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Originally posted by SIGnified:
Originally posted by radioman:
I dare Psaki to walk down MLK Blvd in NE Portland near the homeless encampments after 9 PM, alone. She can mask up and disguise herself, but I dare her to do it.

Funny thing, it was safe not that long ago. Before the businesses got shoved out by the homeless and the graffiti.

Sounds like it might be an open-air chopshop …

Why doesn’t she spend a weekend in Chicago?

————————--Ignorance is a powerful tool if applied at the right time, even, usually, surpassing knowledge(E.J.Potter, A.K.A. The Michigan Madman)
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Posts: 13689 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Originally posted by bigdeal:
So the question still remains, are these people doing this out of ignorance, or are they purposely trying to damage this country? It's becoming hard to argue anything other than the latter.

Joe Biden may be an ignorant puppet of the left, but for the left, it's intentional.

Joe Biden, enemy of America
By Patricia McCarthy

From the moment Joe Biden stepped into the Oval Office as president, it became clear that he had stolen the job in order to destroy America from within. He stopped the construction of the Keystone Pipeline on day one, costing thousands of good-paying jobs. He stopped the construction of the southern border wall, costing more jobs and leaving millions of dollars worth of equipment rotting in the desert.

Biden would not even let Texas use the construction materials themselves; any wall would impede the Biden plan to import over two million migrants from around the world, to be given funds and to spread them throughout the nation into unsuspecting cities.

The Democrats voted unanimously that these illegal invaders would not be required to be vaccinated or even tested for COVID. That should tell us everything we need to know about how seriously the left really takes this phony pandemic. The leftists know that it is phony because it's worked for their advantage from the outset. They had to do something to derail President Trump.

So, with a stroke of Biden's pen, the energy independence Trump had achieved was gone. Biden removed Trump's sanctions on the Nord Stream pipeline, making Germany now dependent on Russia for gas and making Russia infinitely wealthier! What a colossally stupid thing to have done. Natural gas prices for Americans have doubled. Fuel gas prices have gone up by at least forty percent. Biden and his DOJ are canceling other pipelines and oil leases on federal land and offshore. This is allegedly in the name of the environment, but that is a lie. It is to bring the middle and working classes to their knees. This administration wants runaway inflation, the better to punish the deplorables, to make them more compliant.

Biden's gross manipulation of COVID fear porn is beyond egregious. The more we learn about the horrific dangers from the vaccines, the more the doctors trying to inform the public are suppressed, censored, and defamed, the more the administration, the media, and the CDC double down on the lies — the lie that anyone under the age of twenty-five or thirty ever needed the vaccine in the first place. But the last thing the Biden administration wants is an informed public. Censorship is their new religion.
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Must-see video: A woman from a communist country explains liberty to a Canadian reporter

The public should not be able to discern that Biden's energy and vax mandate policies have caused the supply chain problems that have left grocery shelves around the nation empty of some essentials. The totally useless Pete Buttigieg is by now beyond a joke. His big idea? Total surveillance via speed cameras because "they are less racially biased than cops" and "to prevent potholes"?!

As for the supply chain disaster, he hasn't a clue about that. It hasn't occurred to him that the vax mandates are at the root of our air traffic problems, not to mention sidelining thousands of truckers. The man is an embarrassment, just as Biden's energy secretary, the corrupt Jennifer Granholm, is clueless and DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is a mousy little coward who should have been sacked on day two. He cowered in the corner the other day while Border Patrol agents expressed their utter frustration at the non-stop invasion of our southern border.

As those Border Patrol and ICE agents can attest, Biden is now a full partner in collusion with the drug and human traffickers that are the cartels. In fact, Biden is probably, it's fair to say, the largest sex- and human trafficker on the planet right now. When will we learn where the many thousands of unaccompanied children have been shipped and to whose "care"?

The volume of fentanyl flowing into the U.S. has gone up 300%, as have overdose deaths in this country. In short, the Biden presidency is a terrible blight upon America.

This president has done more damage thus far than any foreign enemy has ever done in our nation's history. The insane withdrawal from Afghanistan made a fool of the U.S. throughout the world and pleased China, Russia, and Iran mightily. Biden is wholly responsible for the deaths of those thirteen of our young troops and an innocent family of ten that he droned in Afghanistan as the entire project went belly up.
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He is responsible for the forced wokery and evisceration of our military, first by kicking out soldiers who were pro-American patriots and then for kicking out soldiers who wisely refused the vaccines. There is mounting evidence that the vaccines interfere with the body's natural immune system. The record of vaccine damage among the military is catastrophic, and the Biden mandates are to blame.

