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Originally posted by 12131:
Some good news in the House- CA 21st picked up by David Valadao, making it the 13th pick up by the House GOP this election.


Also good but not a done deal, in Iowa 2 the GOP candidate has survived the recount with a lead of six votes.
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don't understand this, but Lin Wood says a judge decided:

"Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ the extent Plaintiffs seek emergency relief to impound and preserve the voting machines, that request is denied."

"Why are GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean be resetting them?"


Posts: 19700 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Amistad Project’s Kline: 2020 Election One of the Most Lawless in US History

A former state attorney general whose group is involved in election-related litigation in battleground states said he believes the 2020 election was lawless.

“I think that this was one of the most lawless elections in U.S. history,” Phill Kline told The Epoch Times on Nov. 28. That lawlessness has made it difficult for people to have faith in the election results, he said.

Kline, a former Republican Kansas attorney general, serves as director of the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project, an initiative that works to preserve civil liberties.

“All you have to do is compare the conduct with what the laws are in the state legislature. And they used COVID fear to justify lawlessness, and within that lawlessness, they created a system where we can’t have faith, and now we’re proving that all the flaws had a direct impact,” Kline said.

“It’s real clear if people step back and look at it. This was a lawless election. And it was lawless in the same framework and design in all of these key swing states, particularly in the urban areas that are controlled by blue elected officials. The evidence is clear.”

Kline’s organization has brought or joined litigation in battleground states such as Wisconsin and Michigan that challenge votes allegedly cast illegally. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden won the battleground states, but President Donald Trump’s campaign and others have filed litigation challenging the results.

Kline believes that election-related cases will end up before the Supreme Court.

“There is obvious evidence to present to the Supreme Court that a two-tier election system was created with the help of private funds,” Kline said, referring to a Mark Zuckerberg-funded group that gave out grants to over 2,500 election offices across the country. Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook.

“I do think there’s also the possibility of state attorneys general saying it’s wrong for states to manage elections so dramatically differently, and it disenfranchises the voters of one state as compared to another in the presidential election.”

The Republican Attorneys General Association earlier this month urged the Supreme Court to overturn a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling that upheld a deadline extension for receipt of mail-in ballots. The Supreme Court later ordered Pennsylvania officials to segregate late-arriving ballots as justices weigh the matter.

Trump’s campaign is focusing on the Supreme Court as part of a two-pronged strategy in challenging the election results.

The problems in the election boil down to a simple premise, Kline said. Was what happened different from what is outlined in state law? In his view, the answer is yes.

Pennsylvania officials, for instance, violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution by making it more difficult to vote in Republican strongholds by placing more of the ballot boxes in Democrat strongholds, the former attorney general said.

In Wisconsin, state law requires voter identification for absentee ballots unless people are “indefinitely confined,” and state officials violated the law by ordering areas not to check on voters who claimed they were confined as such, Kline asserts. In Dane County, clerk Scott McDonnel told voters they could apply for the special voter status based solely on fear of COVID-19.

The relaxing of the law was highlighted in an Amistad lawsuit and a separate suit filed last week in the state.

Some 96,437 voters avoided the voter ID laws by claiming they were “indefinitely confined” even though they weren’t, according to the Amistad filing. Wisconsin officials also directed county clerks to fill out missing portions of mail-in ballots, another violation of state law, Michael Gableman, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, told The Epoch Times.

In Wayne County, Michigan, individual inspectors from the Democratic Party allegedly “cured,” or fixed, mail-in ballots without the required oversight and signatures of two election inspectors, according to a lawsuit that was later rejected by a judge. Unbalanced poll books led to county canvassing board members hesitating to certify the election results. Under pressure, they voted to certify, but later rescinded their votes.

Kline’s group brought legal challenges prior to the election. Some attempted to block states and local governments from accepting funds from the Zuckerberg-funded group the Center for Tech and Civic Life. The Amistad Project argued that the funds were going to primarily Democratic, urban areas, creating a two-tiered election system.

In other cases, the project represented voters alliance groups challenging changes made to election processes by state officials.

Those preelection challenges weren’t successful.

“Here’s the issue with election standard: you have to show harm. And we were predicting the harm, predicting what would happen, but the courts were saying that you don’t have it. And sure enough, the prediction came true. We’re still fighting,” Kline said.

“Our laws to protect election integrity and recounts did not contemplate this election. We don’t contemplate drop boxes, we don’t contemplate all these things. And therefore, the recounts simply validate the fraud.”

