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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by StorminNormin:

Forever? Seriously? I will do it as long as I feel this virus is a threat since I am having to take care of my mother. This is new to all of us.

It was an honest question because I believe there really are people who will carry on for the rest of their lives wearing a mask whenever they they step out of their homes. This thing, something that would've been inconceivable less than a year ago, an entire nation--the United States of America--of people covering their faces whenever out in public...I just no longer see an end to it. I look around and I can barely comprehend what we've done to ourselves in just a few short months.

This virus will now and forever after be amongst us. It's not going anywhere. It won't be eradicated like the measles. Or kept at bay like typhus by maintaining sanitary conditions. No. The Covid is here for good. So as much as it is a threat now, it will continue to be for the rest of time. Which brings me back to my first point. When will we as a nation get ourselves out of this seemingly endless Griswold in a European roundabout type nightmare? Maybe Bill Murray knows cause i sure don't.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 31302 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lighten up and laugh
Picture of Ackks
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In three days this thread will have been up a year. We had no clue how good we had it.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Gee, that's sad. Are you sad? You sound sad, with this sad...stuff you're saying.
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Seeker of Clarity
Picture of r0gue
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Originally posted by PASig:
I hope what’s happening is the final hump of this goddam thing and it’s going to be a quick receding from here as after 10 months of not really knowing anyone around me getting COVID, there seems to be a flood of people I know now getting it; several coworkers, a couple friends and now my in-laws Eek

I'm in the far west of PA. We spiked heavy over the holidays and a bit beyond. Dropping like a rock here now. Still well above the spring numbers, but 1/2 what we were a few weeks ago. Perhaps the worst is behind us.

Posts: 11513 | Registered: August 02, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by StorminNormin:
I am glad I always wear a mask and also that my agency supplies KN95 masks. I was in an interview room with a person for over two hours on 1/11 and we wore masks the entire time and had the chairs 6’ apart.

Yesterday I was notified the person’s son tested positive on 1/12 and my suspect tested positive yesterday morning. I went and got tested yesterday evening and was notified today my test was negative.

I think it shows that wearing a mask and social distancing really helps. I will be allowed to return to work in two more days out of caution.

You may want to get tested again 5 days later. Sometimes it takes several days for it to show up in a test after a person is exposed to it.

I believe masks help and research shows that they do help. A very non scientific way, is watch how far smoke travels when someone exhales a drag of cigarette smoke (4-6' +/-)....someone breathing normally would exhale around the same distance..ask them to exhale a drag with a mask on.......
Posts: 21441 | Registered: June 12, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Objectively Reasonable
Picture of DennisM
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Originally posted by jimmy123x:
A very non scientific way, is watch how far smoke travels when someone exhales a drag of cigarette smoke (4-6' +/-)....someone breathing normally would exhale around the same distance..ask them to exhale a drag with a mask on.......

Would you let me pour scalding-hot water on you if you were "protected" by a screen of chicken wire? Because surely the water molecules are the same size as the ping-pong balls I'll throw at you for comparison, right?

At least you're right about the "very non-scientific" part.
Posts: 2589 | Registered: January 01, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
No, not like
Bill Clinton
Picture of BigSwede
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Why the tests with no symptoms? What will it change?

Posts: 5867 | Location: GA | Registered: September 23, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The masks are a textbook example of the marriage of psychology and marketing.

1 year ago, 5 years ago, basically anytime before covid if you saw someone wearing a mask both you and they thought they were wearing a mask to protect themselves. Basic fact. Prior to covid wearing a mask was self protection. The masters of covid control realized that if they acknowledged that very basic fact that non mask wearers could say “well I choose to risk catching this virus”. They didn’t want overt acts of revolt against the wuflu. So after flip flopping on strategy, wear the mask, don’t wear the mask. They settled on WEAR THE MASK, YOU ARE PROTECTING OTHERS. By doing this no one could wage their personal revolt because by doing so YOU ARE ENDANGERING OTHERS!

In the entire masked history of man (besides actual surgery), masks protected the wearer. By simply flipping the script it now has become you wear the mask to protect others, because you care. More importantly, if you don’t wear the mask you literally are now a threat to everyone around you.

