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FNC reporting the Hilary's Email contained a "Top Secret" labeled message Login/Join 
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My impression from the media (pretty unreliable) is that the Wiener investigation included both the NYC police and the FBI. The warrant was obtained properly by the city police. But it was to investigate his alleged crimes against the NC minor and maybe any other crimes he committed by showing his wiener to youngsters. So from that perspective, the electronic toys were probably seized properly. No way he or she (Huma) can get their hands on the devices to scrub or lose them. But the FBI doesn't have authority without a Federal warrant to search the computer for Huma's or Hillary's crimes. They need to get a specific warrant for that.

Who knows what's on the computer? Well, Huma should because everyone assumes she put it there. Wiener might, but probably spends his time hustling underage girls and doesn't care about old Hags. Clearly, someone at the FBI looked enough to realize they needed to stop looking. Its a weekend. DOJ lawyers are watching the NFL hacks kneeling for the National Anthem. We've already heard that Lynch tried to get Comey to not do his duty and send the letter to Congress. How long she can order her attorneys to sit on their thumbs will be interesting.

Right now, speculation will be the contents are awful, a smoking gun. We all say Hillary knows what was in the emails, but maybe she didn't send all of them. She really doesn't want the information out. She's just lying again, which is always the first instinct of a Klinton.

What I hope for is one or two really juicy top secret threads that they thought were deleted and written over. Its probably what she fears the most, too. Or that Huma was smart enough to save the juicy ones as insurance.

I hope Trump wins and blows this thing wide open.

Unhappy ammo seeker
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Truth Wins
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It seems that the FBI "let slip" last night that the Clinton Foundation, too, is under investigation. I've known ever since the race came down to Trump v. Clinton that I would be voting for Trump. So I haven't kept up with the campaign news, so this may be old. But Brietbart is reporting it as if it is a new revelation.

"I enter a swamp as a sacred place—a sanctum sanctorum. There is the strength—the marrow of Nature." - Henry David Thoreau
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I believe in the
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Originally posted by Micropterus:
It seems that the FBI "let slip" last night that the Clinton Foundation, too, is under investigation. I've known ever since the race came down to Trump v. Clinton that I would be voting for Trump. So I haven't kept up with the campaign news, so this may be old. But Brietbart is reporting it as if it is a new revelation.

"Former FBI...."

For a current FBI official to say that would be highly improper.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
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I would love to know how long Comey knew of this material on these devices and how long he has been trying to reopen the case on Clinton's email.

Something tells me Comey is not the type to just wildly release this information to Congress with out first trying to resolve this through the chain of command.

This could be a cover up of mammoth proportions that would make Watergate look like grade school.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 13100 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
Festina Lente
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
I would love to know how long Comey knew of this material on these devices and how long he has been trying to reopen the case on Clinton's email.

Something tells me Comey is not the type to just wildly release this information to Congress with out first trying to resolve this through the chain of command.

This could be a cover up of mammoth proportions that would make Watergate look like grade school.

Sounds like FBI / NYPD got Weiner's computer October 3 - so they have not had that long to develop the case...

NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
I would love to know how long Comey knew of this material on these devices and how long he has been trying to reopen the case on Clinton's email.

This probably led to the grand jury that was announced 11 days ago issuing a subpoena for all of the devices in the possession of Weiner and his family, including Huma.


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
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Patent Pending
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The Clintons are a ‘crime family’: Ex-FBI big

An ex-FBI big excoriated the Clintons as a “crime family” just days after the bureau said it received new evidence in the Hillary Clinton email server. “The Clintons, that’s a crime family. It’s like organized crime, basically. The Clinton Foundation is a cesspool,” James Kallstrom, former assistant director of the FBI, said in an interview with John Catsimatidis. “It’s just outrageous how Hillary Clinton sold her office for money. And she’s a pathological liar, and she’s always been a liar. And God forbid if we put someone like that in the White House,” Kallstrom said in the interviewed that aired Sunday. The ex-FBI official, who praised Donald Trump as a “good human being” and “patriot,” also ...

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Originally posted by JALLEN:
How should they play it?

As a first priority, so that the evil witch is not elected. This is about the future of the country.

For bonus points, it would be great if she, her husband, and the majority of her fellow corruptocrats spent the rest of the natural lives rotting in at least a medium security prison - no country club for any of them.

Seriously though, First priority is vital to me. Bonus points? Yeah, that would be nice, but so would a winning lottery tickets. Not likely to happen to one who believes the lottery is a tax on people who don't understand statistics. I don't mind missing that, just put a stake in her hopes of sitting in the Oval Office...
Posts: 7090 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Report This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
I would love to know how long Comey knew of this material on these devices and how long he has been trying to reopen the case on Clinton's email.

Something tells me Comey is not the type to just wildly release this information to Congress with out first trying to resolve this through the chain of command.

This could be a cover up of mammoth proportions that would make Watergate look like grade school.

