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I'll try to be brief
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but the recent letter notes that Bentel told House Benghazi investigators last year he did not recall the server matter,

Don't the Clintons have "do not recall" copyrighted?
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They're after my Lucky Charms!
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Originally posted by Himiko:
but the recent letter notes that Bentel told House Benghazi investigators last year he did not recall the server matter,

Don't the Clintons have "do not recall" copyrighted?

Can the Republicans use that as a jab at Hilz when she gets the nom?

Hilz' 2016
do not recall!

And use a photo of her before Congress in the 90s.

Lord, your ocean is so very large and my divos are so very f****d-up
Dirt Sailors Unite!
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Festina Lente
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it's all set to go - Rush did it a long time ago...

NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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wishing we
were congress
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A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll indicates one third of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' supporters cannot see themselves voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

This could spell trouble for Clinton who will likely need Sanders' backers in order to win the White House.

happy thought for the day
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Peace through
superior firepower
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OK, "thorough, complete" investigation. Uh huh. Yeah, Got it. The FBI needs to get on with it!!!!!!!!!! Let's go!! Come on! Everyone knows she's guilty. Some people will look the other way, but everyone knows she's guilty, so let's get on with it!!!
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by sdy:

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll indicates one third of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' supporters cannot see themselves voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

This could spell trouble for Clinton who will likely need Sanders' backers in order to win the White House.

happy thought for the day

Yeah, but they will, along about the end of October. Democrats don't stay home on election day. Even their dead guys vote!

They also know that an imperfect Democrat holding office means jobs, appointments, fellowships, books, resume builders, prestige, while a perfect Democrat (bear with me here, men!) sitting home in defeat means perdition, squalor, putting up with those troglodyte Republicans, enduring ignominy and anonymity, no calls from cable news wanting you to opine, etc.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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From last December,

Former New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was convicted in a $5 million public-corruption case, cementing a stunning fall from power that exposed Albany’s sleazy culture of influence-peddling — and showed that it reached to the top.

On its third day of rocky deliberations, a Manhattan federal jury handed down guilty verdicts on all seven counts against Silver

Sheldon Silver is a NY super delegate for Hillary Clinton
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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I understand that the Former Governors Association of Illinois, meeting at the state prison, has endorsed Hillary as well.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Tying together the old and the new

A high-priced Washington, D.C. attorney who represented a key figure in the “FileGate” controversy — one of the many scandals that marred the Bill Clinton White House — is back in the thick of another Clinton imbroglio, this time as the lawyer for John Bentel, a former State Department information technology official who is refusing to talk to Congress about Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Bentel’s hiring of the Clinton-era lawyer — Randy Turk, of the firm Baker Botts — raises questions about whether the Clintons are working behind the scenes to ensure that people with potentially damaging information remain under their control, one longtime Clinton watcher says.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has also questioned Clintonworld over whether it is covering legal expenses for others involved in the Clinton email scandal. In November, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who chairs the Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Clinton’s attorney and those of several of her aides asking whether Clinton is paying their legal bills

It was 1995 when Turk was hired by Craig Livingstone, who then served as head of personnel security at the White House. A former bar bouncer and campaign advance man with no personnel security experience to his name, Livingstone was accused of improperly obtaining more than 900 FBI files in 1993 and 1994 of former Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administration officials.

Republicans at the time accused the Clintons of using the records — which the FBI said were turned over in error — to compile an enemies list. Then-first lady Hillary Clinton was also accused of having viewed the files and of having pushed to hire Livingstone, charges which she denied.

One question asked during the scandal was who was paying Livingstone’s legal bills. “And why?” asked New York Times columnist William Safire.

In 1997, it emerged — thanks to a subpoena from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee — that the Clintons had set up a legal defense fund for Livingstone. Fifty-five of the first couple’s allies and friends pitched in $9,550 to help defray Livingstone’s legal expenses.

Bentel may soon be the target of a subpoena as well.

