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Cue the violins.

Year V
Posts: 2674 | Registered: November 05, 2012Report This Post
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so if a fella had $540.00
could he pick an over packed flight ,
offer to de plane for $1500.00 .
then just go have a good lunch and go home?

what a way to make a living

Safety, Situational Awareness and proficiency.

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Corgis Rock
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How does the hotel room factor into the compensation? Fenis mention having room service along with the room? Does the airline pay for food also?
Saw a brief article that mention the compensation was $1,000. The way it was written left the impression that they were counting something besides the $800 voucher.

“ The work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation is slow, laborious and dull.
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Official Space Nerd
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Originally posted by jeffxjet:

This is just too much. To think a pilot doesn't know the effects of bumping. We get bumped from flights with regularity, like every week. I have friend who check flight loads 2 days before they have to go work because they know they will get bumped if a flight looks to full. I have been bumped from 5 flights in one day, from 12-midnight where I finally called it a day and went to the hotel and came back at 6 am to try again. Getting bumped and missing important family events is a normal part of our lives, we deal with it and move on. And usually it's after we've boarded that a last minute passenger needs a seat and off we go. My wife has been bumped after boarding, my friends and their kids have been bumped after boardig everyone I know has been deplaned after boarding at one time or another, so don't preach to us about not knowing what it feels like. Just last week my friend tried to get home to Dallas from Orlando. He made it to atl and then everything was sold out, after several bumpings he went to Houston, and then since everything there was sold out as well, he rented a one way car to get his kids home for school the next day. So for you to say we have no idea, is really just, for lack of a better word ignorant.

Just out of curiosity, do you PAY for these flights from which you are bumped, or are they 'freebie' flights since you are an employee of the airline?

I have to admit that my give-a-crap meter isn't pegged very high for somebody getting bumped off a free flight. . .

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Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
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To the United pilots union: Who called the Chicago Aviation Police? They didn't just wander onto the plane. Regardless of who was operating and crewing the aircraft, I'm pretty damn sure the ground crew that decided to pull four people off the plane are United employees and were the ones who called in the bouncers.

The union probably should have kept their press releases to themselves. Not winning many allies in the court of public opinion with that one.
Posts: 2532 | Location: WI | Registered: December 29, 2012Report This Post
The One, the Only Mighty Paragon
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What is the agreement between United and Republic? Does Republic agree to do things to the standards that United sets out?

At Disney World, there are companies that work as "partners" with the company in the parks. They are called participants. They all have to agree that their employees will adhere to all the grooming and conduct standards of actual Disney cast members. They even wear the same "costumes" and wear the same nametags.

Does anyone here believe for one minute that if a customer was treated badly by one of these participants that the customer would not blame Disney?

"well, not an actual Disney's just a 'partner'". Holy shit. Believe me, that carries ZERO weight with the Disney customers.

Because Disney is responsible for the conduct of the participants. Disney put them in the park, after all.

Bottom line, if a company chooses to work with a partner, either to provide a service or to save money, it should not be surprised to be held accountable by pissed-off customers.

The customers don't give a rat's ass about that agreement. The letter head says United.

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You go through life and notice people and entities that love rules and regulations. Love to quote them to get over on people. Look right here!!!!!.....paragraph 57, subsection J9, on page 427 of the agreement right here says we get to screw you over!

Well guess what, now United after having pulled that a ton of times finally stepped on their own pecker big time and damn near everyone is gleefully watching as they get their rightfully deserved payback. Live by the rules, die by the rules.
Posts: 3575 | Registered: February 25, 2010Report This Post
Drill Here, Drill Now
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Originally posted by Hound Dog:
Originally posted by jeffxjet:

This is just too much. To think a pilot doesn't know the effects of bumping. We get bumped from flights with regularity, like every week. I have friend who check flight loads 2 days before they have to go work because they know they will get bumped if a flight looks to full. I have been bumped from 5 flights in one day, from 12-midnight where I finally called it a day and went to the hotel and came back at 6 am to try again. Getting bumped and missing important family events is a normal part of our lives, we deal with it and move on. And usually it's after we've boarded that a last minute passenger needs a seat and off we go. My wife has been bumped after boarding, my friends and their kids have been bumped after boardig everyone I know has been deplaned after boarding at one time or another, so don't preach to us about not knowing what it feels like. Just last week my friend tried to get home to Dallas from Orlando. He made it to atl and then everything was sold out, after several bumpings he went to Houston, and then since everything there was sold out as well, he rented a one way car to get his kids home for school the next day. So for you to say we have no idea, is really just, for lack of a better word ignorant.

