on reporting, virtually all of the pharmacological research being done right now is either (a) trying to establish whether any existing drugs are safe and effective treatments or (b) trying to develop a vaccine.

The benefits of a vaccine are obvious, but equally obviously, this is a new virus and we don't have one yet.

As far as drugs for treating active infections go, we have a whole lot of drugs for fighting bacterial infections, and they tend to be fairly broad spectrum (i.e., one drug works across a lot of different bacteria). We have relatively few antiviral drugs, and they are MUCH more specific.

Scientists all over the world are testing every existing drug anyone has any credible reason to think might possibly be effective.

That includes several drugs that showed promising early results in treating MERS and the 2003 SARS, which are similar coronaviruses (this includes hydrochloroquinone and several antivirals). But SARS and MERS were stopped very early (SARS: ~8000 confirmed cases, MERS: ~2500 confirmed cases) and the efficacy of those drugs was never fully established.

Early results on some of those drugs are promising. A number of them are effective at stopping viral reproduction in petri dishes, and some of those have some promising initial results in human testing, and are now undergoing more thorough trials to PROVE they are actually effective treatments for infected people.

That is being done at an INCREDIBLY accelerated pace compared to the usual process for testing new uses of drugs.

There are plenty of people calling for that testing to be skipped and just to start handing out the drugs. The problem with that is that the drugs can have significant side effects, might have some unknown, unpredicted negative interaction with COVID-19 infections, and might not be as effective as the informal testing done so far suggests. In short, it's POSSIBLE that just giving those drugs to everyone who is infected could actually make things worse overall than not giving them, and we want to be reasonably sure that's not the case before we start giving them to tons of people.
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In search of baseball, strippers, and guns
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My apologies. I’ll take a break from this thread. Thank you for putting up with us

Originally posted by parabellum:
OK, all the fucks have been passed around. Let us now put the fucks away for a bit, shall we?


If the meek will inherit the earth, what will happen to us tigers?
Posts: 7796 | Location: Warrenton, VA | Registered: July 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 229DAK:
Originally posted by tleo205:
Fauci is...just a career political appointee hack.

Not taking any sides here, but he's not a political appointee.

I may be wrong, but doesn't he have to be appointed to all these positions.? I keep seeing that he's worked for either five or six Presidents when his background is mentioned. I would suggest that even if not strictly political in the way we usually think of Repubs and Dems... He is certainly appointed to Trumps advisory group and been around the Washington insiders for a long time
Posts: 887 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: December 14, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Originally posted by 229DAK:
Originally posted by tleo205:
Fauci is...just a career political appointee hack.

Not taking any sides here, but he's not a political appointee.

This is a political appointment:
Fauci is a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force established in late January 2020, under President Trump, to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
The White House Coronavirus Task Force is a United States Department of State task force that "coordinates and oversees the Administration's efforts to monitor, prevent, contain, and mitigate the spread" of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).[1] It was established on January 29, 2020.

The Task Force is chaired by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.

As for his role as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) he assumed office November 2, 1984 under President Ronald Reagan and has continued in that position under:
George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Originally posted by tleo205:
Originally posted by 229DAK:
Originally posted by tleo205:
Fauci is...just a career political appointee hack.

Not taking any sides here, but he's not a political appointee.

I may be wrong, but doesn't he have to be appointed to all these Health Org. positions.? I keep seeing that he's worked for either five or six Presidents when his background is mentioned. I would suggest that even if not strictly political in the way we usually think of Repubs and Dems... He is certainly appointed to Trumps advisory group and been around the Washington insiders for a long time and knows to play "the game"
Posts: 887 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: December 14, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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Originally posted by frayedends:
Candace Owens just reported that the infant death in Hartford was not in fact caused by the virus. Apparently there was some kind of tragic accident and the baby died from injuries related to that. The governor used the positive Covid test for political reasons. It apparently had nothing to do with being positive for the virus. She is going to post her video that was live, in a few minutes. I don’t know where she got this information. She has many posts suggesting that the death rates are not true because every death of a positive Covid person is attributed to the virus no matter what actually caused their death.

I can’t say one way or another if her facts are true. Just reporting what I’m seeing.

Just watched her video on Twitter. She is more than pissed. If true and I have no reason to doubt Ms. Owens and she seems very confident in her facts Lamont needs to be strung up and quartered. The parents need to sue him into oblivion. I doubt this will get picked up by the media but knowing Ms. Owens she is going to push this right up Lamont's ass regardless if the media wants to pick it up or not.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Picture of konata88
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Originally posted by sdy:
data from NY

100,000 confirmed cases in a little over 3 weeks

Death rate rising to 2.9%

Just wondering out loud - what percentage of the cases are related to Chinatown or Flushing or wherever the higher density chinese populations are. If there were a lot of people from Wuhan coming to the US and heading to LA / NYC, strong correlation?

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
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Picture of V-Tail
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I noticed a distinct change in attitude on the road yesterday (April 2, 2020).

Up until then, most drivers in this area had been courteous, more so than normal.

Yesterday, in light traffic, many drivers started exhibiting "fuck you" behavior, driving as fast as twice the posted speed limit (70 mph, estimated, in a 35 mph zone), moving to the right shoulder to pass multiple vehicles and then cutting back into line, etc. Interestingly, most of these jerks were driving fairly new, expensive vehicles.

No police presence noticed on the roads.

I hope that we are not going to see a significant increase in traffic injuries -- just what we do NOT need right now, to increase the load on ambulance services and hospitals.

הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
Just watched her video on Twitter. She is more than pissed. If true and I have no reason to doubt Ms. Owens and she seems very confident in her facts Lamont needs to be strung up and quartered. The parents need to sue him into oblivion. I doubt this will get picked up by the media but knowing Ms. Owens she is going to push this right up Lamont's ass regardless if the media wants to pick it up or not.

And I have no doubt that's not the only death falsely attributed to the Wuhan.


Acta Non Verba
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Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

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Go Vols!
Picture of Oz_Shadow
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Something else sad to see - many hospital administrations are are not supporting their nurses, aides, techs, etc. Even though there is a shortage, it is turning into you do what we tell you, when we tell you, how we tell you and do not complain even privately or you are fired.
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