Grassley and Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman Ron Johnson have asked the retiree — who left the State Department in December 2012 — to meet with them to discuss Clinton’s server. As director of information resource management at the State Department’s office of the executive secretariat, Bentel handled tech security issues for top officials at the agency. But Bentel has refused the senators’ request, saying that he has no memory of Clinton’s server.

the Republican senators have pressed the issue, telling Bentel and Turk that they have information suggesting that a subordinate of Bentel knew of Clinton’s hardware. The Daily Caller also obtained an August 2011 email earlier this year showing that Bentel’s boss at the time, Executive Secretariat Stephen Mull, knew of Clinton’s server

So is it mere coincidence that Bentel — who reportedly moved away from Washington, D.C. after retiring — hired Turk, whose services do not come cheap?

There is another notable connection point that can’t be overlooked. One of the contributors to Livingstone’s legal defense fund was Vernon Jordan Jr., a longtime Clinton friend and Washington, D.C. powerbroker.

Jordan has long worked for the high-profile law firm Akin Gump. Clinton’s campaign treasurer, Jose Villarreal, is also a consultant for the firm

And as it turns out, Bryan Pagliano’s attorney, Mark MacDougall, works there as well.

Akin Gump told TheDC in September that Pagliano — who recently accepted immunity in order to cooperate with the FBI — was put in touch with MacDougall through a family friend. The firm did not elaborate further.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Mired in the
Fog of Lucidity
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Less than a month after becoming secretary of state, and registering the personal email domain that she would use exclusively for government business, Hillary Clinton’s team aggressively pursued changes to existing State Department security protocols so she could use her BlackBerry in secure facilities for classified information, according to new documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

“Anyone who has any appreciation at all of security, you don’t ask a question like that,” cybersecurity analyst Morgan Wright told Fox News. “It is contempt for the system, contempt for the rules that are designed to protect the exact kind of information that was exposed through this email set up. “

Current and former intelligence officials grimaced when asked by Fox News about the use of wireless communications devices, such as a BlackBerry, in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) emphasizing its use would defeat the purpose of the secure facility, and it is standard practice to leave all electronics outside.

A former State Department employee familiar with the Clinton request emphasized security personnel at the time thought the BlackBerry was only for unclassified material, adding their concerns would have been magnified if they had known Clinton's email account also held classified material.

“When you allow devices like this into a SCIF, you can allow the bad guys to listen in,” Wright added.

A February 17, 2009 email marked SECRET and cleared through the NSA says, “Ms. Mills described the requirement as chiefly driven by Secretary Clinton, who does not use standard computer equipment but relies exclusively on her Blackberry for emailing and remaining in contact on her schedule etc. Ideally all members of her suite would be allowed to use Blackberries for communication in the SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)”

Cheryl Mills was Clinton’s chief of staff from 2009-13.

The emails, obtained by Judicial Watch as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit also show that a specialized NSA team was brought in to assess the vulnerabilities and feasibility of using wireless communications, including within a secure facility.

The NSA State Department liaison, whose name was withheld, told Mills in a now highly redacted email: “Sometimes the distinction between what can be done and what is, or is not, recommended to be done differ; this is one of those instances. (State Department Diplomatic Security) DS’s response illustrates their level of concern based on their extensive professional expertise. “

Clinton never used a State Department issued BlackBerry. It is not clear from the documents whether Clinton and her team went ahead and used their BlackBerrys in SCIFs despite the concerns, including those of the NSA.

A February 18 2009 email from the State Department’s Senior Coordinator for Security Infrastructure, Donald R. Reid, states “…once she (Clinton) got the hang of it, she was hooked, now every day, she feels hamstrung because she has to lock up her BB up. She does go out several times a day to an office they have crafted for her outside the SCIF and plays email catch-up. Cheryl Mills and others who are dedicated BB addicts are frustrated because they too are not near their desktop very often during the working day…”

The reference to a secondary office for Clinton appears to conflict with a February statement from the State Department that no stand-alone computer was set up outside Clinton’s main office on the executive floor, known as Mahogany Row, to check her personal account.

