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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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I'm on several Facebook groups for re-opening Pennsylvania and standing up to Dictator-Governor Wolf and every day there's more posts from fed-up mothers who are going to parks and pulling down yellow tape and moving or bypassing barricades to let their kids have fun on the playgrounds and at parks.

This trickle is starting to speed up, and it will turn into a rushing flood and there's not enough of Wolf's goons to come and lock us all up. My county Sheriff (Berks Co, PA) has already come out publicly and said he took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States and he's NOT going to be this Governor's goon. Bravo for him.

Kids NEED TO BE OUTSIDE PLAYING, enough of this bullshit with closing everything off. ENOUGH! Mad

Posts: 34542 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Unflappable Enginerd
Picture of stoic-one
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Originally posted by Skins2881:
Hawaii could face civil unrest, rioting if coronavirus reopening doesn't happen quicker, top official says

It's crazy in HI, a friend's husband got stationed in HI and they aren't even allowed to walk their dogs for 14 days. If you move there you have to hire dog walker and order food for first two weeks.

They are different than contiguous states, but people can only watch their lives be destroyed for so long. We can print all the money we want, but if we don't produce stuff, there is no stuff.
What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on there?

HI has 17 deaths and a new case growth rate of 0!


NRA Benefactor
I lost all my weapons in a boating, umm, accident.
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Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by stoic-one:
What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on there?

HI has 17 deaths and a new case growth rate of 0!
They closed their biggest money maker, tourism.

Stopped all plane flights of non-HI people from coming in and along with it the money they bring in. Making everyone QT for 14 days.

Pretty much all Hawaii does is tourism and sell shit related to tourism. A couple of military bases with some ship and planes, but they honestly aren't that big from a personnel perspective.
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I kneel for my God,
and I stand for my flag
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Our Sheriff will not enforce any tyrannical orders from the governor:
Posts: 1847 | Location: Oregon | Registered: September 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Pretty much all Hawaii does is tourism and sell shit related to tourism. A couple of military bases with some ship and planes, but they honestly aren't that big from a personnel perspective.
You left out DOG the Bounty Hunter. Most famous citizen!
Posts: 17481 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Nullus Anxietas
Picture of ensigmatic
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I searched and did not find this mentioned, here:

A Shiawassee County judge sides with Owosso barber in battle with State of Michigan
by Courtney Bennett/Alysia BurgioMonday, May 11th 2020

OWOSSO, Mich. - According to Karl Manke's attorney, a Shiawassee County judge has denied a state motion to order Manke to close his barber shop.

Full article: A Shiawassee County judge sides with Owosso barber in battle with State of Michigan

In addition:

Owosso Barber Opens Defying GOV Order
May 13, 2020 at 10:22 am

Enforcing Michigan’s executive orders has proved difficult, with some local police departments refusing to enforce the orders altogether.
The Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Office, located in Owosso’s neighboring city of Corunna, issued a statement Monday that it will no longer put resources toward enforcement of the governor’s orders.

Full article: Owosso Barber Opens Defying GOV Order

Oh, and this just came to my attention:



by Eric Esshaki

I took Governor Whitmer to federal court last month. This set the stage for a legal battle between our most basic rights and the Governor’s right to set emergency rules during a crisis. I won, and so did the Constitution.


It's not looking good for Empress Whitler's Reign of Error

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26009 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ol' Jack always says...
what the hell.
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Originally posted by RAMIUS:
My gym over in NJ is protest opening on Monday.

My buddy, a PA Police Detective is going with me to get a workout in.

He said that the PA DA said to NOT enforce any of these stupid rules for business who choose to open.
Which county does he work for?
Posts: 10192 | Location: PA | Registered: March 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Info Guru
Picture of BamaJeepster
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Originally posted by ensigmatic:
It's not looking good for Empress Whitler's Reign of Error

Her response to losing in court was to have the state pull his license:

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
Posts: 29408 | Location: In the red hinterlands of Deep Blue VA | Registered: June 29, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Coin Sniper
Picture of Rightwire
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Originally posted by BamaJeepster:
Originally posted by ensigmatic:
It's not looking good for Empress Whitler's Reign of Error

Her response to losing in court was to have the state pull his license:

Defy or challenge Whitmer and she crushes you.