Kline believes his group will win the new lawsuits they’ve filed, but there’s time pressure because of the looming Electoral College votes and Inauguration Day.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 12857 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lighten up and laugh
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Originally posted by sdy:
don't understand this, but Lin Wood says a judge decided:

"Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ the extent Plaintiffs seek emergency relief to impound and preserve the voting machines, that request is denied."

"Why are GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean be resetting them?"



Reading his Twitter it sounded like he ruled in his favor then switched the decision.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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A little more info

Judge Blocks, Then Unblocks Georgia From Wiping or Resetting Election Machines

A federal judge presiding over a major election lawsuit in Georgia on Sunday issued and then reversed an order directing the state to cease and desist wiping or resetting election machines.

“Defendants are ordered to maintain the status quo & are temporarily enjoined from wiping or resetting any voting machines in the State of Georgia until further order of the court,” Judge Timothy Batten wrote in an emergency order issued Nov. 29.

The judge reversed the order not long after, explaining that the defendants are not in possession of the machines.

“Plaintiffs’ request fails because the voting equipment that they seek to impound is in the possession of county election officials. Any injunction the Court issues would extend only to Defendants and those within their control, and Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ control. Defendants cannot serve as a proxy for local election officials against whom the relief should be sought,” the judge wrote.

The change of course by the judge drew a flabbergasted response from Lin Wood, an attorney associated with the Trump campaign.

“What??? Judge reversed order based on Defendants’ claim that GA Counties control voting machines,” Wood wrote on Twitter, adding that the machines are owned by the state and that the Georgia secretary of state administers elections.

“Why are GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean [by] resetting them?”

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit on Sunday filed an emergency motion which included an affidavit featuring a Nov. 25 message from an election official stating that the ballot-counting machines would be reset to zero on Monday, Nov. 30, before performing a recount.

“The process will begin with an L & A – resetting the machine to ‘zero’ to begin the recount,” the text of the message stated before describing the specifics of the recount process.

The affidavit was written by a GOP poll worker who says he or she addressed concerns about wiping the machines to the election manager.

“Because the plan on Monday is to wipe the voting machines clean, and start from 0 so that we can recount using those machines, I’m concerned by what I am reading online,” the poll worker wrote, according to the affidavit. “I am seeing lots of notices from lawyers about possibly impounding the machines. Lawyers are now saying that the machines should be confiscated immediately before this happens to protect forensic data. They are saying those machines need to be impounded ASAP. Yikes. Maybe I’m being overly paranoid but let’s be sure this is what we’re supposed to be doing.”

The supervisor responded, “It’s what we are supposed to do. It will take a court order to stop this process—so I guess we need to keep watching the news. If we get a court order to stop, we will see it in our SOS information. The issue is, the Atlanta area has already started,” the elections manager wrote.

When the poll worker asked if the reset will wipe the forensic info from the machines, the manager said that “Atlanta already did it.”

The lawsuit in question is being litigated by Sidney Powell, an attorney who defended former national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. President Donald Trump pardoned Flynn earlier this week. The Trump campaign has said that Powell is not part of its legal team.

Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer wrote on Twitter after the judge issued the order that election officials in Fulton County were updating the software on voting systems earlier the same day.

“Our Republican recount monitors at the World Congress Center waited today for four hours while Fulton County elections officials ‘updated the software.’ The explanation given to me—‘just the usual Fulton County incompetence’—is completely unacceptable,” Shafer wrote on Twitter.

“It is outrageous that we cannot rely on Fulton County elections officials to do their jobs without unexplained four hour delays, interventions by private attorneys and federal court orders.”
Voting Systems

The lawsuit makes a number of allegations regarding the voting machines and software supplied by Dominion Voting Systems, which is used in Georgia and many other states.

The lawsuit cites an affidavit written by a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, who testified that the software used by the Dominion machines was accessed by agents of malicious actors, such as China and Iran, “in order to monitor and manipulate elections,” including the 2020 election.

The suit further alleges that the machines are connected to the internet, even though they aren’t supposed to be, and are easily hacked, based on multiple expert declarations. The machines have built-in functions that allow operators to manipulate the results, several experts cited in the lawsuit said.

Dominion has vehemently denied that its machines were used to manipulate vote counts.

“Servers that run Dominion software are located in local election offices, and data never leaves the control of local election officials,” the company’s website states.

“All U.S. voting systems must provide assurance that they work accurately and reliably as intended under federal U.S. EAC and state certifications and testing requirements. Dominion’s voting systems are certified for the 2020 elections.”