None of the available vaccines was fully or properly tested, which is why Pfizer wanted to delay the release of its data for seventy-five years. The trials were rushed and emergency-authorized by the FDA illegally. No vaccine is to be authorized if there are available therapeutics, which there were and are. Big Pharma lied, the FDA lied, and the CDC lied. The vaccine roll-out is part of a get-fabulously-rich scheme of Fauci and his cohorts in those and other bureaucratic institutions, all of which have been hopelessly politicized by the left. Biden is not above using them all in his drive to ruin America.

Biden has refused to demand information from China on the origins of the virus, but most real scientists agree that it was created in a lab and did not occur naturally. Still, Pelosi has resisted holding hearings on the origin, and Biden can't bring himself to ask Xi. Oh, he says he did, and Xi said no.

Biden has the strength and influence of a wet dishrag. Now he is actively fomenting war between Russia and Ukraine for his own purposes; he thinks it makes him look tough when in fact it just makes him look stupid. His dog-wagging has already cost Ukraine's economy dearly.

Zelensky has angrily told Biden to knock it off. But Biden and his Cabinet are champing at the bit for a war somewhere, anywhere. If they think the public is behind them, they are oh, so sadly mistaken. Just in case the Russia-Ukraine thing doesn't work out, he's giving in to Iran, letting the mullahs get the nukes they crave. That should make for an interesting scenario.

Biden is so out of it that he seems to think he's playing at war games rather than with actual people and nations. China, Russia, and Iran must be having grand laughs at our expense.

Thanks to this wholly incompetent and illegitimate president and his equally incompetent inner circle and Cabinet, America is a sitting duck, vulnerable to all manner of attack from enemies whom Biden has emboldened and who are licking their chops, at this moment, at the prospect of bringing America low.

Arrogance, ignorance, and incompetence. Not a pretty cocktail of personality traits in the best of situations. No sirree. Not a pretty cocktail in an office-mate and not a pretty cocktail in a head of state. In fact, in a leader, it's a lethal cocktail.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Official forum
Picture of stickman428
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Just when I thought those providing cover for the puppet couldn’t possibly act any more idiotic....they manage to surprise me.

Possibly the dumbest political commentary ever made


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
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Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
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Yeah, and Commander the dog was a reset, too. What's next, Slappy the squirrel?
Posts: 27324 | Location: Deep in the heart of the brush country, and closing on that #&*%!?! roadrunner. Really. | Registered: February 05, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jimbo Jones
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Stickman....not possibly...I think you are spot on. This is the most ridiculous example of political pandering I can remember seeing.

People get paid to write this fellatio-esque bullshit?

At first I thought it was parody a la Babylon Bee.

Originally posted by stickman428:
Just when I thought those providing cover for the puppet couldn’t possibly act any more idiotic....they manage to surprise me.

Possibly the dumbest political commentary ever made

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
Posts: 3625 | Location: Cary, NC | Registered: February 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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That link is broken. Here's a good one:

Yeah, that's what this country needs- a change in our perception of the idiot in the White House. We don't need the economy repaired, our borders closed, an end to unconstitutional mandates, the shoving down our throats of divisive things like identity politics. No, all we need is for Droolin' Joe to get a kitty.
Posts: 110876 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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I had a feeling this assclown was behind the leak regarding Breyer's retirement. Look for him to get thrown under the bus soon:

SCOTUS Justice Breyer was 'blindsided' by announcement he was retiring after Biden's Chief of Staff Ron Klain leaked news to a 'limited number' of Dems - less than TWO HOURS before it was made public

If you ask me I think this guy is controlling Biden's every move along with Jill.

Posts: 35562 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Thank you
Very little
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Posts: 25038 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fire begets Fire
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(Laughing too hard to post). Big Grin

"Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty."
~Robert A. Heinlein
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Posts: 13689 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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I'm reading that Ginger Goebbels and others are already trying to get ahead of an expected terrible jobs report on Friday by blaming Omicron.

Yes, you heard that right...Circle Back Girl is trying to say that people calling out sick in January is why Biden's employment numbers stink.

Working people...with jobs...taking sick days...and getting paid from THEIR why the numbers will be so bad.

They honestly think we are all stupid Mad

Posts: 35562 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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[QUOTE]They honestly think we are all stupid

Apparently 50% of this country is. Big Grin
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"I have sponsored and advocated for legislation that would protect the integrity of our immigration laws while ensuring that parents and children remain together during their legal proceedings.