I’m glad you like wearing the mask. Feeling safe is a good thing. They asked you a legit question. For how long? This virus will never go away, that ain’t how it works. It will be years before they can conclusively tell you the effect of the vaccines.

The virus is real. The marketing has always been a hoax.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
paradox in a box
Picture of frayedends
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Originally posted by jimmy123x:
Originally posted by StorminNormin:
I am glad I always wear a mask and also that my agency supplies KN95 masks. I was in an interview room with a person for over two hours on 1/11 and we wore masks the entire time and had the chairs 6’ apart.

Yesterday I was notified the person’s son tested positive on 1/12 and my suspect tested positive yesterday morning. I went and got tested yesterday evening and was notified today my test was negative.

I think it shows that wearing a mask and social distancing really helps. I will be allowed to return to work in two more days out of caution.

You may want to get tested again 5 days later. Sometimes it takes several days for it to show up in a test after a person is exposed to it.

I believe masks help and research shows that they do help. A very non scientific way, is watch how far smoke travels when someone exhales a drag of cigarette smoke (4-6' +/-)....someone breathing normally would exhale around the same distance..ask them to exhale a drag with a mask on.......

Can you point me to research showing masks help? I guess maybe the KN95 help the person wearing them. But I've not seen any research showing the regular masks everyone is wearing do anything at all. Some research showed lower amounts of water droplets. But water droplets do not equal virus particles.

These go to eleven.
Posts: 12605 | Location: Westminster, MA | Registered: November 14, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by jljones:
The problem with you sharing your experience is that back in March, Fauci told the world that wearing a mask wouldn’t help.

He reversed himself after the lefty governors decided to unConstitutionally mandate them. Infection rates didn’t go down, and yet lefties are still crowing “Masks WORK!!!!”. The evidence indicates they don’t. Overwhelmingly indicates they don’t. If the evidence for any other product was as sketchy as the whole mask thing, we you be a hard core supporter? Of course not.

This makes people skeptical. So much so that most people are tired of hearing about it.

Now, we are seeing vaccinations. People who “by the science” can no longer carry the disease are still required to wear masks. Why? “It saves lives”. When you question it they scream “it’s science!!” Roll Eyes

Exactly! If masks work so well then why are the numbers going higher and higher? Everywhere I go I see the overwhelming majority of people wearing masks yet we keep being inundated with high case numbers (which are also inflated) and scare tactics by the experts and over reaching governments telling us we are all going to die and "Must" wear a mask. Wear one or don't...make ones own decision, but if the number of cases are anywhere close to the truth, it is clear that masks do not work. At this point it has become just a way for over reaching politicians to justify their over bearing actions.
Posts: 887 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: December 14, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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I'm going through a stretch where I've had numerous medical procedures the last 12 months or so. Nothing serious, cataract surgery, several visits to my MD for a dyvertykulitis diagnosis, colonoscopy and a few other things. I always strike up conversations with the various doctors and nurses who I deal with and the Covid is always part of the discussion.

So far I have been told by these medical professionals that tests are so wildly inaccurate they are almost useless, mask wearing is a myth and the information they get on a daily basis from the CDC and state health department ranges from nonsensical to entirely contradictory from one day to the next so much so that confusion dominates the morning staff meetings on what procedures they are supposed to take to meet the ever changing guidelines.

Why would they be this open with me I have no idea but you could tell by body language and voice inflection these folks are frustrated and I guess happy to vent. I did have one MD lecture me on gathering in groups family or otherwise, the need for mask wearing, social distancing and in the end she threw in how Trump lied to us from the start otherwise we'd have this under control by now.

Fact is I'm not sure anyone knows where the truth is in regards to this virus anymore. Sadly it was weaponized from the start for a political agenda. Because it needed to be weaponized in the form of fear to the general population half truths, lies and deception were needed. If you control fear in people you control them. Now they are already spinning up the new strain coming in from the UK that is supposed to be worse than the original. I'm guessing this vaccine is worthless against that one so more mask wearing, more social isolation and more lock downs will be needed until they are ready to stick you with yet another needle for this next one. The carrot on a stick called getting back to normal will never be reached that should be obvious by now. Remember the old days when this was for only for two weeks just until we flattened the curve? Now the end is nowhere in sight.