I've heard people say "oh that won't happen here" or "not in America". It's happening right here, right now.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
Posts: 38205 | Location: Above the snow line in Michigan | Registered: May 21, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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Originally posted by kx90:
Originally posted by RAMIUS:
My gym over in NJ is protest opening on Monday.

My buddy, a PA Police Detective is going with me to get a workout in.

He said that the PA DA said to NOT enforce any of these stupid rules for business who choose to open.
Which county does he work for?

Bucks County
Posts: 7016 | Location: Right outside Philly | Registered: September 08, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Nullus Anxietas
Picture of ensigmatic
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Originally posted by Rightwire:
Originally posted by BamaJeepster:
Originally posted by ensigmatic:
It's not looking good for Empress Whitler's Reign of Error

Her response to losing in court was to have the state pull his license:

Defy or challenge Whitmer and she crushes you.

Y'all have no idea how happy I am she did that. I have a feeling that's going to come back to bite her big-time.

Originally posted by Rightwire:
I've heard people say "oh that won't happen here" or "not in America". It's happening right here, right now.

Yup Frown

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26009 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
always with a hat or sunscreen
Picture of bald1
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Would love to see that vindictive power-mad bitch impeached or recalled. Talk about abuse of power and failure to adhere to her oath to the Constitution....

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
Posts: 16517 | Location: Black Hills of South Dakota | Registered: June 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Is that crazy bitch actually trying provoke an open and bloody riot/revolt up there? I'm surprised that it hasn't happened yet.
Posts: 887 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: December 14, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ol' Jack always says...
what the hell.
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Originally posted by RAMIUS:
Originally posted by kx90:
Originally posted by RAMIUS:
My gym over in NJ is protest opening on Monday.

My buddy, a PA Police Detective is going with me to get a workout in.

He said that the PA DA said to NOT enforce any of these stupid rules for business who choose to open.
Which county does he work for?

Bucks County
Interesting. I wonder if the PD's here in BucksCo feel the same way.
Posts: 10192 | Location: PA | Registered: March 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I'll use the Red Key
Picture of 2012BOSS302
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Big mouth idiot mad maxine admits some of the real goals of the left.

Maxine Waters Admits 'We Don't Want' Businesses To Reopen

Maxine Waters has a habit of blurting out the truth Democrats try to hide.

The Los Angeles Democrat was never shy about calling for President Donald Trump to be impeached, she openly advocated public harassment of Trump cabinet officials, and now she’s letting the word out about how liberals really feel about the country’s reaction to the coronavirus.

In short, she doesn’t want independent businesses to get back on their feet — and she has nothing but scorn for fellow Americans protesting their states’ decisions to keep them closed.

In an interview Monday with the Southern California cable station Spectrum News 1 (video available at Breitbart News) Waters urged governors like California’s Gavin Newsom to “hold the line” against citizens demanding the freedom to restart their businesses.

And she essentially outlined a government takeover of the economy while she was at it.

In a video of the interview available at Breitbart, Waters stated bluntly that governors need to ignore their constituents’ protests to reopen economies, and that the protesters “should be ashamed of themselves.”

And, naturally, she blamed Trump for the unrest.

“You know our governors are under great stress. The protests that have been organized, the protests trying to intimidate our governors to open up everything are protests where, you know, the people participating in that should be ashamed of themselves. They should not be encouraged in any way. They should not be encouraged from the top leadership of this country to go out and do that,” Waters said.

She then praised Newsom and Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York (land of the deadly nursing homes).

“I know the pressure is on. I know that you’re trying to hold the line. I want you to hold the line. I don’t want to see these establishments opened back up,” she said. “I want the federal government to join with the cities and the states to support these families in every way that we can.”

She then described a bill she wrote that would use taxpayer money to pay landlords who would be unable to evict renters for nonpayment of rent, essentially socializing a basic element of the economy.

“So we’re doing everything that we can give support to our constituents, to our citizens, to the people who work every day, who have families to take care of,” Waters said. “So if we do that, this will support our states and our governors and not having to open back up. So that you know the small businesses that are in direct contact with people — nail shops, beauty shops, barbershops, florist shops — these are people in touch with folks every day, and they’re risking their lives, and we don’t want them opened up.”

