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Joe Biden on the campaign trail: "If you like your health care plan, ..." Login/Join 
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posted August 19, 2021 05:39 PM Hide Post
Originally posted by YooperSigs:
Stupidopolus said that there are people who agree with Bidens "big strategic picture".
It's the same thing the leftist apologists did when Obama made some ridiculous decision; they make it sound as if we're simply too ignorant to understand the briliance of his dumbassery.

I haven't fallen for that kind of con since I was a kid.

When I was a kid reading the story about "The Emperor's Clothes", I thought that there was no one who would be dumb enough to believe a bullshit idea about seeing a naked man who was really clothed most royally. Now that I am in my mature years, I understand that some people will believe or do anything just to avoid being called ignorant or redneck or other derogatory insults. It says a lot about the human mind....

(Now, I did jump out of a barn loft once to avoid being called a coward, but I was only years old AND ignorant and redneck..... I hope that I have matured since those days. Confused )
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Biden v. Reality: President falsely stated the US has no troops in Syria - when there are 900 - and the Afghan military had 300,000 troops in a series of lies and bungled statements in ABC interview

Biden said there was 'no way' to leave Afghanistan without chaos ensuing, but six weeks ago he said a Taliban takeover was 'highly unlikely.'

Biden told Stephanopoulos that chaos in Kabul was always in the cards for an Afghanistan withdrawal, but just six weeks ago he said that a Taliban takeover was 'highly unlikely.'

Biden said Afghan army is 300,000 strong, when the real number is 178,800.

Biden, as noted above, said: 'When you saw the significant collapse of the Afghan troops we had trained, up to 300,000 of them...' He has used this number repeatedly.

But there are only 178,800 active duty forces - 171,500 in the army and 7,300 in the air force, according to an annual report viewed by the Washington Post. No reserve forces are listed for Afghanistan.

If Afghanistan actually had over 300,000 troops, its force would be bigger than every NATO ally except Turkey.

The nation does have 99,000 members of the Afghan National Police, though police have separate duties from the military and do not fight insurgents.

Biden said US doesn't have a military presence in Syria, but 900 troops remain

Biden said he can't recall military officials suggesting he keep the 'stable' 2,500 troop presence in Afghanistan, though reports show Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley made exactly such a request.

'Your top military advisers warned against withdrawing on this timeline – they wanted you to keep about 2,500 troops,' Stephanopoulos said to Biden.

'No, they didn't,' the president pushed back. 'It was split. That wasn't true. That wasn't true.'

'They didn't tell you they wanted troops to stay?' Stephanopoulos asked.

'No, not in terms of whether we were going to get out in a time frame – all troops, they didn't argue against that,' Biden reiterated.

The Wall Street Journal reported the president ignored Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley's request to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan and did not yield Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's warning about the stability of the country without a U.S. troop presence.

Stephanopoulos pressed the president on the report: 'Your military advisers did not tell you, 'No, we should just keep 2,500 troops, it's been a stable situation for the last several years, we can do that, we can continue to do that?'

'No, no one said that to me that I can recall,' Biden said.

Biden said 'no one is being killed' at Kabul airport, though the Taliban have killed at least 12.

'But, look, b-- but no one's being killed right now, God forgive me if I'm wrong about that, but no one's being killed right now,' Biden told Stephanopoulos when the ABC anchor noted 'pandemonium' at the Kabul airport.

There are at least 12 confirmed deaths in the chaotic scenes around the airport, according to Taliban and NATO officials. Those deaths included the two who were shot by the US military at the airfield and two who fell to their deaths from a US plane as it took off.

Biden said Afghani stowaways plunging to their death was 'four or five days ago,' - it was two days before the interview.

Biden, then and now: Six weeks ago, the president struck a very different tone on Afghanistan

President Biden claimed in his interview on August 18 that chaos in Kabul was inevitable, but just six weeks ago at a White House briefing he said the Taliban takeover was 'NOT inevitable'.

more at link.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Be not wise in
thine own eyes
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As things progress let’s not lose sight of the fact that Joe is just a marionette.