The truth is out there somewhere. Right now confusion reigns.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8770 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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If you seek the truth on the utilization and effectiveness of cloth/nylon masks, bandanas, cheap surgical masks and K95 masks vs. .5- micron viruses - would it make more sense to try and find scientific data prior to December 2019?

(if it hasn't already been completely scrubbed out of existence)
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
His diet consists of black
coffee, and sarcasm.
Picture of egregore
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I've been nursing something since Sunday, but I believe it to be just an ordinary cold, the same kind that often happens this time of year, and a mild one at that. I haven't had one since 2017, so statistically I'm due. Nevertheless, I'm self-isolating.
Posts: 29511 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by jimmy123x:

I believe masks help and research shows that they do help. A very non scientific way, is watch how far smoke travels when someone exhales a drag of cigarette smoke (4-6' +/-)....someone breathing normally would exhale around the same distance..ask them to exhale a drag with a mask on.......

The research shows exactly the opposite, most of which was performed pre-2020.

But don't worry, that bandana will surely keep you protected.

Wildfire Smoke

Do not rely on dust masks for protection. Paper “comfort” or “dust” masks commonly found at hardware stores trap large particles, such as sawdust. These masks will not protect your lungs from smoke. An “N95” mask, properly worn, will offer some protection. If you decide to keep a mask on hand, see the Respirator Fact Sheet provided by CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 31302 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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Masks are by and large a joke. The only easily worn, commercially available option that offers even reasonable protection is an N95 mask. I do not consider any mask with removable filter cartridges to be “easily worn”. An N95 mask is only reusable when you have not removed it. They are meant to be for one time use. An N95 that is worn during any possible viral exposure is supposed to be discarded and replaced.

To work PROPERLY, an N95 mask has to pass a fit test. A properly fit N95 is uncomfortable to breathe through for any activity other than at rest. That (along with the fact that actual N95 masks are near impossible to find) is why people either don’t use them, or don’t wear them properly- when you “gap” the mask to make it easier to breathe, it does minimal good. Our agency went to the county testing facility and I found that a standard, out of the box N95 is a fit test FAIL for my face for whatever reason. I need one with an internal gasket that creates a seal.

The vast majority of masks you see everywhere you go, without exception, are cloth, dust, or nuisance masks which are not effective in stopping the spread of this, or any virus. A cloth or dust mask that gets used over and over is as good as a piece of tissue paper. A bandana or neck wrap face covering does nothing to protect you in a potential exposure environment. The crap that says “made in China” of any class of mask is not to be trusted in any case IMO.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 16099 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Internet Guru
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The mask is so the nervous folks will think 'something' is being done. It's ludicrous, but I don't even resent it anymore. People are criminally stupid and we are well on our way to completely removing the polish of evolution.
Posts: 2170 | Registered: April 06, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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Are we still arguing about the stupid masks?

Again...for those who haven't figured this out yet...the mask is to stop YOU from sneezing or coughing on someone else. It was never supposed to be a gas mask that is filtering the air and stopping anything from getting in from the air to you.

Yes, I'm sick of them and this whole notion that "everyone is infected" is creepy and Orwellian and I fear that we will never see them go away now. Frown

Posts: 35588 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Internet Guru
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Mask are a control device...they aren't keeping you from infecting shit. Our infection rates show you exactly how effective the napkin over your hole really is.
Posts: 2170 | Registered: April 06, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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Again...for those who haven't figured this out yet...the mask is to stop YOU from sneezing or coughing on someone else. It was never supposed to be a gas mask that is filtering the air and stopping anything from getting in from the air to you.

The minute someone with Covid breathes into a non-N95 mask and those droplets dry up, they are shedding virus. Cloth, dust, and nuisance masks are nearly worthless, especially when they are re-used day after day. Masks are a bullshit mind control device for the most part.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 16099 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by gearhounds:
Masks are a bullshit mind control device for the most part.
I truly think this is about government having to look (as usual) like they're the smartest people anywhere. They have to have an answer to the problem. Kinda like their answers to global warming, they're arrogance and ego drives them to offer up BS the media is more than willing to parrot for the mindless masses to feed on. Government (and H'er Fauci) knows they got little to nothing on this bug, but they'll never admit it.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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