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Netanyahu: We are at war. Israel attacked by Hamas. Login/Join 
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Originally posted by jsbcody:
Originally posted by echidna:
Originally posted by jsbcody:
I have one question:

Has the Bidet Administration made a similar "effort" to get a ceasefire in the Ukraine/Russia war?

He is holding up shipments to Israel but is shipping money and stuff faster than we can count it to Ukraine.

Huh? He's been dragging his feet and doing the very minimum on aid to Ukraine too. Stalled shipment of old Polish MiGs for a year. Stalled tanks for almost two and in the end delivered meager 31. Didn't do even 1/10th of what he did for Israel on air defence. He still had $4B in Congress-approved PDA funds all along that 6 months long covfefe in the House but hadn't delivere a single bullet until a months ago.And his weasel aka National Security Advisor is constantly making appeasing sounds towards the Northern Hamas. The only difference between Northern and Sourthern Hamas is that the former still thinks it can win while the latter is pretty much out of that dilusion and is in survival mode.

But we are sending cash in bulk loads and there has been no effort on stopping the war, let alone a ceasefire. As for equipment being "delayed", it almost seems like he and they want the war to continue by trickling supplies and resources in. The longer the Ukraine/Russia war goes on, the more money they can move and make disappear. This war is nothing but a money stealing and laundering scheme where people are killed and stuff is destroyed.

"Best money we ever spent" Lindsey Graham

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Unflappable Enginerd
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Northern Hamas
That the heck is this?
You mean Hezbollah?


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Originally posted by darthfuster:
I think I read somewhere that there is a prophecy, for those who believe in them, that states in the end Israel will be abandoned by every nation and left to fend for itself. With its back against the wall and doom apparent, the Messiah will come and do what has been promised.

That means even her closest allies will betray her.

Perhaps not a prophecy in a biblical sense, but in Dinesh D’Souza’s movie “2016: Obama’s America” which is based on his book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”, D’Souza presents his theory based on the writing, speeches and political positions of FBHO, that FBHO would enable / facilitate by whatever means necessary the elimination of Israel resulting in a Caliphate rule across the entire Middle East region.

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The old arab spring. More arabs died in that debacle than you could have killed on purpose.

Ah caliphate rule when they were burning people alive in cages. Let's just build a wall around them and let them live in paradise.


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Under Democrats’ own standards, Biden’s hold on Israeli aid could prove an impeachable offense


Despite signing a $95 billion foreign aid bill into law more than a fortnight ago, President Joe Biden has reportedly withheld 3,500 bombs that Congress authorized to send to Israel as our democratic ally embarks on its final incursion into the remaining Hamas stronghold of Rafah.

The news comes on the heels of the Biden administration’s decision to announce that Hamas agreed to an 11th-hour ceasefire — one that Israel never offered and would never accept, rendering the announcement more likely an attempt to stall the Israeli invasion of Rafah than a real attempt at securing a lasting peace.

Biden’s deliberate attempt to defy Congress’s power of the purse in distributing legally authorized aid to the Israelis draws a striking parallel to five years earlier, when then-President Donald Trump attempted to withhold congressionally authorized aid to Ukraine. In today’s case, critics could obviously, and convincingly, argue that Biden has pivoted away from his previous “unconditional” support in the hopes of placating the far-Left base in Dearborn, Michigan, and Morningside Heights in New York to better his 2024 reelection odds In 2019, Trump’s critics did argue that he withheld Ukrainian aid to cajole President Volodymyr Zelensky into investigating Hunter Biden’s corrupt overseas business dealings in the country, then in the hopes of enhancing his 2020 reelection odds. And if in the latter case, Democrats impeached Trump for playing politics with congressionally authorized aid, why would Republicans, playing by the same rules, not impeach Biden?

Like Barack Obama’s administration before him, Trump’s Office of Budget and Management was indeed found responsible by the Government Accountability Office for violating the Impoundment Control Act when it held up nearly a quarter-billion dollars appropriated by Congress to Ukraine for fiscal 2019. Although it took public speculation from both Ukrainian and American officials, Trump ultimately released the aid on Sept. 11, 2019, before the end of the fiscal year. While the GAO specifically condemned him for failing to spend a legally required message explaining why he was deferring the release of the Ukraine aid — the Impoundment Act does allow a president to withhold releasing funds for specific reasons and with this required explanation to Congress — Trump followed precedent and the broader law in releasing the aid before the deadline.

But if Democrats consider withholding aid for personal political gain an impeachable offense, even if it’s well before the disbursement deadline, then it follows that Biden’s clandestine attempt to slow-walk munitions to Israel is a comparable offense. The value of the aid is the same — also another quarter-billion dollars — and the arguable intention is similar. If Biden wants to bank on kneecapping Israel as it approaches the precipice of defeating Hamas, he can take his radical base in exchange for an impeachment.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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I can't properly articulate the level of despicable act where one trades votes for freedom from suffering on the scale to which Israel has been subject and continues to face. Israel faces extinction - and people are seeking votes instead?

It is evil beyond the pale. It's no longer just self interest. It's just pure, deep, fundamental evil.

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I hope the Israelis don't do another bad trade.


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BREAKING: President Biden tells
that if Israel invades the city of Rafah, the U.S. will stop supplying it with artillery shells, bombs for fighter jets and other offensive weapons.
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A Grateful American
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Ironic that Biden is playing a Pharaoh's game...

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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I thought I read that Israel began their military operations two days ago, after the previous unconscionable betrayal of our closest ally in the Middle East by the Biden clown show!

