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Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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You do not have to be a government employee to hold a clearance. Once you leave a position that requires one it may be put on inactive status for a certain amount of time, easily reactivated if you move into a new job that requires it. If you need it after that inactive time expires (is it two years?) you need to do the full background check again. I have no doubt the custodian of her clearance (US GOV. I assume) has kept it active.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
wishing we
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more from good old John Kirby (State Dept spokesman)

The State Department has responded to claims that some messages Hillary Clinton received were marked classified at the time. According to State spokesman John Kirby those markings, which did appear in at least two emails, were the result of human error.

At a regular briefing for reporters Wednesday, Kirby said State is aware of two instances in the set of roughly 30,000 messages turned over to the agency by Clinton where classification markings appeared in the emails. However, he said those were mistakes where staff failed to remove the notations while preparing background and talking points for Clinton in a planned phone call with a foreign official.

“It appears that those…that those markings were a human error. They didn’t need to be there. Because once the secretary had decided to make the call, the process is then to move the call sheet, to change its markings to unclassified and deliver it to the secretary in a form that he or she can use,” Kirby said.

“And best we can tell on these occasions, the markings — the confidential markings — was simply human error. Because the decision had already been made, they didn’t need to be made on the email.”

Kirby admits he does not know if the two emails he is talking about are the sum total of emails with such markings considered by the FBI. Politico reports Kirby said, “We don’t have full visibility on every document that they looked at as part of their investigation.”

the Clinton camp sent a statement to the Washington Post claiming they had no idea what Director Comey was talking about with regard to messages with classification markings. The Clinton camp suggested State had never heard of these either:

We have not seen the emails the Director is referring to. We heard this for the first time when it was announced on TV, just like everyone else. The Secretary and campaign always have spoken to the best of our knowledge. And it was not just the campaign – but also the State Department, which also reviewed these emails – that had said none of these emails were marked classified.


If the FBI had wanted to go after Clinton, can you imagine how they could have tripped her up over and over in the interview ?
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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We have not seen the emails the Director is referring to. We heard this for the first time when it was announced on TV, just like everyone else.

Roll Eyes

This entire administration is monumentally pathetic.


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Glorious SPAM!
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Markings were human error huh? This assumes of course that Hillary was the OCA for the documents in question. And we know for a fact that she was NOT the OCA for many of the documents found on her unsecured server. Of course many of these documents were not marked because someone had either removed the markings or transcribed the content into a different format. Both of which are illegal; removing markings and moving content from a secure system to a non-secure system (email, photo, transcribed, whatever).

Buy hey, no prosecutor would pursue such a non-winnable case. Well at least that is what the director of the FSB says, you know, they guy who is suppose to collect evidence and report? Or do I have him confused with the guy who is supposed to decide?

Someone mentioned ITAR in an earlier post. It made me laugh. I have seen guys get a harsher punishment for violating ITAR than she did for mishandling highly classified material. Disgust does not describe my feelings on this subject.

Even though Kirby is a Flag Grade Officer, ever since he turned in his uniform and donned the suit at the State Department I have lost all respect for the man. He seems like a shill looking for a buck to me. I briefly looked at his career, and he seems to have spent most of it as a PAO or in other administrative "information" billets. A perfect Minister Of Propaganda for State.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Picture of Ironbutt
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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
We have not seen the emails the Director is referring to. We heard this for the first time when it was announced on TV, just like everyone else.

Roll Eyes

This entire administration is monumentally pathetic.

I would feel much safer if our government was run by randomly selecting names from my local phone book to fill every post from President on down to all the positions in the alphabet agencies.

Career politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers.......pfffft! I wouldn't trust any of them to push a wheel barrow.


"It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
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Picture of NVBigEd
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Shame! Shame! Shame!

"Indecision may, or may not, be my problem!"

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Chip away the stone
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Originally posted by sdy:
An earlier post was about State Dept spokesman Kirby:

Kirby also refused to comment on whether Clinton and the handful of State Department aides who transmitted classified intelligence on her private network retained their security clearances

Clinton is no longer a government employee/official and has no standing to have a clearance, nor are those staff menbers.

The talking heads on GDCNN were saying tonight that the presidential nominees get regular briefings of confidential info.
Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Report This Post
Diogenes' Quarry
Picture of at-home-daddy
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Originally posted by rusbro:
Originally posted by JALLEN:
Originally posted by sdy:
An earlier post was about State Dept spokesman Kirby:

Kirby also refused to comment on whether Clinton and the handful of State Department aides who transmitted classified intelligence on her private network retained their security clearances

Clinton is no longer a government employee/official and has no standing to have a clearance, nor are those staff menbers.

The talking heads on GDCNN were saying tonight that the presidential nominees get regular briefings of confidential info.

I don't believe that is correct. The winner of the general election will receive the same briefings as the sitting President in his final months, so that the new President steps in fully briefed and up-to-speed on matters of national security, etc. My understanding is that nominees do not receive that kind of intel. It wouldn't seem appropriate to inform the potential (50/50) loser of a general election who doesn't necessarily have the vested interest in keeping national matters secret.

I could be wrong, but this is what I've always understood the process to be...and frankly don't put a lot of stock in what CNN claims.
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Picture of Ironbutt
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Originally posted by at-home-daddy:
Originally posted by rusbro:
Originally posted by JALLEN:
Originally posted by sdy:
An earlier post was about State Dept spokesman Kirby:

Kirby also refused to comment on whether Clinton and the handful of State Department aides who transmitted classified intelligence on her private network retained their security clearances

Clinton is no longer a government employee/official and has no standing to have a clearance, nor are those staff menbers.