Just out of curiosity, do you PAY for these flights from which you are bumped, or are they 'freebie' flights since you are an employee of the airline?

I have to admit that my give-a-crap meter isn't pegged very high for somebody getting bumped off a free flight. . .
I'm a high-tier frequent flyer and have been seated next to pilots many times. Also, I have one friend who is United Express pilot and another who used to be United Express pilot. Here is what I've learned:
  • Their schedule doesn't always start at their "home" airport so they have to fly stand-by to get to their airport to start their series of flights. Might get bumped once or twice but eventually be labelled as critical and fly.
  • Their schedule doesn't always end up back in their "home" airport so after their series of work flights they have to fly stand-by to get back home. Might get bumped quite a few times to make room for paying customers.
  • They're flying stand-by for a personal reason. Highest chance of getting bumped. There are also priority levels for stand-by so a full-blown UA pilot will be higher priority than a UA Express pilot, spouse, flight attendant, baggage handler, employee's spouse, etc. The bumping priority is all spelled out in the union agreements.

    As far as jeffxjet talking about wife, friends, friend's kids getting bumped I suspect he is talking about flying stand-by. I mentioned some of the priority in the last bullet above, but they also are more likely than a paying customer to be bumped while already seated on a plane. My friend's fiance lives in another time zone so she flies stand-by quite often due to her brother being a UA Express pilot. She now intentionally flies at odd-ball times to reduce the chance of being bumped.

    Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity

    DISCLAIMER: These are the author's own personal views and do not represent the views of the author's employer.
    Posts: 23674 | Location: Northern Suburbs of Houston | Registered: November 14, 2005Report This Post
    Picture of btgoanna
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    As the news line read, UAL will no require passengers to be in their seats one hour before takeoff.

    I read it as they are requiring commuting staff and crew members to check into flights 60 minutes prior to departure.

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    The extra hour will allow you to read and reread the Carriage Contract which will be available for purchase for a small fee. Tailwinds for you!!
    Posts: 17503 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Report This Post
    thin skin can't win
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    Originally posted by bigwagon:
    To the United pilots union: Who called the Chicago Aviation Police? They didn't just wander onto the plane. Regardless of who was operating and crewing the aircraft, I'm pretty damn sure the ground crew that decided to pull four people off the plane are United employees and were the ones who called in the bouncers.

    The union probably should have kept their press releases to themselves. Not winning many allies in the court of public opinion with that one.

    Come on man - it's obvious!

    They're only God-o-plane for folks that have already boarded. They have zero control apparently over what happens when the outranking gate agents get involved, or when some fake-cops want to board and beat a passenger. IOW, they have complete control over everything happening on their aircraft until they don't care to, or don't get to, then they are OUT!

    That's when they've taken the decision to head to Starbucks I've learned in this thread.

    You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02

    Posts: 12692 | Location: Madison, MS | Registered: December 10, 2007Report This Post
    Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
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    Originally posted by 12131:
    ^^^^^ A 14 y/o with Playboy and Penthouse, in a hotel. Must have been heaven. Big Grin

    I probably would have missed my flight the next day...

    What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

    Posts: 11224 | Location: Western WA state for just a few more years... | Registered: February 17, 2006Report This Post
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    Originally posted by bigwagon:
    To the United pilots union: Who called the Chicago Aviation Police? They didn't just wander onto the plane.

    And exactly what were these wanna-be bouncers told when they arrived?

    I still say it was a civil matter since the guy was not threatening the operation of the plane, and the bouncers should have not gotten involved.

    Let's Go Brandon!
    Posts: 11097 | Location: 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean | Registered: February 28, 2003Report This Post
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    Originally posted by Georgeair:
    Originally posted by bigwagon:
    To the United pilots union: Who called the Chicago Aviation Police? They didn't just wander onto the plane. Regardless of who was operating and crewing the aircraft, I'm pretty damn sure the ground crew that decided to pull four people off the plane are United employees and were the ones who called in the bouncers.

    The union probably should have kept their press releases to themselves. Not winning many allies in the court of public opinion with that one.

    Come on man - it's obvious!

    They're only God-o-plane for folks that have already boarded. They have zero control apparently over what happens when the outranking gate agents get involved, or when some fake-cops want to board and beat a passenger. IOW, they have complete control over everything happening on their aircraft until they don't care to, or don't get to, then they are OUT!

    That's when they've taken the decision to head to Starbucks I've learned in this thread.

    That's a good point. So... did the pilot not know the fake-cops were boarding *his* plane? Did he not have any say for or against what was happening on *his* plane?

