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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Originally posted by wcb6092:
I have a question. Weiner's electronic devices have already been seized,so there is already a valid warrant.

Why does the FBI have to wait on the Justice Department to obtain another warrant?

I believe because it's for a completely separate case. Surely a lawyer can clarify.

I believe the warrant was from an NYS judge. The federal warrant may be crossing an I and dotting a T.

The other item Id like to know is if gain access this way invalidates or circunvents the immunity deals.

Nice is overrated

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You can see how the media is going to try to spin this. When the news first broke, it was about the new emails, Huma, Clinton, and Weiner.

Now? The media narrative is that Comey did this without the approval of the DoJ. He did something wrong. He is to blame. This attack on Clinton is unwarranted (no pun intended.)

There's only 9 days left and the average American voter is pretty damn stupid. They'll believe anything that little box in their living room tells them.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
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Loretta Lynch knew in advance that Comey was going to send the letter.

IMO, that means Obama knew and Hillary knew very shortly after Lynch knew.

Do you really think the wifi just happened to go out on Clinton's plane? Where she and Huma were stuck with a plane full of reporters ?

Huma has immediately been put out of sight.

If your long time most personal companion for 20 years was falsely accused of wrong doing, where would they be ?

By your side challenging the FBI ? Or hidden away in their NY apartment ?

Why isn't Clinton demanding that the DoJ approve the search warrant ?

Top Clinton aide Huma Abedin remained holed up in her New York City apartment on Saturday night, a day after husband's sexting of a 15-year-old girl led the FBI to sensationally reopen its investigation into Clinton's emails.

While her boss campaigned in Miami and her aides went to war with FBI director James Comey for his 'unprecedented and deeply troubling' decision, Abedin was notably absent and looked solemn at her Manhattan home.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
delicately calloused
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Originally posted by SummersAtTheLake:
I believe that I read somewhere in this thread that to send or receive the government emails on a device the email address must be on a "white list" of email addresses entered into the email address of the device.
Obama said that he had no knowledge of Hillary using a private server and the Clinton email address. My questions is this....If someone has to be on the "white list" to access email then who added the Clinton address to Obama's device and why didn't they catch the issue then(s)?
I've set up hundreds of email addresses and there is no way (that I am aware of) to add an email address unless you look at it?!? If Hillary was so stupid about email who updated her devices? Did the person(s) adding/updating these government officials devices have the proper clearance and if they did then they had to know what they were doing was wrong.
There are so many things that don't make sense with this email/server scandal and the mounds of people that probably had access to documents.

They don't make sense because they are lies.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Originally posted by sdy:

Huma has immediately been put out of sight.

If your long time most personal companion for 20 years was falsely accused of wrong doing, where would they be ?

By your side challenging the FBI ? Or hidden away in their NY apartment ?

Up until this broke, Huma's world was trying to get Hillary elected.

Now? She has much more to consider. If what we're being told is correct, Huma is guilty of criminal offenses and there's no way she's going to get around that. She's toast. She probably has counsel by now and they are advising her to stay out of sight.

Hillary? What a mess. There's been rumors for a decade that she and Huma are in a lesbian relationship. Whether that's true or not, they obviously have been as close as close gets for a long time. She loves Huma but also must now see her as a potential time bomb. Does Huma stay loyal? Does she cut a deal? Who really knows what she'll do until she's under the lights.

What about Weiner? What does he know? How much will he cooperate to save his own hide? He can obviously hang Huma. Can he hang Hillary as well? What's on those devices? Will the DoJ make a power move on Monday to try and suppress it?

You'd pay good money to see this at the movies. The coming week should be fascinating.

ETA: The best thing about all of this? The entire media cycle is being consumed by a Hillary crisis. No Trump sex stories, no Trump attack's all Hillary right now. Trump is free to move full speed ahead with full sails. That alone is worth its weight in gold with 9 days left. Let's hope it lasts.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
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It is not just about the unsecured computer system, but what about the disclosure of Top Secret SCI nuclear response time disclosed on national TV? I have seen noting concerning this and it shows that her mental thought process is damaged. She is not worthy of holding a security clearance and would not qualify.


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Glorious SPAM!
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If your long time most personal companion for 20 years was falsely accused of wrong doing, where would they be ?

No idea, but I would wager someone is getting ready to deliver market fresh flounder to Carlos Danger....
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
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To think a sexting to a minor investigation was done properly and more professionally than one involving clinton and national security is the real story.