Previously posted link --> Biden betrays Israel with Hamas ‘deal’ that wasn’t


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Harken back to Ukraine. When we could not supply artillery shells, we provided cluster munitions.
If the U.S. cuts off the smart bombs, then dumb bombs will be used and more will die. The U.S. will cry about it and not see the double standard.
Instead we will get a slow death of 1000 cuts
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Picture of John Steed
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Anti-Israel protesters scream at Gov. Whitmer (MI) in restaurant:

According to the article, Whitmer has been slow to condemn the antisemitic hate speech, but that's not enough for these fanatics.

When you play both sides of the fence, this happens.

... stirred anti-clockwise.
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While it's appalling to me that a certain segment of our population is violently and overtly supporting outright rapists, baby murderers, and kidnappers, I am thoroughly enjoying watching the leftists eat their own.
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Coin Sniper
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Hezbollah makes it clear how they feel about the 'queer' for Palestine crowd.

Originally posted by John Steed:
Anti-Israel protesters scream at Gov. Whitmer (MI) in restaurant:
According to the article, Whitmer has been slow to condemn the antisemitic hate speech, but that's not enough for these fanatics.

When you play both sides of the fence, this happens.

I am no fan of Whitmer but I see that these people have no concern about all of the atrocities the Palestinians have persecuted against Jews in Israel and abroad since the 1960's. Again, Palestinians bringing hate and discontent wherever they go.

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Seems about right.


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United Nations General Assembly supports Palestinian request for membership

Israel's United Nations ambassador condemned the adopted resolution, which recognizes Palestine as qualified to join as a full U.N. member

The 193-member United Nations General Assembly supported a Palestinian bid to become a full U.N. member on Friday.

The United States had vetoed the move last month in the U.N. Security Council.

The resolution formally recommends that the U.N. Security Council favorably consider accepting Palestine as a member.

Israel's United Nations ambassador reportedly put a copy of the U.N. charter into a paper shredder to express his opposition to the general assembly's decision on Palestinian membership.

Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan said the decision advanced the "establishment of a Palestinian terror state led by the Hitler of our time."

UNGA votes 143-9 to upgrade Palestinian statehood status

The United Nations General Assembly voted 143-9 to upgrade the Palestinian's status as a non-member observer state, granting it all but voting rights with regard to all activities related to its plenum.

Argentina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Papa New Guinea, Palau, and the United States opposed the resolution.

Among those countries that supported the text were many European Union members, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.

Australia also supported the resolution, while Canada, Great Britain, and Ukraine abstained.

There are already some 143 countries that recognize Palestine as a state.

The UNGA vote, which is mostly symbolic, is viewed as an international referendum in support of unilateral Palestinian statehood.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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There has never been a Palestine as a country. Even left inspired AI will tell you so.

I asked Claude AI this:

What is the most famous Palestinian king, president, or leader?

It answered Yasir Arafat. Asked this follow up question after asking for second most famous and getting non answer:

Neither of those people were rulers of a state. When was the most powerful period of Palestine and who was the leader that lead them to that greatness?

There has never been an independent, internationally recognized Palestinian state with a king or ruler leading it to greatness.

The area known as historic Palestine was ruled by various empires and kingdoms throughout its history, such as the Canaanites, Israelites, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arab caliphates, and the Ottoman Empire.

The closest Palestine came to self-rule in modern times was:

1) During the British Mandate period (1920-1948) when the territory was administered by Britain under a League of Nations mandate after World War I. However, this was not an independent Palestinian state.

2) The Palestinian National Authority, established in 1994 after the Oslo Accords, which allowed for limited Palestinian self-governance in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But this was not a fully sovereign, independent state either.

Since you are asking about a period when Palestine was at its most powerful under its own rule, there really was no such era or Palestinian king/ruler that brought the region to greatness by establishing an independent, powerful Palestinian state or kingdom. The area was always controlled by external empires and powers throughout its history.

The Palestinian national movement and calls for statehood arose in the 20th century, but an internationally recognized, fully independent Palestinian state with a sovereign leader has not yet been achieved despite many efforts. The status of the Palestinian territories remains an ongoing conflict and unresolved issue.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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US offering Israel intelligence in exchange for end to Rafah operation, report says.

The Biden administration has offered Israel both intelligence and supplies, if Israel will agree to end its ground invasion of Rafah, the Washington Post reported.

The intelligence would help Israel locate both Hamas' leaders and hidden tunnels, four people familiar with the offer told the Post.

The US has also offered to help provide shelters so that Israel can build tent cities for Gazans, and have offered to help with the construction of delivery systems for food, water, and medicine for Gazans in Rafah, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Two people familiar with the discussions told the Post that US officials are working closely with Egypt to locate and cut off tunnels crossing the Egypt-Gaza border near Rafah, which Hamas has been using to replenish its military supplies.

The Washington Post also noted that the Biden administration believes Hamas, and its leader Yahya Sinwar, would welcome a major military operation in Rafah, since it would likely isolate Israel.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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This is disgusting. Watch video at link. Arrest these people for their crimes.

Hamas Jr. demonstrators gather at UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor's office, smear red paint on building


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Don't agree w/ the position - idiotic, moronic. But they can exercise peaceful free speech. Should be ZERO tolerance for any damage, including impending the transit of others. The people should be free to respond in kind with prejudice for any actions beyond peaceful free speech.

Like any child misbehaving, they need to be taught that actions have consequences. No more free tickets.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
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