The photo released by the White House of Joe sitting at the table by himself was not released by Joe, it was released by his handlers.
This was/is an intentional act to focus all blame on Joe.
It is an attempt to sear an image of just Joe in our minds.

None of this is poor decision making all of this has been planned.

Those that participated in these actions taken to destroy our nation need to take the fall with Joe.

Military leadership, DOJ, FBI, CDC, NIH (Fauci), Election Officials, RHINO’s, BLM, ANTIFA, Barry Soetoro and Democrats (media, big tech, etc.) all need to be held accountable.

Arrests and Trials need to take place swiftly.
Justice needs to be restored by swift trials and immediate punishment.

It’s not just Joe, never forget those that are pulling his strings and participated in these election charades and wag the dog actions in Afghanistan.

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
Pres. Select, Joe Biden

“Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021
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I'll use the Red Key
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DeSantis Shreds Biden: America’s Enemies Know He’s Weak, Focuses On Kindergarteners While World Burns

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed President Joe Biden during a Fox News interview on Wednesday night over his chaotic pullout from Afghanistan, saying that America’s enemies view him as weak and that Biden is more focused on masking kindergartners than he is fixing serious problems in the world.

“Well, he’s asleep at the switch,” DeSantis told Fox News host Sean Hannity when asked how Biden botched the situation in Afghanistan. “When you’re leaving thousands of Americans to fend for themselves behind enemy lines, that matters. When you’re leaving billions of dollars in military equipment for our enemies to just take, that matters. It’s going to make that area a disaster.”

“Obviously, Americans are at risk,” DeSantis continued. “And Sean, you know, who’s looking at this? China, Russia, North Korea, all of our adversaries are taking the measure of Joe Biden. And they see that this is not somebody who’s capable of leading with conviction and leading on the world stage. So they are going to do everything they can, as long as he’s president to take advantage of that. And I think we’re in for a rocky three and a half years, as long as he’s president.”

“He was on vacation; they had to ply him off of vacation to give a kind of a half-cocked statement on camera that he said wasn’t taking questions,” DeSantis concluded. “Then he goes back on vacation, and he is obsessed while you have all this stuff going on with Afghanistan, obviously all this stuff at the southern border — which you and I have talked about one of the biggest border disasters in the history of our country — inflation, gas prices, and what does he do? He is obsessed with having the government force kindergarteners to wear masks all day in school.”

DeSantis later added, “And you got to wonder, where are your priorities that you’re so obsessed with this issue and so obsessed with taking away parent’s rights and you’re letting Afghanistan burn, our border burn, and so many other things in country fall to pieces?”

Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a leader, politicians are a dime a dozen, leaders are priceless.
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from wiki

Beau Biden joined the military in 2003 and attended The JAG School at the University of Virginia[18] as a member of the Delaware Army National Guard. He attained the rank of major in the Judge Advocate General's Corps as part of the 261st Signal Brigade in Smyrna, Delaware

Biden's unit was activated to deploy to Iraq on October 3, 2008
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Festina Lente
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How It’s Going
That’s amazing. Has the UK Parliament ever passed a contempt motion against another U.S. president?

My usual reaction to foreign criticism of our leadership would be to tell them to worry about their own problems and failings, but this mess directly affects other countries and their nationals as well—and not in a trivial way; they therefore have a right to express their opinions about it.

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Official forum
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They were fools for thinking things would transpire any differently. The honeymoon is clearly over but F those other world leaders for being foolish enough to not see this coming. What did they think would happen? FN idiots.


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wishing we
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the Biden administration has told our allies that “America is back.”

Does this mean that it was some imposter nation that

- destroyed the ISIS caliphate,
- took out the Iranian terrorist Soleimani,
- helped broker peace deals between Israel and important Arab states,
- and supplied Ukraine lethal aid with which to defend itself against Russia?
Posts: 19712 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So when a foreign country holds a U.S. president in contempt what exactly does it mean? Does it have any teeth behind it such as limiting his participation and input on future summits or is it the equivalent of a strongly worded letter?