The sexting to a minor case called a Grand Jury and Secured electronic devices for investigation. Things would be different today if the fbi did the most basic steps and due diligence in the clinton email investigation.

Is this surprising? No!
Social Media Blackout? FBI Emails Are Not 'Trending' On Twitter, Facebook, Buzzed, Or Snapchat[


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OK, stop the "Weiner" jokes. No more. A little bit of this is one thing but if we keep at it with this stuff, it's no longer funny, but more importantly you are essentially interfering with this thread. Really, it's been done to death. Stop, please. Pertinent content only.

Old and tired and already done 50 times. Please stop. People are trying to read this thread.

As sure as I'm sitting here, someone will post more of that crap on the next page of this thread. I've seen it countless times because some of you guys don't bother to read threads.
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Tell me of any other case where National secrets might be at stake, and and an emergency search warrant was not asked for?

Is this not what the FISA court is for?

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
wishing we
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The incredibly frustrating part of Comey's letter is that we don't know how much Comey knows right now.

You can dream up scenarios where the letter makes perfect sense, and you can think of scenarios where it was inappropriate.

Here is a point of view that gives some hope:

The fact that there isn’t a warrant allowing an “official investigation” of the documents doesn’t mean that Comey or one of his agents hasn’t already seen them. They just can’t report on (or in the case release) them until the proper forms have been filed. If those emails all had subject lines such as, “Can I wear these yoga pants to your daughter’s wedding?” there would have been no letter from Comey and we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now.

Perhaps Team Clinton should be a bit more careful what they wish for.

I have to think Comey would not have sent the letter w/o having some hard info. But then again Comey surprised me in July.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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Originally posted by sdy:
The incredibly frustrating part of Comey's letter is that we don't know how much Comey knows right now.

Did you see Carl Bernstein's (of Woodward & Bertstein fame) interview on this topic? He laughed at the notion that Comey doesn't know what's on the devices. He assured the talking head news guy that:

1. Comey knows 100% what's there.

2. What's there is enough of a "bombshell" that Comey felt he had no choice but to move now, before the election. (Part of that may well be that at least part of it is bad for Comey himself and doing this now will help save his own ass.)

3. What's there is bad for Clinton. If this were only about Huma and/or Weiner, Comey would have waited.

As for Hillary telling Comey to release whatever he has NOW......well, Hillary has already told us that she has a public position and private position. Publicly? She wants to be seen as having nothing to hide. BRING IT ON. In private? She is working 24/7 to make sure anything Comey has stays sealed for the next 9 days.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
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"Comey knows 100% what's there"

I so hope that is true. But Bernstein "laughing at the notion" means zero to me.

Here is something though that I can "laugh at the notion":

The Hillary Clinton campaign on Sunday again urged the FBI to explain why it was revisiting the Clinton email investigation and said the candidate has not talked to top aide Huma Abedin , on whose laptop the new emails were purportedly found -- nearly three full days after the department announced the new probe.

“She hasn’t,” campaign manager Robby Mook told “Fox News Sunday.”

“I want to know what’s in these emails too,” Mook said


oh Robby, please get your wish
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Staring back
from the abyss
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Originally posted by sdy:
the candidate has not talked to top aide Huma Abedin , on whose laptop the new emails were purportedly found -- nearly three full days after the department announced the new probe.

“She hasn’t,” campaign manager Robby Mook told “Fox News Sunday.”

Umm...yeah. That is laughable. You/we/everyone knows they are in full panic mode this weekend and trying desperately to circle the wagons. Everyone is talking to everyone.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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The Clinton's will not go down easily,and will drag every politician they have dirt on down with them.

I am sure Obama and Lynch will try to run out the clock and hope she wins. If this were any other case but this one, a warrant would have been executed within the hour.

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
Coin Sniper
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It boggles the mind how potential impact on election is more important to the DOJ than breeches of national security.

If you needed proof of 'bought and paid for' there is your receipt.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

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Normality Contraindicated
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How many times can Klintons demonstrate that they truly believe laws are only for others?

Clintons Did Not Obtain Permits to Renovate Their New Chappaqua Home, Records Show

The New York Times Article Link

It is a necessary evil for any homeowner: a visit to the town building office to obtain the proper permits for upgrades.

Hillary and Bill Clinton apparently skipped that required step when they began ambitiously renovating the house they purchased for $1.16 million this summer in the upscale New York hamlet of Chappaqua, according to records from the town building inspector.