Note that Waters didn’t seem to worry about whether the people themselves want their lives back — in fact, it’s a good chance the thought never seriously occurred to her.

Her thoughts are solely for the elected officials, who, according to Waters, need to be “as tough as you can be.”

“We are very sympathetic to the pressure that is being put on by the president of the United States and organize efforts of these protesters. We want the governors to hold the line. Be as tough as you can be. Be as thoughtful as you can be. Do everything you can to hold the line.”

Now, no one has ever accused Maxine Waters of having a brilliant mind. But she is the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee — hard as that is to believe — so she holds considerable power already over how the nation does business.

She also has a way of going public with the real beliefs of the Democratic Party.

She was talking about impeaching Trump in May 2017, four months into his term. Democrats actually did impeach Trump two years later on grounds that are laughable, and almost forgotten, a little more than three months after Trump’s Senate acquittal.

Her public call for harassment of Trump administration officials in June 2018 gave the Democratic Party’s seal of approval to incidents like then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen being taunted by protesters at a restaurant in Washington and a Virginia restaurant owner’s decision to ask White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her family to leave.

It also presaged a similar incident involving Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at yet another Washington restaurant and more since.

So, when Maxine Waters speaks, believe it or not, it does well to listen. And when a wingnut like Waters is talking about a government takeover of real estate financing down to the landlord-tenant level, it’s a good chance other Democrats are, or will be, pushing the same thing in short order.

And while there may be elements of the American people (Democrats) that would like nothing better than a handout from the government, the backbone of the country is made up of men and women who want to work for their livelihood, which is what the anti-lockdown protests are all about.

It’s been clear for some time that Democrats view the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity, as House Majority Whip James Clyburn put it, “to restructure things to fit our vision.”

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has admitted the country’s catastrophe has him “excited” about being able to implement the Democratic agenda.

But a full-blown government takeover of the economy isn’t something sane Democrats will speak openly about — because the American people would reject it out of hand.

“Sane Democrat” likely wouldn’t be most people’s description of Maxine Waters, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t saying out loud what Democrats are really thinking — and what they’re trying to hide.

Americans need to remember that when it comes time to vote in November.

Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a leader, politicians are a dime a dozen, leaders are priceless.
Posts: 3819 | Location: Idaho | Registered: January 26, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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Originally posted by kx90:
Originally posted by RAMIUS:
Originally posted by kx90:
Originally posted by RAMIUS:
My gym over in NJ is protest opening on Monday.

My buddy, a PA Police Detective is going with me to get a workout in.

He said that the PA DA said to NOT enforce any of these stupid rules for business who choose to open.
Which county does he work for?

Bucks County
Interesting. I wonder if the PD's here in BucksCo feel the same way.

Pretty much all the PA cops I know think this is 100% bullshit and don’t give a shit about enforcing this trash. They’re all pretty vocal about it on Facebook too.
Posts: 7016 | Location: Right outside Philly | Registered: September 08, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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COVID 19 is being used as a political baseball bat against President Trump.

Never let a crisis go to waste- to its fullest.


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
Posts: 13490 | Location: Bottom of Lake Washington | Registered: March 06, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by 2012BOSS302:
Big mouth idiot mad maxine admits some of the real goals of the left.

She's some kind of special stupid. Are all the florist, barbers, nail salons, and small businesses supposed to become state property? Who is going to want to file a 4683-b9 form to get a haircut?


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21108 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Link to original video:

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin, 1759--

Special Edition - Reverse TT 229ST.Sig Logo'd CTC Grips., Bedair guide rod

Posts: 1245 | Location: New Hampshire "Live Free or Die"  | Registered: September 02, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Nullus Anxietas
Picture of ensigmatic
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Originally posted by XinTX:
Originally posted by David Lee:
Lady had home made masks for sale at the Flea Market Sunday. Blue UK masks and a way cool red Trump mask she wouldnt sell. That was so cool.

I so want one of those. Wonder where they're sold? Couldn't find them on Amazon.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26009 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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