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186,000 miles per second. It's the law. |
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Unapologetic Old School Curmudgeon ![]() |
The problem is you'll never see any of these leaked emails on any media outlet but the conservative ones. So.nobody sees it and your preaching to the choir Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day | |||
Banned |
Exactly correct. Over 80% of the voting public never knows anything about all of these things. They know only what the liberal media wants them to know. They get their entire opinion on any topic from that small screen in their living room at 6:30 pm each evening. | |||
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest |
Unfortunately Hildabeast's rally in OH yesterday apparently drew a crowd of 18.5K potential voters. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
OK, so he shouldn't release any more emails? ![]() You guys are killing me with this terminal pessimism. Damn. It's a bad thing that he released these emails. It doesn't help one bit and I'm sure someone will now tell us how releasing these emails hurts our cause, right? Right? ![]() | |||
Alienator![]() |
Para I agree completely. We should be celebrating a big debate win, more interest than I've seen in the last 2 elections, and somebody spreading the dirt on the entire DNC and their web of corruption. I know losing to Obama twice was horrible but we finally have a candidate that wants to win, and win big. SIG556 Classic P220 Carry SAS Gen 2 SAO SP2022 9mm German Triple Serial P938 SAS P365 FDE P322 FDE Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" | |||
Banned |
From media sources:
Most reports estimated the crowd at about 7 thousand. That's huge for Hitlery but about 1/2 of what Trump sees every day. Hitlery usually draws under 500. Note that the coverage of the Hitlery event was very careful to keep a tight crop on her and never allow the "huge" crowd to be seen. http://www.cleveland.com/open/..._draws_record_c.html | |||
Partial dichotomy |
Very true. The campaign against working white men has been going on for a long time and is getting worse. | |||
Member |
I think what Mr. Trump has accomplished is amazing. He's fighting the media, the RINOS, the Clinton machine and uninformed comatose Americans. His last battle will be something he can't control, widespread voter fraud. Keep up the good fight Mr Trump! Keep telling the truth!! | |||
I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
To become law, bills must be passed by both Houses and approved by the President, or his veto overridden. This applies to budget bills, with the proviso that spending/appropriations bills must originate in the House.
You are over paying for the worthless answer to that irrelevant question. If it could be defunded, it would be.
Well, Mr. Genius of Legislative Procedures, perhaps you will contact Mr. Ryan and Senator McConnell and point out the path to accomplish all these great and wonderful things you and so many of us earnestly desire, and which your special insights have allowed you to discern, even though these experienced legislators and their staffs have missed it in the fog of war.
There are many people out there, mature, loyal, responsible, intelligent, God fearing good citizens who do not admire many of Trump's ahhh, attributes, and resist casting a vote for him on that basis. For some, disapproval of Trump's activities is not enough to override loathing of Hillary's dishonest malevolence. Those folks aren't so much voting FOR Trump as they are voting AGAINST HilLIARy. I happen to feel that Trump would not be where he is but for Hillary, that many are supporting Trump as the best chance to keep Hillary away from the WH, despite misgivings as to his other "qualities." Many of us supported other candidates. When most voters winnowed the choice to Trump, we went along, if for no other reason Anybody But Hillary. The veto is not all that is stopping Ryan. The bills the House approves must be passed in the Senate, before being vetoed. As you might know, the Senate's procedural rules can make that very problematic. It is extremely frustrating, but one of our weaknesses is a fondness for playing by the rules. Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | |||
Get Off My Lawn![]() |
I live in CA, and I will vote for Trump because he is heads and shoulders above everyone else on the ballot. "I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965 | |||
His diet consists of black coffee, and sarcasm. ![]() |
Nobody can say you didn't do all you could. ![]() ![]() | |||
wishing we were congress |
http://nypost.com/2016/10/11/e...-blasios-id-program/ The Manhattan Democratic representative on the city’s Board of Elections was caught on a secret video slamming Mayor Bill de Blasio’s municipal ID program as contributing to “all kinds of fraud” — including at the polls. “It’s absurd. There is a lot of fraud. Not just voter fraud, all kinds of fraud . . . This is why I get more conservative as I get older.” “they bus people around to vote . . . They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.” | |||
Member |
Clinton Saudi Connection FW: Litigation Against KSA From:esepp@equitablegrowth.org To: John.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2015-03-27 11:36 Subject: FW: Litigation Against KSA Can't recall how close you and Jack are, but see below. From: Jack Quinn [mailto:jquinn@qga.com] Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 10:25 PM To: Eryn Sepp Subject: Fwd: Litigation Against KSA Hello, Erin. I got your email from Maggie at Neera's office and am sending this along to you in the event that my original email did not reach John. Best, regards, Jack Quinn Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: Jack Quinn <jquinn@quinngillespie.com<mailto:jquinn@quinngillespie.com>> Date: March 25, 2015 at 10:53:31 AM EDT To: John Podesta <jpodesta@americanprogress.org<mailto:jpodesta@americanprogress.org>>, Cheryl Mills <cheryl.mills@gmail.com<mailto:cheryl.mills@gmail.com>> Subject: Litigation Against KSA Dear John and Cheryl: I hope this finds you well. And, I hope I have a correct email for John, namely a CAP email; if this is wrong, I will be grateful, Cheryl, if you will forward this to John. For the past several years I have been serving as co-counsel to a large number of plaintiffs in the "9/11 cases" ("In re Terrorist Attack on September 11, 2001") pending in the Southern District of New York. Included among our clients