There was no grand jury empanelled, in the investigation that was ended in July, no subpoenas, little or no sworn testimony, no evidence able to be seized, since DOJ controls that. Comey's hands were tied. In the state of the "evidence" he had, no prosecution, lame but the best he could do.

Now, they bring him these new devices, looks like there is a lot more, and still he can't get DOJ to get a warrant. AG Lynch tells him not to send the letter, but he has to, having testified to Congress and now realizing his testimony was incomplete or even inaccurate. He sends the letter anyway, it becomes public despite Lynch's preference that the letter not be sent.

Now, the cat is amongst the pigeons. Like WaPo stories about Watergate, once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to put it back.

Remember in the Watergate debacle, a former Attorney General ended up in the stoney lonesome, ruined. Some other big shots did too, and a President resigned in disgrace.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
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^^^ Keep 'em coming, JALLEN. I always appreciate your reasoned legal perspective in threads like this.
Posts: 2713 | Registered: November 02, 2009Report This Post
crazy heart
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HRC has to be feeling the burn. Let's see if the stress of the re-opened investigation (not to mention the possibility of her entire corrupt house of cards falling) affects her health.
Posts: 1796 | Location: WA | Registered: January 07, 2009Report This Post
bobbin' and weavin
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Originally posted by JALLEN:

There was no grand jury empanelled, in the investigation that was ended in July, no subpoenas, little or no sworn testimony, no evidence able to be seized, since DOJ controls that. Comey's hands were tied. In the state of the "evidence" he had, no prosecution, lame but the best he could do.

Now, they bring him these new devices, looks like there is a lot more, and still he can't get DOJ to get a warrant. AG Lynch tells him not to send the letter, but he has to, having testified to Congress and now realizing his testimony was incomplete or even inaccurate. He sends the letter anyway, it becomes public despite Lynch's preference that the letter not be sent.

Now, the cat is amongst the pigeons. Like WaPo stories about Watergate, once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to put it back.

Remember in the Watergate debacle, a former Attorney General ended up in the stoney lonesome, ruined. Some other big shots did too, and a President resigned in disgrace.

I agree. With no thought that Nixon et al did not get exactly what they deserved, I find it sad that back then one political party doing dirty tricks to another political party was a "Constitutional Crisis" but now a harridan putting the entire country at peril is readily dismissed by far too many.
Posts: 934 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: October 12, 2009Report This Post
Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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I don't see the need for all this warrant nonsense. If it is Huma's computer then she can consent to a search. I thought Clinton wanted the FBI to let the world know what they have. So have Huma consent to the FBI searching her computer. Easy. 60 seconds and done.

If she is refusing consent.....that tells you all you need to know.

I'm waiting for an enterprising young journalist to ask Hillary why the FBI is seeking a warrant when Huma could jsut consent to a search.
Posts: 6083 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
I believe in the
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Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by ChicagoSigMan:
I don't see the need for all this warrant nonsense. If it is Huma's computer then she can consent to a search. I thought Clinton wanted the FBI to let the world know what they have. So have Huma consent to the FBI searching her computer. Easy. 60 seconds and done.

If she is refusing consent.....that tells you all you need to know.

I'm waiting for an enterprising young journalist to ask Hillary why the FBI is seeking a warrant when Huma could jsut consent to a search.

Yep. But for all the bluff and bluster, they would rather be marinated in sheep poop than have the electorate see those e-mails.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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Originally posted by ChicagoSigMan:
So have Huma consent to the FBI searching her computer. Easy. 60 seconds and done.

I never thought of that angle. I REALLY want a reporter to ask her why Huma won't consent. I mean WE know why, I just want it on the record. Man that is a great question.
Posts: 10640 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Patent Pending
Picture of Tonyny
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Tancredo: Hillary Clinton Should Step Down to Avoid Constitutional Crisis

An excellent piece by Tom Tancredo. It is a ticking time bomb that could do more damage to our country than the Watergate scandal if allowed to explode.The Watergate investigation revealed Nixon’s attempted cover-up of the June 1972 break-in at Democratic National Committee HQ at the Watergate Hotel. It was the cover-up that led to Nixon’s downfall, not the break-in.The FBI investigation has already revealed Hillary Clinton’s perjury, and a new investigation of additional classified documents shared through her personal email server can lead to criminal indictments—unless the FBI itself wants to fall on its sword in a far more visible and viral cover-up than we have seen to date.It is not at all clear that the FBI has not already been hopelessly compromised: Did the FBI have knowledge of Barack Obama’s participation in the illegal email server and the president’s lies about it to the public? Who will investigate the investigators?

Everyone knew the Clintons were corrupt and yet, the DNC let this farce go on. Now we learn that Obama is embroiled in this email scandal as well. This could make Watergate look like a church social.

This whole election is a farce. The United States Political & Legal system is in a death spiral. There is now 100% PROVEN CORRUPTION from the President on down. The entire DNC should be brought up on charges. The Clintons should be prosecuted. Hillary has no business even being in this election.