On February 25, Fox News pressed the State Department spokesman about a January 2009 email, also obtained by Judicial Watch, between Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and then Clinton chief of staff Mills where Kennedy said it was a “great idea” to setup a stand-alone PC for Clinton to check her email.

Asked by Fox News, State Department spokesman John Kirby said, “There was no stand-alone computer ever set up.” Fox News has asked Kirby to further clarify his statement.

In January 2009, Clinton signed at least two non-disclosure agreements in which she promised to protect classified information. Since then, more than 2,100 emails containing classified information have been identified, as well as 22 Top Secret that are too damaging to national security to release.

Earlier this week, Judicial Watch presented the federal court in Washington with a list of 7 Clinton aides it wants to question under oath about Clinton’s use of a private email sever when she was secretary of state.
Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by Sigmanic:
Less than a month after becoming secretary of

< snip >

Boo fucking hoo.

Let me cry you a river over your digital addiction.

There isn't a person alive who works in a SCIF who wouldn't like to be able to take their digital toys inside, but is at odds with the whole idea of a SCIF.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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wishing we
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In unusually candid remarks, President Obama privately told a group of Democratic donors last Friday that Senator Bernie Sanders is nearing the point where his campaign against Hillary Clinton will come to an end, and that the party must soon come together to back her.

Mr. Obama acknowledged that Mrs. Clinton is perceived to have weaknesses as a candidate, and that some Democrats did not view her as authentic.

Mr. Obama made the remarks after reporters had left a fund-raising event in Austin, Tex., for the Democratic National Committee. The comments were described by three people in the room for the event, all of whom were granted anonymity to describe a candid moment with the president. The comments were later confirmed by a White House official.

Mr. Obama chose his words carefully, and did not explicitly call on Mr. Sanders to depart the race, according to those in the room. Still, those in attendance said in interviews that they took his comments as a signal to Mr. Sanders that perpetuating his campaign, which is now an uphill climb, could only help the Republicans recapture the White House.

Mr. Obama indicated that he knew some people were not “excited” by Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy, a White House official confirmed.


probably some FBI agents are "excited". hope so
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Picture of SIG4EVA
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What we really need to do is quit infighting and focus on exposing this hag for what she is. The libtards have eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear.

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Thank you
Very little
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If it's Trump vs Heilery then their will be massive focus on this issue, he'll make it job 1.
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Originally posted by sdy:
...could only help the Republicans recapture the White House.
Who? Republi-what? Never heard of 'em.

#dead to me

#ridden out of town on a rail
Posts: 110967 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Originally posted by SIG4EVA:
What we really need to do is quit infighting and focus on exposing this hag for what she is. The libtards have eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear.

Sorry, liberals have eyes and ears that work fine.

They lack brains to make the input useful.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
Posts: 32720 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: May 17, 2006Report This Post
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some people were not “excited” by Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy

Now that right there is the understatement of the day and certainly in the race for understatement of the year.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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What are these democrats smoking? Every time I see a democratic guest or strategist on Fox discussing the election, they always dismiss the idea of Hillary facing indictment. One such individual said it is "hilariously absurd" to even suggest an indictment, that it's a Republican "wet dream."

I mean, what am I missing? These people keep saying that an indictment is absolutely not gonna happen, but to me it seems pretty clear cut that she's a blatant criminal. It's infuriating how nonchalant these people are about her obvious guilt.


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Peace through
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She may not face indictment, but the FBI is going to take her down by recommending charges. Whether or not the corrupt State Department will do their job, it doesn't matter in terms of this witch being POTUS. If the FBI recommends charges, you'll know that she's toast.

Try and imagine this disgusting crook entering into a televised debate with Trump after the FBI recommendation of charges. It would be great fun to watch.
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Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
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What are these democrats smoking?

That way they can plausibly look very, very shocked if an indictment does come down and immediately start screaming that it's a witchhunt and an elaborate conspiracy.

The Dems have been to this rodeo before.
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