A quick back story. My MA school used to get hired out to work back stage security for concerts now and then. One such gig was working Aero Smith/Elvin Bishop concert in the mid 70's. I met Elvin Bishop and he was working out some guitar runs with his Les Paul and asked my opinion on the particular riffs, what a real down to earth guy and very intelligent. He played this song that night and I'll not forget it...what great days! A nice lead run at 2:27
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008
Redeye, hopefully this can help. It was kinda long and hopefully it's clear for a spur of the minute job... hit share hit embed hit copy mouse right click click on blue area for copy click the flash film-like reel with cursor between the flash tags mouse right click paste and after the embedded code is there just click post now
A quick "ugly" explanation on how to post Youtube videos. Others I'm sure with more time could do a better job but I tried!
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008
Here's an odd ball that I heard on TV last night from the mid 70's that I'm pretty sure most boomers have heard at one time or another. From the Hollies..I remember singing that chorus line out loud with several friends at a late night party, those "good ole times" will always be remembered
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008
I stumbled across this playlist on Amazon Music: [RE]DUX 034 Carole King. 100 songs, many written by Carole King. I had no idea she wrote so many of the hit songs from the '60s & '70s and beyond. Hit songs written by Carole King
Posts: 2520 | Location: High Sierra & Low Desert | Registered: February 03, 2011