The talking heads on GDCNN were saying tonight that the presidential nominees get regular briefings of confidential info.

I don't believe that is correct. The winner of the general election will receive the same briefings as the sitting President in his final months, so that the new President steps in fully briefed and up-to-speed on matters of national security, etc. My understanding is that nominees do not receive that kind of intel. It wouldn't seem appropriate to inform the potential (50/50) loser of a general election who doesn't necessarily have the vested interest in keeping national matters secret.

I could be wrong, but this is what I've always understood the process to be...and frankly don't put a lot of stock in what CNN claims.

Unless maybe if the candidate's name happens to be Clinton?


"It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
Thomas Sowell
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Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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I do not know how it actually works, but on FOX today they noted that after the conventions both nominees get classified briefings. Not sure why as there is enough time between November and January to spin the winner up.

But hey, the careful handling of classified material seems to have gone the way of a Jersey girls hair, VHS tapes, and the Berlin Wall.

I just want to see it when someone claims "The Clinton Defense".
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
I have a very particular
set of skills
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Watching some MSM coverage... Frown

It is absolutely surreal how some are just like, 'Well, its over. Case closed. Period, over.' Now, why can't we get meaningful gun control...

Jeez, they have side-by-side footage and people are still adamantly defending the 'candidate.' It's like standing 50 feet in front of a fully engulfed burning building and saying 'Oh, nothing to see here, move along.'

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

And MSM sure seems to be giving the anti-Trump rhetoric a good bit more extra play time...shocking, I know...


A real life Sisyphus...
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Glorious SPAM!
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Surreal? No. Normal? Yes. People do not care if highly sensitive national security information is compromised; they do not care if famous people violate Federal Law; they do not care if someone lies every time they open their mouth. It simply does not affect them. Ninety percent of them have no idea what classified is, nor do they care. They have not seen the human results from compromised intel. Benghazi? Wasn't that in a movie once?

Until it affects them, like lets say an attack, they will continue to snap chat, to my-book, to face-space, and wander aimlessly throughout the world. After all, the FBI takes care of all of that stuff don't they?
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Picture of BenelliMike
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Information not accurate, after further research.

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Frangas non Flectes
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Hmmmm. This says that's untrue. Looking for better sources.

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Staring back
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Multiple sites claim that this is not true.

Snopes (yeah, I know) quotes the City of Alexandria Sheriff as stating, "He is alive and has never been missing from this facility.".

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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Glorious SPAM!
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Ya know, I almost long for the 80's. Back when we knew who our enemy was. Back when it was "kill a commie for mommy"; back during the days of duck and cover drills. I was born in '74. I grew up just south of Boston, but in the 80's it seemed like we were all in it together. People loved being Americans. We celebrated our history of independence. Freedom was ingrained in us from our parents, from our community, from the singing of the "Pledge Of Allegiance" and "My Country Tis Of Thee"; we sung both every morning before class. We took field trips to the bridge at Lexington And Concord; we learned about the shot heard 'round the world. We walked the path where Paul Revere made his famous ride; we saw the Old North Church where was hung "one if by land two if by sea"; we visited the USS Constitution, the Bunker Hill Monument. I remember my teacher asking us to bless President Ronald Reagan before class. We swelled with pride when a Space Shuttle was launched, to see that American flag on that pure white ship head toward the stars; it was watched throughout the school. The Fourth Of July was a special time. To this day I still take that week off to relax and reflect (on vacation now lol). We learned about the Minutemen, and how they helped forge this nation we now love. We knew what it really meant to be an American. How much better we had it than the less fortunate.

Ugg. I just depressed myself.

I never realized how religious this song actually was; amazing we sung it everyday in class. But then I grew up in a a Catholic Boston full of Irish and Italians.

Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
7.62mm Crusader
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mbinky, we pulled together some after 9/11. Even GW stated it may be 30 years to settle things down.

Perhaps a President Trump can get us back on coarse. He's not as groomed as President Reagan but, he has had a good life and seems to want good for America and her people. Its a sight better than who has looked after us for the past 8 years.

You are right when you state that we dont do the things Americans have done before us. Just a couple of generations pass and many dont even know who they are, where they came from or why they are here. The separations have long been caused by leaders who court the people by income class, skin color or language, religions and all for their benefits.

The lack of leadership from the top over a couple decades has had a ill affect. President Reagan looked at us with pride. He spoke of us proudly. Even George Herbert Walker and GW took care of us in their job.

Dont ever give up on who we are. We are still a good people. We need to find ways to pull together and fix the problems caused by life long politicians in America. Therein lies the burdens which tear at the make up of our country. Time will come when we decide, voting the problems away is not going to work. And we take another coarse.

I encourage you to remain proud and strong. Many before you and I have givin their lives for us. We should never forget this. And thanks to them from a grateful people.
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The Whack-Job
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If I was Guccifer, Id still stay away from the prison weight room. Jus sayin.

7+1 Rounds of hope and change
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7.62mm Crusader
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Here ya go bink. This puts a lump in my throat. Knowum sayin?

Posts: 18072 | Location: The Bluegrass State! | Registered: December 23, 2008Report This Post
Glorious SPAM!
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Excellent Smile Thanks!
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