Those records, first reported and posted online by The Journal News, based in White Plains, revealed that the town received a complaint in early October about excavation work at the Clintons’ new home that seemed related to the removal of dead trees. But when an inspector arrived, he noticed that a much bigger project was underway: The home was being renovated, complete with an updated kitchen; a new heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system; walls being moved; and the backfilling of a swimming pool with gravel.

Without informing the town to obtain the proper permits, the Clintons apparently set the project in motion soon after they bought the house in August, with an eye toward having everything ready for the holidays.

“I was told that the owners wanted to have all work done and finished by Thanksgiving and were quite adamant about it,” William Maskiell, the building inspector for New Castle, N.Y., wrote in his inspection report after speaking to a contractor. (Chappaqua is a hamlet within New Castle.)

“What started as a paint job turned into this,” he added.

For the Clintons, the purchase of the home on Old House Lane gave them a second residence on the street and a significant foothold in the Westchester County neighborhood where they have lived since 1999, accompanied by a Secret Service detail.

But in the final days of Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, the new house and its run-in with the local building permit office are giving the Clintons something of a headache.

The permit process — which comes with fees, inspections and, potentially, elevated property assessments — can be cumbersome and is familiar to the millions of voters who own homes and have made upgrades. Some may be sympathetic to the Clintons’ stumbling on the local regulations, while others could see them as feeling as though the rules do not apply to them.

Brian Fallon, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign spokesman, did not return a message seeking comment on Saturday.

Mr. Maskiell told The Journal News that architects or contractors usually came by to file paperwork, but that homeowners were required to sign permit applications.

“If you own the house, you’re responsible on everything that goes on with that house,” Mr. Maskiell told The Journal News. He declined to comment on Saturday, referring questions to the township.

“In the course of doing some renovations to their property, it became apparent that the permits required by the town were not properly secured by the contractor,” said Robert J. Greenstein, the supervisor of the town of New Castle. “Upon becoming aware of this, the Clintons immediately took steps with their contractor to make sure the situation is rectified.”

Still, town records show that the Clintons’ permit violations are a continuing matter. Mr. Maskiell wrote in his report that “several building and zoning code violations now exist” and issued a letter on Oct. 17 that laid out detailed requirements for addressing the issues, including permit applications and fees. He visited the home again on Oct. 21 and wrote in a subsequent report that he had spoken again with a contractor, encouraging him to “make sure permits were submitted and to wait until everything was obtained.”

A listing for the 3,600-square-foot home, which abuts the Clintons’ other residence, described it as a “beautifully renovated three-bedroom ranch.” It is “nestled on 1.51 acres of spectacular property encompassing in-ground pool, level lawns, stone walls and mature trees.”

In his reports, Mr. Maskiell said the work on the home appeared to have been done during the past month and a half, while it was under the Clintons’ ownership.

He also noted “several outstanding violations” at the Clintons’ neighboring property, including expired variances.

That house is an 11-room Dutch colonial, which the couple purchased for $1.7 million. It is where the Clintons spend their free time, binge-watching television shows like “The Good Wife” and “Downton Abbey.”

The Clintons also own a mansion in Washington on Whitehaven Street, in a neighborhood with several embassy residences. When they are in Little Rock, Ark., they stay in a private residence atop the Clinton library.

Mrs. Clinton’s opponent, Donald J. Trump, also has ties to Westchester County, where he owns an estate in Bedford and a golf club in Briarcliff Manor. Last year, Mr. Trump tried to minimize the value of the golf course to save on property taxes.

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I believe in the
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Due Process
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If HRC really wanted the FBI to release all information, Obama and/or Lynch would not be holding up the warrant. That warrant could be issued in 15 minutes, no problem.

They wake Federal judges up in the middle of the night, even Supreme Court Justices, when the need arises.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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The whole notion of a "warrant" being needed, and Lynch possibly refusing, is nothing but a red herring that was floated by the Clinton Campaign to try to slow down the bleeding. They and Lynch cooked up this misdirection to buy a little time. The media has been a most willing participant.

Comey can move on this info anytime he wants. He needs nothing from Lynch and she is powerless to stop him. If what is there is indeed the bombshell we've been told of, then I'm sure Comey would like the DoJ on his side moving forward but.....Comey had to consider all of this before going public. He knew there would be pushback. He has a plan for getting where he wants to go.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
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The FBI hasn't read the emails because they don't have a warrant.
Well I imagine they had to have read something to know they had something to look into. I don't think I've ever been so anxious about current events as I am now.
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