I have cosponsored H.R. 6522, the Stop the Betrayal Act, which prohibits federal funds from being used to transport illegal immigrants across our country.
I opposed President Biden’s actions to pause funding and construction of the border wall and end the successful “Remain in Mexico” policy put in place by the Trump Administration.
I supported and commended action by states, including Florida challenging President Biden's actions in federal court. A decision by U.S. Supreme Court on August 24, 2021 upheld the rule of law by ordering the reinstatement of Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy.
I and several colleagues introduced H.R. 2729 the Finish the Wall Act earlier this year which would require the Department of Homeland Security to resume building the wall along our southwest border.
I offered an amendment directing FEMA to develop a plan to mitigate COVID-19 risks at the border and requiring GAO to conduct a review to ensure best practices are being followed. Unfortunately, Democrats unanimously opposed my amendment causing it not to be included in the bill.
I signed onto a discharge petition that would require the Biden Administration to enforce Title 42 at the southern border. Title 42 offers health protections that allow for swift processing and removal of migrants illegally crossing the border who also pose a risk to public health in America. Until the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted on Americans, Title 42 should remain in place to alleviate the crisis at our southern border.
I sent a letter to President Joe Biden requesting information on the secret resettling of illegal immigrants in Florida. We know that gang members and traffickers are exploiting our open borders, but what we don’t know is whether these individuals are among those being resettled in our state. President Biden needs to provide these answers quickly and secure our border.
Along with colleagues in the Florida Delegation, I have asked U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland for a full accounting of the administration’s actions following reports of flights carrying illegal immigrants having secretly landed in Florida.
I co-sponsored H.R. 5854, the Illegal Immigrant Payoff Prohibition Act, which prohibits payments to individuals who entered the United States illegally and in violation of our immigration laws.
I will keep advocating for and supporting policies and legislation that secures our borders and sensibly reforms our immigration laws."

Daniel Webster
Biographical Profile and Positions on the Issues

Currently Elected United States Representative District 11, Florida


Posts: 16374 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 23, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by spunk639:
Jen Psaki in a battle of wits with Jeanine Pirro would be something to see, be like Psaki going to a gun fight with hope and change.
Psaki couldn't win a debate with a five year old. The woman truly could 'flunk' an IQ test.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Illegal Alien Who Killed Teen Granted Permission By Biden To Stay In USA

A tragic story about a careless drunk driving incident involving an illegal invader motorist in Texas that resulted in a young American woman’s death has exposed the horrifying truth about Democrat Joe Biden’s plans for America’s future.

Apparently, he plans to let the country be invaded by people who don’t have to follow our laws.

“Biden administration RESCINDS deportation of Mexican illegal immigrant who crashed into and killed a 19-year-old woman while drunk as part of their bid to reduce the number of removals,” The Daily Mail reported on Tuesday.

Here is the horrifying story in detail:

Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla was driving drunk in November 2020 when he caused a car crash, killing 19-year-old Adrienne Sophia. The accused tried to flee the scene but was caught by police.

While the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initially wanted authorities to deport Fuerte-Padilla after Texas issued its punishment, the federal agency changed its mind because the individual does not qualify for priority deportation under Mayorkas’ new rules issued in September 2021.

And Democrats are ok with the death of young Sophia, who was separated permanently from her parents and her family and whose dreams of living- were ended forever.

The Democrats approve of Biden’s actions- remember.

The Democrat Biden administration has destroyed the peace and security on the southern border of the United States that President Donald J. Trump established.

Biden, by setting the tone with law enforcement for what looks like a ‘hands off’ policy for foreigners to come into the country and commit crimes- including murder, has even given these illegals the unfettered ability to roam around the country once they are here and connected with wealthy leftists groups.

And the consequences to the American people are not just more dangerous crimes like theft and assault, as seen in the story of Sophia- they are deadly.

What we know about this case is that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas created the new rules- that would allow the drunk driver who killed Sophia in September to change the priority of which illegal immigrant criminals would be deported under the Biden administration.

The Washington Times recently reported that many deportation requests were canceled for illegal immigrants who are accused, charged, pleaded guilty to felony charges of evading arrest, or even those who have already been convicted of drunk driving, drug possession, or domestic assault.

Those new rules were a drastic departure from the Trump era rules, and law enforcement is furious over what they see as a crisis in their regions, while they are being given what results in a ‘stand down’ order, watching their communities damaged and hurt.

