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Originally posted by jljones:
The “massive voter fraud” seems to be the hand wringers battle cry.

The same folks that kept saying Hilary was going to win, and Trump had no path to victory.

There probably will be significant voter fraud by the GDCs, but I seriously doubt that it is possible from them to cheat enough to win.
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Frangas non Flectes
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Originally posted by slosig:
There probably will be significant voter fraud by the GDCs, but I seriously doubt that it is possible from them to cheat enough to win.

That's pretty much where I end up on it. Voter fraud is one of the go-to plays in the dem playbook. Every election at every level. But Biden/Harris is such a shit campaign and the enthusiasm among Republican voters is very, very high. I'm leaning towards this being a 2016 type victory, and conservatively hoping for an all-out landslide victory for President Trump.

Carthago delenda est
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Picture of lastmanstanding
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Another good one from Kurt Schlichter.
Among the threats of persecution and death we face for supporting President Trump are some that are frankly hilarious. It’s one thing for libs to try to leverage fear to intimidate their patriotic opponents; it’s another thing to try it when they think that Kevlar is a hip Indonesian spice you sprinkle over your kale, and that SIG Sauer is a happening non-binary Swedish stand-up comic who doesn’t tell jokes because laughter is racist.


"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Picture of Rick Lee
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I don't think the Dems need as much fraud as a lot of people think in order for Biden to pull it out. Trump's margins of victory were pretty slim in a few states last time around. (Not complaining. A win is a win.) But reversing those this time around is all it would take. Or flipping a big state like FL. AZ is teetering between red and blue. A Trump landslide in an already red state or state he won last time is not going to make much difference here. I have no doubt Trump would win handily in a free and fair election. But I don't think we're gonna have one of those.
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Lawyers, Guns
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I don't think the Dems need as much fraud as a lot of people think in order for Biden to pull it out. Trump's margins of victory were pretty slim in a few states last time around. (Not complaining. A win is a win.) But reversing those this time around is all it would take.

To build on that a bit...
The polls were wrong in 2016, and they are wrong again in 2020, but you are right in that some of the states Trump won were by razor thin margins. Michigan, for example, was won by just 0.2%.


In a few weeks the polls will start tightening. As always, the pollsters will pivot from trying to influence voters (by showing the Democrat with a big lead) to trying to produce a final poll result that will be within the margin of error. Despite the polling debacle in 2016, polling apologists keep pointing out the final poll on the national horse race was within the margin of error.

Don Surber digs a little deeper and shows how the 2016 polls in battleground states were consistently wrong. And get this – they were consistently wrong in the same direction - favoring Democrats. Nate Silver gets some well deserved mocking.

On Election Day, Nate Silver -- who got every state right in 2012 and 49 right in 2008 -- gave his state-by-state forecasts. He wrote, "Our win probabilities come from simulating the election 20,000 times, which produces a distribution of possible outcomes for each state." 20,000 times! He based this on polls. He listed 14 states. He got 5 wrong. All 5 went for Donald Trump instead of Hillary.

He missed Florida. He said Hillary would win by 0.7%. She lost by 2. He was off 2.7 points. But that was within the margin of error, so he would say the polls were right.

He missed Pennsylvania. He said she would win by 3.7%. She lost by 0.7%. He was off by 4.4 points.

He missed Michigan. He said she would win by 4.2%. She lost by 0.2%. He was off by 4.4 points.

He missed North Carolina. He said she would win by 0.7%. She lost by 3.7%. He was off by 4.4 points.

He missed Wisconsin. He said she would win by 5.3%. She lost by 0.7%. He was off by 6 points.

In the other 9 states, he missed his mark. He said Donald Trump would take Ohio by only 1.9%. He romped to victory by 8.1%. This meant it was not a battleground state.

Best of all, statistical genius Nate Silver predicted that Hillary would win by 67 electoral votes. She lost by 77. Nate missed by a mere 144 electoral votes in 2016. Nate Silver is a partisan and a fraud. Do not forget that he’s a fraud as the media and Never Trumpers constantly link to his fraudulent polling analysis.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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Picture of lastmanstanding
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The states Trump won did not remain static the last 4 years. So to say he won a state by less than one percent and just a little more cheating in those states will swing it to the dems is wrong. I firmly believe Trump will win in those states by larger margins than he did in 2016.

I think the combination of what he has done for the economy until the democrats politically weaponized the covid crud gained him many more votes in those states. And the riots and unrest have brought more people under his tent. I think this is way overlooked. I've have previously stated that this is the first election in my time that people are truly frightened for their safety and well being. Many of the suburbanites who were mushy democrats before can smell the burning fires and see the smoke rising in the distance. They see the violence and they know where it's source is and it's not the white supremacists. Trump is firmly planted himself as the law and order president and Joe Biden is, well who knows where he stands on anything. Even Joe doesn't know.

Add to that there has been a much larger presence of black conservatives that are being heard than I can remember at anytime in the past. Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2016. That was double of what anyone expected and I won't be surprised if he doubles that number in 2020. The same can be said for the Hispanic vote. Trumps base has only grown in the last four years and democrats can largely blame themselves for that. They have done nothing the last four years except deny the loss, throw a temper tantrum and try to remove a duly elected president all the while not doing one damn thing for the people they supposedly represent.