    According to the union, they just sat in their little cock-pits and let things happen

    Let's Go Brandon!
    Posts: 11097 | Location: 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean | Registered: February 28, 2003Report This Post
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    Originally posted by sdy:
    United Pilots Furious Over Passenger Incident

    The letter went on to claim that the incident occurred on one of United's "contracted Express carriers, separately owned and operated by Republic Airline." As a result, all flight crew and cabin crew on Flight 3411 were not United employees, and according to the union, should not be blamed for what happened. Furthermore, they express their belief that the incident was entirely due to the "grossly inappropriate response by the Chicago Department of Aviation," and that all "social media ire" should be directed at them.

    “ 1. This violent incident should never have happened and was a result of gross excessive force by Chicago Department of Aviation personnel.

    2. No United employees were involved in the physical altercation.

    “ 3. Social media ire should properly be directed at the Chicago Aviation Department.

    “ 4. This occurred on an Express flight operated by Republic Airline, as such, the flight crew and cabin crew of Flight 3411 are employees of Republic Airline, not United Airlines.

    “ 5. United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz has apologized for United Airlines, the actions of the Chicago Department of Aviation, and the actions of our Express partner, Republic Airline.

    The pilots and their union asses still don't get it do they? The Chicago Dept. Of Aviation would not have been on the plane if the flight crew "CONTRACTED" by United didn't call them to be there. Get it yet pilots???? How much cleaner cut does this need to get for you to understand? United is fully responsible for getting the police involved. United is responsible for making sure that anyone contracted by them adheres to the standards of United, and as such, have taken responsibility. Just to make a point here: Who sold the ticket (who collected the money for a service)? United or Banana Republic? Answer that question and you'll see why United is responsible folks!

    JeffXJet, if you keep getting bumped, doesn't that put you at odds with the "federal regulations" regarding "rest times" and other such restrictions? If it does, it would seem to me that we might have some pilots flying planes that shouldn't be, OR someone in this thread has been telling a bunch of shit regarding how much trouble a pilot gets into for going past the "time"! Speaking of time, can one of the pilots explain to me how many hours out of 24 a person can be on duty without being over? Maybe fully explain the 8 hours of rest without interruption more fully.

    Regarding you getting bumped. So basically you are saying that you and your family (unpaid, will call seats) get bumped because of paying customers. If that is the case, whine to your boss. Pissing and moaning about it to me and others that actually pay to be on a plane is what we are having a problem with. So sad that your business shits on you to, but I suspect you get compensated well for it. I wonder how many of the people that "bumped" you or your family are bumping you because they got "bumped" from another flight and now are on that flight because of the policy of your employers? Now, on the other hand, if you are getting bumped for paid seats, I'd be all kinds of pissed if I were you and your family.

    What I also just heard you say in that last post to me was that there were no other trained pilots available to fly those 150 people? None, not one, anywhere. It had to be the one on that plane? Because if that is so, your business model is broken! What happens if a pilot just says fuck it and quits? Do all the people on his planes just have to sit there in a plane with no pilot, or does the business actually find someone else to fly the plane in his place?

    No thanks, I've already got a penguin.
    Posts: 2859 | Location: Lake Anna, VA | Registered: May 07, 2012Report This Post
    Dances With
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    If the airline offers $xxx for a bump (gee that sounds dirty) is it taxable? I'd hate to get 1099'ed.
    Posts: 11990 | Location: Near Hooker Oklahoma, closer to Slapout Oklahoma | Registered: October 26, 2009Report This Post
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    I apologize if this appears earlier in the thread. Are we talking CASH money here or a voucher for free travel at a later date?
    Posts: 17503 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Report This Post
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    More drivel from the pilot union
    We have successfully flown through more turbulent times, and we will weather this storm as well.

    Oh, so somehow it's about them. Somehow they are the victims. Jerks.

    Let's Go Brandon!
    Posts: 11097 | Location: 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean | Registered: February 28, 2003Report This Post
    thin skin can't win
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    Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
    I apologize if this appears earlier in the thread. Are we talking CASH money here or a voucher for free travel at a later date?

    No cash, fake vapor-money that might work or not.

    I've had piles of it in front of me, and boarded anyway. Who knew that was taking my teeth my own hand, so to speek!

    You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02

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    10mm is The
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    Originally posted by Icabod:
    How does the hotel room factor into the compensation? Fenis mention having room service along with the room? Does the airline pay for food also?
    Saw a brief article that mention the compensation was $1,000. The way it was written left the impression that they were counting something besides the $800 voucher.

    My experience was ~40 years ago, so things might have changed a little. I paid for room service out of my $400 that I was given in cash.

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