But it's too late. Let's remember something. The election is 11/8. But that still leaves ample time for even more proverbial shit to hit the fan. I REALLY hope people are paying attention to what is going on in Syria right now. The tension between Russia and the US is palpable. Things are going from REALLY BAD to EVEN WORSE.

So.. maybe Trump wins. I mean let's be honest, this country will IMPLODE if Hillary wins, because we will know that it was rigged. There is NO way that woman can win. So if she does, that's it. Game over. This country will tear itself apart. And if Trump does win... watch for Obama to at the VERY LEAST, pardon the Clintons. And at worst.. we end up in WW3.

I know.. saying WW3 sounds all doom and gloom. But between the tensions in Syria, the Saudi's doing pretty much whatever they want over there in regards to Yemen, China ready to attack our ships in the South China Sea.... things are not as simple as they seem. The media has us so distracted with this election, with queers on magazine covers. People need to wake up and seriously start paying attention.

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Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?"
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Picture of dgwiggans
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Originally posted by wcb6092:
I would love to know how long Comey knew of this material on these devices and how long he has been trying to reopen the case on Clinton's email.

Something tells me Comey is not the type to just wildly release this information to Congress with out first trying to resolve this through the chain of command.

This could be a cover up of mammoth proportions that would make Watergate look like grade school.

There was no grand jury empanelled, in the investigation that was ended in July, no subpoenas, little or no sworn testimony, no evidence able to be seized, since DOJ controls that. Comey's hands were tied. In the state of the "evidence" he had, no prosecution, lame but the best he could do.

Now, they bring him these new devices, looks like there is a lot more, and still he can't get DOJ to get a warrant. AG Lynch tells him not to send the letter, but he has to, having testified to Congress and now realizing his testimony was incomplete or even inaccurate. He sends the letter anyway, it becomes public despite Lynch's preference that the letter not be sent.

Now, the cat is amongst the pigeons. Like WaPo stories about Watergate, once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to put it back.

Remember in the Watergate debacle, a former Attorney General ended up in the stoney lonesome, ruined. Some other big shots did too, and a President resigned in disgrace.

That's where it becomes a constitutional crisis. The Senate Judiciary Committee has primary oversight responsibility over the Justice Department & subsequently the FBI. The SJC, is chairmanned by Sen. Chuck Grassley (thankfully R controlled). The DOJ can sit on things on their end but the SJC can turn up the heat on the AG & ultimately the administration. Could get nasty, shortly.

Posts: 1884 | Registered: July 06, 2008Report This Post
wishing we
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Justice Department and FBI officials are working to secure approval that would allow the FBI to conduct a full search of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin's newly discovered emails, sources familiar with the discussions told CNN.

Government lawyers haven't yet approached Abedin's lawyers to seek an agreement to conduct the search. Sources earlier told CNN that those discussions had begun , but the law enforcement officials now say they have not.

Either way, government lawyers plan to seek a search warrant from a judge to conduct the search of the computer, the law enforcement officials said.

The issue is complicated because the computer is considered to belong to Anthony Weiner, her estranged husband, and the case may raise spousal privilege legal protections for Abedin.

Government lawyers hope to secure the warrant to permit investigators to review thousands of emails on a computer Abedin shared with Weiner, officials said.

The new search warrant is needed because the existing authorization, covered by a subpoena, related only to the ongoing investigation of Weiner, who is accused of having sexually explicit communications with an underage girl.

Investigators from the FBI's New York field office who are conducting the Weiner investigation stumbled on the Abedin emails while they were reviewing emails and other communications on the computer, which was considered to belong to Weiner, the officials said.

They stopped their work and called in the team of investigators from FBI headquarters who conducted the probe of Clinton's private email server.

Abedin's lawyers didn't respond to requests for comment.

The investigators saw enough of the emails to determine that they appeared pertinent to the previously completed investigation and that they may be emails not previously reviewed.

Because they don't have a warrant specific to Abedin's emails, officials have not been able to further examine them. Justice Department and FBI officials view Abedin as cooperative with the investigation.

FBI officials yet don't know how many of the emails are duplicates of emails they already have reviewed as part of the Clinton email server investigation and whether any of them may contain classified information.

Investigators believe it's likely the newly recovered trove will include emails that were deleted from the Clinton server before the FBI took possession of it as part of that earlier investigation .


hat tip to sigfreund

This story seems to be consistent w the Comey ltr language and the Comey memo to FBI

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that talks between the Department of Justice and Abedin's lawyers were underway. They are not.
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Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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You want all the info out there eh Hil? Well then the first and last words out of your filthy Huma holster better be "She will just consent to the search".
Posts: 10640 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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Originally posted by mbinky:
You want all the info out there eh Hil? Well then the first and last words out of your filthy Huma holster better be "She will just consent to the search".

Based on the Mook's Sunday morning interview segment I heard, I think they want the info out so they know what to attack and how to attack it. Right now there is no target but Comey and he is a poor one since they just spent three months praising him.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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