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 12857 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Political Cynic
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sounds like the last person interested in the truth is a judge in Georgia

that makes him complicit in the attempted overthrow of the government
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Lighten up and laugh
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At this point the legislature in GA needs to follow what PA is doing and just toss it.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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This is the exact kind of behaviour by state and federal judges that will raise the eyebrows of the SCOTUS. It reeks from the smell and look of chicanery to destroy evidence.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
a judge

The lawyer, prosecutor, and author Vincent Bugliosi once observed that two of the most detested groups in America were lawyers and politicians. Judges, on the other hand, are generally highly respected. And yet, what are most judges? Yup, lawyers and politicians. Despite being a lawyer himself, Bugliosi was very clear in his disdain for the automatic respect that judges enjoyed. As I recall it was Chief Justice Roberts who claimed that there were no “political” judges. I don’t often laugh out loud, but I did when I read that ridiculous comment.

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Originally posted by Ackks:
Originally posted by sdy:
don't understand this, but Lin Wood says a judge decided:

"Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ the extent Plaintiffs seek emergency relief to impound and preserve the voting machines, that request is denied."

"Why are GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean be resetting them?"



Reading his Twitter it sounded like he ruled in his favor then switched the decision.
Ok, I realize many judges are little more than liberal mouth breathing retards, but with the country virtually on fire over this election, you might have thought this particular retard might have found it within himself to keep 'everything' in tack until everything can finally be sorted out. Alas, far too stupid and/or corrupt.

Someone needs to steal one or more of those voting machines and a copy of the Dominion source code. Those two items would likely answer virtually all questions.

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This may be a stupid question but why are there so many software updates needed for such a simple task? Before the election.During the election.After the election. Doesnt take a rocket surgeon to figure it out!!!

I'm alright it's the rest of the world that's all screwed up!
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by Ackks:
Originally posted by sdy:
don't understand this, but Lin Wood says a judge decided:

"Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ the extent Plaintiffs seek emergency relief to impound and preserve the voting machines, that request is denied."

"Why are GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean be resetting them?"



Reading his Twitter it sounded like he ruled in his favor then switched the decision.

Well, Trump just tweeted this:

Hmmm, though Gen. Flynn's tweet is 5 hrs old.


Acta Non Verba
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"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 12857 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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If Gov Kemp and Sec State Raffensperger were interested in the truth, they would demand the machines not be reset. And the machines would be taken under the control of GA state police.

Given this is a federal election, why isn't the FBI stepping in ?


Lin Wood:

"On November 24, a litigation hold notice was served on Fulton County which demanded that all evidence related to voting machines be preserved. Scrubbing the machines or tampering with them in any manner should NOT be occurring."

Litigation Hold Ltr:
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Joe Biden foot injury:

Biden’s office said “on background” that the former Vice President “slipped while playing with his dog Major, and twisted his ankle” while at his home in Delaware.

Biden was taken to an orthopedist for an examination and an x-ray.

A statement from Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the Director and Executive Medicine, of George Washington Medical Faculty Associates stated that Biden had “sustained a sprain of his right foot” but transported Biden to a different medical facility for a CT scan.

The CT scan revealed that Biden did have fractures in his foot after the injury.

“Initial x-rays did not show any obvious fracture, but his clinical exam warranted more detailed imaging,” OConnor wrote, noting that the CT scan “confirmed hairline (small) fractures of President-elect Biden’s lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the mid-foot.”

“It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks,” O’Connor concluded.
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Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by triggertreat:
This may be a stupid question but why are there so many software updates needed for such a simple task? Before the election.During the election.After the election. Doesnt take a rocket surgeon to figure it out!!!

There is no good reason for it. Furthermore, there is no reason certifiable, detailed audit logs couldn't be maintained essentially indefinitely. The only reason these things are occurring is crap software, fraud, or both.

My money's on "both."

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Well... The GA Judge that imposed an injunction, then reversed his decision an hour later has made a 3rd ruling...

The machines are now be left alone and impounded.

GA is one fucked-up place these days. I love the state and spent the better part of a year there for work. But the politics there are beyond what I imagined NY and CA to be.

Yet Another Ruling on GA Machines

The "Boz"
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^^^^Wait another 30 min and the judge will reverse his ruling again... Roll Eyes

Geezz...the feds need to step in and freeze the machines till things get straightened out.
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Oriental Redneck
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The feds are part of the swamp. So, nothing is going to happen. Barr is in hiding. Roll Eyes


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After the judge flipped the first time reversing his order and allowing the machines to be reset they probably were. He now got the word they are good to go and nothing can be found so he reversed his reversal. Games always games.

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