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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wishing we
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'The president never shies away from taking questions': White House defends Biden not facing reporters for NINE DAYS during the Afghanistan fiasco and now insists he knew Kabul's rapid collapse was possible

The White House said Friday that President Joe Biden 'never shies' away from taking questions – after the president has been slammed for avoiding White House reporters' questions amid the chaos in Afghanistan.

The statement about Biden's willingness to face the press came as the White House communications team has kept Biden away from the reporters who follow him – and the president has avoided his typical proclivity to engage with them on issues of the day, even amid the unfolding international crisis.

Biden spoke from the White House on Wednesday about the coronavirus amid the evolving situation in Afghanistan, as his administration struggles to fire up a massive evacuation to get thousands of Americans, Afghans, and allied personnel out of the country after the fall of Kabul.

But he ignored a chorus of shouted questions about the situation there.

'The president never shies away from taking questions, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield told MSNBC in an interview Friday morning.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by wcb6092:

'The president never shies away from taking questions, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield told MSNBC in an interview Friday morning.

No, he flees like Usain Bolt running the 100m.

What an incredibly absurd statement.


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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Originally posted by wcb6092:

'The president never shies away from taking questions, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield told MSNBC in an interview Friday morning.

No, he flees like Usain Bolt running the 100m.

What an incredibly absurd statement.

Must be one of those "Trans" words for that, like Tanswomen means its a man

"Blessed is he who when facing his own demise, thinks only of his front sight.”

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Originally posted by wcb6092:
'The president never shies away from taking questions, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield told MSNBC in an interview Friday morning.

Down with the patriarchy - replace 'Baghdad Bob' with this 'Kabul Karen'.

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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
What an incredibly absurd statement.
This is just one more shining example of the utter incompetence of this entire administration. From top to bottom this is a cast of completely worthless clowns. In a mere 7 months they've done the impossible....they've failed more historically and spectacularly than anyone could have ever imagined.

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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
So when a foreign country holds a U.S. president in contempt what exactly does it mean? Does it have any teeth behind it such as limiting his participation and input on future summits or is it the equivalent of a strongly worded letter?

You might call it "limiting his participation" in that Biden will be pretty much ignored. Do the Russians want to play a bigger role in Syria? They will. Do the Red Chinese want to treat Vancouver like their own personal rest stop and public outhouse? They will.

The reason that should matter to Biden's puppeteers is that at his level, influence and intimidation are supposed to be power - they're much cheaper, much more effective and burn much less political capital than, say, sanctions or an invasion.
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Be not wise in
thine own eyes
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And now I will take questions.
Let me look at my list to see who we have prearranged questions with.
Now let me look at my predesignated answer to the question.

Is this really a press conference with questions, or just reporters participating in the press conference on behalf of the Biden administration.

Joe can’t answer questions without pre-planned questions and answers provided by those pulling his strings.

Big Grin
Joe just corrected the reporter.
“I thought the question was”… and then he said what the question was which was pre-planned.”

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
Pres. Select, Joe Biden

“Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021
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Originally posted by kimber1911:
And now I will take questions.
Let me look at my list to see who we have prearranged questions with.
Now let me look at my predesignated answer to the question.

Is this really a press conference with questions, or just reporters participating in the press conference on behalf of the Biden administration.

Joe can’t answer questions without pre-planned questions and answers provided by those pulling his strings.

Big Grin
Joe just corrected the reporter.
“I thought the question was”… and then he said what the question was which was pre-planned.”

Even with the rigged press conference he came across as feckless and weak.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Lawyers, Guns
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This should generate news: Biden claimed that he told all of his European allies of his decision to withdraw (did he mention he would do it haphazardly and precipitously?) at the G7 meeting, and they all "agreed" with his decision.

Angela Merkel has already said she doesn't agree with the decision.

We'll see if what the European leaders say about this claim that they "agreed" with Biden's decision. He's now forced the media to ask them about this.

I want to know if this is a real thing that happened or another confabulation by a dementia-ridden brain.

He's getting actual questions. There is now an open conflict between Biden and the Deep State and the media is siding with the Deep State.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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