Mayorkas claims the new Biden rules will focus on “immigrants who pose national security or public safety risk or who are recent border jumpers,” which is baffling to law enforcement.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told Texas that these detainers – or requests for deportation – are no longer considered ‘priority lifts’, indicating they aren’t seen as important targets under Mayorkas’ rules.

Mayorkas developed the new rules so the two major immigration enforcement agencies, ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP), have to give a break to those illegal immigrants with less severe criminal records.

Posts: 13689 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Classified State Department email declared Hunter Biden 'undercut' U.S. efforts in Ukraine

Withheld from public for five years, memo conflicts with Democrats' official narrative that president's son had no impact on U.S. anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine.

In an email kept from public view for more than five years, a top U.S. State Department official in Kiev wrote to Washington superiors at the end of the Obama-Biden administration that Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine "undercut" U.S. efforts to fight corruption in the former Soviet republic.

The email, obtained by Just the News, was written on Nov. 22, 2016 by former U.S. embassy official George Kent, one of the Democrats' star witnesses in their first effort to impeach former President Donald Trump.

It was classified "confidential," the lowest level of secrecy, by then-U.S. Ambassador to Kiev Marie Yovanovitch, another of the Democrats' impeachment witnesses, and was not produced as evidence to House lawmakers during impeachment. Contrary to federal law, the State Department failed to acknowledge the existence of the document to the court or to Just the News in its multiple Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against the State Department seeking records on Hunter and Joe Biden's dealings in Ukraine.

Most importantly, the email's stark message directly conflicts with the narrative the mainstream media, State Department witnesses and Democratic congressmen gave the public two years ago, when they insisted Hunter Biden's lucrative job with the allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings — while creating the appearance of a conflict of interest — had no impact on U.S. efforts to fight corruption in that country.

"The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter's presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine," Kent wrote multiple high-ranking officials in the State Department in Washington.

The recipients of the email included Jorgan K. Andrews, then the-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Kent's email described an intense pressure campaign by advocates for Burisma — including a former U.S. ambassador — to rehabilitate the Ukrainian company's corrupt reputation and to get Ukraine prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations of the company.

Kent even relayed to higher-ups that he had confirmed with Ukrainian prosecutors that Burisma officials had paid a $7 million "bribe" to make one of the cases against the company disappear. The bribe was allegedly paid at a time when Hunter Biden was serving on the Burisma board, a job that landed his firm more than $3 million from the Ukrainian energy company.

Kent explained to the officials in Washington that Burisma's long reputation for alleged corruption and anecdotes like the bribe were one of the main reasons Hunter Biden's affiliation with the company proved harmful to U.S. efforts to fight Ukrainian corruption.

"Ukrainians heard one message from us," Kent wrote, "and then saw another set of behavior, with the [BIden] family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules in the oil/gas sector."

You can read Kent's email here:

The email chain also showed that State officials were acutely aware that Hunter Biden had an affiliation with an American business partner also accused — and eventually convicted of — corruption.

"I should note that there were two American members of the Burisma board: Hunter Biden and Devon Archer," another State official on the email chain wrote Kent and Andrews. "Archer was recently indicted in a federal fraud case."

Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member on the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, played a key role in defending President Trump in the 2019-20 Ukraine impeachment scandal. He told Just the News Tuesday night that lawmakers and Trump's defense team were not given the Kent email as best he could tell.

"This is frightening," Jordan told the new Just the News television show on Real America's Voice network. "And the fact that we didn't have this information during the impeachment, I think is maybe the biggest concern. I mean, the President of the United States is defending himself from a ridiculous impeachment process that the Democrats bring on him, where he wasn't allowed to be in the depositions, wasn't allowed to have his counsel there.

"And now we find out wasn't allowed to have information that he's entitled to have to put on his defense. I mean, frankly, we Republicans who were in the rooms in that bunker in the basement of the Capitol, we'd have liked to have this information that you just described, and other information that wasn't available to us as well, that you've written about."

State Department officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday about the memo.

Alan Dershowitz, the famed Harvard law professor who was a member of Trump's impeachment defense team, said the withholding of Kent's email and other evidence Just the News reported earlier this week was a "very serious constitutional violation" of what is known as the Brady rule requiring all potentially exculpatory evidence be turned over to defendants.

"The United States Supreme Court in the Brady decision ruled that when a defendant is on trial, the prosecutors cannot withhold evidence that could be exculpatory, or in any way helpful to the defendant," Dershowitz said.