More people than we think have become "woke" to what is really happening in a good way.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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I kneel for my God,
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I'll add, the real race is Trump vs Harris. The American people are smarter than given credit for and they know this. She brings nothing to the table and is even more unlikeable than Hillary. Black voters know she is not black. Bernie Bros know she was the top cop in California. Women know she's a condescending lying bitch who slept her way to the top. There's good reason the campaign has kept her out of the spotlight and not let her answer questions. She's more of a liability than Sleepy Joe.
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Picture of TigerDore
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Maybe I don't fully understand the new term "Karen", but it seems that Kamala Harris is the ultimate arrogant, entitled, haughty female that believes everyone needs the benefit of her advice and guidance; she's seems to be the prime Karen.


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Official Space Nerd
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
The states Trump won did not remain static the last 4 years. So to say he won a state by less than one percent and just a little more cheating in those states will swing it to the dems is wrong. I firmly believe Trump will win in those states by larger margins than he did in 2016.

Yeah, some people are just desperate to find something to fear. Of COURSE the dems will cheat. It won't be enough to matter.

The only hope the dems have is to try and draw out the mail in vote counts. Even then, it won't be enough.

Tbe dems would NOT be in a blind panic now if they truly thought they had the election in the bag.

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Picture of 2BobTanner
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The Dems will cheat in the Blue States, just as they always have. They will run up a big popular vote there, just as in 2016 for Hillary. Once again they will claim “victory” thru the Popular vote; and once again, they’ll get it wrong in the Electoral College.

They have learned nothing; and have forgotten nothing.


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken
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A Grateful American
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Consider the Trump supporters that turn out with banners and whatnot in some of these "deep blue" states.

Then look at the no-show-shit-show "rallys" since the debates.

Never trust a lying poll, but let the proof of actual numbers of people contrasting each other.

There is no majority support for Harris-Biden.

Most vocal are like the "mostly peaceful protesters".

They say one thing, but the truth us obvious as to what is actually going on.

Even Ray Charles can see that. And he is not only blind, he's dead...

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Picture of lastmanstanding
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It's ironic how in 2016 the dems put the fix in for Hillary and against Bernie simply because it was Hillary's turn. I'm not so certain Trump could have beat Bernie four years ago. Bernie's rally's were every bit as big and enthusiastic as Trumps. It would have been a much tighter race.

Now the dems want to go even left of Bernie. Had they left Bernie alone in 2016 they may have never had to deal with Trump. Their ambitions are so blind they can't find the path that will get them there. They are truly the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Lighten up and laugh
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It's hilarious to me that liberals are crying about "GOP voter suppression" while running polls with that specific intent in mind.
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Picture of Krazeehorse
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
It's ironic how in 2016 the dems put the fix in for Hillary and against Bernie simply because it was Hillary's turn. I'm not so certain Trump could have beat Bernie four years ago. Bernie's rally's were every bit as big and enthusiastic as Trumps. It would have been a much tighter race.

Now the dems want to go even left of Bernie. Had they left Bernie alone in 2016 they may have never had to deal with Trump. Their ambitions are so blind they can't find the path that will get them there. They are truly the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

I'm not disagreeing with you but why did they think this year that Biden was more electable than Bernie?


Be careful what you tolerate. You are teaching people how to treat you.
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Web Clavin Extraordinaire
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Because 4 years ago, they hadn't fully released all their leftist cookiness into the wild. Bernie's proclamations were all free shit without the background of burning buildings, toppled statues and murdered Americans.

Now Bernie is too close to that and Joe Biden (was) seen as the "moderate" guy.


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It truly breaks my heart when I see that the Biden rally here in AZ. drew NO people!!! Oh, the shame of it all!!
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Originally posted by Krazeehorse:
Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
It's ironic how in 2016 the dems put the fix in for Hillary and against Bernie simply because it was Hillary's turn. I'm not so certain Trump could have beat Bernie four years ago. Bernie's rally's were every bit as big and enthusiastic as Trumps. It would have been a much tighter race.

Now the dems want to go even left of Bernie. Had they left Bernie alone in 2016 they may have never had to deal with Trump. Their ambitions are so blind they can't find the path that will get them there. They are truly the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

I'm not disagreeing with you but why did they think this year that Biden was more electable than Bernie?

I don’t know if it is that they Biden as more electable than Bernie, or that they just don’t want Bernie. Much like the Republican establishment didn’t want Trump, the Dim establishment didn’t want Bernie.

I think the only difference is that “We the People” shoved Trump down the Republican party’s collective throat. I don’t believe one would be wrong to say that President Trump hijacked the Republican Party. Happily, he is taking the party more toward what *we* want, and less toward what the Republican establishment wants. I only hope we can find someone to keep it going in that direction and elect them in 2024.
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Picture of Shaql
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Bernie would have devastated the uni-party and Military Industrial Complex.

He would have cut off the $$$ as much as Trump is.

Hedley Lamarr: Wait, wait, wait. I'm unarmed.
Bart: Alright, we'll settle this like men, with our fists.
Hedley Lamarr: Sorry, I just remembered . . . I am armed.
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Originally posted by Shaql:
Bernie would have devastated the uni-party and Military Industrial Complex.

He would have cut off the $$$ as much as Trump is.

I don't know, he was pretty quick to accept a "go away" payoff in 2016 from the hag.

He's probably just jealous because he's not one of the cool kids in on the foreign aid (kickback) scam.
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quarter MOA visionary
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President Trump is on now in Sanford,FL and he is PUMPED!
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