are more than a third of the families of the victims of the World Trade Center attack. My involvement in this grew out of a similar assignment I had regarding the resolution of the litigation against Libya arising from the bombing of Pan Am 103 (the so-called "Lockerbie" attack). Over the years since the 9/11 attack and the filing of our litigation, the families and other plaintiffs have had a long history of dealings with the Department of State and the Congress, principally through counsel. Much of that interaction has involved the legal question whether the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should be dismissed from the suit on grounds of sovereign immunity and whether there are ways in which we might expedite resolution of this matter in the interests of justice, a goal we are convinced can be achieved consistent with our national security interests. KSA's efforts to escape the suit were for a time successful, but, after the Second Circuit acknowledged error in an earlier decision, KSA is back in the case (though actively continuing its efforts to be dismissed). In the meantime, robust discovery has taken place, some of which has been the subject of press attention of which you may be aware. Recently, and quite separately, we have been alert to press notice of Saudi donations to the Foundation. This, in turn, has raised the question on our legal team whether you may find it helpful to receive a briefing on the status of our discovery efforts, our responses to KSA's motion to dismiss and our best assessment of prospects for the litigation and its final resolution. Please let me know if this would be of any interest to you. Either way, please also let me know if you received this note and, if I may impose, share the best emails through which to reach you. Very best personal regards to you both.... Jack Jack Quinn ________________________________ 1133 Connecticut Avenue NW 5th Floor Washington DC 20036 (P) 202-429-6871 (F) 202-457-1130 jquinn2000@gmail.com<mailto:jquinn2000@gmail.com> jquinn@qga.com<mailto:jquinn@qga.com> | |||
Member |
I am a non-Mormon in Utah. I think it is very reasonable and justified to be repulsed by certain aspects of Trump's character. But I still don't understand the absolute refusal of some people to "support" him on moral grounds. For this reason: We are not endorsing a person's entire being and elevating them to a position of moral leadership. We are making a political choice for the person we really think will have a better effect on the future of America. Not necessary promising a perfect or "most moral" America, but a BETTER America, moving in the opposite direction to the direction of amoral-liberal-nanny-state-socialism that we are now headed in and we know Hillary would continue to promote. Anyone who would withhold a vote AGAINST Hillary on a moral pretense is really just self-congratulating their own ego for an assumed moral superiority. They can be wallowing in their self-satisfaction as the country decays into oblivion. The choice is clear and there are only two that have any chance of winning. "Crom is strong! If I die, I have to go before him, and he will ask me, 'What is the riddle of steel?' If I don't know it, he will cast me out of Valhalla and laugh at me." | |||
Partial dichotomy |
I wonder how much longer he'll be around? | |||
stupid beyond all belief ![]() |
^^^ dead on crom. Orrrrr.... we could wait for the mother teresa/abe lincoln/jesus christ/ronald reagen/buddha reincarnate to run for office while continually letting the liberals piss away our freedoms year by year.#sarcasm What man is a man that does not make the world better. -Balian of Ibelin Only boring people get bored. - Ruth Burke | |||
A Grateful American![]() |
Voter fraud. Wonder if enough people could covertly collect recorded images/video of such things. Such as the "bussing of voters to more than one plooing place and them voting more than once", and other blatent incidents of fraud. Would there or coudl there be any constitutional crisis made and any repercussions from such disclosure? If there were a dozen or so actual events in differnt areas that showed this activity, what is the best or worst we could hope to see as a result? And, I am heart attack serious when I say that I would support that voter fraud be a capitol offence. It is the most egregious form of treason, like a termite infestation or a cancer, the damage done in secret and with the sole purpose to steal from all, the liberty, freedom and very core of this nation's soul. "the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" ✡ Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב! | |||
Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counter-accusations. ![]() |
Crom, you are spot on in your summation and I am sharing that (with credit due of course) to a few folks that are still waffling.... _________________________ "Ladies and Gentlemen - The Fit has hit the Shan!" | |||
Member![]() |
Correct. Yet I would put forth Ryan has had the luxury of passing bills to placate House constituencies while knowing full well and good McConnell and crew would insure they died a quick death in the senate. So together, Ryan and McConnell have played the political game with their voters while giving the worst president in American history almost everything he wanted. How many vetos has Obama penned to date? By my count, 12. By comparison, Bill Clinton endured 37 during his two terms. So how does the most divisive, confrontational, anti-American, president in at least the last 40/50 years encounter only a third the challenges Bill Clinton did, on spending and legislation that would have been unacceptable at any time in American history? McConnell all but assumed the role Harry Reid played in insuring Obama didn't have to use his 'pen' to oppose the GOP. McConnell's changing the senate rules back from what Reid did, coupled with the thin senate majority he had, virtually guaranteed the Dem's would have everything they needed to thwart the Republican senate on almost everything. Is this playing by the rules, or rolling over to the enemy? I think justjoe put it very well earlier in this thread. Ryan and crew had better wake up to the reality that no matter who wins this election, the GOP in its previous form is dead. And it will die specifically due to the utter worthlessness of the party and its leaders. ----------------------------- Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter | |||
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