"And obviously, that has to apply to impeachment proceedings even more so," he added. "Because in impeachment proceedings, the American public has the right to know all the evidence. And if the people who impeached President Trump — obviously I was one of the lawyers on the other side — were aware of exculpatory evidence or evidence that would in some way mitigate the charges, they had an obligation to turn it over to us so that we could use this information in defending our client."

Officials who served in the State Department back in 2019-20 said they do not believe the email was produced to the impeachment investigation and was definitely not produced after the successful FOIA lawsuits filed by Just the News and the Southeastern Legal Foundation seeking all records related to Hunter Biden and Burisma.

They said the email — though once classified at the confidential level — was circulated in non-classified settings towards the end of the Trump administration and was produced to Senate investigators in late 2020 to be read in a secure reading room.

Kimberly Hermann, the general counsel for the Southeastern Legal Foundation, said the Kent email was clearly responsive to the FOIA requests and should either have been produced to Just the News during the litigation or identified on a privilege log as a document being withheld by the government. She vowed to seek penalties against the government.

"The State Department should have produced these documents years ago when SLF and JTN first requested them," Hermann said. "Instead, they denied their existence, hid them, and arguably did so in bad faith. These bad actors must now be held accountable for what the documents show, for hiding them, and for misleading the American public."

Jordan said his congressional investigators will be reviewing testimony from the impeachment trial and a separate Senate investigation into the Biden family led by Sen. Ron Johnson in 2020 to see if any of the new evidence conflicts with sworn testimony given to Congress.

"Well, it's something we're going to have to look at," Jordan said. "We've got to go back and review their transcripts."

Just the News reviewed testimony given by more than two dozen people during the impeachment proceedings and Johnson's Senate probe and found no mention of the Kent email but found numerous statements that Hunter Biden's role with Burisma had no effect on U.S.-Ukraine policy.

Kent in both proceedings testified that Hunter Biden's affiliation with Burisma created the appearance of a conflict of interest for Joe Biden and that one time he tried to raise the issue with Biden's vice presidential office and was rebuffed. He also sharply criticized this reporter's articles for The Hill that raised questions about the Bidens' business dealings in Ukraine.

"I was on a call with somebody on the Vice President's staff and I cannot recaIl who it was, just briefing on what was happening in Ukraine," Kent told impeachment investigators in 2019. "I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a company owned by somebody that the U.S. Government had spent money trying to get tens of millions of dollars back and that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.

"The message that I recall hearing back was that the Vice President's son Beau was dying of cancer and that there was no further bandwidth to deal with family related issues at the time."

Kent gave a similar answer to Johnson's Senate investigators a year later.

"Burisma's owner was a poster child for corrupt behavior, and Hunter Biden's position on the board could create the perception of a conflict of interest at the time when Vice President Biden was leading the policy charge, pushing President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to take more decisive anti-corruption action," he testified.

But Democrats pressed on whether that conflict had any impact on U.S. policy.

"You know, for a fact, that Hunter Biden's role on the board had zero impact on the decisions of the Embassy," Kent was asked.

"To the best of my experience and knowledge that is correct," the respected career diplomat answered.

Posts: 13689 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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DEM Senator Lujan (New Mexico) is hospitalized and under going brain surgery.

Expected to fully recover

It is unknown when Luján will be able to return to the Senate to cast crucial votes in the split 50/50 senate. But until he returns, Senate Democrats no longer have Vice President Kamala Harris’s tie-breaking vote to pass radical, partisan legislation.

Luján’s absence will impact what Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) can accomplish without a working majority
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Unflappable Enginerd
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Originally posted by sdy:

DEM Senator Lujan (New Mexico) is hospitalized and under going brain surgery.

Expected to fully recover

It is unknown when Luján will be able to return to the Senate to cast crucial votes in the split 50/50 senate. But until he returns, Senate Democrats no longer have Vice President Kamala Harris’s tie-breaking vote to pass radical, partisan legislation.

Luján’s absence will impact what Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) can accomplish without a working majority
Senate to institute "proxy voting" in 3... 2... 1... Roll Eyes


NRA Benefactor
I lost all my weapons in a boating, umm, accident.
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semi-reformed sailor
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^^^trust me, some RINO will abstain to keep the status quo

"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” Robert A. Heinlein

“You may beat me, but you will never win.” sigmonkey-2020

“A single round of buckshot to the torso almost always results in an immediate change of behavior.” Chris Baker
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